Read The Cuckoo Child Online

Authors: Katie Flynn

Tags: #Fiction, #Sagas

The Cuckoo Child (44 page)

BOOK: The Cuckoo Child
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Emma chuckled. ‘I always knew the stones in the necklace couldn’t possibly have been real emeralds,’ she reminded him. ‘I said so over and over, but I don’t think anyone really believed me, though when you remember my grandfather made it as a sort of test piece when he was only in his early twenties . . . well, it couldn’t possibly have contained precious stones. Mr Mitchell had suggested that they should make something really striking as a window display item, and that’s exactly what my grandfather did.’
‘But he used real gold,’ Nick pointed out. ‘It is real gold, isn’t it, apart from the clasp?’
Emma chuckled. ‘Yes, but it’s only plate,’ she admitted. ‘Not that it matters. It’s just so wonderful to see it in pride of place in our window once more.’
‘That’s right. And now we can close the whole episode and get on with our new lives,’ Nick said contentedly. ‘Oh, Emma, I’m the happiest man alive!’
BOOK: The Cuckoo Child
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