The Complete Contract Series (2 page)

Read The Complete Contract Series Online

Authors: Suzanne Steele

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Organized Crime, #Contemporary Fiction, #Romance, #Crime Fiction

BOOK: The Complete Contract Series
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Chapter One


Screams reverberated off of the warehouse walls. I’m not talking about the kind of screams that are produced when a victim is attempting to yell for assistance in fear. I’m talking about the blood curdling and terror filled kind—the kind that I enjoy most.

Most people can’t stomach my line of work. Even the most seasoned of soldiers in Iraq had to leave the room when I was
information out of a captured enemy. I’m a cold-blooded, sadistic motherfucker, with a compassionate heart—go figure. The only problem is that I’m impenetrable—until now… But back to the matter at hand.

I eyed the scumbag I had tied to the chair. I liked the terror I was seeing in his eyes, but I couldn’t stand the begging—I save that for the women that I fuck.

His weak ass whimpering and sniveling was getting on my nerves and I like to think of myself as a man in control, a man who can control his state of irritability.

“I swear man, I’ll stay away from the parks, the schools, the kids. I’ll never touch another kid again.”

That pissed me off—by saying he’d stay away from places kids were, he was admitting he knew he was wrong and he was still watching kids—purposely breaking his probation agreement. I slammed the butt of the gun into his face and watched as his skin split down to the bone and another blood curdling scream pierced through the air. Yes, that’s much better.

“The problem with scumbags like you is that you’re born fucked up and the only way to purge society of you is to kill you. Castration doesn’t even work on men who abuse women and children.”

A shot rang through the air, well actually a muffled
thanks to the silencer on my gun, as I pointed the gun between his legs and fired. I watched as his groin splattered open, sending pieces of flesh flying in my direction. I quickly moved out of the way, I still had to drive home and the last thing that I needed was some cop stopping me with blood and flesh matter covering me.

Damn, I hit his femoral artery. Looks like the fun is over. Just another child molester some mother won’t have to worry about. Hell, I would have killed the son of a bitch for free, but the guy who hired me has a hundred grand to spare and right now I’m saving my money to buy an island. Fuck going on vacation, when I’m not working I want to disappear, and reappear when I see fit. In my line of work, I have to be a ghost. And buying my own island will only allow me to completely disappear when I need to.



I made my way out of the shower and threw on a pair of sweats while my computer booted up. I needed coffee, so I meandered my way into my industrial kitchen and began spooning coffee into the stove top espresso maker I use. I set my phone in the charger at my desk and began going through emails as I waited for it to brew.

I clicked on a message that had been sent from an unfamiliar address and studied it. I immediately knew in my gut that something wasn’t right. I quickly made my way back into the kitchen and poured my coffee. I wanted to give this email my undivided attention and coffee in my system was going to be needed for that.

I sat back down and read it.


I received your name and email address through a mutual friend we both did tours in Iraq with. I’m fully aware you don’t normally deal with clients who have requests that involve women. However I think you may be inclined to find this case interesting since the death of a child was involved. I am enclosing all of the party’s personal information. I trust that you will come to the same conclusion I have concerning the individual involved.

Anticipating your reply.


Mark Bradley

Though I am a man who believes and relies on statistics that are factual in nature, I also go with my gut, and my gut was telling me something about this request for my services was drastically off in nature. Whether it was a case of someone trying to infiltrate my operation, or a case of a woman being wrongfully accused, I had every intention of getting to the bottom of things and finding the truth.

The first thing I did was to open up the attachment that had been sent with the email. I felt my breath hitch in my chest when I viewed her. The woman in the picture was the epitome of innocence.

The visage looking back at me socked me in the gut and held me hostage from the moment I laid eyes on it. This woman was the kind of beautiful that is completely opposite of magazine cover beautiful. Her hair hung down to her ass like corn silk—blonde, perfectly straight, virgin hair. Her eyes were so light blue they appeared to be translucent in nature. Her face didn’t have a stitch of make-up on her peaches and cream complexion. No lipstick was on the plump, full, naturally bright pink lips that I could envision wrapped around my cock. This woman was by far the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. She didn’t know it yet—but she was mine…



Chapter Two


I squirmed in my seat as I got organized with everything I would need for my voyeuristic meanderings. I had a comfortable leather recliner, which was positioned where I could get the best view. When I had purchased it online and had it delivered, I purposely had it placed in this very spot for just that reason. I chuckled as I thought of what the burly man with the plumbers crack would have thought if he knew the plans I had for this chair.

Hundreds of condominiums in the high-rise building situated directly opposite of mine were far enough away for me not to be discovered, yet close enough to give me an intimate view of my neighbor’s lives. I knew detailed secrets about these strangers. Hidden nuggets of knowledge that their own families didn’t know—intimate, embarrassing, shameful details of their lives that they would be horrified and mortified to think were public knowledge. I reveled in the power and control that it gave me.

I scanned the residences with my high powered binoculars, catching glimpses of familiar faces, bodies, decor and living spaces that each person possessed and inhabited. I stopped when I viewed the habitation of one of my favorites that housed a type of dungeon of sorts within its walls. It appeared that the couple was heavy at play tonight and I felt my lower abdomen clench in anticipation.

I watched, in a trance, as her husband grabbed a fistful of hair and growled words that I could only imagine in her ear. She was held captive on a wooden device that looked like a large x. Her wrists were bound above her head and her ankles were strapped to the lower half of the x leaving her legs spread open and her at the mercy of her husband. The look on her face stated so much more than the words that I was unable to hear could. I felt myself flinch with her when he jerked at the fistful of hair he held tightly within his grasp. Her mouth opened as if she was agonized and her eyes begged him for release. This was not a woman who was being subjected to any form of abuse. No, this was a woman who was enjoying the dark side of her innate sexual desires.

I could feel the moisture pooling between my legs as I viewed him talking in her ear. Oh what I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall right now. My hand slid down between my legs and into the dainty cotton underwear I wore. I continued to watch—holding the binoculars with one hand as my other hand swirled over my now engorged wet nub.

I watched him release her legs as his cock jutted out demanding attention. Her arms remained subdued above her head. He wrapped her legs around his waist and thrust up into her. His hands fisted in her hair on both sides of her head—as he mercilessly pumped away at her insides. I noted how his ass tightened and indented at his hips with each thrust and it made me crave being fucked roughly, violently—not made love to, but fucked in a primal fashion. I wanted what she had—I wanted to experience being taken by a man I could trust. It was a fantasy though, nothing more than a fantasy. It was something I had never experienced, and probably never would, so I lived vicariously through a couple that had no idea I even existed. My finger moved faster as my legs tightened and I knew my release was close—so very close. As if on cue my body convulsed at the same time that the couple fell into each other sated.

Though I was physically satisfied—I missed the connection that came from being with a partner. I just wasn’t in the right mental state for a relationship though. This would have to do for now. Yes, for now, I had been reduced to a voyeuristic kink. I got up, shut things down, and made my way to bed.



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