The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town (97 page)

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Authors: Riley Moreno

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Medieval, #Holidays, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Sports, #Western, #Historical Romance, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Westerns

BOOK: The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town
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Chapter 3


              “Are you kidding me?  You got Harold Washington to agree to coming to the charity event tonight?”  Sandra Sims screamed in the ear of her brother.  He had just called her to tell her the most important man in the area was coming to her event!

She was so happy the rest of the day flew by.  She was hoping that this meant the charity would get a huge boost by his name being attached to the event.  Though it was a little late to use it as much of a draw, if she had known this just a week ago she would have run with it.  Other businesses would have pledged money just because of it.

As far as she was concerned though these rich assholes like Harold Washington were just that, assholes and nothing more than that!  If she didn’t have to make money for this charity she would be much happier.  But the fact was she believed they needed more money for cancer research.

              “There should be a cure by now.”  She would often tell people who would listen.  Sandra had lost a good friend to cancer when she was in college.  It had been rough watching her family suffer so much.  But it was even worse watching her friend go downhill. 

              “Hey I want you to meet someone Sandra.”  Jack came up behind her at the event. 

              “Hey Jack thanks for coming.”  Sandra had said to her brother giving him a hug.  She hadn’t really cared about meeting Harold but she knew it meant something to her brother. 

              “Hello, Mr. Washington thank you so much for coming tonight.”  She had held out her hand to him.  Sandra spotted the look in his face right away.   He thinks he’s better than me?  “What an asshole.”  She had wanted to say when she walked away from them. 

Sandra instead kept her mouth shut and simply avoided running into Harold Washington the rest of the night.  If she did she might tell him exactly what she thought about rich people like him.  But if she did that and the charity found out she would lose her job.  She needed this job; unlike “him” I don’t have a ton of money in the bank.

But she really hoped she would never run into him again.  Outside of her if she saw him she might really let him have both barrels.  She was all class her at the event.  However, outside she was not to be trifled with at all.

The night was going by safely and she had actually thought she made it through without running into him again.  Unfortunately for both him and her career they ran into each other again.

She had been walking out of the bathroom and adjusting her dress when she accidentally ran into someone.  Looking up she noticed it was him.  “I’m sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.”  She apologized.

              “Oh is that how you girls do it now?  You act all shy and cautious.  I can see how my father fell for it with her.  That is if she did this little act.  But let me tell you missy I’m onto your game.”  He said to her, leaning in closer to whisper the last part.

              “How dare you even!”  She said loudly.  “You may think that you are everything every woman wants but you couldn’t pay me enough to even go out to eat with you.  Let alone do anything else.  Your money is nothing to me.  You are nothing to me.”  She had shouted and walked away from him.

Sandra held her head up high until she was out of his eye shot.  She had heard the silence go across the room.  She knew everyone had heard her tell him everything.  Sandra also knew that tomorrow morning, if it even took them that long, she would be fired.

She walked out the door immediately.  Deciding there was no reason to stay any longer.  Hell for all she knew he would call the cops and have her arrested for even speaking to him like that.

Chapter 4


Harold had been taken aback by her words.  She had silenced him with the rant about how his money didn’t mean anything.  All he could see was her telling him off.  She reminded him so much of Emily he had to do a double take at her.

She had given him that disgusted look much like Emily had the first time he’d seen her.  But Sandra was so much different from Emily.  In so many ways she was her opposite.  Not only was she a dark black color, compared to Emily’s almost translucent skin.  But there was so much more that was different.

He thought of Sandra for a second letting his mind construct the perfect replica of her.  The dark brown skin, curly black hair, and those green eyes, none of it made sense to him. 

Emily had brown hair that was short, brown eyes and her hair had been perfectly straight even when she grew it longer.  The personalities though, they had to be twins in that category.  He could almost see the same sassiness that had made him fall in love with Emily in Sandra.

              “Your such a lonely old man.”  Harold told himself.  But he knew at that moment he was going to be obsessed with learning everything he could about her.

What better place to go then to her brother?  Harold made a note to call him first thing in the morning. 

Sandra had been the first girl since Emily who had put him in his place.  Her coal dark skin wouldn’t turn him off.  In fact it highly alluring about her, her eyes didn’t do anything to distract him either.  They were a piercing green color.  He could imagine they would be able to see deep into his soul.

Getting home he was unable to sleep because her imagine kept popping up in his head.  He turned on his pc.  He would start looking up everything he could about her.  This was one of the best things about the advances in technology.  They made his research more of a private affair. 

Sure he would hire people to look her up too, maybe even follow her.  He wasn’t sure yet.  Really it would depend on what he found out about her online.

Waiting for his PC to boot up he opened a bag of potato chips and ate a few.  He opened Google and put her name down on the search bar.  “Come and let me capture you.”  He whispered out loud as the results began to show up. 

He found what must be her personal web page and clicked on the link.  As the page pulled up he was welcomed by the sight of her piercing eyes.  Her picture was one that focused on those green eyes that seemed to intoxicate him when he saw them.  The pull wasn’t as much her as it was earlier in the night when they had been face to face in the hall way.

Harold laughed at her expression once more.  “Oh boy Harold she was mad at you.” 

              “I can’t believe I’ve found another woman like Emily.”  Harold smiled.  He knew he needed her in his life.  He focused to read about her on the page he had pulled up. 

              “Sandra Sims, is a graduate of Harvard University, 36 years old she lives in the San Diego area.”  Harold read out loud.  He would take breaks and look at the picture of her face.

His mind was having a hard time accepting that he had found a woman like her.  All these years of suffering and he had finally found another Emily! 

He read up as much as he could on the page, then went back to pull up more about her on Google. 

              “What’s this it’s new news?”  He said looking at the headline.  “Sandra Sims Fired.”  Harold pulled up the news article.  It was short since it had only been 2 hours since the event ended. 

              “Sandra Sims is Fired by the American Cancer Association for conduct that is considered “misbecoming of a representative” of our company.”  Daniel Jacobs, CEO, American Cancer Association.”

Harold read the short article a loud.  “Wow I got her fired?”  Harold was slightly impressed that something he hadn’t said a word about had that much power.

              “Imagine what would have happened had I called Daniel?”  He said a loud.  Him and Daniel were golfing buddies for years now.  Harold knew that if he had called Daniel and complained this girl would be ruined in the business.

But the truth was he didn’t want to ruin her name.  In fact he wanted to help her out.  He wanted to win her over.  He would love to have her in his bed.  In his life, as a replacement for Emily, so he could be happy once again.

He thought of how he could win her over.  He went over every website he could read about her.  Trying to find some clue as to how he could get her to be his. 

              “Oh maybe her brother will have a clue.”  He shut off the computer to get ready for bed.  He couldn’t spend all night obsessing over Sandra Sims.  No it wouldn’t do him any good to sit here; he had to get her in his sites.

Harold fell asleep a little bit of a plan running through his head.  He’d put it into place in the morning when he got up.

Chapter 6

The first image he had in the morning when he woke up was her eyes.  Sandra Sims, she was the woman.  The one who was just like Emily, but modernized, he thought and laughed.

He pulled up her image on the computer so it wasn’t just a vision in his head.  There she was still the same as he remembered.  She was 5’ 7” tall, only an inch smaller than him.  With her dark coal colored skin and amazing green eyes she was something he would never tire of looking at.

Harold looked at his watch.  He had about an hour to waste before he could reach Jack Sims at his office.

              “That’s the perfect amount of time for a quick breakfast, and maybe even a little run on the treadmill!”  Harold said.

He loved to get on the treadmill on the morning and run.  It would often clear his mind and make for a better day.  That was another thing he admitted attracted him to Sandra. 

Emily had been an athlete much like Harold and was always a small woman.  Harold had to wonder if her weight was ever much over 100 pounds.  Sandra on the other had a lot of meat on her.  Harold chuckled as he thought of her rotund frame and how it would be to make love to her.

He could pull her hard against him and not hurt her.  Harold had often wanted to do that to Emily.  But when he did it she would always hurt.  Not that it would ever stop him while they were having sex.  He became a person who was even more selfish in the bedroom.

If he wanted to get his rocks off by having rough sex, Emily would just have to suffer.  With Sandra’s bigger body that would never be a problem.  Harold felt himself harden at the thought of ramming her from behind.

Looking down he saw that it was a bigger problem than just a little stirring.   “Well I’m going to have to take care of that before I do anything else.” 

Harold went back up the stairs to his room.  He had thought about grabbing the maid and pulling her in with him.  But she wasn’t Sandra; he wanted to think about her while he did this.  With someone else involved they might make noises.  That would make it hard for him to think of her as he was stroking himself.

He could imagine it was her mouth or even her vagina, if he used enough oil.  Harold slowly stroked himself and thought of her opening her mouth and swallowing his 9 inches completely.  Emily had a tough time ever fitting his full length into her mouth.  He had always wondered what it would feel like.  Would it be like a pussy but where her mouth was?  He honestly didn’t know, but he wanted to think about it now.

Since he had never felt it he moved onto imagining he was stuffing his cock into her and fucking her hard.  Harold could feel himself get closer to an orgasm.  With one last final thought of her screaming out his name he unloaded his sperm on his arm and leg.

              “Oh shit.”  Harold said as he came back to Earth.  He really needed to eat and call Jack.  The quicker he could think of a way to get her, the better off her would be.

Getting cleaned up he went and ate a quick breakfast then went to his study.  Picking up the phone he called Jack.

              “Hello this is Mr. Sims office how may I help you?”  Harold heard the little blonde receptionist answer the phone.

              “This is Harold Washington I need to speak with Mr. Sims right now.”  Harold ordered.

              “Yes Mr. Washington hang on one second.”  He heard the phone being put on hold and waited.

              “Hello Mr. Washington, first off please let me apologize for my sister last night.”  He heard Jack saying.

              “That’s not what I’m calling about.”  Harold began.  “Well not really, it’s hard to explain.  But I wanted to meet your sister again, can you set that up?”  Harold asked.

              “I don’t know Mr. Washington.  See my sister is a bit hard-headed she may not be willing to see you.”  Jack told him.

              “Please can you see if you can set that up?  Tell her I’m not looking for an apology that will help a lot.”  Harold offered.

              “Okay I’ll try and let you know.”  Jack hung up.

Harold felt better now that he had told Jack that little tidbit.  He had remembered it was one of the first things Emily had told him.  “Don’t be asking me for an apology.  I won’t give it to you.”  She had stared him down the next time they had met.

He had found out her schedule of classes and had made sure he was in front of one of them.  Waiting for her to show up he had wondered what to say.  He didn’t know how he would make her agree to go out with him.  But he had done it all on the fly, had said the first things that came to his mind.  Somehow it had worked, she had said yes.

Later on she had told him it was because he wouldn’t shut up and she wanted to get to class.  He laughed at the memory of that time.

Now he could only hope that Jack would call back with good news.  Hopefully, that comment about not wanting an apology would be enough.  Harold tried to focus on the other things he needed done for the day.  But no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t.

He kept feeling the telltale signs of a hard-on.  Masturbating earlier had done nothing to quell the horniness.  No in fact he swore it might be worse now than it had been before.

Going to find the maid he had enough.  He didn’t care if she wasn’t Sandra.  He needed somewhere besides his hand for relief.  Calling out for her, he watched as she walked down the hall.  She wasn’t bad looking, she would do for now.

              “Come here for a minute Sara.”  He had smiled at her.

He knew if he offered her a little extra money she would gladly go along with anything.  “I need a favor from you; I’ll pay you for it.” 

              “What is it Mr. Washington.”  She asked.

              “I need you to lift up your skirt and pull down your panties.”  Harold saw her hesitation he knew it would cost him something.  “how much do you want?”  He asked her.

              “I’ll do it for $1,000 dollars.”  She said.

He pulled out his wallet and pulled out a wad of $100 dollar bills and put them on the dresser.  “You can have the whole bunch if you let me cum in you.” 

She grabbed the money and counted it.  Harold had no idea how much money was there.  It didn’t matter to him; he wanted some sort of normal relations right now.

              “Okay, I’ll do it.”  She said as she pulled down her panties and bent over facing away from him with her skirt in the air.

Harold looked at her snatch.  She had a load of hair down their he could barely see her slit through it.  But there it was.  He was hard already, he had been thinking of Sandra.

He pushed into her quickly.  He was big so he knew she would yelp.  It didn’t matter to him.  He just wanted to get his rocks off.  Harold grabbed onto her hair and pulled back as he thrust into her.

As she screamed he got harder and harder.  It didn’t take him but a minute before he was releasing his load inside of her.  He kept pumping in and out for a few minutes as the rest of his sperm dripped out.  Harold felt like he might be able to cum again, so he pushed into her hard and fast again.  But after a few pushes he felt his dick deflating.

Harold was angry instead of satisfying him this seemed to leave him even worse off.               “Take your money and go.”  He ordered.

She slunk off after picking up the money and her panties off the floor.  He was disgusted with himself.  “That had been worthless.”  He muttered.

He looked at his watch and wondered how much longer it would take Jack to get back to him.



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