The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (257 page)

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Koestler, Arthur
One may not regard the world as a sort of metaphysical brothel for emotions.

Darkness at Noon
(1940) "The Second Hearing' pt. 7

God seems to have left the receiver off the hook, and time is running out.

The Ghost in the Machine
(1967) ch. 18

Kohl, Helmut
The policy of European integration is in reality a question of war and peace in the 21st century.

speech at Louvain University, 2 February 1996

Kollwitz, Käthe
As you, the children of my body, have been my tasks, so too are my other works.

letter to her son Hans, 21 February 1915

I have never done any work cold…I have always worked with my blood, so to speak.

letter to her son Hans, 16 April 1917

Koran, The
textual translations are those of A. J. Arberry, 1964
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

sura 1

That is the Book [the Koran], wherein is no doubt,
a guidance to the godfearing
who believe in the Unseen.

sura 2

The month of Ramadan, wherein the Koran
was sent down to be a guidance
to the people, and as clear signs
of the Guidance and the Salvation
So let those of you, who are present
at the month, fast it.

sura 2

No compulsion is there in religion.

sura 2

God has
permitted trafficking, and forbidden usury.

sura 2

Say to the unbelievers: "You shall be
overthrown, and mustered into Gehenna—
an evil cradling!"

sura 3

The true religion with God is Islam.

sura 3

Every soul shall taste of death; you shall surely
be paid in full your wages on the Day
of Resurrection.

sura 3

Men are the managers of the affairs of women.

sura 4

Whatever good visits thee, it is of God;
whatever evil visits thee is of thyself.

sura 4

To God belongs all that is in the heavens
and in the earth, and God encompasses

sura 4

Souls are very
prone to avarice. If you do good
and are godfearing, surely God is aware of the things you do.

sura 4;

Men's souls are naturally inclined to covetousness; but if ye be kind towards women and fear to wrong them, God is well acquainted with what ye do.

in George Sale's translation, 1734

And we have sent down to thee the Book
with the truth, confirming the Book
that was before it, and assuring it.

sura 5

Glory be to Him, who carried His servant by night
from the Holy Mosque to the Further Mosque
the precincts of which We have blessed,
that We might show him some of Our signs.

sura 17

Perform the prayer
at the sinking of the sun to the darkening of the night
and the recital of dawn.

sura 17

named you Muslims
aforetime and in this, that the Messenger
might be a witness against you, and that
you might be witnesses against mankind.

sura 22

Muhammad is not the father of any one
of your men, but the Messenger of God,
and the Seal of the Prophets

sura 33

It belongs not to any mortal that
God should speak to him, except
by revelation, or from behind
a veil.

sura 42

unto God all things come home.

sura 42

He is God
the Creator, the Maker, the Shaper,
To Him belong the Names Most Beautiful.

sura 59

Krishnamurti, Jiddu
d. 1986
Religion is the frozen thought of men out of which they build temples.

22 April 1928 "Sayings of the Week"

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