The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (280 page)

BOOK: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
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Lovelace, Richard
Stone walls do not a prison make,
Nor iron bars a cage;
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for an hermitage.

"To Althea, From Prison" (1649)

I could not love thee, Dear, so much,
Loved I not honour more.

"To Lucasta, Going to the Wars" (1649)

Lovell, James
Houston, we've had a problem.
on Apollo 13 space mission, 14 April 1970

The Times
15 April 1970

Lover, Samuel
When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen.

Handy Andy
(1842) ch. 36

Young Rory O'More courted Kathaleen bawn,
He was bold as a hawk, and she soft as the dawn.

"Rory O'More'" (1837 song).

Low, David
Colonel Blimp.

Cartoon creation, proponent of reactionary establishment opinions

Lowe, Robert
, Lord Sherbrooke 1811–92
The Chancellor of the Exchequer is a man whose duties make him more or less of a taxing machine. He is intrusted with a certain amount of misery which it is his duty to distribute as fairly as he can.

speech, House of Commons, 11 April 1870

Lowell, Amy
And the softness of my body will be guarded by embrace
By each button, hook, and lace.
For the man who should loose me is dead,
Fighting with the Duke in Flanders,
In a pattern called a war.
Christ! What are patterns for?

"Patterns" (1916)

All books are either dreams or swords,
You can cut, or you can drug, with words.

"Sword Blades and Poppy Seed" (1914).

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