The Conquering Tide (112 page)

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Authors: Ian W. Toll

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Hokkaido, 226

Holland, F. L. G., 322

Hollandia, New Guinea, 242, 441, 453

Holmes, Jasper, 203

Holtz Bay, Attu, 230

Honolulu, Hawaii, servicemen and defense workers in, 292–93

Hoover, Gilbert, 166

Hoover, John H., 333, 389, 434, 517

Hopkins, Harry, 92, 94, 95, 128

Horaniu, Vella Lavella, 234

Horikoshi, Jiro, 424, 426

Hori, Teikichi, 416

, USS (CV-8), 7, 21, 59, 83, 103, 107, 108, 109, 110–11, 127, 146, 150

sinking of, 150–51, 154, 158

, USS (CV-12), 201, 301, 327, 383, 387, 478, 493

Hosogaya, Boshiro, 225, 227, 229

“Hotel De Gink,” 190

Hoyo Maru
, 407

, 22

Hunters Point, San Francisco, 246

Huon Gulf, 239

Huon Peninsula, New Guinea, 239

Hurlbut, James, 35, 98

Hyakutake, Harukichi, 133, 224

Hynes, Samuel, 293, 304–5

(Japanese submarine), 110–11

(Japanese submarine), 108

Ichiki, Kiyonao, 72, 74, 104

I-Go, Operation, 202–3

Ijuin, Matsuji, 234

Ilu River, 34, 35, 65

Imamura, Hitoshi, 179, 181, 224

Imperial General Headquarters (IGHQ), 67, 122, 174, 181, 187, 227, 346, 421, 454, 530

press releases from, 527–28

U.S. losses on Savo Island inflated by, 67

Imperial General Staff, British, 307

Imperial Japanese Army:

charge as main tactic of, 106–7

Imperial Navy's rivalry with, 6, 179–80, 181–82, 188, 534

faction of, 533–34

as unconcerned about U.S. Solomon campaign, 68

Imperial Japanese Navy, 9, 174, 236, 385, 404, 461, 514

A-Go battle plan of, 447, 449, 451, 454

aircraft of, xxii

antisubmarine warfare ignored by, 282–83

battleship strategy of, 119–20

captured war plans of, 446

crude oil employed as fuel for, 449, 451

“decisive fleet battle” strategy of, 415–16, 429, 449, 450

fuel shortages of, 416

fuel supply problems of, 121, 201

Imperial Army's rivalry with, 6, 179–80, 181–82, 188, 534

importance of airpower and submarines downplayed by, 416

loss of “face” and chain-of-command in, 447

night-combat expertise of, 41–42

pilot exhaustion discounted by, 430

pilot training program of, 428–32

possibility of Marianas fleet battle discounted by, 449

shuttle-bombing tactic of, 451–52, 470

program of, 430, 431–32

, 453

, USS (CVL-22), 301, 370

, 480

, USS, 245, 339, 343, 344, 458, 471, 500, 513

Indispensable Strait, 147

Inland Sea, 69, 75, 120, 419, 531

Instructions for American Servicemen in Australia
, 209–10, 213

International News Service, 97

, 405, 412, 413

-class battleships, 386–87, 410

Ironbottom Sound (Savo Sound), xxiv, xxix, xxxi, 19, 25, 31, 34, 35, 41, 43, 49, 50–51, 52, 55, 63, 67, 68, 69, 72, 98, 101, 102, 104, 107, 132, 133, 134–35, 137–38, 155, 160, 161, 165, 174, 176, 178, 183, 189, 243, 261

Ishida, Sumio, 541

Ishida, Yahachi, 184–85

isolationism, 87, 88

Italy, capitulation of, 444

Iwakuni Naval Air Station, 423

Iwo Jima, 440, 449, 463, 531

Izumi, Toru, 524

Jackson, Robert H., 85

Jaluit Atoll, 368, 384, 385


aircraft production in, 423–25

black market in, 539, 540, 541

class antagonisms in, 540

conscription of labor in, 445–46

contrast of old and new in, 113

cremated remains of soldiers returned to, 523–25

critical lack of oil reserves in, 284–85

“dark valley” period in (1930–45), 117

declining steel production in, 285

deteriorating living conditions in, 114–15

expanded draft in, 115, 446

food shortages in, 539, 541

increasingly dark mood in, 443–46

new operational policy of, 418

Pacific and Southeast Asian conquests of, 114, 119

rise of crime in, 541

shipping losses of, 283, 413, 417, 423, 452, 539

undercurrents of dissent in, 539–41

in war with China, 437

Japan, press in:

censorship of, 525–26, 527–28

consolidation of, 529–30

government reprisals against, 526–27

Imperial General Headquarters and, 527–28

liberal and intellectual papers in, 528–29

newsprint shortages and, 527, 529

propaganda in, 114, 116, 180, 187, 196, 443–45, 507–8, 526, 527, 529, 532, 538

references to Hirohito in, 528

reports of American savagery played up in, 196

Saipan battle reports in, 532

war dead stories in, 525

Japanese fleet, destruction of, as primary U.S. goal, xiv

Japan Times and Advertiser
, 445

Jarman, Sanderford, 499

, USS, 39

Java, xxiii

Jett, Charlie, 77

, 68–69, 83

Johore Strait, xxiii

Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 6, 12, 16, 91, 92, 157, 192, 196, 220, 227, 312, 313, 319, 342, 434, 438, 440, 441

central Pacific offensive backed by, 306

Leahy as de facto chairman of, 93

Solomons offensive and, 223, 224

Joint Expeditionary Force, 457

Jones, John Paul, 145

Jones, Louis R., 394

, USS, 163

sinking of, 165–66

, 147, 155, 419, 428, 450, 491

(senior statesmen), 533–34

Jutland, Battle of, 252, 415–16

, 9

KA-Go offensive, 68–69, 75–83

Kahili, 157

Kaiser, Henry, 247, 248–49

, 531

, 41

Kakuta, Kakuji, 452, 454, 456, 463, 470, 488

(divine wind) attacks, 537–38

Kangu Beach, Bougainville, xxv

Kanto Plain, 514

Kasumigaura Naval Air Training Center, 429, 432

, 410–11

Kauffman, J. L. “Reggie,” 373, 378, 383

Kavieng, New Ireland, 41, 62, 235, 399

Allied bypassing of, 240, 242

Kawachi, Uichiro, 525, 527, 528

Kawaguchi, Kiyotake, 174, 187

Edson's Ridge attack of, 106, 121, 130

at Taivu Point landing, 105

Kawaguchi, Taro, 505

KE, Operation (Japanese evacuation of Guadalcanal), 183–85

(security service), 527, 535, 540, 541

Kennedy, Marvin G. “Pinky,” 251, 252, 260, 265

cautious tactics of, 258, 262, 264, 266

in first
patrol, 157–58

reassignment of, 265–66

in second
patrol, 262–64

Kenney, George C., 125, 126–27, 217–18, 219, 221, 223, 236, 438, 440

Kernan, Alvin B., 151, 374–75

Kido, Marquis Koichi, 533, 534, 536

and possible peace overtures, 537

Kido Butai
, 41, 428, 459

King, C. S., 387–88

King, Ernest J., 6, 9–10, 91, 92, 96, 97, 102, 109, 143, 158, 197, 201, 220, 235, 279, 317, 324, 332, 386, 434, 435, 436, 459, 461, 502, 514–15, 516

Admiralty Islands offensive proposed by, 223–24, 232

Arnold and, 437

Battle of Savo Island and, 55–56, 57

belligerent personality of, 10

at Casablanca Conference, 307–8, 309–11

central Pacific offensive and, 235, 306–7, 308, 313, 320

and, 367

and Ghormley's relief of command, 144

Guadalcanal campaign and, 19, 20, 21, 60, 97, 123, 142, 185–86

interservice rivalries and, 434

Marianas campaign and, 436, 440, 441

Marshalls invasion deadline of, 313

Pacific counteroffensive urged by, xiii, 10, 11–12

personality of, 193–94

Solomons offensive ordered by, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17

Tarawa battle and, 366

on unrestricted submarine warfare, 253

at Washington conference, 312

King, Richard, 468, 499–500

Kingman, Howard F., 365

Kinkaid, Thomas C., 146, 160, 161, 166, 221, 440, 442, 453

appointed commander of Allied Naval Forces, Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA), 218

in Battle of Santa Cruz Islands, 148–49, 152

MacArthur and, 218–19

in Guadalcanal campaign, 33–34

Kinryu Maru
, 83

, 41

, 69, 171, 172, 416

Kiriwina Island, 239

Kiska Island:

Japanese forces on, 225–31

U.S. landing on, 230–31, 445

Kittredge, George, 36

Kiyosawa, Kiyoshi, 207, 432, 444, 535, 539

Kiyozumi Maru
, 407

Knox, Frank, 7, 57, 142, 197, 201, 317, 436

Kobayashi, Masami, 407

Kodiak, Alaska, 226

Koga, Mineichi, 206, 224, 237, 242, 346, 368, 402, 405, 406, 415, 416, 420

death of, 446–47

Operation Z planned by, 418–19

Koiso, Kuniaki, 534, 535–36

Kokumbona, Guadalcanal, 105, 183

Kokusai Shashin Joho
, 114, 180

Koli Point, 155, 190

Kolombangara Island, 232–33

Japanese evacuation of, 233, 234

Komatsu, Sakio, 484

Kommandorski Islands, Battle of the, 228–29, 233

KON, Operation, 454, 456

Kondo, Nobutake, 69, 77, 147, 188, 447

, 122, 137–38

Konoye, Prince Fumimaro, 533–34, 536

Korea, natural resources of, 284

Koro Island, 20

landing rehearsal on, 21–22, 26

Kossler, Herman J., 471, 485

Koyanagi, Tomiji, 183, 185

, 170

Krueger, Walter, 240

Kukum, Guadalcanal, 25, 27–28, 35, 63, 64, 107, 141

Kula Gulf, Battles of, 233

grass, xx, 24

Kurile Islands, 226, 418

Kurita, Takeo, 237, 447, 473, 480, 482, 531

Kusaka, Jinichi, 122, 224, 233, 234, 236, 238

Kwajalein, Battle of, 384, 386, 390,
, 405, 441, 459, 499

aftermath of, 397–98

Kwajalein Island landings in, 395–96

landing craft problems in, 391–92

pre-landing bombardment in, 389–90, 392–93, 401

Roi-Namur landings in, 390–95

Task Force 58 in, 386–87

Kwajalein Atoll, 389, 455

Japanese airfields on, 368

Japanese troops on, 385

planned U.S. landings on, 384–85

Kwajalein Atoll, U.S. carrier raid on, 373, 377–78

Japanese counterattacks in, 379–80, 381–82

Pownall's refusal to order second strike in, 378–79, 381, 382–83, 389

Kwajalein Island, 389, 395, 400

Lae, New Guinea, 62, 157, 239

, USS, 163

Lamar, Arthur, 129, 130, 297, 298, 362, 442, 519–20

, USS, 323, 399

, 453

Larsen, Harold H. “Swede,” 103–4, 136, 137

Larson, Harold O., 234

Lasswell, Alva B., 203

La Vallette
, USS, 234

Lawrence, James, 145

Lawrence, John E., 141–42

Lawton, E. J., 494

Layton, Ed, 203–4

LCTs, 361

Leahy, William D., 94, 95, 158, 306, 312

as de facto Joint Chiefs chairman, 93

FDR's relationship with, 92–93

Leckie, Robert, 210

Lee, Fitzhugh, 237, 371

Lee, Willis A. “Ching,” 160, 168, 171–72, 464, 478

Lengo Channel, 177

Lennons Hotel, Brisbane, 217

Leonski, Edward Joseph, 213

Lewis, Don, 489–90, 491

, USS (CV-2), 59, 124, 327

, USS (CV-16), 301, 328, 368, 370, 371–72, 379, 382, 488, 495

Leyte Gulf, Battle of, 145, 266, 515

, 90, 97, 196, 380, 538

Lillibridge, G. D., 339, 348, 351–52

Lingayen Gulf, 155

Lingga Roads, 448, 453, 455

Lion Six, 516–17

Lippmann, Walter, 86

Liscome Bay
, USS (CVE-56), submarine attack on, 363–64

Lockwood, Charlie, 277, 278, 279, 286, 402, 471

appointed Pacific submarine force commander, 280

torpedo failures and, 280, 281–82

London Conference (July, 1942), 95

London Naval Conference (1935), 118

London Naval Treaty (1930), 253

Long Island
, USS, 70

long pig
, 191

Los Negros, 242

LSTs, 335

LST tank carriers, 392

Lucas, Jim, 359

Lukanai Field, 205

Lundstrom, John B., 58

Lunga Plain, 155, 189

Lunga Point, 25, 26, 42, 44, 49, 64, 104, 107, 132, 160, 175, 190

Lunga River, 24, 26, 131, 142

Lunga Roads, 44, 53, 60


MacArthur, Douglas, 5, 7, 91, 103, 215–16, 235, 240, 420, 438, 456, 462, 514

Admiralty Islands offensive and, 223–24

Brisbane headquarters of, 217

and, 224

central Pacific offensive opposed by, 306, 313

chain of command and, 220

in escape from Corregidor, 216–17

Germany-first strategy disdained by, 128–29

Guadalcanal campaign and, 18, 20, 57, 123, 125, 126–27

Halsey's relationship with, 221–22

“I shall return” declaration of, 219

Kinkaid and, 218–19

Marianas campaign opposed by, 439–40

as military leader, 217

New Britain campaign of, 239–40

in New Guinea campaign, 441, 453–54

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