The Complete Vampire Chronicles 12-Book Bundle (The Vampire Chronicles) (123 page)

BOOK: The Complete Vampire Chronicles 12-Book Bundle (The Vampire Chronicles)
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Only Nicki was having none of it. He had taken to heavy drinking and refused to return to the theater or study his music anymore. He insulted Roget when he came to call. To the worst cafés and taverns he went, and wandered alone through the dangerous nighttime streets.

Well, we have that in common, I thought.

All this Roget told me as I paced the floor a good distance from the candle on his table, my face a mask of my true thoughts.

“Money doesn’t mean very much to the young man, Monsieur,” he said. “The young man has had plenty of money in his life, he reminds me. He says things that disturb me, Monsieur. I don’t like the sound of them.”

Roget looked like a nursery rhyme figure in his flannel cap and gown, legs and feet naked because I had roused him again in the middle of the night and given him no time to put on his slippers even or to comb his hair.

“What does he say?” I demanded.

“He talks about sorcery, Monsieur. He says that you possess unusual powers. He speaks of La Voisin and the
Chambre Ardente
, an old case of
sorcery under the Sun King, the witch who made charms and poisons for members of the Court.”

“Who would believe that trash now?” I affected absolute bewilderment. The truth was, the hair was standing up on the back of my neck.

“Monsieur, he says bitter things,” he went on. “That your kind, as he puts it, has always had access to great secrets. He keeps speaking of some place in your town, called the witches’ place.”

“My kind!”

“That you are an aristocrat, Monsieur,” Roget said. He was a little embarrassed. “When a man is angry as Monsieur de Lenfent is angry, these things come to be important. But he doesn’t whisper his suspicions to the others. He tells only me. He says that you will understand why he despises you. You have refused to share with him your discoveries! Yes, Monsieur, your discoveries. He goes on about La Voisin, about things between heaven and earth for which there are no rational explanations. He says he knows now why you cried at the witches’ place.”

I couldn’t look at Roget for a moment. It was such a lovely perversion of everything! And yet it hit right at the truth. How gorgeous, and how perfectly irrelevant. In his own way, Nicki was right.

“Monsieur, you are the kindest man—” Roget said.

“Spare me, please …”

“But Monsieur de Lenfent says fantastical things, things he should not say even in this day and age, that he saw a bullet pass through your body that should have killed you.”

“The bullet missed me,” I said. “Roget, don’t go on with it. Get them out of Paris, all of them.”

“Get them out?” he asked. “But you’ve put so much money into this little enterprise …”

“So what? Who gives a damn?” I said. “Send them to London, to Drury Lane. Offer Renaud enough for his own London theater. From there they might go to America—Saint-Domingue, New Orleans, New York. Do it, Monsieur. I don’t care what it takes. Close up my theater and get them gone!”

And then the ache will be gone, won’t it? I’ll stop seeing them gathered around me in the wings, stop thinking about Lelio, the boy from the provinces who emptied their slop buckets and loved it.

Roget looked so profoundly timid. What is it like, working for a well-dressed lunatic who pays you triple what anyone else would pay you to forget your better judgment?

I’ll never know. I’ll never know what it is like to be human in any way, shape, or form again.

“As for Nicolas,” I said. “You’re going to persuade him to go to Italy and I’ll tell you how.”

“Monsieur, even persuading him to change his clothes would take some doing.”

“This will be easier. You know how ill my mother is. Well, get him to take her to Italy. It’s the perfect thing. He can very well study music at the conservatories in Naples, and that is exactly where my mother should go.”

“He does write to her … is very fond of her.”

“Precisely. Convince him she’ll never make the journey without him. Make all the arrangements for him. Monsieur, you must accomplish this. He must leave Paris. I give you till the end of the week, and then I’ll be back for the news that he’s gone.”

It was asking a lot of Roget, of course. But I could think of no other way. Nobody would believe Nicki’s ideas about sorcery, that was no worry. But I knew now that if Nicki didn’t leave Paris, he would be driven slowly out of his mind.

As the nights passed, I fought with myself every waking hour not to seek him out, not to risk one last exchange.

I just waited, knowing full well that I was losing him forever and that he would never know the reasons for anything that had come to pass. I, who had once railed against the meaninglessness of our existence, was driving him off without explanation, an injustice that might torment him to the end of his days.

Better that than the truth, Nicki. Maybe I understand all illusions a little better now. And if you can only get my mother to go to Italy, if there is only time for my mother still …

Meantime I could see for myself that Renaud’s House of Thesbians was closed down. In the nearby café, I heard talk of the troupe’s departure for England. So that much of the plan had been accomplished.

It was near dawn on the eighth night when I finally wandered up to Roget’s door and pulled the bell.

He answered sooner than I expected, looking befuddled and anxious in the usual white flannel nightshirt.

“I’m getting to like that garb of yours, Monsieur,” I said wearily. “I
don’t think I’d trust you half as much if you wore a shirt and breeches and a coat …”

“Monsieur,” he interrupted me. “Something quite unexpected—”

“Answer me first. Renaud and the others went happily to England?”

“Yes, Monsieur. They’re in London by now, but—”

“And Nicki? Gone to my mother in the Auvergne. Tell me I’m right. It’s done.”

“But Monsieur!” he said. And then he stopped. And quite unexpectedly, I saw the image of my mother in his mind.

Had I been thinking, I would have known what it meant. This man had never to my knowledge laid eyes upon my mother, so how could he picture her in his thoughts? But I wasn’t using my reason. In fact my reason had flown.

“She hasn’t … you’re not telling me that it’s too late,” I said.

“Monsieur, let me get my coat …” he said inexplicably. He reached for the bell.

And there it was, her image again, her face, drawn and white, and all too vivid for me to stand it.

I took Roget by the shoulders.

“You’ve seen her! She’s here.”

“Yes, Monsieur. She’s in Paris. I’ll take you to her now. Young de Lenfent told me she was coming. But I couldn’t reach you, Monsieur! I never know where to reach you. And yesterday she arrived.”

I was too stunned to answer. I sank down into the chair, and my own images of her blazed hot enough to eclipse everything that was emanating from him. She was alive and she was in Paris. And Nicki was still here and he was with her.

Roget came close to me, reached out as if he wanted to touch me:

“Monsieur, you go ahead while I dress. She is in the Ile St.-Louis, three doors to the right of Monsieur Nicolas. You must go at once.”

I looked up at him stupidly. I couldn’t even really see him. I was seeing her. There was less than an hour before sunrise. And it would take me three-quarters of that time to reach the tower.

“Tomorrow … tomorrow night,” I think I stammered. That line came back to me from Shakespeare’s
 … “Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow …”

“Monsieur, you don’t understand! There will be no trips to Italy for your mother. She has made her last journey in coming here to see you.”

When I didn’t answer he grabbed hold of me and tried to shake me. I’d never seen him like this before. I was a boy to him and he was the man who had to bring me to my senses.

“I’ve gotten lodgings for her,” he said. “Nurses, doctors, all that you
could wish. But they aren’t keeping her alive. You are keeping her alive, Monsieur. She must see you before she closes her eyes. Now forget the hour and go to her. Even a will as strong as hers can’t work miracles.”

I couldn’t answer. I couldn’t form a coherent thought.

I stood up and went to the door, pulling him along with me. “Go to her now,” I said, “and tell her I’ll be there tomorrow night.”

He shook his head. He was angry and disgusted. And he tried to turn his back on me.

I wouldn’t let him.

“You go there at once, Roget,” I said. “Sit with her all day, do you understand, and see that she waits—that she waits for me to come! Watch her if she sleeps. Wake her and talk to her if she starts to go. But don’t let her die before I get there!”


In vampire parlance, I am an early riser. I rise when the sun has just sunk below the horizon and there is still red light in the sky. Many vampires don’t rise until there is full darkness, and so I have a tremendous advantage in this, and in that they must return to the grave a full hour or more before I do. I haven’t mentioned it before because I didn’t know it then, and it didn’t come to matter until much later.

But the next night, I was on the road to Paris when the sky was on fire.

I’d clothed myself in the most respectable garments I possessed before I slipped into the sarcophagus, and I was chasing the sun west into Paris.

It looked like the city was burning, so bright was the light to me and so terrifying, until finally I came pounding over the bridge behind Notre Dame, into the Ile St.-Louis.

I didn’t think about what I would do or say, or how I might conceal myself from her. I knew only I had to see her and hold her and be with her while there was still time. I couldn’t truly think of her death. It had the fullness of catastrophe, and belonged to the burning sky. And maybe I was being the common mortal, believing if I could grant her last wish, then somehow the horror was under my command.

Dusk was just bleeding the light away when I found her house on the quais.

It was a stylish enough mansion. Roget had done well, and a clerk was at the door waiting to direct me up the stairs. Two maids and a nurse were in the parlor of the flat when I came in.

“Monsieur de Lenfent is with her, Monsieur,” the nurse said. “She insisted on getting dressed to see you. She wanted to sit in the window and look at the towers of the cathedral, Monsieur. She saw you ride over the bridge.”

“Put out the candles in the room, except for one,” I said. “And tell Monsieur de Lenfent and my lawyer to come out.”

Roget came out at once, and then Nicolas appeared.

He too had dressed for her, all in brilliant red velvet, with his old fancy linen and his white gloves. The recent drinking had left him thinner, almost haggard. Yet it made his beauty all the more vivid. When our eyes met, the malice leapt out of him, scorching my heart.

“The Marquise is a little stronger today, Monsieur,” Roget said, “but she’s hemorrhaging badly. The doctor says she will not—”

He stopped and glanced back at the bedroom. I got it clear from his thought. She won’t last through the night.

“Get her back to bed, Monsieur, as fast you can.”

“For what purpose do I get her back to bed?” I said. My voice was dull, a murmur. “Maybe she wants to die at the damned window. Why the hell not?”

“Monsieur!” Roget implored me softly. I wanted to tell him to leave with Nicki.

But something was happening to me. I went into the hall and looked towards the bedroom. She was in there. I felt a dramatic physical change in myself. I couldn’t move or speak. She was in there and she was really dying.

All the little sounds of the flat became a hum. I saw a lovely bedroom through the double doors, a white painted bed with gold hangings, and the windows draped in the same gold, and the sky in the high panes of the windows with only the faintest wisps of gold cloud. But all this was indistinct and faintly horrible, the luxury I’d wanted to give her and she about to feel her body collapse beneath her. I wondered if it maddened her, made her laugh.

The doctor appeared. The nurse came to tell me only one candle remained, as I had ordered. The smell of medicines intruded and mingled with a rose perfume, and
I realized I was hearing her thoughts

It was the dull throb of her mind as she waited, her bones aching in her emaciated flesh so that to sit at the window even in the soft velvet chair with the comforter surrounding her was almost unendurable pain.

But what was she thinking, beneath her desperate anticipation? Lestat, Lestat, and Lestat, I could hear that. But beneath it:

“Let the pain get worse, because only when the pain is really dreadful do I want to die. If the pain would just get bad enough so that I’d be glad to die and I wouldn’t be so frightened. I want it to be so terrible that I’m not frightened.”

“Monsieur.” The doctor touched my arm. “She will not have the priest come.”

“No … she wouldn’t.”

She had turned her head towards the door. If I didn’t come in now, she would get up, no matter how it hurt her, and come to me.

It seemed I couldn’t move. And yet I pushed past the doctor and the nurse, and I went into the room and closed the doors.

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