The Complete Works of Leo Tolstoy (25+ Works with active table of contents) (438 page)

BOOK: The Complete Works of Leo Tolstoy (25+ Works with active table of contents)
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ANÍSYA. That's true. She'll come and he'll give it her. What's to be done? Oh, my poor head!


MATRYÓNA. What is to be done? Why, look here; the samovár is boiling, go and make the tea and pour him out a cup, and then (whispers) put in all that's left in the paper. When he's drunk the cup, then just take it. He'll not tell, no fear.


ANÍSYA. Oh! I'm afeared!


MATRYÓNA. Don't be talking now, but look alive, and I'll keep his sister off if need be. Mind, don't make a blunder! Get hold of the money and bring it here, and Nikíta will hide it.


ANÍSYA. Oh my head, my head! I don't know how I'm going to....


MATRYÓNA. Don't talk about it I tell you, do as I bid you. Nikíta!


NIKÍTA. What is it?


MATRYÓNA. You stay here--sit down--in case something is wanted.


NIKÍTA (waves his hand). Oh, these women, what won't they be up to? Muddle one up completely. Bother them! I'll really go and fetch out the potatoes.


MATRYÓNA (catches him by the arm). Stay here, I tell you.


[NAN enters.




NAN. She was down in her daughter's vegetable plot--she's coming.


ANÍSYA. Coming! What shall we do?


MATRYÓNA. There's plenty of time if you do as I tell you.


ANÍSYA. I don't know what to do; I know nothing, my brain's all in a whirl. Nan! Go, daughter, and see to the calves, they'll have run away, I'm afraid.... Oh dear, I haven't the courage.


MATRYÓNA. Go on! I should think the samovár's boiling over.


ANÍSYA. Oh my head, my poor head!




MATRYÓNA (approaches NIKÍTA). Now then, sonny. (Sits down beside him.) Your affairs must also be thought about, and not left anyhow.


NIKÍTA. What affairs?


MATRYÓNA. Why, this affair--how you're to live your life.


NIKÍTA. How to live my life? Others live, and I shall live!


MATRYÓNA. The old man will probably die to-day.


NIKÍTA. Well, if he dies, God give him rest! What's that to me?


MATRYÓNA (keeps looking towards the porch while she speaks). Eh, sonny! Those that are alive have to think about living. One needs plenty of sense in these matters, honey. What do you think? I've tramped all over the place after your affairs, I've got quite footsore bothering about matters. And you must not forget me when the time comes.


NIKÍTA. And what's it you've been bothering about?


MATRYÓNA. About your affairs, about your future. If you don't take trouble in good time you'll get nothing. You know Iván Mosévitch? Well, I've been to him too. I went there the other day. I had something else to settle, you know. Well, so I sat and chatted awhile and then came to the point. "Tell me, Iván Mosévitch," says I, "how's one to manage an affair of this kind? Supposing," says I, "a peasant as is a widower married a second wife, and supposing all the children he has is a daughter by the first wife, and a daughter by the second. Then," says I, "when that peasant dies, could an outsider get hold of the homestead by marrying the widow? Could he," says I, "give both the daughters in marriage and remain master of the house himself?" "Yes, he could," says he, "but," says he, "it would mean a deal of trouble; still the thing could be managed by means of money, but if there's no money it's no good trying."


NIKÍTA (laughs). That goes without saying, only fork out the money. Who does not want money?


MATRYÓNA. Well then, honey, so I spoke out plainly about the affair. And he says, "First and foremost, your son will have to get himself on the register of that village--that will cost something. The elders will have to be treated. And they, you see, they'll sign. Everything," says he, "must be done sensibly." Look (unwraps her kerchief and takes out a paper), he's written out this paper; just read it, you're a scholar, you know.


[NIKÍTA reads.


NIKÍTA. This paper's only a decision for the elders to sign. There's no great wisdom needed for that.


MATRYÓNA. But you just hear what Iván Mosévitch bids us do. "Above all," he says, "mind and don't let the money slip away, dame. If she don't get hold of the money," he says, "they'll not let her do it. Money's the great thing!" So look out, sonny, things are coming to a head.


NIKÍTA. What's that to me? The money's hers--so let her look out.


MATRYÓNA. Ah, sonny, how you look at it! How can a woman manage such affairs? Even if she does get the money, is she capable of arranging it all? One knows what a woman is! You're a man anyhow. You can hide it, and all that. You see, you've after all got more sense, in case of anything happening.


NIKÍTA. Oh, your woman's notions are all so inexpedient!


MATRYÓNA. Why inexpedient? You just collar the money, and the woman's in your hands. And then should she ever turn snappish you'd be able to tighten the reins!


NIKÍTA. Bother you all,--I'm going.


ANÍSYA (quite pale, runs out of the hut and round the corner to MATRYÓNA). So it was, it was on him! Here it is!


[Shows that she has something under her apron.


MATRYÓNA. Give it to Nikíta; he'll hide it. Nikíta, take it and hide it somewhere.


NIKÍTA. All right, give here!


ANÍSYA. O--oh, my poor head! No, I'd better do it myself.


[Goes towards the gate.


MATRYÓNA (seizing her by the arm). Where are you going to? You'll be missed. There's the sister coming; give it him; he knows what to do. Eh, you blockhead!


ANÍSYA (stops irresolutely). Oh, my head, my head!


NIKÍTA. Well, give it here. I'll shove it away somewhere.


ANÍSYA. Where will you shove it to?


NIKÍTA (laughing). Why, are you afraid?


[Enter AKOULÍNA, carrying clothes from the wash.


ANÍSYA. O--oh, my poor head! (Gives the money.) Mind, Nikíta.


NIKÍTA. What are you afraid of? I'll hide it so that I'll not be able to find it myself.




ANÍSYA (stands in terror). Oh dear, and supposing he....


MATRYÓNA. Well, is he dead?


ANÍSYA. Yes, he seems dead. He did not move when I took it.


MATRYÓNA. Go in, there's Akoulína.


ANÍSYA. Well there, I've done the sin and he has the money....


MATRYÓNA. Have done and go in! There's Martha coming!


ANÍSYA. There now, I've trusted him. What's going to happen now?




Martha (enters from one side, AKOULÍNA enters from the other. To AKOULÍNA). I should have come before, but I was at my daughter's. Well, how's the old man? Is he dying?


AKOULÍNA (puts down the clothes). Don't know; I've been to the river.


Martha (pointing to MATRYÓNA). Who's that?


MATRYÓNA. I'm from Zoúevo. I'm Nikíta's mother from Zoúevo, my dearie. Good afternoon to you. He's withering, withering away, poor dear--your brother, I mean. He came out himself. "Send for my sister," he said, "because," said he.... Dear me, why, I do believe he's dead!


ANÍSYA (runs out screaming. Clings to a post, and begins wailing).[4] Oh, oh, ah! who-o-o-o-m have you left me to, why-y-y have you dese-e-e-e-rted me--a miserable widow ... to live my life alone.... Why have you closed your bright eyes....


[Enter NEIGHBOR. MATRYÓNA and NEIGHBOR catch hold of ANÍSYA under the arms to support her. AKOULÍNA and MARTHA go into the hut. A crowd assembles.


A VOICE IN THE CROWD. Send for the old women to lay out the body.


MATRYÓNA (rolls up her sleeves). Is there any water in the copper? But I daresay the samovár is still hot. I'll also go and help a bit.








The same hut. Winter. Nine months have passed since Act II. ANÍSYA, plainly dressed, sits before a loom weaving. NAN is on the oven.


MÍTRITCH (an old laborer, enters and slowly takes off his outdoor things). Oh Lord, have mercy! Well, hasn't the master come home yet?




MÍTRITCH. Nikíta isn't back from town, is he?




MÍTRITCH. Must have been on the spree. Oh Lord!


ANÍSYA. Have you finished in the stackyard?


MÍTRITCH. What d'you think? Got it all as it should be, and covered everything with straw! I don't like doing things by halves! Oh Lord! holy Nicholas! (Picks at the corns on his hands.) But it's time he was back.


ANÍSYA. What need has he to hurry? He's got money. Merry-making with that girl, I daresay....


MÍTRITCH. Why shouldn't one make merry if one has the money? And why did Akoulína go to town?


ANÍSYA. You'd better ask her. How do I know what the devil took her there!


MÍTRITCH. What! to town? There's all sorts of things to be got in town if one's got the means. Oh Lord!


NAN. Mother, I heard myself. "I'll get you a little shawl," he says, blest if he didn't; "you shall choose it yourself," he says. And she got herself up so fine; she put on her velveteen coat and the French shawl.


ANÍSYA. Really, a girl's modesty reaches only to the door. Step over the threshold and it's forgotten. She is a shameless creature.


MÍTRITCH. Oh my! What's the use of being ashamed? While there's plenty of money make merry. Oh Lord! It is too soon to have supper, eh? (ANÍSYA does not answer.) I'll go and get warm meanwhile. (Climbs on the stove.) Oh, Lord! Blessed Virgin Mother! Holy Nicholas!


NEIGHBOR (enters). Seems your good man's not back yet?




NEIGHBOR. It's time he was. Hasn't he perhaps stopped at our inn? My sister, Thekla, says there's heaps of sledges standing there as have come from the town.


ANÍSYA. Nan! Nan, I say!


NAN. Yes?


ANÍSYA. You run to the inn and see! Mayhap, being drunk, he's gone there.


NAN (jumps down from the oven and dresses). All right.


NEIGHBOR. And he's taken Akoulína with him?


ANÍSYA. Else he'd not have had any need of going. It's because of her he's unearthed all the business there. "Must go to the bank," he says; "it's time to receive the payments," he says. But it's all her fooling.


NEIGHBOR (shakes her head). It's a bad look-out.




NAN (at the door). And if he's there, what am I to say?


ANÍSYA. You only see if he's there.


NAN. All right. I'll be back in a winking.


[Long silence.


MÍTRITCH (roars). Oh Lord! merciful Nicholas!


NEIGHBOR (starting). Oh, how he scared me! Who is it?


ANÍSYA. Why, Mítritch, our laborer.


NEIGHBOR. Oh dear, oh dear, what a fright he did give me! I had quite forgotten. But tell me, dear, I've heard some one's been wooing Akoulína?


ANÍSYA (gets up from the loom and sits down by the table). There was some one from Dédlovo; but it seems the affair's got wind there too. They made a start, and then stopped; so the thing fell through. Of course, who'd care to?


NEIGHBOR. And the Lizounófs from Zoúevo?


ANÍSYA. They made some steps too, but it didn't come off either. They won't even see us.


NEIGHBOR. Yet it's time she was married.


ANÍSYA. Time and more than time! Ah, my dear, I'm that impatient to get her out of the house; but the matter does not come off. He does not wish it, nor she either. He's not yet had enough of his beauty, you see.


NEIGHBOR. Eh, eh, eh, what doings! Only think of it. Why, he's her step-father!


ANÍSYA. Ah, friend, they've taken me in completely. They've done me so fine it's beyond saying. I, fool that I was, noticed nothing, suspected nothing, and so I married him. I guessed nothing, but they already understood one another.


NEIGHBOR. Oh dear, what goings on!


ANÍSYA. So it went on from bad to worse, and I see they begin hiding from me. Ah, friend, I was that sick--that sick of my life! It's not as if I didn't love him.


NEIGHBOR. That goes without saying.


ANÍSYA. Ah, how hard it is to bear such treatment from him! Oh, how it hurts!


NEIGHBOR. Yes, and I've heard say he's becoming too free with his fists?


ANÍSYA. And that too! There was a time when he was gentle when he'd had a drop. He used to hit out before, but of me he was always fond! But now when he's in a temper he goes for me and is ready to trample me under his feet. The other day he got both my hands entangled in my hair so that I could hardly get away. And the girl's worse than a serpent; it's a wonder the earth bears such furies.


NEIGHBOR. Ah, ah, my dear, now I look at you, you are a sufferer! To suffer like that is no joke. To have given shelter to a beggar, and he to lead you such a dance! Why don't you pull in the reins?

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