Read The Cowboy's Surrender Online

Authors: Anne Marie Novark

Tags: #Diamondback Ranch#2

The Cowboy's Surrender (12 page)

BOOK: The Cowboy's Surrender
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"We'll meet up with y'all later," Dallas said to his family and started walking toward the game booths.


Gillian glanced over her shoulder. Tyler gave her a thumbs up and Jessie smiled and waved. Dallas's long strides were difficult to match. She had to almost run to keep up. His hand on her elbow branded her skin, making her acutely aware of him. She pulled her arm a little, deciding he was taking too much for granted.


Dallas looked down at her; his blue eyes scorched her with the heat of his desire. She'd thought he'd been dangerous when he'd acted rudely; now, he was turning all that sensuous charm her way. Oh man, she was in trouble.


He didn't release his hold on her. "We need to talk."


Gillian tried to still the hammering in her heart as she looked around. People were staring at them from every direction. "Okay. Where?"


"Good question." He nodded to friends, as he guided her through the crowd. "There doesn't seem to be any place to sit and talk. Except back there with my family. And that won't hack it. We need to be alone."


If he wanted to talk, Gillian wanted to hear what he had to say. Especially since he was being nice for once. "I have an idea," she said. "Follow me."


She led the way toward the rides and stopped near the Ferris wheel. "Well, what do you say? Will this work?"


She raised her chin slightly. Dallas suddenly realized Gillian was feisty and unsure of herself at the same time. An intriguing combination. He reached out and gently chucked her under that damned stubborn chin. "Sure. I'm game, if you are."


The wary look came back into her eyes. Dallas wished--hell, he didn't wish anything. All he wanted to do was talk to her, get her comfortable with him, then sleep with her. Nothing more.


He paid for two tickets and sat down beside her in the double seat of the Ferris wheel. For once, he was going to enjoy being cramped into a small place. It was snug fit with her sweet little body wedged against him. When he threw his arm across her shoulders, she gave him a look and he grinned. He hadn't felt this good in ages. Flirting with a pretty woman had its advantages.


The attendant locked the bar in place, pushed the lever, and they were lifted into the air, the seat rocking with the motion. Gillian breathed deeply, raising her face to catch the breeze. Dallas watched her, deciding that maybe the ride wouldn't be so enjoyable after all, because he was fast becoming damned uncomfortable with wanting her.


The Ferris wheel made a complete circle, before Gillian turned a little toward him and broke the silence. "So, what did you want to talk about?"


Her eyes were the color of innocence and seduction; a brown so soft he wanted to lose himself in their velvety depths. "I think it's time we called a truce." His voice was gruff as he tried to subdue his rising desire.


"What? Are we at war or something?" A smile curved her full lush lips.


Feisty, Dallas thought again. And attractive as hell.


"It's the battle of the sexes, sweetheart. It's always war between a man and a woman."


"So, are you raising the white flag?" She decided to ignore the sweetheart bit. And where had these snappy comebacks come from? All at once, she felt free and uninhibited. She wanted to put her past behind her and live for the moment. Enjoy the dangerous repartee with the handsome rancher scrunched beside her up here on the Ferris wheel.


Dallas slowly shook his head, grinning that half-grin that always gutted her mid-section. "I'm not the one who's going to surrender," he said softly in her ear.


The sensual glitter in the deep blue eyes shot rivulets of excitement up and down her spine. His hot breath on her skin made her nerves tingle. His arm lay heavy across her shoulders, and his body felt warm and solid against her.


Gillian wanted to curl up in his arms and feel his lips on hers. Yes, she certainly had it bad for this man, but she had no intention of surrendering completely.
At least, not yet.


She tried to wiggle away and put a little distance between them. His hand clamped down on her shoulder, his eyes locked on hers.


The Ferris wheel suddenly jerked, then stopped. They were perched high on top. There weren't many people on the ride and the ground was far below. They were as good as alone.


Gillian twisted the ring on her finger. She needed to remember why she never got involved with men, but her desire for Dallas was overriding her good sense.


Dallas released her shoulder and pulled his arm back. "Why do you still wear your wedding band? Do you miss him that much?" His voice was harsh and gruff.


With his arm gone from her shoulders, Gillian felt bereft. Feelings of loneliness and fear mixed with feelings too wonderful and exciting to give up."No. I don't miss him at all."


Dallas waited for her to say something more. She was still twisting that damn ring on her finger. "Why do you wear it then?"


Her chin came up. "To remind me how dangerous it is to get involved with a man."


"And getting involved with a woman isn't?" He looked away into the distance.


"It's not the same," Gillian said softly, focusing her attention on her hands in her lap. "A woman can't hurt a man."


"To hell she can't. A woman can damn well hurt a man."


"You're wife hurt you?"


"Yeah." He said it tersely, and Gillian knew the hurt had gone deep.


"But not the same way Nick hurt me," she whispered, twisting the ring again.


Dallas turned back to her. "Are you telling me that your husband hit you?" Every muscle in his body tightened at the thought of some bastard hurting her.


Gillian nodded. Her head bobbed with the movement, and she kept her eyes lowered. Dallas forced himself not to gather her in his arms and hug away her pain."No wonder you still wear it, then."


She stopped twisting the ring and looked up. "I don't think it's a good idea for me to get involved with you."


"Hell, do you think I want to get involved?" Definitely not a good idea. Gillian made him feel things he didn't want to feel. But he wanted her, damn it. He'd take his chances. "I just want to make love to you, sweetheart. Have a good time together. We don't need to get involved."


"Is that really possible?" Those big chocolate brown eyes looked disbelieving.


Hell, he didn't know if it was possible or not. With other women, yes. But with Gillian? He wanted her so badly, he didn't want to think about the dangers and risks. "Look. We've both been hurt in the past. Neither of us wants a relationship. At least, I don't. Do you?"


Gillian shook her head.


"We're two consenting adults. We'll enjoy each other's company. Have a good time, like I said." He hoped to God he wasn't lying. "We'll take it nice and slow. Only as far as you want to go."


"I don't sleep around."


"I know you don't." He stuck his hand out. "So what do you say? Truce?"


Gillian hesitated only for a second. She put her hand in his. "Okay. Truce."


The ride started down again, the car jerking back and forth as it began the descent. Dallas pulled her closer until she was halfway leaning across his chest. "I'm dying to kiss you again."


Gillian slid her hand from his and scooted out of the embrace. "You're going to have to wait a little while longer. The ride is over."


The car stopped at the bottom and the attendant let them out. They stood there looking at each other.


"What do you want to do now?" she asked, moving away from the Ferris wheel.


Before Gillian could say a word, Dallas's arm slipped around her waist. He guided her away from the booths and the crowd.


Her tummy hummed with excitement. "Where are you taking me?"


"Somewhere so we can have a little privacy.


He slowed down when they reached the bleachers, leading her behind a brick building. There were no people around. A large field abutted the fairgrounds. Rows and rows of cotton shimmered in the breeze.


Dallas gathered her in his arms. "I'm going to claim that kiss now." Before she could object, his mouth came down, grinding her lips, forcing her to open to him.


Gillian closed her eyes and melted into the embrace. He tasted better than she remembered. His tongue twined with hers, pushing, retreating, searching and exploring.


Dallas tangled his fingers in her hair, gently tugging her head back, plunging once more into her moist depths. Gillian clutched his broad shoulders, hanging on as he trailed kisses down her neck, tugging her earlobe and licking the sensitive hollow of her collarbone. He pulled her closer and she felt his muscular thighs pressed against her own, the hardness of his arousal against her stomach.


Gillian whimpered when his hand cupped her breast. He rasped his thumb across the nipple. Tiny shards of light exploded behind her closed eyes. The pleasure was almost unbearable. She wanted more. Wanted flesh against flesh. Her nails dug into his shoulder blades.


Dallas pulled her shirt from her waistband, easing his hands under her blouse, caressing her sensitive skin. Easing her lacy bra down, his fingers brushed over the soft peaks, while he captured her lips in another fiery kiss.


Gillian floated in a mist of delightful erotic sensations. She reached her arms around his neck, plastering her body to his.


Dallas slid his hands around her, down her back, beneath the waistband of her shorts, where he cupped her bottom, rocking her against his hardness.


Gillian moaned and her legs almost gave way. Somewhere deep inside, she knew she had to stop this madness before she let him take her right then and there on the ground. She opened her eyes and forced herself away from his hold.


Dallas's body shuddered with need. He reached out and gently touched Gillian's breast again, stroking the pebbled bead beneath the cotton blouse, watching in fascination as it hardened even more.


Gillian gulped back a sob and grabbed his hand. "We have to stop." The words came out shakily. Breathing was difficult. "I thought you said we were going to take it nice and slow." She straightened her clothes and tucked her shirt back into her pants.


Dallas clenched his jaw, striving for control. Gillian was right. They had to stop. But good God, he didn't want to stop. He'd just had a taste of heaven and he wanted more.


Taking her hand in his, he brought it to his lips. He was still breathing heavily. "I don't think it's going to go nice and slow, sweetheart. I want you too much."


"I want you, too. But we have to slow down."


Dallas nodded. He kissed her quick and hard, then stepped back. He struggled to master his raging body. Had he been this hot for Marilyn all those years ago? He couldn't remember, but didn't think so. He lifted his Stetson, ran his fingers through his hair, then pulled the hat back over his head.


Gillian's eyes had that wary look in them again. He didn't like it.


"How about some cotton candy or a snow cone?" he asked.


She smiled, her kiss-swollen lips trembling from the aftermath of their passion. "That would be nice."


Dallas splayed his hand on the small of her back and guided her back to the booths and crowd. Gillian tried to ignore the heat of his touch. Her response and awareness to this particular man was frightening in its intensity. She took several deep breaths and looked at the people and the decorated booths on the fairground.


They stopped in front of the cotton candy stand and Gillian sniffed the air. "I haven't had cotton candy in years."


"Cotton candy, it is," Dallas said, then groaned when he saw Nadine Cooley manning the booth.


"Hello, Dallas." Nadine leaned her elbows on the counter, displaying her ample charms to him. "See something you like? Something you want? Something
can do for you? You know I'd do anything," she shot Gillian a nasty look, "
for you."


Dallas cleared his throat. The woman needed to be committed for good. "One cotton candy. That's all I want."


Nadine straightened and pursed her lips in a pout. She took her time spinning the pink strands of sugar onto a paper cone, all the while glaring at Gillian.


Handing the cotton candy to Dallas, she held one of his hands for a moment. Tugging him closer, she batted her lashes at him. "I'll be in the kissing booth at six. I'll be waiting for you."


Dallas jerked his hand away and slapped the money on the counter. "I don't think so, Nadine."


He gave the candy to Gillian and steered her away from the booth.


Gillian took a bite of the sweet confection. Instantly, it melted in her mouth. "I've heard of women throwing themselves at men, but until now, I'd never actually seen it done."


"Nadine is off her rocker," he said. "She won't take no for an answer." He looked down at her. "You think that's funny?"


Gillian shrugged a shoulder. "She obviously likes you."

BOOK: The Cowboy's Surrender
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