The Complete Adventures of Curious George (33 page)

BOOK: The Complete Adventures of Curious George
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He could see a big table with bright lamps over it and doctors and nurses all around. They had caps on their heads and masks over their faces; only their eyes were showing.

One of the doctors winked at George and patted his head. It was Doctor Baker, who had been to the house when it all had started. He looked funny with his mask on ... And then George was fast asleep.

When George woke up he did not know what had happened. He did not even know where he was. Then he saw Nurse Carol. "It's all done, George," she said. "They got the piece out. In a day or two you will be running around again."

The man had brought him a picture book. But George felt sick and dizzy. His throat was hurting, too. He was not even curious about the new book. He closed his eyes again. "We'll let him sleep," said Nurse Carol. "The more he sleeps, the better."

The next morning George felt better. He even ate a dish of ice cream. Dr. Baker came to see him, and the man, of course, came too.

Betsy was watching him from time to time. She seemed a little less sad, but she still did not smile.

Steve wheeled his go-cart over to George's bed. "Tomorrow I can get up and try to walk," he said. "Boy, I can hardly wait."

"I'll take you to the playroom now, George," Nurse Carol said the next morning, "and in the afternoon your friend will come and take you home."

The playroom was full of children. A lady was showing Betsy how to use finger paint. There were all sorts of things to play with, even a puppet theater—and that was just the thing for George. He had four hands so could handle four puppets at the same time.

George gave
a real puppet show,
with a dragon
and a clown
and a bear
and a policeman.

The children laughed
and shouted,
and even Betsy
for the
first time
smiled a little.

There was a TV set in the playroom and also a record player. George was curious: If he climbed on the record player and turned the switch,

would it go round
and round like a
real merry-go-round?

It did!

It started slowly, then it went faster and faster, and whoopee! George had lost his balance and was sailing through the air...

Luckily George landed on a soft cushion. The children cheered, and Betsy smiled again. George was SO funny.

But then the play lady picked George up. "That's enough for now," she said. "You'd better take a nap before lunch. We have a big day ahead of us. The mayor is coming to visit the hospital today, and later on you will be going home, George."

When George woke up, Steve was just taking his first steps. A nurse was helping him, and the children were watching.

The go-cart was standing there empty. George was curious. He looked at it. Then he climbed into it.

Then he grabbed the wheels and then, while nobody was looking, he wheeled the go-cart right out of the room.

George could make the go-cart go very fast. This was fun! Down the hall he went. By now the nurse had noticed that he was gone and came running after him. "George! George!" she shouted.

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