The Cowboys Heart: 3 (5 page)

Read The Cowboys Heart: 3 Online

Authors: Helen Evans

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #20th Century, #Western, #Westerns

BOOK: The Cowboys Heart: 3
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“It’ll be okay. I’m sure he’ll show up.” Hudson gave me a
quick kiss then released me. “And I’m sure Jamie is having a good time.” He
nodded over his shoulder, and I looked in that direction. Jamie was in the
living room, surrounded by his friends, laughing.

He certainly looked happy, but I knew my son. He was faking
it well. It was a skill we’d both perfected during the divorce. I hated that my
son had to live like this, to pretend to be happy and carefree when I knew the
weight of the world was on his shoulders. He’d never say it, but he worried way
too much about his father. And me.

“Thank you,” I said to Hudson. Retrieving the knife and
spatula, we returned to the living room. “Who’s ready for cake?” I asked.

Jamie looked up and caught my eye. “Shouldn’t we wait for

My heart shattered in that moment. I glanced up at the
clock. It was nearing eight o’clock, and the party invitations had said the
party would end at eight. “I’m sure your friends are going to have to leave
soon, Jamie.” I kept my voice level, trying not to set him off or let him hear
the anger in my tone.

He gave a small nod. “Okay, yeah. I’m just going to call him
really quick.”

I wanted to tell him not to bother, but I knew that would
only cause an argument, so I simply nodded. “Go call him. I’ll get the candles
lit.” As I turned my back to the party and fumbled with the candles, I could
feel my parents’ gazes on me, could hear their whispers. I just wanted this
night to be over.

Several moments later, Jamie returned. His eyes were red as
if he’d been trying and failing not to cry. I gave him a hug. “I’m sure he has
a good reason,” I whispered to him.

He didn’t hug me back, but he didn’t push me away either. I
had a sudden fear that when this was over, Jamie would figure out a way to
blame me for his father missing the party. After singing Happy Birthday, I cut
into the cake, giving each guest a large slice. We fell into silence as we ate.
My ears were tuned to the road outside, hoping Phillip would show up. But he
didn’t. One by one, the guests left, including my parents, who had some not so
nice parting words about my ex. I tried to ignore them, but it was hard when I
agreed with them.

“Do you want me to go?” Hudson asked. “I can stay and help
clean up.”

“No,” I said quickly. “I mean, yeah, I’d like you to stay.”

With a curt nod, Hudson gathered the full trash bag and
carried it outside. As soon as the door closed behind him, Jamie cursed. “This
is the worst birthday ever!” he shouted then ran upstairs, slamming his bedroom

I hung my head, unable to stop the swell of emotions inside
of me. The only thing Jamie wanted for his birthday this year was for me and
his father to be present at his party, and his father let him down once again.
I swore, if Phillip came back here, I was going to kill him.


hank you,” I said to Hudson once we’d finished
cleaning everything up. Jamie still hadn’t come down from his room, and now he
was blaring his rock music, which he did every time he was angry and didn’t
want to be interrupted.

“He’ll be okay, just give him some time,” Hudson said,
pulling me into his arms.

I nodded and hugged him back. “I know. I’m just so angry. I
thought Phillip had changed, that he was generally interested in having a
relationship with his son. I should’ve known better. He’ll never change. He’s
too selfish.”

“Well, for what it’s worth, I thought the party was great.
And Jamie really did seem like he was having fun.”

I smiled. “Thanks for saying that.” I rose up on my tip toes
and kissed him deeply. “Are you staying here tonight?” I whispered.

He grinned against my lips. “I don’t know. Am I?”

I laughed. “Yes?”

Hudson chuckled. “I’m going to go check in with Richard real
quick and make sure things are running smoothly. But then I’ll come back.” He
winked, and my heart fluttered. I loved when he winked at me. In a silly sort
of way, it made me feel special, like I was the only woman in the world in his
eyes. It was a nice feeling.

“Okay, hurry back.” Once he left, I tidied up a bit more,
not quite ready to go to bed just yet. I wanted to wait for Hudson to get back

I hesitated near the end of the stairs, debating whether I
should go up and try to talk to Jamie. Although I had no idea what I’d say to
him. What was there to say? I didn’t have any answers, and I knew he would want
to know why Phillip wasn’t here. I grabbed my phone and checked it, praying
there was some answer, some explanation. But there were no texts and no
voicemails. Disgusted, I tossed my phone onto the counter. How could he do

I heard a car pull in the driveway and my heart lodged in my
throat. Phillip walked in a few moments later. He was stumbling and reeked of
alcohol. I narrowed my eyes, my anger instant and red hot.

“Where the hell have you been?” I demanded, crossing my arms
over my chest. I glared at him, waiting for his typical lame response.

He gave me a sloppy, lopsided smile and bumped into the
corner of the counter as he walked toward me. “I had to work some things out up
here,” he said, tapping the side of his head. “This,” he waved between me and
him, “is just weird. Got all up in my head, and I don’t like it.”

“You’re drunk!” I’d known that the second he walked in, but
it didn’t register until right now. “How dare you!” I poked his chest. “Tonight
was Jamie’s birthday party, and you missed it because you were out getting

Phillip paused as if he’d truly forgotten what tonight was.
His eyes widened, then he burped. I moved back, hating the sight of him like
that. He waved his hand dismissively. “Eh, I’ll make it up to him. Where is he
anyway?” He looked around, his eyes dull and glassy.

I moved toward the stairs, blocking Phillip’s path. “He’s
upstairs, and he’s very upset. I’m not going to allow you to go up there and
make things worse.”

That familiar angry spark flashed across his face, and I
wavered for a moment. Phillip had a horrible temper. He’d never hit me or Jamie
before, but I’d also never seen him this angry before. It gave me pause, and I
glanced around him toward the door. Where was Hudson? Hopefully he’d come back

“You keeping me from my son?” Phillip stepped toward me in a
threatening manner. “You can’t do that, Heather.”

“And you can’t keep hurting him like this, Phillip! You are
constantly getting his hopes up and then disappointing him. It stops now.” I
stomped my foot. “You need to leave.” I pointed at the door, my resolve firm.
But I knew right away that he wasn’t going to budge.

“What?” Jamie said as he came down the stairs. “You’re
kicking dad out?”

I turned sharply. “Go back upstairs, Jamie.” Then I returned
my attention to Phillip, daring him to ignore me and my request. Actually, it
was more of a demand, but still. This was my house and he would not disrespect
me here.

“No.” Jamie shook his head. “Dad, what happened? Are you all
right? Why’d you miss my party?”

Phillip grinned and leaned against the wall. I knew he was
only doing so because he was having a hard time standing upright on his own. He
disgusted me more now than he had the night I found out he was having an
affair. Betraying me was one thing. Hurting our son was something else
entirely, and I wouldn’t tolerate it.

“I had to figure some things out, kiddo,” Phillip said, his
words slurring more and more. “And I think I know what to give you for your

My stomach twisted. “Jamie, go back upstairs right now,” I
said, and to my surprise, he listened. My tone was harsher toward him than ever
before. He knew I wasn’t playing around, and I think seeing his father like
this was a slap in Jamie’s face, made him realize that Dad wasn’t the hero
Jamie always thought he was.

“I don’t what you think you’re pulling here, Phillip, but
it’s time you leave. Get out of my house.”

“No can do, babe.” He shoved off the wall and moved even
closer to me. “See, I know what Jamie wants, and I know that you’ll do anything
to make him happy.” Phillip’s breath was hot on my face. It also stunk of
alcohol and cigarette smoke. I coughed in an attempt not to gag.

“Yes, you’re right. I will do anything to make Jamie happy,
even if that means keeping you as far away from him as possible.”

Phillip’s grin widened. “But we both know that ain’t what he

I didn’t realize it until my back hit the banister that
Phillip had been slowly backing me up, trapping me so I couldn’t get away from
him. Panic seized me, and my gaze darted around, praying Hudson would come
walking in right then. Unfortunately, he didn’t. How was I going to get out of
this? I’d never been truly afraid of Phillip until right now.

“And what is it you think he wants?” I snapped.

“You and me to be together. For the three of us to be a

I sucked in a sharp breath and held it. He couldn’t be
serious. I’d tried so hard to avoid having this conversation with him because I
was pretty sure I didn’t want to get back together with Phillip. Yes, I wanted
Jamie to be happy, but not at the cost of me being completely unhappy.

“You’re drunk, Phillip. Go to a hotel and sleep it off. We
can talk about this tomorrow.” I said it in the hopes he’d leave and allow me
some time to think, but he made no effort to move. “Phillip,” I warned, shoving
against his chest.

“I may have had a few drinks, but my mind’s never been
clearer. This, you and me, it’s right, Heather and you know it. We’ve both been
miserable since the divorce.”

I couldn’t contain my shock. Phillip had been miserable too?
He never acted like he was, and I realized I was taking too much pleasure in
that knowledge.

“C’mon. Let’s go upstairs and remember what it’s like to be
a husband and wife,” he muttered, his face getting progressively closer to

I was frozen with fear and shock. Had he really just asked
me to have sex with him? My heart raced, and I couldn’t breathe. “Phillip,

He cut me off by pressing his mouth to mine, his tongue
forcing its way past my lips and into my mouth. For the briefest second, I
welcomed the familiarity of his kiss. Then the taste of alcohol seeped into my
conscious, and I pulled away. Unfortunately, he had me trapped in such a way; I
couldn’t really get away from his kiss. I shoved against his chest and turned
my head, which he took as an invitation to kiss my neck. I whimpered and
squeezed my eyes shut.

“Phillip, no, please, stop.” I was on the verge of tears,
ready to call out for Jamie if need be, even though that was an absolute last

In a flash, Phillip was away from me, and I expelled a heavy
breath. “Get the hell away from her,” Hudson shouted and shoved Phillip toward
the door.

I stared in disbelief as Hudson and Phillip shouted at each
other. Hudson was trying to get Phillip to leave and Phillip was fighting back.
“She’s my wife, damn it. This is none of your business, cowboy. It’s you who
needs to leave!”

“Phillip, just go!” I said, my voice faltering. I
continually glanced back at the stairs, waiting for Jamie to come out of his
room to see what all the commotion was about, and I didn’t want him to see
this. He already hated Hudson as it was. Seeing Hudson ready to fight his
father would not help the situation at all. “Please,” I pleaded with him.

Hudson wasn’t budging. He stood firmly between me and
Phillips, arms crossed, body rigid. I was thankful he was here, saved me when
he did, but I needed both of them to just calm down. I was sure they both
forget Jamie was still in the house.

Finally, after a few tense moments, Phillip spit on the
floor and then turned and walked outside. I hugged myself and noticed I was
shaking. Hudson turned to me. “Are you okay?”

I collapsed into his arms and clung to him until I stopped
shaking, which felt like forever. And he simply stood there, holding me, not
asking any questions or making any accusations. He very well could’ve misread
the situation between me and Phillip and jumped to the conclusion that I was
allowing Phillip’s advances.

“I don’t know what happened… He’s never done anything like
that before,” I said.

Hudson tightened his hold on me. “He’s drunk. People do
stupid things when they drink.”

I looked up at him in amazement. Even after everything
Phillip had done, everything I’d put Hudson through, he was still willing to
give Phillip the benefit of the doubt. “Yeah, but he’s been drunk before and
never done this.” And the more I thought about it, the angrier I got. “He seriously
thought I was going to go upstairs with him; that we’d just forget all about
everything that happened and get back together.” I laughed with disbelief.

Hudson held me out at arm’s length and bent his knees so he
could look into my eyes. “And you told him no?” There was so much hope and
expectation in his gaze.

“Yes,” I whispered.

Hudson crushed my mouth with a hard kiss, completely
stealing my breath and my ability to think. I snaked my hands around his neck
and played with his hair, which caused him to deepen the kiss. This is how it
was supposed to be. This is how I wanted to feel all the time. I wanted a man
that could make my toes curl and be my knight in shining armor. Hudson was that
man, and even though I’d known that all along, it took that encounter with
Phillip to really drive the revelation home.

“I love you,” I said into his mouth.

He groaned and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his
waist, and we kissed again. Longer and hotter. “I love you so much, Heather. I
really don’t know what I’d do without you.”

I tilted my head back and allowed him to kiss my neck and
nibble on my ear lobe. “Take me upstairs, Hudson.” I took his face into my
hands and made him look at me. “Spend the night making love to me.”

He smiled. “You don’t have to ask me twice.”

I laughed, feeling more carefree than I had all week. I was
exactly where I belonged – in Hudson’s arms. He headed toward the stairs, me
still in his arms. “Wait,” I said. He stopped and set me on my feet. “I should
go check on Jamie first. He saw his father come in here drunk.”

“Yeah, of course. You go talk to him. I’ll lock up down
here.” Hudson kissed my cheek and patted my butt as I headed up to Jamie’s
room. I couldn’t stop from smiling, but knew I couldn’t walk into my son’s room
and be happy about what just happened.

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