The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town (50 page)

Read The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town Online

Authors: Riley Moreno

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Medieval, #Holidays, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Sports, #Western, #Historical Romance, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Westerns

BOOK: The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town
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Chapter 10


Sebastian had seen Beatrice watching them; he hadn’t said anything to Finn though.  But it had excited him; he had seen the look on her face, intently watching the action.

Though he had been interested in her before, this really made him want her more.  That look in her eyes had been like an animal.  He knew she would be great to have sex with. 

Sebastian thought about maybe telling Finn the next day.  But for now, he simply wanted to switch forms and run a bit in the woods.  After a few hours of this he would be perfect, he could go home and sleep.

The whole while he was trouncing through the patch of land that was behind his property, he thought of Beatrice.  That look she had when she had been watching, it was mesmerizing.  Sebastian decided right then and there screw the rules he wanted to have her.

Tomorrow he would talk to Finn, tell him what he had seen.  Sebastian was sure he would be able to convince his friend; after all he knew that Finn secretly wanted the big woman too!

As he thought about his friend he grew sad though.  For him it was easy to go to his other form.  Finn had to be more careful, he had to time his flights just right, or he might get caught.  Sebastian often wondered how he did it though.  Maybe Finn knew someone who helped protect his secret, he hoped so.  Not being able to switch at least once in a while could really be bad for one’s soul.

Sebastian went back to his run; it was always so nice, he was happy he had found this location.  The woods behind his house were the perfect spot for some serious bear fun!


Chapter 11

Finn walked in his door, he was dead tired after the day.  Not only had they been busy as ever at the park, but the girl had come to the stable.  She was a nice young one, he felt a bit bad for having screwed her so well.  After all she would most likely never find another man who was built like him, and fucked like a dragon!

He really wanted to shift into his dragon form.  So he called his friend and asked if all was clear.  He was told to wait about twenty minutes and it would be all go.

Finn took off his clothes and hoped in the shower.  The water refreshed him enough, and when he got out the twenty minutes was gone.  He looked at his phone and saw the message that it was a green light.

He walked to his back yard, and changed into his dragon form.  Stretching his wings, he flew up into the sky, feeling the cool night air against his skin.  He felt perfect; this was what life was all about. 

Good friends, good sex, and a night flight in his original form.  Life really was good right now.  But still there was something he could tell Sebastian hadn’t told him before they left.

Finn hadn’t said anything, but he could tell Sebastian had wanted to say something when they were leaving.  Or maybe he was just imagining it; after all he had just screwed that girls brains out, and possibly some of his own along the way.

He smiled in flight that had been nice.  She had been tight, not virgin tight, but perhaps only fucked two times in her life.  Finn had been her third possibly, he liked that, but he also felt a bit sad for her.  Again he knew he could ruin a woman’s perception of her future lovers.

Finn stayed out for a while, enjoying the night air, and the feeling of flight.  It was majestic really.  It was at times like these he almost wished that he could at least visit his family and say hi.  But then they wouldn’t understand his life today either, just like they hadn’t back then.

Chapter 12

Beatrice got up the next morning her body still thinking about the men, Finn and Sebastian.   How she would have loved to switch places with Susan.  Hell, how she would love to just have them right now, both of them.  She’d be willing to try her hardest to make sure they never forgot her. 

A flush spread across her skin as she felt the desire that she felt for them both.  Could she actually make it known to them that she wanted them?  She wasn’t as forward spoken as many people would think she would be.  Sure she could flaunt a bit of her body for tips, but being naked in front of those two men? 

She shook her head, looking through her dresses, trying to pick one of the sexiest.  If she couldn’t say what she wanted to Finn and Sebastian maybe she would at least be able to show it!

Finally settling on one of the sexiest dresses she thought she had, she pulled it from the closet.  The dark rich mahogany and white of the dress looked fabulous against her dark skin.  The white lace was exquisite and it helped to push up her ample breasts nicely.  This dress would have been the perfect on to wear yesterday had she known just how busy it was going to be.  She would have racked in double the tips, not that the haul she had taken was anything to shake her head at; it had been very nice indeed.

Looking in the mirror she situated her body inside of the dress.  If she left her breasts like this her nipple was about half an inch from slipping out.  She could adjust it before work, to lower it a bit more, but when she saw Finn and Sebastian she wanted them to get the idea that they were something she had set her sights on.  Again without words being needed, or so she hoped!

Chapter 13


Sebastian couldn’t hold back the information from last night as soon as he saw Finn he had to tell him.

              “Guess who was watching us last night?”  He smiled.

Finn looked at him, trying to figure out first what time of last night he was talking about, then who he was talking about.  Finally, it clicked.  “Beatrice?  Really when did you see her, and why didn’t you tell me?”

              “Well I only saw her right at near the end, before that I hadn’t seen her, not sure how long she was there honestly.  But from the look on her face it had been for some amount of time!”  Sebastian chuckled, and felt the flush of arousal go through his body.

              “I’m not sure, really, it would be so hard if something happened and she kept bugging us.  We’ve worked with her for three years, are you ready to possibly leave this job because of her?”  Finn asked.

              “Honestly, I’d be interested in keeping her around for more than one time.  She’s a great lady, and she has so much sex appeal.  I couldn’t get her out of my mind last night.  The whole time I was in the woods, it was all I could see, her eyes watching us.  She looked like an animal in heat!”

              “I just can’t be sure if this is a good idea.”  Finn stated.

              “What happened in the past with you and someone you worked with that turned you off on it so much?”  Sebastian asked, curious.

              “Honestly I’ve never done it; I just figured it wasn’t smart.”

              “Well then let’s try it.  Why not, I think she knows we are all adults.  If something more develops, then so be it, if not, it will still be fun!”  Sebastian smiled.

              “Alright, but let’s see if she says anything about it first!”  Finn stated.

They went back to work; sure that Beatrice would be by soon, she was every morning.

Chapter 14


Beatrice tried to work up her resolve as she got closer to the stables.  Really she hoped the stable boys weren’t there yet either, but most days they showed up right before the start of the day, they still had about an hour and a half, until the fair opened.

As she walked her nerves were on edge, and she would picture Finn and Sebastian in the buff, her body reacted.  She could feel her pussy get wet, and she almost swore she could smell it.

She laughed, what better way to show them I am interested!  Walk in there all sopping wet, and her breasts almost hanging out they should know exactly what she wanted.

Beatrice took a deep breath and walked into the stables, she heard movement and male voices.  Getting closer she saw them both, her pussy felt like it was on fire, she wanted their attention so badly.

              “Hey, uh, how are you two today?”  She stumbled out of her mouth.

Fuck, she shook her head.  Just how smooth could you not be?

The men looked at her, saw her breasts almost popping out, and since they both had heightened smelling, they could smell her juices.

Sebastian couldn’t hold back, he didn’t care if she said anything, he could tell by her scent, she was ready.  He leaped the distance between them in a second.  He moved her dress down to reveal one of her breasts, the brown nipple and milky skin looked simply delicious.

Beatrice looked at him, her face and eyes saying yes please just take me.  He needed no more encouragement.  His mouth covered hers as he played with one of her nipples.  Their tongues wrestled, and fought to gain control. 

Finn came up behind her and lifted her dress, playing with her wetness through her panties.  He moved them aside with his finger and slipped inside of her wet pussy.  Pulling his finger out he tasted the juices, and murmured.  “Oh that’s nice.” 

He wanted to taste her fully with his tongue, so he told her to come over by one of the hay bales.  Placing a blanket on them, he helped lift her dress off.

They all knew there wasn’t a lot of time, that right now they could only play for a bit.  But Finn still lowered his mouth to her snatch and flicked out his tongue, he had formed it as his dragon tongue.  He could snake around her clit nicely, and lick her slit at the same time.  Beatrice moaned in pleasure as her pussy delighted in his touches.

Sebastian had moved his mouth down to taste her breasts and was licking and kissing them.  He loved her smooth skin, wanted to taste her juices.  But that might have to wait until later, since Finn had beaten him to her pussy.

He removed his rock hard dick and placed it in front of her mouth.  She looked up shock on her face, he looked a lot bigger this close up.  Stretching her lips over his head, she lowered his mouth to take as much of his cock as she could.

Finn was licking her pussy with his long forked tongue, she screamed as an orgasm hit her body full force.  Beatrice lifted her hips up as she came, and Finn lapped up the juices that poured out of her hole.  The juices were the sweetest nectar he’d ever tasted, he wanted more, but also wanted to have her mouth wrapped around his member.

Sebastian gladly gave up his position in her mouth and moved to enter her wet pussy.  He slipped in nicely and enjoyed the tightness of the big woman’s cunt.  It was so tight around him that he almost shot his load immediately.

But he held back, he had wanted Beatrice for almost three years now, he didn’t want this to end that quickly. 

Beatrice moaned around Finn’s cock in her mouth as Sebastian fucked her snatch.  Her body quickly shot past the edge and she was having another climax.

The men looked at each other and down at Beatrice, she truly was beautiful.  They didn’t want this to end, but knew that soon the stable boys would walk in, so they needed to hurry.

Finn pushed into Beatrice deeply, and released his juice into her, he really hadn’t wanted to cum yet.  But he looked down at her and said.  “Later I’m going to want to do this again.  So don’t you go running off home after work, you be sure to come here.  We’ll either go to Sebastian’s house or mine.  But I can tell you right now be ready for some double penetration.  Not like right now, but with one of us in your ass, and the other in your pussy.”  He smiled widely at the shocked look on her face.

Sebastian, was ready to fill up her pussy too, he wanted to feel her moistness for far too long to drop a load in her mouth.  So he quickly moved to between her legs, flipping her over so she was now on her knees and hands.  He licked his lips in anticipation, even though Finn had just jizzed in her he knew this would be great.  As he pushed in, he wasn’t disappointed; Beatrice was wrapped tightly around his wide and long cock. 

Beatrice looked forward enjoying the feeling of the dark man as he entered her from behind.  Both of these men were large, and they both knew exactly how to move their bodies to hit the perfect spots inside of her. 

In a few seconds Beatrice jumped over the edge once again and had another climax.  She screamed so loud that Finn kissed her to stop the scream, and she entwined her tongue with his.

Beatrice was in heaven and the fact that Finn had already told her there was a later, was driving her passion higher.  As she felt Sebastian slamming into her from behind, she moaned against Finn’s tongue as yet another orgasm rocked her body.

Sebastian could hold back no more.  The tightness of Beatrice’s snatch was overwhelming him, and watching her and Finn kiss was what pushed him over the edge.  He moaned loudly as the spray of sperm permeated every crease of her inner body.  Spent he pulled out and watched the sperm drip to the ground.

              “Oh my goodness Beatrice, that’s as good as I could have ever imagined, if not more so.”  Sebastian commented.   “But like Finn said I’m not done with you, tonight I hope you’re going to be ready for round two, because I am!” 

Beatrice blushed; she had never imagined that these two men would want her more than once, though she had hoped.  “I’ll be ready any time you two are, I’m a big woman and I can take a lot of pounding!”

They all laughed at her comment.  Then Finn turned to her and said, “We might see just how much you can take!”

Sebastian kissed her deeply as Finn helped her get cleaned up some more.  “Beatrice, I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to possess you, now that I have just so you know, I’m not easily distracted.”

She looked up at him, not fully sure of what he meant.  But she saw the deep burning lust in his eyes, and knew that this would not be something that would end after tonight.  She smiled, finally fulfilled and happy, but still itching for later that night, when she would have them both again!


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