The Cutting Edge (35 page)

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Authors: Dave Duncan

BOOK: The Cutting Edge
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And who exactly did Shandie mean by "the group"?

Ylo stepped up beside the Opal Throne and retrieved Emine's sword from where Shandie had dropped it. So now he held the two most sacred relics of the Impire, and yet they might be totally worthless if the warlock had spoken the truth.

Things could be worse. Shandie's celebrated ability to outrun the lightning had probably carried him and his wife clean out of the Rotunda before anyone else had even started to move. Hardgraa would certainly have had a carriage waiting there.

The racket was fading as if someone had demanded silence at any cost and the Praetorians were establishing it by force. The casualties could not be too numerous, or there would be more screaming.

Afterimages faded. Ylo made out the stooped form of Proconsul Ionfeu, still standing behind the throne. He had an arm around Eigaze. Ionfeu was almost certainly "group" now.

Ylo stepped down to join them. "Aunt, are you all right?"

"A little surprised, Ylo," she said breathlessly. "I had expected more formality. "

Ionfeu chuckled. "She needs a cup of hot tea, is all. I presume we may now go home?"

"I think he wants to see you, sir. I was asked to call a meeting in ... the Throne Room as soon as possible." Ylo was not about to leave a direct trail to Shandie's whereabouts at a time like this-not after the dwarf's warnings. For all he knew, Shandie was already fleeing the city and the Abnila Chamber rendezvous was itself a red herring. "The only problem ... Ah!"

Light dawned as a torchlight procession came marching in from the east door. The damage was revealed then, and it was shocking. No longer were the entrances concealed behind the thrones. Four shattered platforms lay like islands in a litter of rocks and rubble. Ylo noted sparkling reflections on the floor as the torches went by and he wondered how much of the real stuff the Gold Throne had contained. All the thrones had been encrusted with jewels, too. Someone should worry about that very soon.

The torchbearers divided, a few remaining by the tunnel, others heading for the other exits. One group came straight to Ylo. He registered uneasily that it was led by Legate Ugoatho of the Praetorian Guard.

As a trusted confidant of the imperor, Ylo feared almost no man in the world now, but Ugoatho was a necessary exception. Throughout history, the Praetorian legates had been wild cards in Imperial politics, for they controlled the palace. Several had deposed imperors, and a couple had founded dynasties of their own. When an imperor died, his successor normally confirmed the support of the Praetorian legate even before he spoke to the Senate, or the marshal of the armies, or the wardens.

Ugoatho was a nephew of Marshal Ithy and almost certainly loyal-or rather, Ylo thought, he had been almost certainly loyal before Warlock Raspnex scrambled the board, tore up the Protocol, and predicted revolution. Now anything was possible.

Flanked by guardsmen holding torches, the legate halted and saluted, his face less expressive than an earth berm. Having his hands full, Ylo responded with the imperial regalia. If Ugoatho noticed the humor in that, he concealed his amusement admirably.

"Signifer! His Majesty said you might need assistance." Holy Balance! Command of the Praetorian Guard? What next? "Just to collect some persons and transport them to the Throne Room for a council, Legate. Proconsul Ionfeu, here. Sir Acopulo, Lord Umpily ... Centurion Hardgraa. Marshal Ithy-"

"He is indisposed," his nephew said flatly.

That was not surprising-the old man had been in poor health for months.

"I think yourself, also, Legate. That should do."

"You have forgotten someone, Ylo, " said a firm but feminine voice.

Startled, Ylo turned and said, "Who?"

"Me." Lady Eigaze smiled her plump, motherly smile at him. "And I need to talk with you on the way there."

He had never heard Eigaze express any interest in politics before. He could not imagine her snooping out of mere nosiness-that would be completely out of character-but he knew her of old, and the ring of steel in her bell-like tones.

"And Lady Eigaze, of course," he added. "One other thing, sir. Some of the gravel lying around here is pricey stuff. Will you do something to discourage souvenir hunting?"

He was being recklessly presumptuous. Ugoatho gave him a stare that would have blistered paint, then said, "I'll see what we can arrange, Signifer."

Surprisingly, dismal daylight still lingered outside the Rotunda. Feathery snowflakes continued to fall, and the ground was ankle deep in slush. Ylo shivered as it soaked through his sandals.

Embedded in guardsmen, he waited with Ionfeu and Eigaze while their carriage was summoned. Bells were tolling everywhere to proclaim Emshandar's death, but the warlock's dramatic proclamation was being treated as a state secret for now. Ugoatho had sealed off the Rotunda, letting no one out. Among those being held prisoner were the two hereditary bearers of the regalia, one of whom had tried to wrestle Emine's sword away from Ylo. He had been removed by two bullock-size Praetorians.

"What was it you wished to discuss, my Lady?" Ylo asked cautiously.

There was a darkening bruise on Eigaze's cheek. Her plump face was paler than usual. She glanced warily at her husband and he frowned a warning--there were listeners all around. Ylo wondered if the man's permanent stoop was an effect of

age, or if he had developed it from hovering over his wife all the time; it put their heads on the same level.

"You expressed interest in a certain painting, Ylo. "

"Yes, Aunt. "

"A seascape? Ion reminded me of a picture by that particular artist I saw in the Orchid Hall many years ago. It may be the same one." "You know the place?" Ylo demanded excitedly.

"If it is the one I am thinking of, yes I do. It was pointed out to me by a relative of mine. "

"Reliable identification?"

"Yes. "

Ylo nodded, satisfied. Somehow that inexplicable vision in the preflecting pool seemed very important now.

Eshiala was impress-or was she? If the Protocol had failed, then the Impire itself was as fragile now as a robin's egg. Shandie had acted as if he took the warlock's warning very seriously indeed. No one had more experience of warlocks' advice than he.

Then the carriage arrived, spraying slush. While the proconsul and his wife were climbing aboard, Ylo's arm was gripped by a shaky hand. He turned to face the rotund form of Lord Umpily, looking terrified.

"Signifer!" he bleated. "What is happening? These guardsmen-" Apparently he thought he was under arrest.

"The imperor wants you to attend a strategy meeting, my Lord. "

The chief of protocol relaxed with a loud gasp of relief, but he was obviously badly rattled. "That's good! Very good. Ylo, I have something I must tell him as soon as possible! Very important! "

"Then you'll have the chance as soon-"

"The pool, remember? I lied when-"

"You can tell him yourself, my-"

The fat man failed to sense the warning. He raised his voice over the tolling of the bells. "I saw a dwarf! Not the warlock, another one, but a dwarf-"

"My lord-"

"He was sitting on the Opal Throne!" Umpily wailed.


The drive was brief. In a few minutes Ylo and Umpily walked together into a palace eerily hushed and deserted. The darkening corridors bore only a fraction of their normal profusion of candles and lanterns. Already the paintings and statues were draped with black crepe. The Throne Room was almost empty, and dark. Footmen clad in deep mourning had begun lighting candelabra.

Ylo found himself whispering, almost trying to tiptoe. He noticed little Sir Acopulo standing close to the massive form of Centurion Hardgraa and had a brief whimsical image of a bird nesting in a tree. Proconsul Ionfeu and Lady Eigaze were working their way around the room, peering under the crepe hangings to look at the paintings.

They headed for Ylo when he strode over to the east wall. He found the one he wanted at the second try.

"Yes, that's it," Eigaze said. She shot Ylo a worried look. "What is your interest in that place?"

"I am not at liberty to say, ma'am. Will you tell me where it is?"

She bit her plump lip and then shook her head. "I had rather not say. If Sh-If his Majesty needs to know, I will tell him, of course. "

Curious! Why should she be concerned with that strange little town and castle?

The imperor might be waiting upstairs, in the imperial bedchamber, or he might be leagues away, fleeing from the city as the warlock had suggested.

Ylo was still carrying Emine's shield and buckler, which were a perfect excuse. "I shall put these back where they belong," he announced, heading for the private stair that led up to the imperor's quarters.

Palace servants in mourning dress lined the corridor, many weeping, all waiting to pay their last respects. The public lying-in-state would start tomorrow. The muffled sobbing and constant clanging of bells grated on Ylo's nerves. He strode to the head of the line, to find the doors closed and guarded.

The officer in charge was Centurion Hithi. He paled and showed his teeth when he saw Ylo. Very likely Hithi's seconds would be calling on Ylo in the near future, although the challenge would have to wait now until the court came out of mouming. Ylo had not decided what to do about that if it happened. Have the man transferred to Pondague or Guwush, probably. "Their Majesties are in there," Hithi growled. "Good. I need to see them," Ylo responded blandly.

The centurion gritted his teeth, staring at the regalia. Then he stepped back to let Ylo open the door himself.

He had seen the Abnila Chamber only once, about five months ago, when he had supervised the setting up of tables and desks to make an office. Emshandar had not been present at the time. The room was larger than he remembered, about the size of a twenty-man dormitory in a legionary barracks. It was dim, lit only by tall candelabra at the corners of the great bed, but the opulence of the fittings showed even in the uncertain light'. The tables and office clutter had gone. The corpse lay as if asleep, skeletal face shrunken and parchment-tinted. Emshandar was beyond the reach of mortal revenge.

Eshiala sat in a chair by the fireplace with her daughter on her knee. The child looked grumpy and red-eyed. Her mother stared at Ylo without expression, tense with strain. She was wearing a black gown, and black furs lay on another chair beside her.

There was no sign of Shandie.

Ylo saluted the impress stolidly. He inspected the room again. He knew the sword and buckler were kept in here somewhere. Then he saw a doorway that had not been there before, an unframed rectangular opening in the wall. He walked over to it.

The secret room beyond was large and dark, its walls hidden behind shelves and shelves of great books. Shandie was inspecting their spines by the light of a candle. As always when wearing civilian garb, he seemed totally nondescript.

Seeing Ylo, he turned away from his task and came out. As he emerged, the opening disappeared. He showed his teeth in a humorless smile.

"The private Imperial Archives." He pointed with a scroll of vellum he had brought from the room. "Put those down over there. Did you get everybody?"

"They're waiting in the Throne Room, Sire-Proconsul lonfeu and his wife, Lord Umpily, Sir Acopulo, and Centurion Hardgraa. Marshal Ithy is sick. Legate Ugoatho is on his way. "

"Excellent! Why Lady Eigaze?"

"She can identify the town in that painting, Sire, but she wants to tell you personally. "

Shandie raised his eyebrows. "Incredible! Yes, that may be very important now. I don't know what I'd do without you, Ylo. Come, then. My deaf!" He headed for Eshiala.

She rose with Maya in her arms. When Shandie tried to take the girl, she turned away and clung to her mother. He scowled, then went over to the bed. He studied the corpse for a moment and said quietly, "Thank you, Grandfather."

Ylo thought, May the Evil have his soul! All of it!

He hurried to open the door for the impress. He was fairly sure that little Maya would allow her friend Ylo to carry her, but it would not be very tactful at the moment to offer.

The Throne Room seemed eerily empty and haunted, a great darkness with a few puddles of light under the candelabra. The servants had gone. Five men and a woman were waiting by the cryptic Jalon painting, the only one not draped in crepe. As the newcomers approached, the men bowed to the new imperor. Lady Eigaze curtseyed.

Shandie eyed them solemnly.

"You all heard what Warlock Raspnex said?"

"I was told, Sire," Ugoatho rumbled as all the others nodded. "Then you know that he predicted disorder and trouble. We have no time for formalities. I ask each of you now to accept me as your imperor. I ask you all if you acknowledge me as if you had sworn the customary oath of loyalty. Anyone who has reservations may leave. "

The burning black gaze moved slowly around the group. Again the men bowed or saluted and Lady Eigaze curtseyed. No one spoke.

"Thank you," Shandie said. "Thank you all. Now we must decide whether we should take Raspnex's advice. My wife and child, obviously, must be moved to safety. I don't think that is an option for myself at the moment, so soon after my accession. I am disinclined to run from an unknown danger, anyway."

"Highn ... Your Majesty?" Umpily was looking more upset than anyone. At Shandie's inquiring glance he blurted out what he had told Ylo earlier: "I did see a vision in the pool, Sire! I saw a dwarf sitting on the ... on your throne! Not the warlock. A man I have never met, but certainly a dwarf. " Fury flickered in Shandie's eyes, but his voice came out very low., "Why didn't you say so sooner?"

"I didn't believe my eyes. Or the pool. I thought it must be malfunctioning! "

"You're a fool!"

Umpily cringed and hung his head.

"The pool is beginning to seem very critical," Shandie said. "I wish I could test its reliability. Ylo, you were shown a beautiful woman. Does she exist? Have you met her yet?"

"I have seen her, Sire. She exists." Ylo met the imperial stare without flinching. He did not look at anyone elseespecially not at Umpily, or ... or the impress. Gods!

"That is encouraging," the imperor said stonily. "Acopulo, you saw an image of the celebrated Doctor Sagorn. "

The little man frowned like a benevolent priest trying to cope with a dire sin. "I did make some inquiries, Sire, and apparently the sage is still alive, incredible though that seems. I was even told his address, but when I went calling I was refused admission or information. " - "When was that?" Shandie barked.

Acopulo flinched. "A week or so after our return to Hub. "

"And you have not tried again?"

"No, Sire. Pressure of business put it out of my mind. "

"I seem to be surrounded by professional cretins! Who did you speak to?"

"An enormous jotunn, Sire, of forbidding aspect. Surly ... and very intimidating. "

"I can be more intimidating! Lady Eigaze, you know what we are discussing? "

The countess was attempting to make friends with Maya, who was clinging tightly to her mother, burying her face in the black gown and not responding.

Eigaze turned at once to the imperor. "I have no idea, your Majesty, but young ... your signifer mentioned that you were interested in the town shown in this painting. "

"I am. Several of us visited a magic pool and were granted visions. Mine was of that place. Where is it?"

"Krasnegar, Sire. A remote little-"

Shandie rarely gestured at all, but now he slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand like a third-rate actor demon strating inspiration. "Krasnegar! Of course! Why didn't I think of that!"

He thumped his thigh with his fist. "Idiot!" he muttered. "I apologize for calling you gentlemen names. I have been moronically stupid myself. And of course you are related to Queen Inos, ma'am?"

"Distantly, Sire, but yes. She saw this painting when she was here and pointed it out to me. Jalon apparently knows the place. He must have put it in this picture for artistic effect. I can't believe the ship had ever been near there. "

Shandie shook his head, as if still unable to believe his own stupidity. "I saw a youngster, a jotunn boy. I even thought he reminded me of someone-and of course it was Rap himself! It must be his son, I should think. A jotunn son of a faun? Well, it could be. He's half jotunn himself-I remember him telling me that. "

"They do have a fair-haired son, Sire, Gathmor. He must be ... fourteen, I should think, or thereabouts."

"I would have guessed older," Shandie said, "but jotnar are big, f course."

Tfe men were exchanging uneasy, angry glances, all except Ionfeu, who was frowning darkly.

"May I inquire?" Acopulo asked.

"Rap the sorcerer!" Shandie snapped. "The faun sorcerer! You remember ... twenty years ago? The one who killed Warlock Zinixo and cured my grandfather?"

Ah! Heads nodded in understanding. Ylo had been about four years old at the time, but he had heard the stories often enough. Countess Eigaze was much too much a lady ever to break into a conversation by coughing. She did so by some sort of social sorcery, perhaps a special way of blinking. Suddenly everyone was looking at her. "Begging your pardon, Sire, but his Majesty did not actually kill the warlock."

"He didn't?"

Her chins wobbled as she shook her head. "The imperor ... Inos told me that your grandfather had told her that Master ... er, King ... Rap had told him that he did not kill the dwarf. But he didn't say what he had done with him. Or to him. " Flushing, she fell silent as her audience worked their way through the syntax.

Then everyone looked at Umpily, who had seen a dwarf sitting on the Opal Throne.

"I never met ... saw ... Warlock Zinixo," he mumbled. "So I don't know."

"Well!" Shandie said, as if things were becoming a great deal clearer. "Now we know what the pool was trying to tell us, don't we?"

Acopulo scowled as he always did when he could not see an answer. "We do?"

Shandie smiled thinly. "The sorcerer ... He married -Inos, so he is a king now. King Rap was very kind to me. I was only ten or so, and I remember thinking that he was the most wonderful man I had ever met. I shall always be grateful to him, for that was the worst time of my life. And he is without doubt the most powerful sorcerer in the world. Grandsire told me once that all four wardens together would not dare a contest with the faun. " He laughed aloud. "I suppose I would have thought of this eventually? Idiot I am! Obviously the preflecting pool was telling me to seek out his aid again! Whatever Warlock Raspnex was jabbering about tonight, the answer is to call on Master ... King Rap. That does sound foolish doesn't it-King Rap? But Rap's a wonderful man, a kind and honest one. He will help, I in sure!"

Legate Ugoatho cleared his throat. "Where is this place? In Sysanasso?"

"Er, no," Shandie said vaguely. "In the far north, I believe. "

"Krasnegar's somewhere up in goblin country," Acopulo muttered. "Seems to me that Doctor Sagorn once mentioned having visited it. One of the very few places where imps live outside the Impire. And jotnar, also?"

"Very far north," Eigaze agreed. "The land road goes through Pondague, goblin country. It can be reached by sea, though. "

The Praetorian frowned. "With respect, Sire-you are not considering traveling there yourself ?"

"I may have to! " Shandie was still holding the scroll of vellum. He tapped his other palm with it thoughtfully. "That may be the preflecting pool's message. Acopulo, I think you should make another effort to locate your old master. He may have valuable advice to offer. Where does he live?"

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