The Cupcake Diaries Collection: Katie and the Cupcake Cure; Mia in the Mix; Emma on Thin Icing; Alexis and the Perfect Recipe (47 page)

Read The Cupcake Diaries Collection: Katie and the Cupcake Cure; Mia in the Mix; Emma on Thin Icing; Alexis and the Perfect Recipe Online

Authors: Coco Simon

Tags: #Emotions & Feelings, #Juvenile Fiction, #Friendship, #Social Issues, #Adolescence

BOOK: The Cupcake Diaries Collection: Katie and the Cupcake Cure; Mia in the Mix; Emma on Thin Icing; Alexis and the Perfect Recipe
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Even though I wasn’t anywhere near Matt, I was glad to have him on my mind as Katie and Mia kept asking me questions.

“What position does he play on the basketball team?” Mia asked.

“Oh, point guard, I think,” I said.

“Center,” corrected Emma.

“Right. I always get those mixed up.”

“Have you been to any of his games yet?” asked Katie.

“No, but I think I’m going to go this week. Anyone want to go with me?”

“I always go,” said Emma, “if I can. We have a rule in our family that if you can possibly make it to a sibling’s game, you have to go, to show support.”

“Let me know if he ever needs any extra support!” I said, laughing. “I can always sub for you if you can’t make it!”

Emma’s response was to playfully stick her tongue out at me. I stuck mine right back at her.

“So what are his favorite cupcakes we’ve made so far?” Mia asked.

I didn’t know the answers to any of their questions, but I wanted them to think I knew something about Matt.

“Oh, I think the . . .” I looked around.

“Bacon,” said Emma. “He liked the caramel cupcakes with the bacon caramel frosting. He had me make them for his team dinner.”

“Runs in the family!” Mia laughed. The recipe had been Emma’s idea.

“He also liked the mini vanillas we made for Mona,” I added.

Emma shook her head. “That boy would eat anything if you frosted it.”

The vanilla minis were
recipe! “Well, he certainly wolfed them down,” I retorted.

“Alexis, you don’t live with him like I do,” Emma insisted. “He even eats burnt cupcakes, as long as they’re loaded with frosting.”

“Wait a second,” I protested, suddenly getting
mad. “Are you comparing my vanilla minis to burnt cupcakes?” I couldn’t believe Emma was so rude! She was supposed to be on

“Okay, you two,” Katie said as she exchanged a look with Mia.

“I just don’t know who made you the Matt expert all of a sudden,” said Emma. “You barely know him!”

“That’s not true!” I said. But it kind of was.

“The only times you ever interact with him, I’m there! So how could you suddenly have this great romance blooming?”

Now I was really mad. “There’s no ‘great romance blooming,’ Emma. I just think he’s really cute. And the time when I decided I liked him, you

“Well, it’s annoying! I’m sick of hearing you talk about him like you own him! You’re no better than Sydney Whitman!”

“It’s Callie who likes him.” I spat the words out furiously.

“Well, it’s Sydney who’s doing all the work!” said Emma. “Just like me for you!”


“Stop, you guys!” cried Katie. “Come on!”

Emma and I glared at each other.

“Speaking of work, we have a whole lot of cupcakes to bake,” said Mia, sounding like a parent. “And we need to get them all done today. Business first, Alexis. That’s your motto.”

“So let’s just focus on what we need to do, okay?” Katie added.

I nodded without looking at Emma. I decided I would not speak to her. In fact, I would not speak at all.

Emma muttered something, but I didn’t care to ask what she said. I was all business now. For the next few hours, I worked quickly to fill two hundred cupcakes, and by noon we were done. I only talked when Mia and Katie spoke to me. No one was happy that things were tense, but it wasn’t

Mom came to pick up the cupcakes and take them to the restaurant. Mia, Katie, and Emma had plans to dress together for the party, and I wasn’t happy about that. I didn’t want them to all be having fun without me (or worse, talking about me), but I couldn’t ditch my family, and it would just be too hectic to have my friends get ready at my house, what with Dylan’s chaos going on.

Dylan’s crush still had not RSVP’d, which made him uncrushworthy in my book. But I think she
was still hoping. Every time the phone rang that afternoon, she dashed to check the caller ID (not that she’d answer the phone, because that would seem desperate).

Meredith and Skylar came over to get ready with Dylan, almost like bridesmaids before a wedding. They were all in black and gold, of course, and when they were ready, they offered to help me with my hair and makeup. Of course I said yes!

Meredith was working on my hair with rollers. “Is there anyone special coming tonight that you’re looking forward to seeing?” she asked.

I narrowed my eyes at Dylan. “Did you tell her?” I snapped.

“No, Alexis,” Dylan calmly replied. “I didn’t say anything to anyone.”

“Chill, Alexis, she didn’t,” Meredith said, a little taken aback. “I was just asking to make conversation, like they do at the hairdresser.”

I felt bad. “Oh, sorry. Actually, there is one guy I like. He’s . . . he’s my friend’s older brother. But she’s mad at me right now for liking him.”

“That’s ridiculous! She doesn’t own him!” said Meredith.

“I know!” I felt myself getting riled up all over again.

“And it’s not like she could marry him, anyway!” she added, laughing.

“You’re so right!”

“That happened with me at day camp one summer,” Skylar joined in. “I lost a friend that way. I totally regret it.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well, I was about your age, and there was this really cute junior counselor named Tom. And his sister Madison was my best friend at camp. But I became so obsessed with Tom that every time I called Madison, every time I went to their house, it was like it was really to catch a glimpse of Tom. Madison ended up feeling like I was using her just to get to Tom.”

“Were you?”

“No! I really liked Madison! It was just inconvenient that the guy I liked happened to be her brother!”

“Well, it was also probably convenient, too,” I said knowingly.

Skylar nodded. “Sure, because I got the insider’s perspective, and I got to see him casually, without having to go on a date or anything. I could see him in his normal environment.”

“But you lost a friend,” said Meredith.

“Yes, a good friend,” Skylar replied. “And I was so over him by the end of the summer.”

“How did you get over him?” I asked.

“We finally went on a date, and I realized we had nothing to talk about when Madison wasn’t there.”

Just then the phone rang. I was holding the cordless in my lap, and I flipped it over to see what the caller ID said.

“Hanson?” I said aloud.

Dylan screamed, “It’s him! Get it! No wait, don’t!” But it was too late.

“Hello?” I said.

A deep voice kind of stammered, “Uh . . . hi . . . is Dylan there, please?”

I looked at Dylan and she was shaking her head no.

“Um, no, I’m sorry, she’s out right now,” I lied. “May I take a message?”

“Yes. This is Noah Hanson. I’m so embarrassed. Dylan invited me to her party, and the invitation got mixed up with my mother’s bills, and I only just opened it. I know it’s too late to say yes, so I was just calling to apologize. Will you tell her, please?”

I froze for a second.

“Hello?” he said again.

“No! Come! It’s not too late! It’s . . . a buffet. One more person won’t make a difference. Don’t worry. Just come! I’m sure she’d be happy to see you.” I said, crossing my fingers.
Please say yes, please say yes.
I hoped for Dylan’s sake.

He paused. “Well, if you think it’s okay . . . Um, who is this?”

“I’m Alexis, her sister, and my mom is here, and she’s nodding, so it’s totally fine for you to come,” I lied again, holding my crossed fingers up in the air. I looked over at Dylan. Her face was hidden in her hands as she waited for the final verdict.

“Oh, okay, that’s really nice,” Noah said, sounding very relieved. “Thanks! So, I’ll be there at seven, right?”

“Yup, seven it is. See you there!” I sang out and uncrossed my fingers to switch to a thumbs-up sign before hanging up.

“Yessss!” Dylan screamed as soon as I put the phone back on its base. “Oh, Alexis, you are the best! Thank you, thank you so much!” She jumped up and grabbed me in a big hug.

She and Meredith and Skylar started yelling and dancing around together in a circle. “Yay! Noah’s coming!”

At that moment Mom poked her head in to see what the noise was all about. “He’s coming,” I whispered. She didn’t need to ask who.

“Phew,” she said, and with a wink, she closed the door.

This was going to be a great night.


Nothing > Friends!

irls, you look spectacular!” my father said proudly as he wrapped his arms around Dylan and me for the photographer.

“Gorgeous,” my mother agreed.

“You two look pretty great, yourselves,” I said. And they did.

We had arrived early, along with Meredith and Skylar, to make sure everything was set up just right. I checked the cupcakes first, of course, but the restaurant had arranged them beautifully on three tiers of a gold cake stand. They looked really pretty and I knew they’d taste even better!

Dylan looked really happy about the cupcakes and gave me a hug as we stood in front of the display. “Thank you,” she whispered. She looked
really beautiful in her gown, and I even started to tear up a little. I think I was just relieved that we were done with all those weeks of arguing, the cupcakes were done, and this day was finally here!

I watched as Dylan glanced nervously at the front doors. I knew how she felt. I kept waiting to see handsome Matt walk through the door myself (never mind that he’d be with Emma!) and had gone to the ladies’ room twice to check my appearance in the mirror.

I had worn my hair down and in loopy curls (thanks to Meredith). I had on a little bit of Mom-approved makeup and a tiny bit of vanilla spice perfume (thanks to Dylan). I was wearing the fuzzy pink dress (thanks to Mia) with a gold chain belt of my mother’s and some gold sandals of Dylan’s. I had a chunky ice-cube necklace from Mia, and it looked fantastic. I had to admit, I was looking pretty good.

The band was warming up, and my father asked them to play a little bit of “The Way You Look Tonight,” so we could practice our dance. They played the whole thing and when we finished our dance, the whole band applauded!

Just before seven, people started to arrive. That’s when I got really, really nervous. Luckily,
Mia and Katie arrived together right at the start. Emma had gone home after getting ready, so she could come with her family. I wasn’t sure what I would say to her when she came. Still, I watched the door eagerly for the arrival of the Taylors—and for Noah!

Mia and Katie were getting a soda by the bar and I was saying hi to Dylan’s godmother when Sydney and Callie walked in! And would you believe Callie was wearing that black
Dancing with the Stars
-type dress from Icon!

I rushed over to Dylan. “Look who’s here!” I said angrily, grabbing her arm.

She looked at the door, just as a gorgeous, tall, blond guy walked in.

“Noah!” she screamed.

“Noah? No, no, not him!” I said. “He’s cute though! No, Sydney and Callie are here! There they are!” I pointed across the room to where they were standing.

“Did you invite them?” Dylan asked as she hurried to the door to meet Noah. She didn’t seem concerned at all that the devilish duo had crashed her party!

“Of course not!” I said, trying to keep up with her.

“Callie is Jenna Wilson’s little sister, right? Jenna’s here,” said Dylan. Of course! Callie’s older sister was on cheerleading with Dylan. So of course she’d be invited, but that didn’t explain Callie and Sydney.

“Why don’t you go find out why they’re here?” Dylan said just as we got to the door. “I’m going to say hi to Noah.”

I watched as Noah kissed Dylan on the cheek, and then Dylan took his hand, guiding him toward the drinks. I was happy for Dylan that Noah showed up, but superannoyed that she wasn’t mad that Sydney and Callie had shown up at her party uninvited! (And after the hard time she’d given me about inviting my friends!)

I stared at Sydney and Callie for a minute, trying to figure out what I wanted to do. Just then Callie pulled Sydney with her across the room, toward an older girl who I now recognized as Callie’s sister. Jenna had been talking with her friends, and turned around when Callie tapped her on the shoulder. Jenna seemed genuinely shocked to see Callie and Sydney and looked really annoyed.

Mia and Katie came over. “Did you invite them?” Mia asked, nodding her head toward Sydney and Callie.

“As if!” I said.

“Then why are they here?” Katie asked.

“I . . . ,” I started to say, but then something—or rather, some
—caught my eye. It was Emma, with the rest of the Taylors. I wanted to run across the room to greet them, but then I remembered my fight with Emma, and I held back.

I checked my dress and my hair, patting everything nervously as the Taylors walked toward me. Jake looked really cute in a little jacket and tie, and Matt and even Sam looked, frankly, gorgeous in their suits.

“Hi, Alexis, darling! Don’t you look beautiful!” Mrs. Taylor said, greeting me with a kiss. Mr. Taylor did the same as Mrs. Taylor looked around the room. “Now, where’s your mom? Wow, it looks wonderful in here! What a lot of planning you’ve all done! Oh, there she is. I’ll go say hello. Come on, sweetie.” And Emma’s parents took off, leaving their kids standing with me.

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