Read The Confederate Nation: 1861 to 1865 Online

Authors: Emory M. Thomas

Tags: #History, #United States, #American Civil War, #Non-Fiction

The Confederate Nation: 1861 to 1865 (51 page)

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Robert G. H. Kean:

Edward Younger (ed.), Inside the Confederate Government: The Diary of Robert Garlick Hill Kean, (New York, 1957).

John Mcintosh Kell:

Norman C. Delaney,
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Gazaway B. Lamar:

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IX (1943), 3–36.

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Georgia Historical Quarterly,
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L. Q. C. Lamar:

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Emma LeConte:

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Joseph LeConte:

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Robert E. Lee:

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Burke Davis,
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Frederick Maurice,
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Thomas N. Page,
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Stephen Dill Lee:

Herman Hattaway,
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John Letcher:

F. N. Boney, John Letcher of Virginia: The Story of Virginia’s Civil War Governor (University, Ala., 1966).

James Longstreet:

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James Longstreet,
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William W. Loring:

William L. Wessels, Born to Be A Soldier: The Military Career of William Wing Loring of St. Augustine, Florida, (Fort Worth, Tex., 1971).

Francis P. Lubbock:

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William Mahone:

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Stephen R. Mallory:

Joseph T. Durkin,
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American Historical Review,
XII (1906), 103–108.

James M. Mason:

Virginia Mason,
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Matthew F. Maury:

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Frances L. Williams,
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Samuel Bell Maxey:

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Journal of the West,
XII (1973), 424–438.

Louise Horton,
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Christopher G. Memminger:

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(Richmond, Va., 1893).

John H. Morgan:

Cecil F. Holland, Morgan and His Raiders: A Biography of the Confederate General (New York, 1942).

Howard Swiggett, The Rebel Raider: A Life of John Hunt Morgan (Garden City, N.Y., 1937).

Edison H. Thomas,
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John S. Mosby:

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Ranger Mosby
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John S. Mosby,
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Charles W. Russell (ed.),
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Lucius B. Northrop:

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Thomas R. Hay, “Lucius B. Northrup: Commissary General of the Confederacy,”
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Phoebe Yates Pember:

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John C. Pemberton:

John C. Pemberton, Jr.,
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Alexander “Sandie” Pendleton:

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Benjamin F. Perry:

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John J. Pettus:

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George E. Pickett:

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Albert Pike:

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Leonidas Polk:

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William Clarke Quantrill:

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Fitzgerald Ross:

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Edmund Ruffin:

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William Howard Russell:

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(Boston, 1863).

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