The Corpse Reader (66 page)

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Authors: Antonio Garrido

BOOK: The Corpse Reader
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A native of Spain, a former educator and industrial engineer, Antonio Garrido has received acclaim for the darkly compelling storytelling and nuanced historical details that shape his novel
The Corpse Reader
. This fictionalized account of the early life of Song Cí, the Chinese founding father of forensic science, represents the author’s years of research into cultural, social, legal, and political aspects of life in the Tsong dynasty, as well as his extensive study of Song Cí’s own five-volume treatise on forensics. In 2012,
The Corpse Reader
received the Zaragoza International Prize for best historical novel published in Spain (Premio Internacional de Novela Histórica Ciudad de Zaragoza). Antonio’s previous novel,
La Escriba
, was published in 2008. Garrido currently resides in Valencia, Spain.


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Thomas Bunstead is a writer and translator based in East Sussex, England. In 2011 he was one of the British Centre for Literary Translation’s mentees, working with Margaret Jull Costa. His translations include the acclaimed
Polish Boxer
by Eduardo Halfon,
Anton Mallick Wants to Be Happy
by Premio Nadal winner Nicolás Casariego, and “From now on, according to Schopenhauer,” an essay by Enrique Vila-Matas, which was chosen by dOCUMENTA and featured in its Book of Books. Thomas’s own writing has appeared at
3:AM Magazine,
>kill author,
ReadySteadyBook, the
Paris Review
blog, and in
The Independent on Sunday
The Times Literary Supplement.


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