The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (135 page)

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Derby, Edward Stanley, 14th Earl of
The duty of an Opposition [is] very simple…to oppose everything, and propose nothing.
quoting "Mr Tierney, a great Whig authority"

in the House of Commons, 4 June 1841

Derrida, Jacques
Il n'y a pas de hors-texte.There is nothing outside of the text.

Of Grammatology

Descartes, René
Common sense is the best distributed commodity in the world, for every man is convinced that he is well supplied with it.

Le Discours de la méthode
(1637) pt. 1

Je pense, donc je suis.I think, therefore I am.
usually quoted as, "Cogito, ergo sum", from the 1641 Latin edition

Le Discours de la méthode
(1637) pt. 4

Destouches, Philippe Néricault
The absent are always in the wrong.

L'Obstacle imprévu
(1717) act 1, sc. 6

De Sylva, Buddy
1895–1950 and
Brown, Lew
The moon belongs to everyone,
The best things in life are free.

"The Best Things in Life are Free" (1927 song)

de Valera, Eamonn
Whenever I wanted to know what the Irish people wanted, I had only to examine my own heart and it told me straight off what the Irish people wanted.

speech in Dáil Éireann, 6 January 1922

That Ireland which we dreamed of would be the home of a people who valued material wealth only as a basis of right living, of a people who were satisfied with frugal comfort and devoted their leisure to the things of the spirit; a land whose countryside would be bright with cosy homesteads, whose fields and villages would be joyous with sounds of industry, the romping of sturdy children, the contests of athletic youths, the laughter of comely maidens; whose firesides would be the forums of the wisdom of serene old age.

St Patrick's Day broadcast, 17 March 1943

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