The Cowboy's Secret (Cowboys After Dark: Book 3) (13 page)

BOOK: The Cowboy's Secret (Cowboys After Dark: Book 3)
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“There you are, darlin’, a Black Orchid.”

“Wow, that was impressive,” she remarked staring at the charcoal grey drink.

“Say that after you taste it.”

Lifting the glass she clinked it against his, then took a sip.

“Whoa, that is fantastic. My gosh, Clint, where did you learn to make this?”

“Just somethin’ I picked up along the way,” he vaguely replied. “Glad you like it.”

He moved around the bar, and taking her hand he led her to the large, tufted, brown leather sofa.

“Tell me how you learned to flip houses,” he said. “Is it something you fell into or did you set out to do it?”

“My father was in the business and I learned it from him. There’s nothing to it really, you just have to have a good team to work with and know the market. In the city I had that. I feel a bit lost out here. I’m sure I can find a painter and a guy to put in some decent appliances, hopefully a decent roofer. Outside of that, I really don’t want to get carried away with that house. I’m going to do what you suggested. Just the cosmetic stuff and sell it, then find a ranch already put together. What?” she asked.

He had been staring at her intently as she spoke, and his eyes were full of something she couldn’t quite interpret.

“Take another sip of that drink,” he said softly.

“Okay, why?” she asked as she sipped, then sipped again. “It is really good.”

“I know,” he nodded drinking his own.

“Was I boring you?” she asked. “I hope not.”

“Nope, I just wanted you to enjoy it for a minute,” he replied.

“Why,” she giggled.

“Because,” he said, placing his glass on the coffee table, “it’s all you can have for a while.”

“It is?” she frowned.


Taking the glass from her hand he placed it next to his on the coffee table, then standing up he reached down, grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her to her feet.

“What are you-?”

Before she could finish he had lifted her off her feet, and was carrying her down the hallway.

“I’m not waitin’ another second,” he murmured, kicking open his bedroom door.

“Thank God,” she muttered.


e laid her on the bed, closed the shutters that graced his windows, and drew the drapes over the sliding glass doors. Moving back to her he sat on the edge of the mattress and ran his fingers around her face.

“I meant what I said,” he breathed, “you took my breath away when you walked into the living room.”

“Me too,” she sighed. “You look so handsome,”
in that white shirt with your dark wet hair, and your eyes…there’s so much in them.

“I do?” he smiled.

“You do,” she nodded.

“Have you ever been blindfolded?”

“Uh, no,” she whispered, a flurry of excitement surging through her.

“Would you like to try it?”

“Very much,” she gulped.

“Close your eyes,” he said kissing her softly. “I’ll be right back.”

Nervously she did as he said; it was happening, he was going to make love to her, and the thought alone was enough to send goosebumps to life.

His footfalls signaled his return, and she held her breath as he placed a mask across her eyes. She could feel his fingers deftly unbutton her shirt, a moment later pulling it from the waist of her jeans, and when he opened her blouse she uttered a small cry.

“You okay, darlin’?”

“Uh-huh,” she managed.

She felt him unbutton then unzip her jeans, and heard him move to the foot of the bed where pulled off her ankle boots and socks. Holding her breath she lifted her pelvis as he wriggled her pants past her hips and slid them off her legs. Listening to the rustling sound of him undressing, she wriggled on the bed, anxiously waiting for him to join her.

Gettin’ impatient?
he thought, smiling down at her.
You’ve got a lot to learn.

Stretching out alongside her he kissed her ear, her neck, then traveled his lips across her clavicle down to her breasts, trailing his tongue around the lace of the bra cups, and when his steel cock accidentally rubbed against her thigh he caught his breath.

Damn, it’s been so fuckin’ long. How have I managed to not do this?

You just haven’t met anyone, least, anyone that made you want to.

Clutching the shoulders of her shirt he yanked the sleeves down to her elbows, pinning her arms in place, then flipped back the cups of her bra, exposing her full breasts and luscious, strawberry nipples.

“Ooooh, Clint,” she gasped, luxuriating in the light bondage and feeling the exposure. “You’re making me feel…so…much…”

“Mmmm, and you’re about to feel a lot more,” he crooned, tweaking a nipple, making her yelp.

Dropping his mouth to her cherry tips he sucked hungrily, inwardly groaning at the enormous joy he’d been denying himself. Getting lost in the moment he closed his eyes as he devoured her breasts, drawing each into his mouth with a ravenous longing. She was lifting her chest, utterly caught up in his eager energy, but when she tried to move her arms to clutch him the shirt stopped her, inciting her to cry out in frustration.

Her short, sharp squeal grabbed him, and raising his head he moved his lips to hers, kissing her languidly before taking his fingers to the gusset of her panties.

“Hmmm, I can feel your dampness,” he purred.

“Please,” she begged.

“Please? What are you askin’ for?”

“Please take off my shirt…let me be naked with you.”

“I could oblige you, but you have to ask again, the right way,” he murmured in her ear.

“The right way? I don’t understand? Help me, please, I can’t think,” she muttered.

“You said it yesterday, real natural, just came right outta you,” he reminded her.

“Oooh, please, Sir,” she blurted.

“There you go, darlin’,” he crooned, and kissing his way down her body he looped his fingers through the sides of her knickers, pulled them down her legs and tossed them aside.

His cock was beside itself, urging him to allow it inside the golden palace of her pussy, and it was becoming almost impossible to ignore the demand. Sighing deeply he returned to her side, and raising her up, pulled off her shirt and unsnapped her bra.

“Thank you,” she breathed, and engulfing him in her arms she clutched him tightly, bringing him with her as she laid back down. “You feel so amazing,” she mewed.

Laying on top of her he rested his weight, delighting in the sweetness of her skin against his, the pressure of her body rubbing his cock, and the tantalizing tickle of her fingertips as they moved down his back. Unable to put it off another second he raised himself up and grabbed the condom he’d placed in the drawer of his nightstand.
So long, so fuckin’ long,
he silently groaned as he slid the sheath in place.

The blindfold had thrilled her, the shirt pinning her arms had caused an intense adrenalin rush, his fervent attention to her breasts had sent a rush of wetness between her legs, and when his fingers had fluttered across the crotch of her panties she could barely stand it; she wanted him, she wanted to feel his control and his power; she wanted to be taken.

Her wish was about to be granted.

The umbrella in place he grasped her hips, pulling her into him, then placing himself at her drooling entrance he touched, pushed, withdrew, then clenching his teeth he plunged forward.

The fullness of his cock stunned her, and as he pumped with slow, hard, methodical thrusts, she could feel her body surrendering and her mind turning off.

There was only him, his hands clutching her hips, then her fleshy cheeks, then her hips again, his concrete hardness filling her, demanding she capitulate. His strokes were determined and purposeful, his lips danced across her breasts, sucking and biting, then licking and gently kissing. Hot whispered words breathed themselves in her ear, and her fingers clung to the hard sinewy muscles gracing his arms.

His lips were devouring her neck when she felt it, the balloon bubbling up inside her. Thrusts that burned across her clit were catapulting her forward, and when she heard him groaning, commanding her to come, there was no pause or hesitation, just the sparkling, shuddering climax rattling through her.

Clint could feel his heart thumping against his chest. He felt dizzy and drained, and pins and needles were dancing deliciously through his limbs. Collapsing next to her he tried to catch his breath; he wanted to hold her, to kiss her, to tell her she was adorable and sexy and incredible, but it was impossible. For a moment he thought was going to pass out, but slowly his breath returned, his heart began to calm, and the pins and needles were gone.

“Are you okay, Clint?”

Her voice was as sweet as maple syrup, and as softly warm as a summer breeze in the early evening. Opening his eyes he found she was staring down at him.

“I think so,” he murmured.

“You scared me, I thought you were having a heart attack,” she purred.

“I think I might have,” he replied, managing a slight smile. “You? Are you okay?”

“I am so much more than okay,” she sighed.

“Darlin’, could you pass me some water? Should be on the nightstand.”

Looking up she saw the bottle, and reaching across his body she retrieved it, twisting open the cap for him. After a couple of swallows he handed it back to her, then took a deep breath.

“Better?” she asked.

“Yep. Like I’ve said to you, twice I think, damn, woman,” he grinned.

“Seriously, are you okay?” she repeated.

“I am, I’m like you, so much better than okay.”

“Why did you, uh, kind of collapse like that?”

“Because, beautiful lady, it’s been over two years,” he breathed.

“Two years since you’ve…”

“Since I’ve made love to a gorgeous woman like you,” he admitted. “I guess I was starvin’.”

“But why?” she asked.

“That is a story for another day. Come on, come lay down and let me hold you.”

Placing the bottle back on the nightstand she curled up next to him.

I’m not going to wait for another day. I can’t. I’m going to find out one way or another what happened to you,
and sinking into his arms she closed her eyes to nap.


inner was not what he’d expected, and he’d found it a delightful change from the norm. Sliced chicken and diced vegetables had been sauteed in coconut milk, tumeric and ginger, and served over jasmine rice. It wasn’t just flavorful, it was spicy and completely different to his usual fare. Leaning back in his chair he beamed at her across the table.

“That was outta this world. You’re not just sexy as hell, you can cook. How are you still single?” he chuckled.

“Just lucky I guess,” she quipped.

“You are such a brat,” he laughed. “Thank you, darlin’, I loved it.”

“I’m so glad,” she grinned. “I wasn’t sure.”

“So you’re a risk taker in the kitchen as well,” he remarked.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you flip houses and jump horses,” he exclaimed, “and go sneakin’ around windows.”

“Okay, okay,” she blushed.

“Dessert?” he asked hopefully.

“Ooops. Honestly, I’m not really a dessert person so I didn’t make anything,” she cringed. “Am I bad?”

“Hell no,” he exclaimed, “though I might use it as an excuse to give you a little spankin’ later.”

“Just a little one?” she challenged.

“Careful,” he warned. “You don’t wanna be flickin’ a red flag at a bull.”

“You’re right,” she laughed.

“I have somethin’ in my freezer,” he said standing up. “Apple-blueberry crumble from Tom’s. It’ll take two minutes in the microwave.”

“That sounds good even to me,” she said, collecting the plates and clearing the table.

A few minutes later they were sharing the delicious dessert. He dolloped a scoop of vanilla ice cream over the top, then watched her as she scooped up spoonful after spoonful.

“For someone who doesn’t like desserts you’re doin’ well.”

“It’s just so good,” she sighed, “but I have to stop,” and dropping her spoon she stared across the table at him. “It’s official, I can’t move.”

“You and me both,” he groaned, taking the last of the ice-cream and crumble. “How about we take a walk.”

“A walk? It’s dark, and cold, and-”

“Exactly,” he interrupted. “We’ll take the golf cart down and check on the horses in the barn. The boys would have brought those that were clipped in for the night. It’ll help us digest this wonderful dinner.”

“You know, you’re right,” she yawned. “It’s either that or I pass out on the couch.”

“You got a warm jacket?”

“In my car,” she nodded.

“Then let’s go,” he said, and moving around the table he took her hand, pulling her to her feet. “We can do these dishes when we get back.”

“Oooh,” she groaned. “I think I did eat too much.”

“You’ll feel better after you get some fresh air and we cruise through the barn,” he promised.

Stepping outside she found it much colder than she’d expected, and hurriedly grabbed her coat from the back seat of her car, then a thought crossed her mind; popping the trunk she pulled out a thick cotton horse sheet.

“What’s that?” he asked as she climbed into the cart.

“It’s for Jiminy. It’s really cold and he’s outside. I don’t think he’s got much of a coat.”

“You’ve really grown attached to him,” he remarked as he headed down the driveway.

“I have. I miss my two mares a lot, but there’s something about him. We just click.”

“I know how that feels,” he said,
like you and me. We click. Just not sure what I should do about it.

As they pulled up to the barn the motion light flashed on and Jiminy, who had been standing at the far end of his corral, walked over to check out the visitors. Seeing Amelia he whinnied loudly.

“Someone’s happy to see you,” Clint chuckled.

“Will you help me put this on?” she asked as she climbed from the golf cart.

“Sure,” he grinned, touched by her concern for the big grey gelding.

Taking it from her hands he climbed through the fence, flapped it open, and after folding it in half he laid it over the horse’s withers, then unfolded it along his back.

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