The Curse of the Dragon God (13 page)

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Authors: Geoffrey Knight

Tags: #Mystery, #Suspense, #Adventure, #Gay

BOOK: The Curse of the Dragon God
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He looked Bradley in the eye then and said in a quiet voice, “I’m only young, but I’m lucky to have a bunch of older, wiser people around me. And those assholes who can’t see that you’re good at what you do? Screw ’em!”
Bradley smiled and looked into Will’s eyes, and then, before he could stop himself, he leaned in and planted his warm, soft lips on Will’s.
For a moment he thought the young American might refuse his bold advance. He thought Will might pull away, embarrassed or even worse, offended.
But Will only closed his eyes, lost in the moment, and savored the sweet, moist taste of Bradley’s lips. He clenched his fingers, interlocking them with Bradley’s even tighter than before, and gently pushed his tongue into Bradley’s mouth.
The handsome young Chinese businessman took him in, cherishing this tender moment amid all the anxiety.
Will’s free hand reached across and began to unbutton Bradley’s shirt, unfastening two, three, four buttons before sliding his hand down the front of Bradley’s shirt, feeling the tensed mounds of his stomach muscles beneath the fabric, gliding further down over his bulging crotch.
Bradley quickly broke away from the kiss.
“I’m sorry,” Will whispered.
Bradley put his finger on Will’s lips to silence his apology. “Don’t be.” With that, he stood from his seat, made his way quietly past the sleeping passengers, and then, with a single glance back at Will, opened the bathroom door.
When Will reached the lavatory, he saw the door was unlocked. He pushed it open and suddenly Bradley’s arm appeared and yanked him inside.
Bradley closed the door, slid the lock across, then seized Will by the neck of his shirt and hauled him into a powerful and passionate kiss. He pressed his hips hard against Will’s, making his intentions more than known.
Will grinned through the kiss, feeling the long, stiff shaft of Bradley’s keen cock pushing against his leg. It was trapped inside Bradley’s trousers, ensnared inside his underwear. It had done its best to extend sideways, forming a horizontal bulge, the length of it reaching all the way to Bradley’s hip, but Will couldn’t bear to see it tortured and trapped like that.
In one swift move he unbuckled Bradley’s belt, then unclipped and unzipped his trousers, pushing them down several inches, revealing his white designer underwear and engorged bulge beneath. Will grabbed the swollen shaft through the white cotton, squeezing it hard in his fist, forcing a pained groan from Bradley and a drop of precum that seeped through the material and turned the cotton slightly transparent. Will pulled out of the kiss and looked down. He could make out the eye of Bradley’s cock through the moistened fabric. He squeezed again and pushed out another drop.
Will had become instantly hard the second he’d laid his hand on Bradley’s, back in their seats. Now, with the sight of Bradley’s throbbing underpants in his fist, Will’s own hungry cock strained in pain.
His hands trembling with impatience more than nervousness, Bradley unsnapped the buttons on Will’s jeans, his jittery fingers brushing the delicate delight of Will’s blond pubic hair before the thick stem of his cock appeared. There was no hope of getting all the buttons undone before the young college student’s dick sprang into the air. Inside the tiny compartment, Bradley jerked Will’s jeans down around his knees, freeing his full round balls and exposing his tanned, athletic thighs.
Before the jeans went any further, Will reached down, groping through his pockets in hope. He smiled, and pulled out a condom packet. “Thank you, Elsa,” he said, looking up at the ceiling as though the Professor’s housekeeper was some kind of guardian angel.
He threw the condom on the bathroom basin, then awkwardly heeled off his boots and clambered out of his jeans, taking high steps to pull his legs free in the small space.
Standing in only his T-shirt now, with his thick young legs spread wide and his cock standing high, Will attacked Bradley’s shirt, quickly unsnagging the remainder of the buttons before pulling the shirt wide open, revealing Bradley’s thick smooth chest and ripped abs. Bradley flicked the shirt from his arms while Will forced the young businessman’s trousers down. With only the straining underpants left, Will dropped into a squat, his face level with Bradley’s bulge.
Bobbing on his powerful haunches, Will took the waistband of Bradley’s underpants in his fingers and slowly pulled the elastic down. Bradley’s sparse black pubic hair sprouted and blossomed first, then Will caught a glimpse of his brown-skinned cock, stretching all the way to the left, a thick trunk positioned just beneath the waistband. The shaft pulsated. Then, as Will slid the underpants all the way down Bradley’s legs, that sweet, stiff cock bounced free.
The slippery wet slit of its eye opened and gleamed as another desperate drop of precum escaped it, then without another second’s hesitation, Will took the swollen head of Bradley’s dick in his salivating mouth.
As Bradley clutched his breath and held it, Will teased the head of Bradley’s cock with his tongue, savoring its beautiful flavors, his teeth nibbling at the soft sensitive skin.
“God, I’m going to—” Bradley panted, his voice quavering.
Will quickly released his head, kissing it as he looked up at Bradley and winked. “Not yet, you don’t. We’ve only just started.”
Will stood, his hands sliding up Bradley’s firm thighs and slipping between his legs, his fingers molding and kneading Bradley’s high, tight balls before gripping the base of his shaft and milking its length.
Bradley gasped, trying desperately to control his readyto-erupt loins, his face pleading and full of pain. Will released Bradley’s cock once more and kissed the tormented expression away.
His own cock, stiff and bouncing, thumped against Bradley’s burning shaft. Their dicks played together as Will lifted his T-shirt over his head, revealing his hard, youthful torso—the rippling stomach, the defined, hairless chest, the small solid gems of his nipples—but as he reached high, his hands thumped against the low ceiling of the tiny compartment and his arms became locked and tangled in his twisted T-shirt. There was no room to move. Bradley tried to help him off with it, their smooth chests and stomachs now touching, their rock-hard dicks rubbing and bumping against one another, but all he managed to do was tangle the T-shirt even more around Will’s forearms, effectively tying the young American’s hands together above his head.
“Looks like you’re in a bind,” Bradley laughed.
Will kissed him hard on the lips and winked. “That works for me.”
Bradley welcomed the notion. Taking the quarterback’s solid, contoured hips in both hands, he managed to turn him around, their flesh grinding, muscles rubbing, until Will was facing the mirror, with his toned, perfectly rounded ass to Bradley, his arms bound above his head.
Will gave in to the captive pose and rested his balls on the rim of the basin. His hairless sack spilled several inches over the edge and into the sink. His throbbing dick was so stiff and long it reached all the way across the basin, the head of his cock tapping the faucet. He leaned his sculpted torso forward, pushing his ass out and pressing his chest and one cheek against the mirror. He opened his mouth slightly, misting up the glass. He closed his eyes. Then he heard the sweet sound of the condom wrapper opening.
A moment later, the splayed fingers of Bradley’s hands traced their way around Will’s hips, slid down the deep, defined ridges of his carved obliques, feathered Will’s light pubic hair, and arrived at the base of his shaft. His fingers slowly crossed the bridge to the faucet where Bradley let the water flow before squeezing soap from the dispenser into both palms.
When Bradley’s fingers made their way back down Will’s shaft, they left a tingling, frothy trail. Foam dripped and squelched as his right hand remained behind, squeezing and massaging Will’s cock to the soft, melodic moans of a young man being pleasured, while his left hand returned to Will’s perfectly formed ass. There his wet fingers slid between Will’s ass cheeks, turning his crack into a slippery, inviting crevice.
Bradley sponged his own condom-covered cock then, working up a lather that almost made him come. Before he could explode, he took his stiff, soaped shaft in his fist and guided it gently between Will’s ass cheeks.
He felt the velvety ring of Will’s well-trained ass already opening up, the lips of his anus sucking hungrily on the head of Bradley’s cock. It was the warmest of welcomes, and Bradley didn’t hesitate for a second. With a confident, forceful thrust he pushed himself deep inside Will.
The air clicked in Will’s throat and a ripple shot through the muscles in his back. His biceps locked, his hands bunched into fists and instinctively tried to pull themselves out of their bind. The T-shirt ripped a little, but Will held his pose, sliding his ass closer to Bradley’s hips, forcing Bradley’s cock even deeper inside him until it could go no further.
Bradley let out a long, tremulous sigh, one that felt like it had been pent up inside him forever. At the same time he tightened his grip on Will’s cock and began jerking him off in long, firm, soapy strokes. When Bradley pressed his lean, muscular body hard against Will’s back and bit gently into the taut muscle running from Will’s shoulder to his neck, the young American knew this wasn’t going to take long at all.
Bradley’s wet, panting mouth ventured up Will’s throat and reached his ear. His drenched, foam-filled fist began pounding Will’s cock harder and faster.
He pulled his own dick out of Will, then plunged it inside him again and again, working up a strong, swift rhythm, the suction from his thrusts forcing tiny bubbles out of Will’s sweet, soaked, soapy ass.
“Fuck me,” Will uttered, his soft tongue licking and flicking at his dry, parted lips. “Fuck me, fuck me harder!”
Bradley did as he was told, pumping his cock into Will with all the force and grunt he could muster. Will too had fallen into rhythm now, slamming his ass back against Bradley’s straining hips as Bradley hammered forward. The beautiful, young Chinese businessman was groaning softly now in time to the beat, his pitch rising quickly, his brow twisted in desperate yearning.
Will too let out a gasp with each blow, feeling his balls slide up the rim of the basin now, turning into solid spheres ready to burst. He could already smell the cum, even before a single drop was spilled.
Then, suddenly, he could hold himself back no longer.
The first shot of cum slapped against the mirror, stayed there for a moment, waiting for the second blast to join it before sliding down the glass. But Bradley did not stop or even slow his pounding fist. With relentless determination, he forced a third, fourth, fifth jet of cum from Will’s aching, bulging cock. With each jolt of semen, Will let out a groan louder than the last. His fists unfurled and his bound hands pressed themselves against the mirror, palms flat, fingers spread. He forced himself back hard on the cock he was still riding. Then it was Bradley’s turn to fire his load.
His feet—strong and dexterous from his years of skating—hoisted him up onto the tips of his toes, and with him went Will, whose feet actually left the ground altogether. Bradley pushed his shoulders flat against the wall behind him, thrust his hips as high as they would go, and with a spasm that Will felt all the way up his ass and through his tight, tensed stomach, the Chinese businessman shot off a blaze of cum into the head of his condom.
Another quiver rocked his body as a second load was released.
Then a third.
A fourth.
And then—after holding his breath for an endless moment, his body frozen in a state of sheer pleasure and relief—Bradley slowly lowered them both back down to the floor.
Will smiled and let out a long, heaving sigh. He could hear the fireworks of Bradley’s heart pressed against his back, the euphoric
of his own thunderous heart, their hot, heavy, happy panting, and then—
The seat-belt sign.


The boardroom of the Zhang Diamond Tower in Hong Kong was situated on the 40th floor of the building. There was a long mahogany table in the center of the room. On one wall was a showcase of Zhang Sen’s favorite diamonds, while the opposite wall was all glass, a vast floor-to-ceiling window overlooking Hong Kong’s bustling Victoria Harbor. Beyond that were the high-rises of Kowloon and the old Kai Tak airport.
None of the men in the room, however, were looking at the view. They had seen it many times before. All of them had their eyes fixed squarely on Chad Chambers at the head of the table.
“Gentlemen, a decision has to be made,” Chad was saying, sitting forward in his seat, demanding everyone’s attention with a hand that cut the air like an axe with each stern, serious word. “Investigations are taking place as we speak, but while the authorities take care of finding Sen alive and well, we need to take care of this company. We need to put someone in charge, right here and now.”
“It seems to me you’re the logical choice,” offered one of the men at the table with a matter-of-fact shrug.
Chad nodded respectfully. “As vice president of the company, I’ll do my humble best to get us through this.”
“What about Bradley?” another board member asked. “The two of you share the same title. Where is—”

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