The Cruiserweight (29 page)

Read The Cruiserweight Online

Authors: L. Anne Carrington

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #wrestling, #sports entertainment, #plus size heroines

BOOK: The Cruiserweight
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Brett felt Karen’s muscles contract and release
around his cock, and he was breathless. “Jesus, Karen

you’re going to make me come.”

Kyra bit his ear and growled, “What’s stopping

It was all he could take, not able to hold back
any longer. Both he and Karen cried and gasped in orgasmic sync as
his semen entered her body. When he finished, he pulled out and
collapsed between the two women, taking turns kissing

"What did you think?" Kyra asked. “Karen had
her first woman and first threesome in one night.”

“Don’t know what she’s thinking, but I’ll say
it was pretty damn hot,” Brett said.

“What he said.”

Brett was stunned by Karen’s response.

“You always said we should try new things. Some
I may not like, but this was one I can say I’m glad I

“I enjoyed the threesome part too.”

“As did I,” Kyra said.

“You should’ve,” Brett replied. “The whole
thing was
idea. You weren’t going to let up until you
had both of us. Are you satisfied?”

“Very much.”

Brett put an arm around each of them. “Good.
Now that the post-dinner activities are over, how about a

Both women laughed. “Some guys smoke after sex.
would suggest a movie,” Karen said.





Sounds of the television roused Karen. As she
started to gain her bearings, she realized Kyra was gone. Brett
emerged from the bathroom, wearing a robe, his hair damp.

“Guess I didn’t go home last night. Why didn’t
you wake me?”

“You looked so peaceful.”

“You didn’t want me to leave.”

“That too.”

“When did Kyra leave?” Karen asked.

“About an hour ago. Want to have breakfast
together? I have two hours before I have to catch my

“Sure.” She started to rise from the bed before
lightheadedness washed over her. “Whoa.”

“You okay?”

“Guess I rose too fast. Sorry.”

“Take your time. Shower’s still

“Thanks.” Karen attempted to get out of bed
again, her lightheadedness worse the second time.

“You’re staying in bed for awhile,” Brett said.
“I can order breakfast from room service and then drive you

“I’m fine. Just give me a few

“Okay, but take it easy.”
God, she’s
stubborn sometimes.

She nodded, stood up on her third try, and went
into the bathroom. While she showered, Brett finished packing his
luggage, planning to store it in the trunk of his rental car before
the two of them went to breakfast at a nearby café.

In the bathroom, Karen vomited in the shower,
hoping Brett didn’t hear her over the running water. Her nausea and
lightheadedness passed, and the water felt wonderful running over
her body. After a few more minutes, she’d gotten her bearings
enough to dress and make it back out to the main room.

“Are you sure you’re up for breakfast before I
take you home?” Brett asked, noticing her pale

“I’ll live. I can take a nap later.”

“Great, I could use a few mugs of

“As if you aren’t hyper enough.”

“Never heard you complain.” He gave her a
knowing grin.

“Who’s complaining? What did you have in mind
for breakfast?”

“Little mom and pop coffee shop around the
corner. Figured I could dump my suitcases in the car first, and
then we could walk over. Sound okay?”


“Good, because I’m sick as hell of hotel food,
and I don‘t trust fast-food breakfasts that much.”

Karen made a face. “I can’t blame you. Just the
thought makes me want to hurl.”

They walked down the hallway into a waiting
elevator. Karen giggled as Brett nibbled on her earlobe.
“Pre-breakfast appetizer?”

“Maybe.” He stuck his tongue in her

That tickles!”
She poked his ribs before the elevator stopped on another floor.
“Behave, there’s people coming on,” she added in a low

They spent the remaining time in silence before
reaching the lobby. “I need to sit down for a few minutes,” she
said, feeling dizzy.

“Maybe I should just take you home.”

“No, it will pass in a couple of

” Karen never finshed her sentence before
blackness swept over her.






Brett paced the emergency room, frustrated no
one came out to update him on Karen’s condition the entire two
hours since he arrived. He’d dialed 911 without thinking when Karen
fainted in the hotel lobby, never leaving her side until medics
arrived, and then followed the ambulance which transported her to
the hospital.

Why won’t somebody tell me what’s

“Brett Kerrigan?” A man’s voice snapped him out
of his thoughts.


“The doctor’s finished with Ms. Montgomery.
She’s asking for you.”

“Is she okay?”

“I can’t discuss details with anyone but family

“Her parents are dead, and the rest don‘t give
a shit about her. Her friends and I are her family,” Brett said.
“Just tell me if she’s okay or not without the details.”

“So far, everything looks good.” He led Brett
to a cubicle where Karen lay.

“See? That wasn‘t difficult.” Brett glared at
him, about to walk behind the curtain before a doctor stopped





Karen was dozing on a gurney, lost in an odd
dream, when she felt a presence in her room. She opened her eyes.

“Hi, sweetheart. Feeling better?”

“A little.”

“Yeah, gave me a little scare back at the
hotel. Had a chat with your doctor.”

“How did you manage that?”

“Kind of had something to do with what you told
him when you were brought into the ER.” He came over and sat beside
her. “Karen, why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?”

“I tried many times, but there were always
interruptions. I wasn’t sure how you’d take the news, being I’d
heard you wanted to wait until retiring from wrestling.”

“That was my original plan. In the past year
since I turned thirty, I’ve reconsidered. “I’m kind of liking the
idea of a baby.”

“Let me guess, you want a son in your own

“Doesn’t matter. A little girl in
would be great too.” He lay a hand on her stomach. “When are we

“June,” Karen said. “They’re keeping me
overnight for observation.”

“I know. I moved my flight to tomorrow

“You didn’t have to arrange your schedule for
me. Where will you stay tonight?”

“Eddie said I could crash at his

“No way. The mind of my child’s father is
corrupted enough without Eddie’s contributions. Give me my

“I’m fine.”

“My purse.” Karen glared at him.

Brett handed her the bag. She dug through it
for a moment, pulling out keys to her apartment. “My place isn’t
being used tonight. It’s clean, quiet, the refrigerator’s stocked,
and you have free rein of the bathroom, my bed, and cable TV. The
porn channel’s blocked, though.”

He kissed her. “Thanks.”

“No parties or wrecking the house,” she said
with a warning tone.

“Wouldn’t think of it, Mommy.”

“You’re really happy about the

“Best day of my life. I have to start thinking
of dad stuff, like putting money aside for the kid’s college fund.
I’ll start that project when I get home. Anything else you

Karen glowed, thrilled about Brett knowing the
news of their impending parenthood. “No, I think I have everything
I need for the moment.”






Brett arrived home the following evening,
assured Karen and the baby were okay. He found a surprise waiting
for him: Patrick arrived in Orlando. “Surprise, you old

“Look who’s talking. I only have a year on you,
holmes.” He gave Patrick a hug. “What brings you to

“Had a promotional thing, and I wanted to let
you know El Senor and I are going to kick yours and Kit Begley’s
asses to keep our Squared Circle Express Tag titles.”

“Whatever you say, dude.”

“You don’t sound convinced. El Senor is a tough

“So I’ve heard, but I beat guys much tougher.
Funny thing he calls himself El Senor, because his Spanish

“Yeah, guess that’s part of the reason why SCE
teamed us up. Someone had to pull off the
habla Espanola
part. Anyway, how was Pittsburgh?”

“Better than expected.”

“Either you won your match, got laid, or

“Do you have to be so damn crude? Yeah, I won,
but I got some great news last night, which explains why I was late
coming home.”

“Jesus, Brett, don’t tell me you’re selling out
and going back to

“There isn’t enough money in the world for me
to return to the old company. No, Karen’s pregnant.”

“Wait, did I hear right?
knocked up
a woman? I thought you used rubbers the rare moments you got a

Brett shot him a dirty look. “Karen and I have
been serious for a long time.”

“You have a busy schedule right now, man. Sure
this is a good time to have a kid?”

“No time like the present.”

“When’s the bun coming out of the

“Baby’s due in June.”

“Holy shit, Kerrigan, you didn’t waste any
time. With all that pot you smoked, I’m surprised you have any live
swimmers left.”

“Very funny. With all the random women you
bagged the last few years, I’m shocked you don’t have twenty
thousand little Patricks wandering all over the world.”

“No thanks, kids are

“Could’ve fooled me. You’re always great with
them at shows.”

“Yeah, those are the ones I can give back to
their parents.”

“Someday, the right girl’s going to come along,
and you’ll change your attitude.”

“I’ll settle for just the chick.”

“You’re hopeless.”

Patrick spied a stack of pamphlets Brett put on
a table. “What’s all of those?”

“Looking over some places to start a college

“I thought you were down on the whole college
thing. You’re always going on about how you made it without
‘getting a fancy degree.’ What changed your mind?”

“It isn’t for
, dumb ass. I told Karen
I wanted to start setting up a fund for the baby.”

“A little soon to plan a college education,
isn’t it? The kid isn’t even born.”

“These days, it’s never too early. Some of the
better schools are expensive as hell.”

“Karen must be carrying a baby

“Kid might have Mommy’s brains. One never

“Lord help him if he has your

Brett laughed and threw a pair of wadded socks
from one of his suitcases at Patrick. “Shut up!”

“Quit throwing me your funky socks. Damn,
when’s the last time you visited a Laundromat? Most of those
clothes look like they could stand alone.”

“No worse than I’ve seen some of your

The pair then heard a yowling sound outside.
“What the hell

?” Brett

Patrick scoffed. “Some damn cat hanging around
while you were gone. It’s back. I’ve called Animal Control how many
times to come get the beast, but apparently no one’s shown up

“Dude, it’s probably someone’s pet.”

“I don’t think so. The thing’s been around the
building howling almost every night since I was here, and it looks

“Let me go look.”

“Are you nuts? Cat might have rabies, man. Be

“I doubt it’s rabid.”

Brett went outside, heading in the direction of
where he heard the yowling, before spotting an emaciated gray and
black striped cat. “Well, hi there, furball.”

The cat was poised as if about to run. “It’s
okay, buddy.” Brett scratched its ears. “Are you hungry? I might
have some tuna or something for you.”

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