The Complete Mackenzie Collection (2 page)

BOOK: The Complete Mackenzie Collection
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The truck slowed to a stop opposite her, and a man got out. He was big, and she instinctively disliked that. She disliked the way big men looked down at her, and she disliked being forced by sheer physical size to look up at them. Well, big or not, he was her rescuer. She wound her gloved fingers together and wondered what she should say. How did a person ask to be rescued? She had never hitched a ride before; it didn’t seem proper for a settled, respectable schoolteacher.

Wolf stared at the woman, astounded that anyone would be out in the cold while dressed so stupidly. What in hell was she doing on his mountain, anyway? How had she gotten here?

Suddenly he knew who she was; he’d overheard talk in the feed store about the new schoolteacher from someplace down South. He’d never seen anyone who looked more like a schoolteacher than this woman, and she was definitely dressed wrong for a Wyoming winter. Her blue dress and brown coat were so frumpy that she was almost a cliché; he could see wisps of light brown hair straggling out from under her scarf, and oversize horn-rimmed glasses dwarfed her small face. No makeup, not even lip gloss to protect her lips.

And no boots. Snow was caked almost to her knees.

He had surveyed her completely in two seconds and didn’t wait to hear what explanation she had for being on his mountain, if she intended to say anything at all. So far she hadn’t uttered a word, but continued to stare at him with a faintly outraged look on her face. He wondered if she considered it beneath her to speak to an Indian, even to ask for help. Mentally he shrugged. What the hell, he couldn’t leave her out here.

Since she hadn’t spoken, he didn’t, either. He simply bent down and passed one arm behind her knees and the other behind her back, and lifted her as he would a child, ignoring her gasp. As he carried her to the truck, he reflected that she didn’t weigh much more than a child. He saw a flash of startled blue eyes behind the lenses of her glasses; then her arm passed around his neck and she was holding him in a convulsive grip, as if she were afraid he’d drop her.

He shifted her weight so he could open the passenger door and deposited her on the seat, then briskly wiped the snow from her feet and legs as well as he could. He heard her gasp again, but didn’t look up. When he had finished, he dusted the snow from his gloves and went around to climb behind the wheel.

“How long have you been walking?” he muttered reluctantly.

Mary started. She hadn’t expected his voice to be so deep that it almost reverberated. Her glasses had fogged from the truck’s heat, and she snatched them off, feeling her cold cheeks prickle as blood rushed to them. “I…not long,” she stammered. “About fifteen minutes. I blew a water hose. That is, my car did.”

Wolf glanced at her in time to see her hastily lower her eyes again and noticed her pinkened cheeks. Good, she was getting warm. She was flustered; he could see it in the way she kept twisting her fingers together. Did she think he was going to throw her down on the seat and rape her? After all, he was a renegade Indian, and capable of anything. Then again, the way she looked, maybe this was the most excitement she’d ever had.

They hadn’t been far from the ranch house and reached it in a few minutes. Wolf parked close to the kitchen door and got out; he circled the truck and reached the passenger door just as she opened it and began to slid down. “Forget it,” he said, and lifted her again. Her sliding motion had made her skirt ride halfway up her thighs. She hastily pushed the fabric down, but not before his black eyes had examined her slim legs, and the color deepened in her cheeks.

The warmth of the house enfolded her, and she inhaled with relief, hardly noticing as he turned a wooden chair away from the table and placed her on it. Without speaking he turned on the hot water tap and let it run, then filled a dishpan, frequently checking the water and adjusting the temperature.

Well, she had reached her destination, and though she hadn’t accomplished her arrival in quite the manner she had intended, she might as well get to the purpose of her visit. “I’m Mary Potter, the new schoolteacher.”

“I know,” he said briefly.

Her eyes widened as she stared at his broad back. “You know?”

“Not many strangers around.”

She realized that he hadn’t introduced himself and was suddenly unsure. Was she even at the right place? “Are…are you Mr. Mackenzie?”

He glanced over his shoulder at her, and she noticed that his eyes were as black as night. “I’m Wolf Mackenzie.”

She was instantly diverted. “I suppose you know your name is uncommon. It’s Old English—”

“No,” he said, turning around with the dishpan in his hands. He placed it on the floor beside her feet. “It’s Indian.”

She blinked. “Indian?” She felt incredibly stupid. She should have guessed, given the blackness of his hair and eyes, and the bronze of his skin, but she hadn’t. Most of the men in Ruth had weathered skin, and she had simply thought him darker than the others. Then she frowned at him and said in a positive tone, “Mackenzie isn’t an Indian name.”

He frowned back at her. “Scottish.”

“Oh. Are you a half-breed?”

She asked the question with the same unconsciousness as if she had been asking directions, silky brows lifted inquiringly over her blue eyes. It set his teeth on edge. “Yeah,” he grunted. There was something so irritating about the primness of her expression that he wanted to shock her out of her prissiness. Then he noticed the shivers shaking her body, and he pushed his irritation aside, at least until he could get her warm. The clumsy way she had been walking when he’d first seen her had told him that she was in the first stages of hypothermia. He shrugged out of his heavy coat and tossed it a side, then put on a pot of coffee.

Mary sat silently as he made coffee; he wasn’t a very talkative person, though that wasn’t going to make her give up. She was truly cold; she would wait until she had a cup of that coffee, then begin again. She looked up at him as he turned back to her, but his expression was unreadable. Without a word he took the scarf from her head and began unbuttoning her coat. Startled, she said, “I can do that,” but her fingers were so cold that any movement was agony. He stepped back and let her try for a moment, then brushed her hands aside and finished the job himself.

“Why are you taking my coat off when I’m so cold?” she asked in bewilderment as he peeled the coat down her arms.

“So I can rub your arms and legs.” Then he proceeded to remove her shoes.

The idea was as alien to her as snow. She wasn’t accustomed to anyone touching her, and didn’t intend to become accustomed. She started to tell him so, but the words vanished unsaid when he abruptly thrust his hands under her skirt, all the way to her waist. Mary gave a startled shriek and jerked back, almost oversetting the chair. He glared at her, his eyes like black ice.

“You don’t have to worry,” he snapped. “This is Saturday. I only rape on Tuesdays and Thursdays.” He thought about throwing her back out into the snow, but he couldn’t let a woman freeze to death, not even a white woman who obviously thought his touch would contaminate her.

Mary’s eyes grew so wide they eclipsed the rest of her face. “What’s wrong with Saturdays?” she blurted, then realized that she had almost issued him an invitation, for pity’s sake! She clapped her gloved hands to her face as a tide of red surged to her cheeks. Her brain must have frozen; it was the only possible explanation.

Wolf jerked his head up, not believing she had actually said that. Wide, horrified blue eyes stared at him from over black leather gloves, which covered the rest of her face but couldn’t quite hide the hot color. It had been so long since he’d seen anyone blush that it took him a minute to realize she was acutely embarrassed. Why, she was a prude! It was the final cliché to add to the dowdy, old maid schoolteacher image she presented. Amusement softened his irritation. This was probably the highlight of her life. “I’m going to pull your panty hose off so you can put your feet in the water,” he explained in a gruff voice.

“Oh.” The word was muffled because her hands were still over her mouth.

His arms were still under her skirt, his hands clasped on her hips. Almost unconsciously he felt the narrowness of her, and the softness. Dowdy or not, she still had the softness of a woman, the sweet scent of a woman, and his heartbeat increased as his body began to respond to her nearness. Damn, he needed a woman worse than he’d thought if this frumpy little schoolteacher could turn him on.

Mary sat very still as one powerful arm closed around her and lifted her so he could strip the panty hose down her hips and legs; the position put his head close to her breasts and stomach, and she stared down at his thick, shiny black hair. He had only to turn his head and his mouth would brush against her breasts. She had read in books that a man took a woman’s nipples into his mouth and sucked them as a nursing infant would, and she had always wondered why. Now the thought made her feel breathless, and her nipples tingled. His roughly callused hands brushed against her bare legs; how would
feel on her breasts? She began to feel oddly warm, and a little dizzy.

Wolf didn’t glance at her as he tossed the insubstantial panty hose to the floor. He lifted her feet onto his thigh and slid the dishpan into place, then slowly lowered her feet into the water. He had made certain the water was only warm, but he knew her feet were so cold even that would be painful. She sucked in her breath but didn’t protest, though he saw the gleam of tears in her eyes when he looked up at her.

“It won’t hurt for long,” he murmured reassuringly, moving so that his legs were on each side of hers, clasping them warmly. Then he carefully removed her gloves, struck by the delicacy of her white, cold hands. He held them between his warm palms for a moment, then made a decision and unbuttoned his shirt as he crowded closer to her.

“This will get them warm,” he said, and tucked her hands into the hollows of his armpits.

Mary was dumbstruck. She couldn’t believe that her hands were nestled in his armpits like birds. His warmth seared her cold fingers. She wasn’t actually touching skin; he wore a T-shirt, but it was still the most intimate she had ever been with another person. Armpits…well, everyone had them, but she certainly wasn’t accustomed to touching them. She had never before been this
by anyone, least of all a man. His hard legs were on each side of hers, clasping them; she was bent forward a little, her hands neatly tucked beneath his arms, while he briskly rubbed his hands over her arms and shoulders, then down to her thighs. She made a little sound of surprise; she simply couldn’t believe this was happening, not to Mary Elizabeth Potter, old maid schoolteacher

Wolf had been concentrating on his task but he looked up at the sound she made, into her wide blue eyes. They were an odd blue, he thought, not cornflower or that pure dark blue. There was just a hint of gray in the shade. Slate blue, that was it. Distantly he noticed that her hair was straggling down from the ungodly knot she’d twisted it into, framing her face in silky, pale brown wisps. She was very close, her face just inches from his. She had the most delicate skin he’d ever seen, as fine-grained as an infant’s, so pale and translucent he could see the fragile tracery of blue veins at her temples. Only the very young should have skin like that. As he watched, another blush began to stain her cheeks, and unwillingly he felt himself become entranced by the sight. He wondered if her skin was that silky and delicate all over—her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, between her legs. The thought was like an electrical jolt to his system, overloading his nerves. Damn, she smelled sweet! And she would probably jump straight out of that chair if he lifted her skirt the way he wanted to and buried his face against her silky thighs.

Mary licked her lips, oblivious to the way his eyes followed the movement. She had to say something, but she didn’t know what. His physical nearness seemed to have paralyzed her thought processes. My goodness, he was warm! And close. She should remember why she had come here in the first place, instead of acting like a ninny because a very good-looking, in a rough sort of way, very masculine person was too close to her. She licked her lips again, cleared her throat, and said, “Ah…I came to speak to Joe, if I may.”

His expression changed very little, yet she had the impression that he was instantly aloof. “Joe isn’t here. He’s doing chores.”

“I see. When will he be back?”

“In an hour, maybe two.”

She looked at him a little disbelievingly. “Are you Joe’s father?”


“His mother is…?”


The flat, solitary word jarred her, yet at the same time she was aware of a faint, shocking sense of relief. She looked away from him again. “How did you feel about Joe quitting school?”

“It was his decision.”

“But he’s only sixteen! He’s just a boy—”

“He’s Indian,” Wolf interrupted. “He’s a man.”

Indignation mingled with exasperation to act as a spur. She jerked her hands from his armpits and planted them on her hips. “What does that have to do with anything? He’s sixteen years old and he needs to get an education!”

“He can read, write and do math. He also knows everything there is to know about training horses and running a ranch. He chose to quit school and work here full-time. This is my ranch, and my mountain. One day it will be his. He decided what to do with his life, and it’s train horses.” He didn’t like explaining his and Joe’s personal business to anyone, but there was something about this huffy, dowdy little teacher that made him answer. She didn’t seem to realize he was Indian; intellectually she knew it, but she obviously had no idea what it
to be Indian, and to be Wolf Mackenzie in particular, to have people turn aside to avoid speaking to him.

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