The Courtship of Dani (8 page)

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Authors: Ginna Gray

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: The Courtship of Dani
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Chapter 5

She trembled within his embrace and Jason's arms tightened around her. "He's gone now, Dani," he said softly against the top of her head.

Dani made no response—merely clung to him, her face buried against his chest. After a moment, staring blindly out the window at the lights dotting the factory yard, Jason began to rock her gently back and forth.

The welter of emotions that swirled within Jason made his chest so tight it hurt. Rage and fear were all mixed up with a fierce need to protect and comfort, to cherish and love. Damn Lewis! How dare he put his hands on her. I should have smashed his handsome face in for what he tried to do, he thought in a fresh burst of fury, unconsciously tightening his hold even more.

Jason lowered his head and rubbed his jaw against the silky hair at Dani's temple as his big hand stroked soothingly over her back. She felt so soft in his arms, so delicately made, so warm. So right.

At last Dani stirred and Jason grew still. When she made no effort to pull away, he forced his hand between them and tipped her head up. She met his inquiring gaze hesitantly, traces of fear and something else he couldn't quite define lingering in her eyes. "Okay now?" he asked in a gravelly whisper.

Dani bit her lower lip and nodded then looked down quickly. "I.. .I'm sorry. I'm fine, really. He didn't hurt me."

The quiet stretched out like a tightly strung wire. Jason studied Dani's face, marveling at the delicate translucent quality of her eyelids, the long silkiness of the lashes fanned out on her cheeks. She looked so fragile, so lovely. And dear God, it felt wonderful to hold her in his arms.

Slowly Dani opened her eyes again, and their gazes met and locked. Jason's thumb stroked back and forth along her jaw, then ever so slightly feathered over her lips, and he felt the air rush by as she sucked in her breath. Her pupils widened until her irises were only a thin circle of blue.

Something vibrated in the air between them. Something exciting. Mesmerizing. Irresistible. They stared at one another in the quivering silence, hearts thudding with painful, sweet awareness, constricted lungs laboring for each wisp of breath. Then slowly, inexorably, Jason's head lowered and Dani's tilted up. Lids drifted shut. Lips parted and met.

It was exquisitely beautiful, soft and warm, a tender melding that sent a flood tide of emotion shuddering through them. Jason held her tenderly, the muscles in his arms quivering under the fierce restraint. Slowly, ever so slowly, their lips locked together, savoring the moment, drawing it out. But soon it was simply not enough. The smoldering passion kindled, caught, then burst into flame.

With a groan Jason deepened the kiss, taking it into shattering intimacy with stunning swiftness. There was no holding back. His arms tightened around her like steel bands. One large hand roamed her back and hips, stroking, kneading her flesh through the fragile batiste blouse. The other hand tunneled into her hair and cupped the back of her head, pulling her against his mouth, the callused skin snagging the silky strands as they slid through his fingers.

Dani responded with a low moan of her own and clamped her arms around his waist, pressing closer. She melted against him, her soft curves flowing against his taut frame. The kiss grew reckless. Dani clung to him in feverish desperation, her hands clutching at his back while her tongue matched his, stroke for stroke, touch for touch.

Jason slid his hand up her rib cage, halting just beneath her arm, the heel of his palm against the side of her breast. Slowly, pressing slightly inward, he moved his hand in tiny circles, massaging the soft, yielding flesh with a sensuous rhythm. Dani's shiver of ecstasy produced an answering one in Jason.

Unable to stand the torment any longer, Jason abandoned the sensual caress and clutched her to him tightly, making a rough, hungry sound deep in his throat. Tracing with his thumb the shallow trench that marked her spine, Jason's hand drifted slowly downward, coming to rest finally at its base. His fingers flexed on the enticingly rounded flesh. Once. Twice. Then he pressed her against his gently undulating hips.

Desire shot through both of them, hot and insistent, making their hearts pound, their pulses throb.

They were gasping for breath when Jason tore his mouth from hers and pressed his face into the side of her neck. The sweet scent of her perfume filled his nostrils, and he inhaled deeply as his lips nibbled her tender flesh.

I can take her now,
he thought, as he felt the heat and the need in her.
In a few minutes I could have her naked in my arms on that sofa, willing and wanting.

But even as the words formed in his mind, even as his gaze lit on the cream leather couch, he knew that he wouldn't. That he couldn't.
Dammit, St. Clair! What the hell's the matter with you? You caught her at a vulnerable moment, you insensitive clod. She's just had the hell scared out of her, and she's reacting in a perfectly normal way—by seeking comfort. Sure, you can take her, but if you do you won't be any better than that piece of scum, Lewis.

Gritting his teeth against the throbbing ache in his loins, Jason sighed inwardly and grasped Dani's shoulders. Tenderness and regret mingled in his expression as he eased her away and smiled down into her flushed face. Slowly Dani's heavy lids lifted, and the glazed look of passion in her blue eyes took his breath away...and came very near to undermining his good intentions.

Forcing a chuckle, Jason lifted his hand and stroked her cheek with the back of his knuckles. "I think we'd better get you home before I get carried away," he said in a voice that was even huskier than usual.

It took a minute for his words to register and when they did Dani blinked as confusion slowly replaced passion. What was wrong? Why had he stopped?

"Home?" she repeated blankly. "I, uh...that is..." She stepped back and raked her fingers through her hair, pushing it away from her face. "That won't be necessary. I'm okay. Besides, I have my car."

"I'll have someone bring it to you tomorrow." Jason grasped her elbow and turned her toward the door. "You shouldn't be driving home alone this late at night. Especially not after the fright you've had."

"No, really. I'm fine."

"I'm glad to hear it. But humor me anyway."

Before Dani knew what hit her, he had hustled her down the hall and into the elevator.

The drive to Dani's apartment was strained. A few times Jason tried to make conversation, but once she had given him the directions Dani lapsed into silence, and after a while he gave up. Huddled in her seat, she stared out the side window in an agony of embarrassment.

She felt like such a fool. He had merely tried to comfort her. Even that kiss, at first, had just been a friendly gesture, meant to calm her nerves. Then, like a love-starved idiot, she had taken fire in his arms. What normal, red-blooded male wouldn't have responded?

Remembering that kiss and the sensations it evoked, Dani felt a delicious shiver ripple through her. No man had ever affected her like that before. She hadn't even known it was possible to feel like that. It was beautiful.. .and exciting.. .and terrifying. Dear Lord. Hadn't she known that it would be dangerous to get involved with Jason? He was too vital, too exciting, too... too... rawly male. She simply didn't have the experience to handle a man like Jason.

When they reached her building Jason insisted on walking Dani to her door. After unlocking it he gave her back her key and studied her intently. "Are you really okay? You look pale."

"I'm fine," she assured him quickly then looked down, not quite able to meet his searching gaze. She shifted uncomfortably and reached for the doorknob. "Well, good night, Jason. And thank you for coming to my rescue and bringing me home," she said in a stilted voice.

"Any time." He reached out and smoothed a lock of hair back from her cheek, then cupped the side of her face. "I'll have your car delivered first thing in the morning. Now I suggest that you get a good night's rest and forget about what happened. It won't happen again, I promise you." He smiled and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Good night, Dani."

When he had gone Dani stepped inside, closed and locked the door behind her and leaned back against it. Her face was solemn, her eyes unconsciously wistful as she stared into space. She felt strange—achy and unsettled—and she had to battle against an inexplicable urge to cry. Part of it, she knew, was a reaction to that distasteful scene with Lewis, plus a lingering embarrassment over having made such a fool of herself. But what really disturbed her was her own wanton response to Jason. Dani had a horrible feeling that she was falling in love with him.

"Which is about the most irresponsible, stupid thing you've ever done," she muttered to herself as she pushed away from the door and started for the bedroom. After tonight it was doubtful that Jason would be interested in her romantically, but even if he were, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out what he wanted: an affair.

Dani laughed scornfully and shook her head. For her to get involved like that with Jason would be the height of folly. Where man/woman relationships were concerned, she was a child with a kiddie car and Jason was A. J. Foyt in the Indianapolis 500.

After a night in which Jason St. Clair dominated her dreams, Dani woke with smudges under her eyes, a pounding head and a fierce determination to put the man out of her mind.

A quick call to the security guard revealed that, as Jason had promised, Dani's car was in its regular slot in the garage; so after straightening her apartment, she wrote out a list and set out on a round of Saturday errands. She stopped by the cleaners to drop off two dresses and pick up three others, then went to the bank and the post office, and made a quick dash through the Galleria to pick up a new suit she had left to be altered. On the way home she stopped by the supermarket to restock the pantry and refrigerator for Mrs. Halloway, her housekeeper.

It was raining when Dani left the supermarket, and by the time she had stashed the groceries in the car she was soaked to the skin. She arrived home late in the afternoon, totally exhausted, and after putting everything away, she shampooed her hair then treated herself to a long hot soak in a jasmine-scented bath. Afterward, since she had no plans to go out again, she ran a comb through her wet hair then pulled on a lilac velour robe with a large cowl collar. She stuffed her feet into a pair of white satin slippers and headed for her study, the thin soles slapping against her heels with every step.

For over an hour Dani sat at her desk in the alcove and struggled with the reports on Stratter-Lite, but she couldn't seem to concentrate and finally gave up and curled up in the corner of the couch to watch a movie on television.

An hour later she was so engrossed in the plot that when the doorbell rang she jumped as though she'd been shot. With an impatient sigh Dani turned the sound off on the TV, uncurled from the couch, slipped her feet back into the satin slides and stomped to the door. But the annoyed frown that creased between her brows faded the instant she looked through the peephole.

The bell rang again and Dani quickly reached for the knob and pulled the door open. Her heart began to pound frantically at the sight of Jason standing there, one hand propped against the door frame, the other splayed across his hip. He was dressed in cream-colored slacks, a dark brown silk shirt with an open collar and a camel suede jacket that fit his massive shoulders to perfection. In the V of his collar a thatch of golden chest hair glistened like spun gold. Dani swallowed hard and forced her gaze upward to meet his.

"Hello, Jason," she managed in a husky voice.

"Hi. May I come in?"

"Oh. Of course." Dani stepped back to let him pass then closed the door behind him. But when she turned around to face him she couldn't think of a thing to say. Suddenly he seemed so large, the foyer so small. She was horribly conscious of her scrubbed, shiny face, her still-damp hair falling loosely onto the folds of the collar that draped her shoulders, of the fact that she was wearing her robe and absolutely nothing else. Dani focused on his chin and cleared her throat. "Uh... won't you come into the living room?"

Jason's intent gaze was fixed on her face. After a moment he nodded, and when she turned to lead the way he followed without a word.

Instead of sitting, Jason began to wander idly around the room, going from one antique piece to the next, eyeing each one critically. "You've got some really great pieces here," he said at last.

A smile curved Dani's mouth, and she reached out as though irresistibly drawn and smoothed her fingertips lovingly over the long, Queen Anne table behind the sofa. "Thank you. I get them from Phil's shop. He introduced me to the world of antiques about six years ago, and I'm afraid now collecting them is a passion of mine."

Jason's dark eyes cut to her and a tiny smile lifted the corners of his mouth. "Lucky antiques," he said in a voice so low and husky she wasn't sure she'd heard him right.

Dani sat down on the couch, and after a moment Jason strolled over and sat beside her. He turned sideways, laying one arm along the back and bringing his crooked knee up on the cushion. His dark gaze searched her face, and Dani fought the urge to squirm. "So how do you feel?" he asked quietly.


"No bruises or raw nerves?"

"No, nothing like that. Lewis frightened me, but he didn't hurt me."

Jason's eyes narrowed and his voice took on a hard edge. "Do you have to contend with that sort of thing often?"

Dani stared at her fingers, which were plucking nervously at the folds of velour across her thighs. "No. Actually, I was as much surprised as frightened. Lewis is spoiled, and sometimes he can act like a petulant child when he doesn't get his way, but he's never resorted to violence before." A wry grimace twisted her mouth and she darted him a quick look. "I suppose it was all that alcohol in his system that gave him the courage last night."

"Whatever, you won't have to worry about it happening again. I had a talk with Frank last night after I left you. From now on Lewis is going to be on a short chain."

"You talked to Frank? Last night?" Dani stared at him, her blue eyes wide with surprise.

"That's right."

"But... that wasn't necessary... I mean... I was going to...I..." Dani stopped and bit her lip. "Thank you, Jason," she managed quietly after a moment, both confused and deeply affected.

Jason smiled and touched her shoulder lightly with his fingertips. Then suddenly he looked over at the silent action on the television screen. "You were watching a movie. Say, that's one of my favorites. Mind if I watch it with you?"

Taken completely by surprise, Dani blurted out a quick, "No. No, of course not."

She watched, mesmerized, as Jason stood up and shucked his jacket and tossed it carelessly across a chair, then sat down again and slipped his feet out of his brown cordovan loafers. Hooking the leg of a needlepoint covered stool with his toes, he pulled it over, propped his feet on it and leaned back.

His bushy brows shot upward at the look on Dani's face. "You don't mind if I make myself comfortable, do you?" The devilish smile he gave her did wonderful things to his rough face and at the same time made her feel as though she had been kicked in the stomach.

"Oh! No. No, go right ahead." Dani quickly forced her gaze back to the television screen and turned up the volume on the remote control.

This is crazy, she told herself as she fought to keep from peeking at Jason out of the corner of her eye. There is absolutely nothing erotic or exciting about the sight of a man's socked feet, for heaven's sake.

But irresistibly, Dani's surreptitious gaze was drawn back to the large, well-shaped feet in the brown ribbed socks. Helplessly, her eyes traveled upward. The cream slacks had a knife-edge crease and were of a lightweight material that draped smoothly over his long legs, clearly delineating the powerful muscles in his calves and thighs. Dani gritted her teeth against the strange quivering sensation in the pit of her stomach and jerked her gaze back to the screen.

For the next hour she stared at the flickering images as though her eyes were glued to the set, but neither the action nor the words registered. She was aware of Jason with every fiber of her being, and dozens of questions buzzed in her brain like a swarm of pesky bees.
Why is he here? Why did he take it upon himself to go to Frank? Surely he has better things to do on a Saturday night than watch television with me? Is he interested in me romantically? No, of course not.
He wouldn't have stopped last night if he were. Then what is he doing here?

At the sound of Jason's voice, Dani jumped and looked at him, her eyes wide and startled. "What?"

"I said, that was a great movie." He smiled pleasantly, and Dani looked back at the television, surprised to see that the movie was over.

"Oh, yes. It certainly was," she agreed in a rush, then winced inwardly as she heard the nervous edge to her voice.
Calm down, for heaven's sake. There's no reason to be nervous. He's just a man. And all he's done is watch television.
Willing herself to relax, she turned to him with what she hoped was a casual expression. "It's been years since I last saw it, but I've always enjoyed it."

Jason put his arms over his head and stretched hugely then looked at her with one pale brow cocked. "Have you eaten?"

"No." Dani swallowed hard and tried not to notice the way his shirt stretched tight across his chest.

"Well, I'd suggest that we go out to dinner, but since it's raining and—" he reached out and drew one finger down the smooth velour that covered her arm "—you seem to have gotten comfortable for the evening, how about we call out for something?"

Dani hesitated then said, "I would offer to cook dinner but the best I can do is warm up a casserole. I'm afraid I'm not very good in the kitchen."

"You mean there's something you can't do?" There was a teasing warmth in his dark eyes and the creases at the corners crinkled as he smiled, filling Dani with the absurd urge to reach out and touch his weathered face.

She stifled the feeling and shrugged self-consciously. "My mother didn't see any need to teach me domestic skills. Luckily I have a housekeeper who comes in three times a week. She does the cleaning and keeps the freezer stocked with casseroles and simple dishes I can pop in the microwave."

"As it happens, I have a fondness for casseroles."

A few minutes later Dani was in the kitchen. The microwave was humming and from the dining room came the clink and ping of china and silver as Jason set the table. With jerky movements she tore a chunk of lettuce into bite-size pieces, all the while shaking her head. This is crazy, Danielle, she chastised silently. What do you think you're doing, for Pete's sake. You should have told him you weren't hungry or you had already eaten. Anything.

Lord, she wished she knew why he had come. Was he just concerned? Was he interested in her? Was he just being friendly? What? Briefly she remembered the way he had kissed her, the feel of his calloused hands, and a delicious shiver rippled through her.

Firming her lips, Dani deliberately shook off the disturbing memory. You're playing with fire, you idiot. As soon as dinner is over you've got to send him home, she told herself emphatically. Tell him you're tired. You've got a headache. Whatever. Just get him out of here before you make a fool of yourself again.

Mrs. Halloway's chicken and broccoli casserole was delicious as usual, and Dani's lettuce and tomato salad, though not inspired, was at least edible. Jason talked companionably during the meal, telling her how he got his start in business and his early struggles, little anecdotes about some of the funny and not so funny things that had happened. But excitement and wariness warred within Dani, and with every passing minute her nerves grew tighter, her replies shorter, until finally he quit trying to draw her out. By the time they had restored order to the kitchen, neither of them had said a word for several minutes.

"Thank you for your help." Dani took the dish towel from Jason and crossed the kitchen to hang it in the pantry. When she shut the door and turned around she found that he had followed her, and was standing just inches away, a serious, watchful look in his eyes."

"Is something wrong, Dani?"

"Wrong? Of course not." She ran her damp palms down over her hips then went to sidestep him. "Would you like some coffee? It won't take but—"

Jason's hands shot out and clamped around her upper arms, effectively halting her words and her retreat. "I don't want coffee," he murmured huskily as his eyes fixed on her trembling mouth. Slowly he pulled her closer, and one hand slid over her shoulder and up under the luxuriant fall of sable hair to cup the back of her head. "All I want is you."

Dani could not have moved if her life had depended on it. She stood trembling, her heart kicking against her ribs at the hot look in his slumberous eyes, and as she watched his head descend, her lids fluttered shut.

Jason's lips settled on hers with possessive sureness as his other arm looped around her waist and pulled her tightly to him. For a brief flashing instant the sane part of Dani's brain urged her to resist, to retreat, but it was too late. Jason deepened the kiss, and the sensual awareness that had vibrated between them all evening exploded into passion at the first evocative thrust of his tongue. Like a torch to tinder, his touch consumed her.

With an inarticulate little sound Dani gave in to her desire and ran her hands up his massive chest and around his neck, stretching up on tiptoes to meet his kiss. She twined her fingers through his thick hair, luxuriating in its warm silkiness, her nails lightly scoring his scalp as the kiss went on and on.

It was reckless and wild and dangerous. On some level, Dani knew it, but she could not stop. It was too exciting, too thrilling, and her need was too great. She had never felt this way before, had never felt this drawn to a man before.

Suddenly Jason tore his mouth from hers. He buried his face in the cloud of fragrant hair and folds of soft velour at the side of her neck. His breathing was labored, a harsh rasp in her ear. "I want you, Dani. Lord, how I want you."

She was a quivering flame in his arms. Burning. Needing. Eyes closed, her lips pressed tightly together, she clung to him, unable to deny the raging desire and love that blazed within her.

Her silence was all the answer Jason needed. He bent and swept her up into his arms, and with a low moan of surrender, Dani looped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder as he strode toward her bedroom.

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