The Crescendo (19 page)

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Authors: Fiona Palmer

BOOK: The Crescendo
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Why had he done that? Was he just happy to see someone he knew? Did she look like she needed a hug?

Reefing open the door, she locked it and went back to the bar. Ryan, Stevo and Bud were standing up by the table as if they were about to leave. Jaz headed straight over there.

‘You heading off?' Jaz said, moving to Bud's side.

‘Yep, you need to close up,' he said with a wink.

‘I'm going to give them both a ride home. I've paced my drinks, they didn't,' said Ryan.

‘I can drive you home, Bud, if you don't mind waiting around?' Jaz guessed this might be dangerous territory, but think of what Bud might discuss with just the two of them and no one else. Jaz's mind was going crazy at all the possibilities, until she saw Ryan's face. There was a lot of black in his eyes, making them look less brown every second and more like thunderous clouds.

‘It's okay, Jeni. I work with these guys, they're my problem not yours. You finish up and get home to bed.' Ryan's tone was soft and sweet but the hidden meaning in his eyes wasn't.

He didn't want her taking a drunk Bud home. Fair enough. For now Jaz let it go, but if the chance came up again and Ryan wasn't here to bail her out, she'd take it. No reward without risk.

She walked them out, chatting as they went. ‘I'll see you guys later.' By the door she caught Ryan's glance and it was filled with so much longing it nearly crippled her right there and then. She felt exactly the same.

As they walked away Jaz wondered what had changed with Ryan, making him like this after he'd clearly tried to push her away at the wedding. Maybe it was just the fact that it had been a while since he'd seen her, seen anyone he knew.

Jaz couldn't even begin to understand how hard it must be to go deep undercover and give up your life as you know it.

After Jaz cleaned up the bar and knocked off, she eventually got home, walking into the gym and feeling a warmth spread over her. Home. Her life. Her friends. She thought of Ryan alone in his strange flat, or with Annaliese.

‘Annaliese,' she almost spat out. She didn't want to allow her mind to go there. At all.

‘Is that you, Jaz?' came Anna's voice from the bedroom.

Jaz put her backpack on the kitchen table and made her way to her friend. ‘No, it's a big bad burglar,' she whispered. Anna was curled up in her bed, on the opposite side of the room slept Tay, snoring softly. ‘But no burglar would break in with that motor running,' she teased.

Anna giggled. ‘I find it comforting. Let's me know that he's still here and I'm not alone.

‘You could just snuggle up next to him and you wouldn't be alone,' Jaz teased.

Even in the dim light from the kitchen Jaz saw Anna's eyes enlarge. ‘Jasmine,' she scoffed.

Jaz knelt down by her bed so she was really close to Anna. ‘Guess what?'


‘I saw Ryan tonight.' Jaz couldn't keep the happiness from her voice.

‘No way, really? Tell me more.' Anna moved closer to the end of the bed, their faces really close. ‘Oh, you smell like beer.'

‘Sorry.' Jaz didn't move away, she had exciting stuff to tell. ‘He was surprised to see me, I could tell. We got to chat a little at the bar and then later, as I took out the rubbish, he hugged me.'

‘Hugged you?'

‘Yep, at least, I'm sure he did. It happened so quick, it all seems so hazy.'

‘Did he look well? Do you feel better for seeing him?'

‘He looked great. Maybe I'm biased but he looked amazing, and healthy. It's all I could hope for at this stage. And I feel heaps better after seeing him. Knowing he's still alive. He hopes to come to the pub more often so I'll get to keep tabs on him.'

Anna sat up on her elbow. ‘I'm so happy for you, Jaz. I really am.' She hugged her friend. ‘Now go and get some bloody sleep, you have your last exam tomorrow.'

‘You mean today?'

Anna groaned and rolled over. ‘Goodnight.'

‘Sleep well, Annabanana.'

Jaz moved off to her room, a quick shower and bed were in order. One thing she knew for sure was that she'd have no trouble getting to sleep tonight.

Chapter 19

Jaz looked up at the clock. Five minutes to go and her last exam was done. She had finished it, well, as best she could and she couldn't be bothered going back over the ones she couldn't get. Frankly, she didn't care. She looked around the room, one boy was staring out the window, his pencil resting on his lip, either deep in thought solving a question or daydreaming. Most of the others had their heads down, pen hands moving frantically as they glanced at the clock and back to their sheet. Jaz could almost feel their angst and tension. Poor kids, she thought, their mark was probably important to take them onto their chosen path at university. Not Jaz. No great score was going to help her. Why couldn't schools have classes for people like her? Self-defence, coded messages, weaponry, how to follow someone in secret, you know, the usual hands-on spy stuff. She was sure they were subjects she would have aced.

There were three others who had finished their exam; they sat much the same as Jaz, glancing around the room at all the others. Jaz couldn't see Anna and Taylor as they were behind her and she didn't want to get pulled up for cheating if she turned around.

When the time was up, they all brought their exam papers forward and left the room.

‘How do you think you went?' asked Anna when her and Tay caught up.

Typical Anna, wanting to talk about the exam and no doubt go through each question again. ‘As well as can be expected,' said Jaz with a smile.

‘Isn't it strange that this is our last day at this school,' said Tay, and he glanced around as they walked the corridor.

‘Yeah, no more using my secret escape route, no more canteen, no more fights to break up,' said Jaz.

‘Ruin a good moment why don't you,' teased Tay. ‘It feels weird though. It's like we are free. What now?'

‘Let's go to Molly's to celebrate end of school and the start of our new lives,' said Anna. ‘Then we can figure out “what's next”,' she said quoting the air.

‘Great plan. Best text Mum and tell her I'm done. She'll want to know how I went,' said Jaz pulling out her phone.

‘Same here,' said Anna. ‘I'll see what Cody's doing, he might come celebrate with us.'

‘He might be busy,' said Tay with a frown.

‘We need a real party where we can get drunk as skunks and let off steam,' said Jaz. ‘Except I have work tonight.'

‘We can still have one without you,' said Tay with a wink.

‘Oh, great idea, Tay. We could have one at the gym and we'll be there when you get home, it will just be getting started,' said Anna. ‘And my mum will be none the wiser.'

‘We could see if Bags or Tick wanna join us too. And your couple of mates from school?' Jaz said to Tay.

He shrugged. ‘Yeah, I could ask. But it's weird, the gym is our place. I don't want to contaminate it with outsiders, if you know what I mean. We are going to make new friends from now on.'

They walked out of the school and turned around when they reached the bottom of the steps. ‘Photo moment?' said Jaz.

‘Definitely,' said Anna.

Jaz got a passing student to take a photo of them outside the school one last time.

‘Thanks,' she said to the girl before checking the photo. ‘Aw, look at us. Leaving this place behind and moving onto the next chapter of our lives.' Tay and Anna bent in close to have a look as students who'd sat the same exam left the school. Other classes were still going on as normal and that made everything feel even more weird, as if they had the run of the place.

They all jumped into her black Jeep and headed off to Molly's.

‘Cody will meet us and he said he will shout us drinks. Aw, that's nice,' said Anna.

‘He can be a nice dude,' said Jaz, using one of his favourite words. ‘Invite him to the party, get him to bring the drinks,' she said with a laugh.

They parked and walked into Molly's, heading for their usual table in the rustic coffee shop.

‘Hey, dudes,' said Cody, coming into the shop just behind them.

Cody was wearing whitewash jeans with black thongs and a singlet that had an ocean picture on it. His sunnies were stuck up in his shaggy blond hair. Not likely to blow off if he was walking in a strong wind.

‘Congrats on the no more school.'

He high-fived Tay, and then hugged Jaz and Anna. He even smelt salty like the ocean. Probably went for a surf this morning.

‘So what'll you all have, my shout.'

After much deliberation, they all got coffees and a slice of the chocolate fudge cake that was to die for. It's not often Cody paid so they made the most of it.

‘You know he's just paying us back for all the times we've had to shout him cos he's left his wallet at home or in his car,' said Tay.

‘Man is the most forgetful guy I know,' said Anna. ‘How does he not remember his gun when he's on a mission?'

‘Because we bail him out he doesn't make a point of remembering. But no one can bail him out on a mission. I'm sure he has his priorities sorted,' said Jaz with a chuckle. They all fell quiet for a moment.

‘So now what,' said Anna with a dramatic flail of her arms. ‘What do we do without school to go to?'

‘Well, I've my life sorted I think. Told Mum and Dad that I want to run the gym full-time, and then I can fit in with agency life,' said Jaz.

‘Yeah, well, that's all great for you but my mum is going to expect me to go to uni and be something she can brag to her friends about. I don't want to leave here,' said Anna.

‘Who says you have to leave?' said Cody as he joined them again.

‘Exactly,' said Jaz. Tay was agreeing.

‘Come on, guys, you know what my parents are like.'

‘Yes, but you can still go to uni, just pick one close by and then you can still be here in between. Do something in computer science or something that can further your work at the agency,' said Jaz.

Anna's face lit up. ‘Oh yes, I could tell Mum I'll do uni but have it on my terms. I was thinking I'd like to become a qualified nurse.'

‘What?' said Cody. Even Jaz was a little confused.

‘Guys, I have the computer skills already and the agency makes sure I have them up to date for what they need. But I'd like to be able to fix you guys up when you come back from missions with bullet holes and knife cuts all over you.' Anna turned to Jaz. ‘I've been thinking, we could build a secret room in Pax's house and make it an ER of sorts. Have it kitted out with everything you'd need for trauma. Maybe I'll study to be a theatre nurse and see how the doc stitches people up, then you guys can be my guinea pigs.'

Anna seemed to have given this great thought. Jaz wasn't so sure about the guinea pig part, but it's probably no different to what Ryan and Tilly have done over the years. If they got in all the right gear it could make it heaps easier, especially with Anna actually learning the right way.

‘Why not just become a doctor?' said Taylor.

‘Well, I did think of that, but it takes longer and I need to know how to help you guys now,' said Anna looking really pleased with herself. ‘Well?' She turned to Jaz.

‘I love the idea about the medical room at Pax's. We could fix up the old pantry in the kitchen that he doesn't use, extend it out a bit and no one would have any clue. It would be hidden on the outside behind those big shrubs he has there.' Jaz realised she was talking about Pax as if he was still here. But it felt right and no one pointed it out.

‘Oh yes, fabulous. Who could we get to build it?'

‘Tilly can do it, he did a bit of building work back in the day,' said Cody.

‘And we have plenty of money to get it done,' said Jaz. She had money from Pax, as well as her own income with the agency and now the pub.

‘This is crazy, but good,' said Tay. ‘And your folks would have to be happy with you doing something like that?'

Their coffees and cake arrived but Anna paid them no notice. ‘I know, right? I'm going to find some courses and gather all my stuff so I can take it to them and they will have to say yes.'

Jaz took a sip of her coffee, pleased that Anna was happy about her future. ‘I hope you can move into Pax's full-time next year. Maybe I could do some courses as well to keep Mum happy.'

Anna burst out laughing. ‘Oh my gosh, now you're sounding like Pax. You'll have a certificate for all sorts of things.'

‘At least mine will be real,' said Jaz.

‘And if you can't finish them, I'll print you up a certificate anyway.'

‘Perfect,' said Jaz.

They were all laughing and joking around the table. Jaz loved these moments with her friends. Her heart was swelling with love.

‘What about you, Tay,' said Cody. ‘What are your plans?'

‘I don't know. I did think about seeing if I could get a job at the range.'

‘You're there enough, they may as well pay you,' said Anna.

‘Yep, but I need something with flexible hours so I can fit in with the agency when I'm needed. I thought of getting my own business, like a repairman or a mowing business so I can choose my hours, take time off when needed,' said Tay.

‘That would work best. That's the hardest bit, having a job that is flexible. Nine to five jobs won't cut it,' said Jaz.

‘Hey,' said Cody, waving his fork in the air. ‘Just do what I do and surf full-time. It's got my dad stumped how I manage to live without a job. I think he thinks I'm selling drugs to pay for my surfing habit.'

‘If only he knew you were trying to get it off the streets, not sell it,' said Anna. ‘I can't believe you don't mind him thinking that.'

Cody shrugged. ‘You gotta do what ya gotta do.'

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