The Corporal Works of Murder (28 page)

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Authors: Carol Anne O'Marie

BOOK: The Corporal Works of Murder
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Saddened, Mary Helen replaced the receiver. The women at
the Refuge had been right. The police were involved—at least one policeman.
The solemn tolling of the Angelus bell rang out over Mount St. Francis College—twelve o'clock. If she hurried, she'd be on time for the noon mass.
Before the day is over, I'll call Eileen,
she thought, walking quickly across the campus. She'll be anxious to hear how things worked out. Recently Eileen had been suggesting that Mary Helen should come to Ireland for a little visit. Maybe she should.
Settling into a back pew of the chapel, Mary Helen rose as Father Adams entered the sanctuary and began the mass for Thursday of the Ninth Week of Ordinary Time.
This, she thought sadly, had been no ordinary Thursday and no ordinary week. After she realized that the word “pity” had some significance, everything had moved so quickly. The police officer had been responsible for the deaths of three people. Now the sad soul had committed suicide. She hated to admit that the women at the Refuge had been correct. Even at her age, although she knew better, she was still idealistic enough to hope that all policeman were honorable, all priests and nuns holy, and all parents loving. How many times did she have to remind herself that there were no perfect people?
Sitting with the congregation, the familiar words of the offertory prayers soothed her.
What did God make of it all?
she wondered, lifting up her heart.
What did He make of our whole messy human lives?
His words to the medieval mystic, Julian of Norwich, flooded in on her. “I can make all things well and I shall make all things well and you will see yourself that every kind of thing will be well.”
Sister Mary Helen exhaled a long, deep breath. She could hardly wait!
Requiem at the Refuge
Death Takes Up a Collection
Death of an Angel
Death Goes on Retreat
Murder Makes a Pilgrimage
Murder in Ordinary Time
The Missing Madonna.
Advent of Dying
Novena for Murder
Murder at the Monks' Table
“O'Marie twines the strands of these disparate lives with humor and sympathy.”
—Publishers Weekly
Requiem at the Refuge
“Another first-rate installment in an unfailingly entertaining series.”
Requiem at the Refuge
“Enlivened by its series of incisive character studies—and sure to please the Sister's legion of fans.”
—Kirkus Reviews
Death Takes Up a Collection
“O'Marie delivers compelling characters and sophisticated plotting in her best effort to date.”
—Publishers Weekly
Death of an Angel
“[An] excellent mystery series … hard to put down.”
Death of an Angel
“The author's handy mix of humor and suspense again proves irresistible.”
—Publishers Weekly
The Missing Madonna
Copyright © 2006 by Sister Carol Anne O'Marie.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.
St. Martin's Paperbacks are published by St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.
eISBN 9781429907569
First eBook Edition : February 2011
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2001059795
ISBN: 0-312-98466-9
EAN: 978-0-312-20917-9
St. Martin's Press hardcover edition / August 2002
St. Martin's Paperbacks edition / June 2003

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