The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen (156 page)

BOOK: The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen
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Duiker found List hobbling in a circle with a determined expression on his thin, sweat-beaded face. The corporal glanced up as the historian approached. “I can ride as well, sir, though for only an hour at a time. The foot goes numb and it's then that infection could return—or so I'm told.”

Four days ago the historian had walked alongside the travois that carried List, looking down on a young man that he was certain was dying. A harried Wickan horsewife had quickly checked on the corporal during the march. Duiker had seen a grim expression settle into her lined features as she probed with her fingers the swollen glands beneath List's sparsely bearded chin. Then she had glanced up at the historian.

Duiker recognized her then, and she him.
The woman who once offered me food

“It's not good,” he'd said.

She hesitated, then reached under the folds of her hide cloak to withdraw a knuckle-sized, misshapen object that looked to Duiker like nothing more than a knob of mouldy bread. “A jest of the spirits, no doubt,” she said in Malazan. Then she bent down, grasped List's injured foot—which had been left unbandaged and open to the hot, dry air—and pressed the knob against the puncture wound, binding it in place with a strip of hide.

A jest to make Hood frown

“You should be ready to rejoin the ranks soon, then,” Duiker now said.

List nodded, approached. “I must tell you something, sir,” he said quietly. “My fever showed me visions of what's ahead—”

“That happens sometimes.”

“A god's hand reached out from the darkness, grasped my soul and dragged it forward, through days, weeks. Historian—”List paused to wipe the sweat from his brow—“the land south of Vathar…we're going to a place of old truths.”

Duiker's gaze narrowed. “Old truths? What does that mean, List?”

“Something terrible happened there, sir. Long ago. The earth—it's lifeless—”

That is something only Sormo and the High Command know
. “This god's hand, Corporal, did you see it?”

“No, but I felt it. The fingers were long, too long, with more joints than there should be. Sometimes that grip comes back, like a ghost's, and I start shivering in its icy clutch.”

“Do you recall that ancient slaughter at Sekala Crossing? Did your visions echo those, Corporal?”

List frowned, then shook his head. “No, what lies ahead of us now is much older, Historian.”

Shouts arose as the train readied to lurch into motion again, down off the Imperial Road and onto the trader track.

Duiker looked out over the studded plain to the south. “I will walk alongside your travois, Corporal,” he said, “while you describe for me in detail these visions of yours.”

“They might be naught but fevered delusions, Historian—”

“But you don't believe so…and neither do I.” His eyes remained on the plain.
A many-jointed hand. Not a god's hand, Corporal, though one of such power that you might well have thought so. You've been chosen, lad, for whatever reason, to witness an Elder vision. Out from the darkness comes the cold hand of a Jaghut


Felisin sat on a block of masonry that had fallen from the ancient gate, her arms wrapped around herself, her eyes on the ground before her, steadily rocking in a slow cadence. The motion brought peace to her mind, as if she was nothing more than a vessel filled with water.

Heboric and the giant warrior were arguing. About her, about prophecies and ill chance, about the desperation of fanatics. Mutual contempt swirled and bubbled between the two men, seemingly born in the instant they met, and growing darker with every moment that passed.

The other warrior, Leoman, crouched nearby, matching her silence. He had before him the Holy Book of Dryjhna, guarding the tome in her stead, awaiting what he seemed to see as her inevitable acceptance that she was indeed Sha'ik reborn.

Reborn. Renewed. Heart of the Apocalypse. Delivered by the unhanded in the suspended breath of the goddess. Who waits still. Waits as Leoman waits. Felisin, hinge of the world

A smile cracked her features.

She rocked to distant cries, the ancient echoes of sudden, soul-jarring deaths—they seemed so far away now. Kulp, devoured beneath a seething mound of rats. Gnawed bones and a shock of white hair streaked red. Baudin, burned in a fire of his own making
—oh, the irony of that, he lived by his own rule and died with that same godless claim. Even as he gave up his life for someone else. Still, he'd say he made his vow freely

These are the things that bring stillness

Deaths that had already withdrawn, far down the endless, dusty track; too distant to make their demands heard or felt.
Grief rapes the mind, and I know all about rape. It's a question of acquiescence. So I shall feel nothing. No rape, no grief

Stones grated beside her. Heboric. She knew the feeling of his presence and had no need to look up. The one-time priest of Fener was muttering under his breath. Then he fell silent, as if steeling himself to reach into her silence.
. A moment later he spoke, “They want to get moving, lass. They're both far gone. The oasis—Sha'ik's encampment—is a long walk. There's water to be found on the way, but little in the way of food. The Toblakai will hunt, but game's gone very scarce—the Soletaken and D'ivers, I gather. In any case, whether you open the Book or not, we have to move.”

She said nothing, continued rocking.

Heboric cleared his throat. “For all I rage against their mad, fevered notions, and counsel most strongly against your accepting them…we need these two, and the oasis. They know Raraku—better than anyone else. If we're to have any chance of surviving…”


“I'll grant you,” Heboric went on after a moment, “I've acquired…senses…that make my blindness less of a liability. And these hands of mine, reborn…Nonetheless, Felisin, I'm not enough to guard you. And besides, there is no guarantee that these two will let us walk away from them, if you understand my meaning.”


“Wake up, lass! You've got some decisions to make.”

“Sha'ik drew her blade against the Empire,” she said, eyes still on the dusty ground.

“A foolish gesture—”

“Sha'ik would face the Empress, would send the Imperial armies into a blood-filled Abyss.”

“History recounts similar rebellions, lass, and the tale is an endless echo. Glorious ideals lend a vigor of health to Hood's bleached grin, but it's naught but a glamor, and righteousness—”

“Who cares about what's righteous, old man? The Empress must needs answer Sha'ik's challenge.”


“And shall despatch an army from Quon Tali.”

“Likely already on the way.”

“And,” Felisin continued, feeling a cold breath touch her flesh, “who commands this army?”

She heard him draw a sharp breath of his own and felt him flinch back.


She snapped out a hand as if batting away a wasp, and rose to her feet. She turned to find Leoman staring at her, his sun-scoured face striking her suddenly as Raraku's own.
Harder than Beneth's, without any of the affectations. Sharper than Baudin, oh, there's wit there, in those cold, dark eyes
. “To Sha'ik's encampment,” she said.

He glanced down at the Book, then back to her.

Felisin raised an eyebrow. “Would you rather walk through a storm? Let the goddess wait a little longer before renewing her fury, Leoman.”

She saw him reappraise her, a glimmer of uncertainty newly arriving in his eyes, and was pleased. After a moment, he bowed his head.

“Felisin,” Heboric hissed, “have you any idea—”

“Better than you, old man. Now keep quiet.”

“Perhaps we should part ways now—”

She swung to him. “No. I think I shall have need for you, Heboric.”

He gave her a bitter smile. “As your conscience, lass? I'm a poor choice.”

Yes, you are, and all the better for that


The ancient path showed signs of having once been a road, running the length of a ridge that twisted like a crooked spine toward a distant mesa. Cobbles showed like bone where the wind had scoured away the sandy soil. The path was littered with red-glazed potsherds that crunched underfoot.

The Toblakai scouted five hundred paces ahead, unseen in the ochre haze, while Leoman led Felisin and Heboric at a measured pace, rarely speaking. The man was frighteningly gaunt and moved so silently over the ground that Felisin had begun to imagine him no more than a specter. Nor did Heboric stumble in his blindness as he walked behind her.

Glancing back, she saw him smiling. “Something amusing you?”

“This road is crowded, lass.”

“The same ghosts as in the buried city?”

He shook his head. “Not as old. These are memories of an age that followed the First Empire.”

Leoman stopped and turned at that.

Heboric's broad mouth extended into a grin. “Oh aye, Raraku is showing me her secrets.”


The ex-priest shrugged.

Felisin eyed the desert warrior. “Does that make you nervous, Leoman?”
Because it should

He glanced at her, his eyes dark and appraising. “What is this man to you?”

I don't know
. “My companion. My historian. Of great value since I am to make Raraku my home.”

“The Holy Desert's secrets are not his to possess. He plunders them as would any foreign raider. If you desire Raraku's truths, look within yourself.”

She almost gave a laugh at that, but knew its bitterness would frighten even her.

They continued on, the morning's heat rising, the sky turning into gold fire. The ridge narrowed, revealing the ancient road's foundation stones, ten or more feet down on either side, the slope beyond falling away a further fifty or sixty feet. The Toblakai awaited them at a place where the road bed had collapsed to create large, dark holes in the ground. From one of them issued the soft trickle of water.

“An aqueduct beneath the road,” Heboric said. “It used to flow in a torrent.”

Felisin saw the Toblakai scowl.

Leoman gathered the waterskins and proceeded to crawl down into the hole.

Heboric sat down to rest. After a moment, he cocked his head. “Sorry you had to wait for us, Toblakai-with-the-secret-name, though I imagine you'd have trouble getting your head through that cave mouth in any case.”

The giant savage sneered, revealing filed teeth. “I collect tokens of the people I kill. Tied here on my belt. One day I will have yours.”

“He means your ears, Heboric,” Felisin said.

“Oh, I know, lass,” the ex-priest said. “Tortured spirits writhe in this bastard's shadow—every man, woman and child that he's killed. Tell me, Toblakai, did those children beg to live? Did they weep, cry out for their mothers?”

“No more than grown men did,” the giant said, yet Felisin saw that he had paled, through she sensed that it was not his killing of children that bothered him. No, there was something else in what Heboric had said.

Tortured spirits. He's haunted by the ghosts of those he's slain. Forgive me, Toblakai, if I spare you no pity

“This land is not home to Toblakai,” Heboric said. “Has the Rebellion's lure of slaughter called you here? From where did you crawl, bastard?”

“I have said to you all that I shall say. When I speak to you next it will be when I kill you.”

Leoman emerged from the hole, cobwebs snagged in his bound hair, the waterskins bulging at his back. “You will kill no one until I say so,” he growled to the Toblakai, then swung a glare on Heboric. “And I've not yet said so.”

There was something in the giant's expression that spoke of immense patience coupled with unwavering certainty. He rose to his full height, accepted a waterskin from Leoman, then set off down the trail.

Heboric stared sightlessly after him. “The wood of that weapon is soaked in pain. I cannot imagine he sleeps well at night.”

“He barely sleeps at all,” Leoman muttered. “You shall cease baiting him.”

The ex-priest grimaced. “You've not seen the ghosts of children tied to his heels, Leoman. But I shall make the effort to keep my mouth shut.”

“His tribe made few distinctions,” Leoman said. “There was kin, and those who were not kin were the enemy. Now, enough talk.”

A hundred paces on, the road suddenly widened, opening out onto the flat of the mesa. To either side ran row upon row of oblong humps of fired, reddish clay, each hump seven feet long and three wide. Despite the foreshortened horizons created by the suspended dust, Felisin could see that the rows, scores deep, encircled the entire plateau—entirely surrounding the ruined city that lay before them.

The cobbles were fully exposed now, revealing a broad causeway that ran in a straight line toward what had once been a grand gate, worn down by centuries of wind to knee-high stumps of bleached stone—as was the entire city beyond.

“A slow death,” Heboric whispered.

The Toblakai was already striding through the distant gates.

“We must cross through to the other side, down to the harbor,” Leoman said. “Where we shall find a hidden camp. And a cache…unless it has been pillaged.”

The city's main street was a dusty mosaic of shattered pottery: red-glazed body sherds, gray, black and brown rims. “I will think of this,” Felisin said, “when I next carelessly break a pot.”

Heboric grunted. “I know of scholars who claim they can map entire extinct cultures through the study of such detritus.”

“Now there's a lifetime of excitement,” Felisin drawled.

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