The Cowgirl's Secret (The Diamondback Ranch Series #) (9 page)

BOOK: The Cowgirl's Secret (The Diamondback Ranch Series #)
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Sam hunched a shoulder. "That's Joe for you. He never likes to let me forget that--
, I made it big,
--in New York. It's not like he's hurting for money. He owns his own construction company."

Sam exited the freeway and continued, "It's not the money that bothers me. What bothers me--and bothers is really too strong a word for it--what
me is that I'll never hear the end of it. Joe does like to rub his victories in my face."

Tori crossed her arms over her chest. "Still, it doesn't seem fair. You were handicapped with me as your partner."

Sam laughed. "No one would think they were handicapped with you for a partner, sweetheart. Whether they were playing Frisbee or anything else, for that matter."

"That's very nice of you to say. But there's no getting around the fact that I dragged you down." Tori cut those baby blues at Sam and offered him a smile.

He tightened his grip on the steering wheel. He certainly wouldn't complain if she dragged him down . . . like to bed. If he didn't do something about all of this sexual tension soon, he just might explode.

"It's all in fun, sweetheart. Let it go and enjoy."


Tori leaned her head on Sam's chest, her ear nestled right above his heart, enjoying a slow sultry dance with the man who was turning her world upside down. Of course, she'd heard and read about love at first sight, but she'd never really given it a thought one way or another in regards to her own life.

Until now.

From the first moment she'd set her eyes on the tall, dark and handsome man at the dance club, Tori had a feeling something momentous had occurred. And after the kisses they'd shared, she was certain of it.

The music spun a sensual web around them; the low, dimmed lights helped add to the romantic ambiance. Tori closed her eyes and focused on the pressure points where Sam's big hands touched her body. Focused on the friction of their bodies rubbing against one another in time to the music. It felt so good, so right, she wanted to purr with pleasure.

Sam Garza was a serious, responsible man. She admired how he'd moved back to Texas to be with his mother in her time of crisis, practically giving up the life he'd made for himself in New York. Although he denied it, she knew it had been a big sacrifice for him.

Tori couldn't help but be thankful that he
left New York. Otherwise, she'd never have had the opportunity to meet him and experience the earth-shattering chemistry they shared.

It wouldn't be long before they would take their relationship to the next level. Tori blew hot and cold when she thought about making love with Sam.

After they'd enjoyed a lovely celebratory dinner, and yes, Joe
rubbed Sam's nose in it, Raenell suggested they go dancing. Of course, Joe knew just the place. Different from the dance club where they'd all met each other for the first time almost a month ago. Classier. More romantic, Joe said with a waggle of an eyebrow.

So here they were, swaying to the jazzy blues melody, making their own kind of music, fanning the flames of the smoldering passion burning between them.

With each move of the dance, Tori felt Sam's hard body press against her. She hadn't had time to buy another dress, so she'd worn the red backless satin she'd bought for their first date, hoping Sam wouldn't mind seeing it again so soon. The light in his eyes and the appreciative smile on his lips when he'd picked her up assured her he didn't mind in the least.

"Hey, beautiful." The deep baritone washed through Tori's system, making her almost lose her step in the dance.

She lifted her chin, determined to at least
to appear in control of herself, instead of slowly going out of her mind with the fierce yearning need swirling low in her body. "Hey, yourself."

He kissed her forehead. "You know what this dress reminds me of?"

"A playground fantasy?" Tori could feel the heat stain her cheeks.
Damn her unruly tongue.

Sam's rich laugh rumbled in his chest. "Well, I wasn't going to put it quite like that, but yeah. It reminds me of our first date and that kiss under the wooden fort. I want to kiss you again. Just like that." He bent closer to whisper in her ear. "I want to do a whole lot more than just kiss. I'm burning up for you, babe. I want you . . . I

Tori swallowed hard. "I want you, too."

Sam's arms tightened their hold around her, pressing her even closer to his aroused body. "Let's get out of here. I want to be alone with you."

Tori glanced over her shoulder at Raenell and Joe; they were plastered against each other, dreamily dancing, oblivious to everyone and everything around them.

Sam touched her cheek and forced her to look at him again. "I can't take you to my house. Not with my mom there. I could get a hotel room . . ."

"No!" Tori shook her head. She didn't want her first time to be in a strange impersonal hotel room. She took a deep breath for courage. "Raenell's spending the night with Joe. We can go to my place."

In fact, Tori had cleaned the apartment from top to bottom in preparation. She'd put fresh sheets on her bed. She'd bought candles to help set the mood, and to be on the safe side, she'd actually bought some protection, too.

She and Sam had been on several dates--well, if you didn't count this one, they'd only had two actual dates; the dance club didn't really count, neither did the several lunches they'd shared during the past month or so.

No matter, the latent passion smoldering between them had burst into a conflagration of burning desire. Tori had known Sam wouldn't be content with sharing only kisses for much longer. Hell,
wasn't content with them any more, even though the kisses were toe-curling, stomach-twisting, heart-pounding and

Sam stopped dancing and stared down at her. Tori returned the stare, determined to be mature about the whole thing. Had he guessed she was still a virgin? And more importantly, would he see it as a good thing, as if she were giving him a special gift?

His eyes held hers in a look as old as time itself. Tori's stomach turned somersaults. Another couple bumped into them as they stood together in the middle of the dance floor. Sam grabbed her hand and pulled her back to their table. "I'll tell Joe we're leaving. Wait right here."

Tori watched him make his way to where Joe and Raenell were still dancing in their own little world. Sam tapped Joe's shoulder and his friend stopped dancing. He continued holding Raenell in his arms, while he listened to what Sam was telling him.

It wasn't long before Sam came striding back toward her. Tori picked up her small purse, gripping it in her suddenly sweaty hands. This was a big step for her, inviting Sam to her apartment.

"Let's go." He took her elbow in a warm clasp and guided her out of the club and into the night.

Tori felt like he was leading her into a future that would never be the same.


Sam pulled into a parking spot beside Tori's car outside her apartment building. The drive from downtown Dallas to Richardson had only taken twenty minutes or so. Tori had kept pretty quiet during the trip. Every time he glanced her way, her head was averted and she was twisting her hands nervously in her lap.

"Here we are." He got out of the car and came around and opened the passenger side door.

Tori jerked back to consciousness from a dreamlike state. She blinked up at him and worried her bottom lip with those perfect white teeth. She looked so young, so innocent. So sexy. He wanted her with an almost frightening intensity. The need to possess her was driving all rational thought from his overheated brain. He needed her to relax and trust him so he could sink inside her. Because he couldn't wait any longer.

Whoa, Garza. Don
't get ahead of yourself.

He looked down at Tori, who made no move to climb out of the car. She looked very unsure of herself. He couldn't deny it any longer. He'd bet good money she was still a virgin.

She had to know what it meant to invite him to her apartment; she wasn't
young. For some reason, she was willing to let him be her first. The knowledge that she was giving up her virginity to him was humbling and only made the desire to possess her that much stronger. It also spurred a desire to protect her and keep her safe.

His gut clenched with violent need. She was twenty-one years old, damn it. She was old enough, and she was willing. Or she
be willing once he set her at ease. Besides, her virginity was mere speculation on his part. And he wasn't going to do anything without her full consent and cooperation. No matter how much he wanted her.

First, he needed to get her out of the car and inside her apartment where he could try to calm her nerves. Maybe he should take a cold shower first, because one smile on those sweet lips and he might jump her bones before he could think better of it.

That's how much he wanted her. He couldn't remember ever wanting a woman this bad.

Sam leaned his arm on the top of the car and bent down to look at Tori. "Aren't you going to invite me inside?"

She turned wide blue eyes on him. Trepidation and anxiety shone in their depths.

"Look, babe," he said softly. "Why don't you make us some coffee? We can talk. See where this leads. I promise not to do anything you don't want. Yes, I want you so much I ache with it. But we don't have to rush things."

He offered his hand, and after a slight hesitation, Tori took hold and he helped her out of the car.

She gave him a tentative smile. "I don't know why I'm acting so wimpy. I'm usually not like this at all. It's just when I'm around you, I start acting all . . . weird." She dug in her purse for her keys. "I don't know why you've bothered to stay around this long."

Sam had to grin. "You're not weird, and you're not a wimp. I've stayed around because I like you, I'm attracted to you, and I want you in bed."

Looking like a deer in the headlights, Tori's hand froze above her opened purse, the keys dangling from her fingertips. "Right. You want me in bed." Her voice was low and breathless.

Sam didn't know what he'd do if Tori put him off tonight and refused to make love. He was already about to explode. Taking the keys from her limp fingers, he jabbed one in the lock and walked inside, giving the apartment a quick scan for intruders.
Oh yeah. He had it bad for this woman. Acting all protective and everything.
He held the door open for Tori to follow.

She flicked on the lights, set her small purse on a table and stood in the middle of the living room, looking nervous and almost frightened. "Do you really want coffee? Or were you just being nice?"

Sam placed the keys next to her purse and walked across the room to where she stood, her blue eyes wide, her chest rising and falling as she tried to steady her breathing. He felt like a large panther stalking his prey. He needed to get her to relax;
needed to cool his jets. He didn't want to make her more nervous than she already was.

"Babe, I don't want coffee. All I want is you. We need to talk first, though."

She frowned. "You want to talk? Now? What about?"

He took her hand and led her over to the sofa near the windows. He sank onto the cushioned seat and pulled her down beside him. He kept hold of her hand and looked deeply into her eyes. "I'm just going to come right out and ask: You're a virgin, aren't you?"

Tori stiffened and tried to pull her hands from his clasp, but he wouldn't let her. "
" he demanded.

She looked down at their entwined hands. "Is it so obvious?" Her voice was soft and hushed.

Sam's heart constricted painfully in his chest. The overwhelming sense of protectiveness washed over him again, adding a wallop of heat to the coiled desire riding low in his groin. "Oh, babe. It's not like it's a bad thing or a disease. I'm glad you want me to be your first. Honored, in fact. Although, it does put a certain amount of responsibility on my shoulders."

Tori's head snapped up. "What do you mean? What kind of responsibility?"

Sam pulled her closer and held her in his arms. He smoothed some wispy tendrils of golden hair from her forehead. "It's up to me to make sure it's good for you. I wouldn't want you to be scarred forever, now would I?"

Tori smiled a genuine smile and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I don't think there's much chance of that. I've never felt this strong an attraction before. I want you to make love to me. I do want you to be my first."

She leaned close and kissed him. Her lips were soft and smooth, the pressure gentle, seeking. He allowed her to kiss him at will, enjoying her cautious exploration.

When she tightened her arms around him and slipped her tongue inside his mouth, Sam couldn't stand it any longer and took control, sweeping his tongue against hers, sucking, tasting, savoring.

Burying his fingers in her hair, holding her in place with one hand, he angled his mouth and took the kiss deeper, doing a little exploring of his own. Her honey sweetness exploded on his taste buds and his body flexed in response. Tori moaned and tangled her tongue with his, wiggling closer. Driving him insane.

BOOK: The Cowgirl's Secret (The Diamondback Ranch Series #)
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