Rossi, Azariah ben Moses Dei
Jewish scholar. Rossi was born into an eminent Jewish family. He was the author of
Me’or Einayim
(Enlightenment to the Eyes, 1573–5), which shows his familiarity with Greek and Latin authors, the Church Fathers, and
. It was the source of some controversy, as he questioned the historicity of
Rota Sacra Romana
The ‘Sacred Roman Rota’, the usual tribunal for judging cases brought before the
Holy See
. Its jurisdiction in civil matters ended along with the temporal power of the papacy in 1870. It is the court to which appeals in nullity and other matrimonial cases are referred.
Roy, R
m Mohan
Hindu apologist and reformer. He was widely read in both religious and political philosophy, and from his knowledge of Muslim, Hindu, and Christian religious writings he developed into one of the foremost reformist intellectuals of early 19th-cent. India. In 1828 he founded the Br
hmo Sabha, a monotheistic form of Hinduism with no images, which stressed the One True Formless God who alone was worthy of worship. It led to the forming of the
Brahmo Sam
. R
m Mohan Roy denied the role of prophets and the exclusivist concept of Son of God, and so drew upon himself attacks not only from traditionalist Hindus but Muslims and Christians as well. He was opposed to caste, polygamy, suttee (see
), the prohibition of widow remarriage, the lack of education for ordinary people, and the seclusion of and institutionalized discrimination against women. He was one of the first to sow the seeds that flowered in the Indian National Congress.
m Mohan Roy, invested with the title of
by the titular Moghul emperor Akbar II, visited Britain in 1830 to present the emperor's grievances to the British king and parliament. He died at Bristol on 27 Sept. 1833, but his influence lived on in the many subsequent Hindu progressive movements.