The Commitment (26 page)

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Authors: Kate Benson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #War, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military

BOOK: The Commitment
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“I am this close to stabbing you with my shoe!” Emily threatens.

“Girl, I am not scared of you!” she laughs. “Come on! Ass in line, Ricketts! Look alive, Spence!”

“Jesus… she was so sweet when I gave her to you,” she smirks accusingly in Drake’s direction before walking over with a small chuckle. “Can we please delay all stabbings until after the ceremony?”

“You have to do something about Bridezilla,” Heather says, facing my girl.

“Ha! She isn’t going to stop for me, you should know that!”

wedding, Sophie!”

“That means nothing to her!” Sophie laughs, directing her back to the group. “Trust me. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll just keep your head down and count!”

Once we get through the rehearsal with no casualties, we make our way back to the house to eat. When I make my way back out to the porch to one of the long tables we’d rented for the reception, I take my seat beside Sophie, who’s talking to Jack and Matty on her opposite side.

“You sure you want to eat all that, Bubba?” Emily smirks as she glances over at my plate. “I didn’t want to say anything, but you’ve put on a few pounds since I saw you last.”

“No, I haven’t,” I argue, my frown of disapproval pulling laughter from the small group. “How do you figure?”

“Love handles,” she says leaning forward with a smirk as she whispers loud enough for the others to hear.

Rolling my eyes, I shake my head at her nonsensical reply and pick up my fork.

“You’re nuts,” I tell her. “I weigh exactly what I’ve weighed for the last three years.”

“You know, de-nial isn’t just a river, my friend.”

“I’m gonna send your ass up the river if you don’t let me eat my food,” I laugh.

“Emily Suzanne,” my mom admonishes her with a grin. “Leave your brother alone.”

“I’m just being honest,” she shrugs, smirking at the attention her jokes are getting her. “I know how much he appreciates honesty.”

“Yeah, well how’s this for honesty?” I smirk back at her, picking up my fork. “You were an accident.”

“Baby!” Sophie laughs, smacking me playfully.

“You lie!” Emily gasps, narrowing her eyes as the grin still plays on her lips.

“Chase, we told you not to tell Emmy Bug about that,” Pops says calmly, causing my sister to whip her head around. “You know how she gets.”


“Oh Honey, don’t be so dramatic,” my mom says, ignoring the laughter around her. “You know everyone loves you!”

“Yeah, because mom makes us,” I continue to tease Emily, laughing when she flips me off. “She used to have to bribe me to play with you.”

“Be nice to your sister,” Sophie chuckles.

“She called me fat!” I laugh.

“Sophie’s right, Chase Benjamin,” my mom says. “You’re being a shit, son. Apologize to your sister.”

“I’m sorry,” I tell her with a sigh, childishly waiting for my mom’s head to turn to flip her off.

“I saw that,” my mom says, looking up to shake her head at Sophie. “Can you believe how they act, my kids? I raised them better than this.”

“I think the hardest thing to believe about this entire situation is that he’s pushing thirty,” Drake laughs.

Once we finish up supper, we spend the next few hours enjoying our company. Since Sophie’s pregnant, we’d decided to forego traditional bachelor and bachelorette parties, choosing a small party with everyone together instead. In addition to family, Sophie and I have a few friends in from out of town and it’s great to see everyone getting along so wonderfully.

The sun has set on the beach and dusk is setting in, bringing the final day separating us from our wedding to an end. The twinkle lights Ana had us put out here this morning seemed a little frivolous, but as I take in the way Sophie’s bronze skin glows in their light, I’m speechless.

So much has happened between us, this road we’ve shared wasn’t always easy, but we made it. I can’t believe that this time tomorrow I’ll be able to call Sophie my wife.

“Dude,” my friend Nick says, breaking my thoughts. “I gotta say, you’re a better man than I am.”

“No shit,” I say with a chuckle as I take a long pull from my first beer in months. “Why do you say that?”

“I’m serious, man,” he says. “I mean, Jack seems like a nice enough guy and all that, but I don’t think I’d be alright if Trina was that chummy with her ex. I don’t know how you do it.”

“Look at her,” I say, glancing over to where Sophie and Jack are sitting together on one of the massive Adirondack chairs, listening to music through a shared set of earbuds. I relish in the sound of her loud laughter. She throws her head back, gripping her stomach as she surrenders to the giggle that’s taking over her body. “Look how happy she is.”

I don’t miss the love and adoration in their exchange as he watches her reaction to the joke I didn’t hear. It’s obvious that he’s still in love with her just as completely as I am. It’s different than it was when he first came back, that’s for sure, but it’s obvious that something’s still there beneath the surface.

When she feels me watching her and gives me a glimpse of those rogue dimples of hers, the love she has for me hits me like a ton of bricks for the hundredth time today.

“Do you really want another guy to be the one that makes her that happy?” Nick asks, pulling me back to the conversation.

“You know what? At the end of the day, she’s coming home with me,” I tell him. “She’s in my bed, wearing my ring, taking my name tomorrow. At the end of the day, Sophie’s mine and she makes sure I know it. I trust her completely. As long as that doesn’t change and she’s happy, the other shit just doesn’t matter to me,” I admit, watching her throw her head back in laughter again and unable to stop the smirk that covers my lips. “That smile though? That matters.”

Chapter Twenty Six




“Wake up! It’s your wedding day!” Ana sings excitedly as she barges into my room, pulling a groan from my lips.

Insistent on keeping up with traditions, she and Chase’s Granny insisted on him renting a room last night. He stayed with me as long as they’d leave him alone, but at eleven-fifty-nine, they were ushering him out the door in the name of luck.

Needless to say, I didn’t sleep a wink.

“Go away!” I whine, pulling the covers over my head.

“Never!” she laughs, yanking them from my grasp. “Come on, get up! It’s already seven-thirty, sleepy head.”

“Seven-thirty, Ana? Really?” I gape.

“I know! We’re already behind!”

“The wedding doesn’t start until five, you nutcase!”

“Which means we need to have you ready by four,” she argues. “Come on. I’ve already kicked Chase and Drake out of the house…”

“He was here?” I ask as I gape at her in disbelief.

“Yes, and I kicked him out because we need to get you fed and bathed so we can leave. Jack’s going to stay with JT until later when your Aunt Deb gets here.”

“Where are you taking me?” I demand.

“We have to get our hair and nails done. The guys have to come back here around lunchtime and since you know it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding,” she starts, pulling me from the bed as I roll my eyes. “I’m taking you to lunch with Aunt Deb, Renee, Emily, Heather and Charlotte.”

“This is why I’m your only friend,” I grumble as she pushes me out into the living room. “I need you to know that.”

“I know,” she giggles, her upbeat love of mornings irritating me to no end.

“Stop being so freaking cheerful!” I grunt. “You know it annoys the shit out of me.”

“There’s our little drop of sunshine,” Jack chuckles from his spot on the couch. “Mornin’ Beautiful.”

“Hey Jack,” I yawn through my best attempt at a smile, making him laugh.

“I made you breakfast,” Ana says, still pushing me toward the kitchen. “You’re having fruit and oatmeal with toast and a smoothie. Doesn’t that sound good?”

“No,” I pout, leaning my head onto the bar that separates us.

“Well, what do you want, Honey?”

“A nap.”

“No naps for you today,” she sings, turning on the sound system loud enough to annoy me but low enough to keep from waking JT.

“I thought you were my friend.”

your friend,” she smiles. “I’m your best friend and we love each other.”

“Not right now, we don’t,” I joke.

“Well, no, but it’s nice to be nice,” she smirks, pulling me in for a hug. “You’ll love me after you’re awake. I can wait, you’re worth it.”

“Gee thanks,” I laugh. “So, what’s on the agenda today?”

“We need to leave here by nine fifteen because have an appointment at the salon starting at ten,” she says as she hands me my plate and smiling when I thank her. “I figure it will take until at least one to get everything done since there are so many of us. After that, we’ll have lunch, get back here at somewhere around two-thirty or so and have you dressed and ready by four. The photographer will be here by then for pictures of the two of you separately. The ceremony begins at five, more pictures of you together while the reception gets started immediately after. You’ll join us at around six-thirty, we eat at seven. Toasts start at eight sharp. We’ll have the cake cutting at eight-thirty. Dance and have fun for one hour, say goodbye to your guests and head your hotel at around ten-thirty. Wham, bam, thank you ma’am, you’re consummated and in bed by one.”

“And we’re very sure there’s no nap in store for me later?”

“I am positive,” she laughs. “While you’re finishing your food, I’m going to get dressed.”

After receiving a nod of confirmation from me, she leaves me at the bar with my oatmeal and my thoughts. I’m lost in the sounds of the Charli XCX Ana left on when I hear the beat slow and change. As ‘Cool Kids’ by Echosmith fills the room, I glance up to see Jack making his way over to me.

“Thank you,” I sigh as he sits beside me.

“You’re welcome,” he smiles. “So are you ready for today?”

“Yeah,” I nod, watching as he takes a grape from my plate, lost in thought as he slowly chews and holds my gaze. “What”

“Nothing, it’s just…” he starts, looking away before giving his blue green eyes back to me. “Soph, you’re happy, right? This is still what you want, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” I tell him, reaching for his hand and squeezing it.

“If you’re ever not…” he says, looking over and I nod, not needing him to finish.

“I know,” I tell him, fighting the knot in my throat as he pulls me to his chest.

“You make him be good to you, Sophie,” he says in a soft voice, causing me to hold him tighter as I nod against him. “Say you promise.”

“I promise, Jack,” I whisper, the crack in my voice matching his. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Beautiful Girl,” he says, firmly kissing my hair. “I love you so much. Forever.”

After a quiet moment, we slowly pull away and as I look up, I find his glassy eyes on mine. Gently, he sweeps the pads of him thumbs across my cheeks and kisses me on the forehead before starting past me.

“Jack?” I ask, my voice holding a nervous shake as I turn to face his curious expression. “Are you coming later?”

“Of course,” he says, giving me my favorite lopsided smile. “I’d hate to be the reason your wedding party was uneven.”

I’d known Chase had asked him to stand with him because he knew it was important to me, but I didn’t think he’d accept because of, well,
. Before I can voice my disbelief, he shoots me a wink and leaves the room.

I’m still gaping in shock when Ana emerges from her bedroom, looking like she’d spent two hours in there when it had been no more than twenty minutes.

“You ready?” she asks, looking up at my pajamas and frazzled morning hair in annoyance. “Come on! Jeez! It’s like you don’t even want to get your nails done today!”

“Calm down,” I snort. “I’m going!”

After a quick shower and throwing on a tank top and shorts, we’re off. Over the course of the next few hours, I’m waxed, massaged, primped and buffed to perfection. I always tease Ana for being so girly, but I have to admit I feel pretty amazing by the time we make it back to the house.

“How do you want your makeup?” Heather asks as she leans against the wall facing the vanity chair I’m sitting in.

“She wants it natural, but with a touch of glam,” Ana smirks.

“Well, there you go,” I laugh, rolling my eyes as I face my best friend. “So are you going to let me see myself when we’re done?”

“Of course,” she laughs. “But not until we’re done and you’re dressed. I want it to be a surprise.”

“What if I don’t like it?” I tease her.

“How could you not like it?” she scoffs. “Even though I could put you in a paper bag and you’d be gorgeous, Sophie, trust me. You’re going to love it. Just close your eyes and let me do the rest.”

“Yeah, like I’ve never heard that before,” I smirk. “That’s almost exactly the same line Chase used on me the night we made Peanut.”

After an hour of girl time, they’re half drunk and my ass is going numb, but Ana announces we’re done.

“Okay!” she claps. “We’re right on schedule! Emily, do you have her dress?”

“Yep,” she says from behind me.

“Perfect,” Ana smiles. “Now, we have to be careful not to catch your hair or makeup on anything. Heather, Charlotte, can you help?”

“Sure,” they say simultaneously, holding the flowy white dress up for me to step into.

As Ana tells them to pull it up, she helps make sure everything is the way it should be, her eyes scrutinizing every inch of fabric, every tendril, she says nothing to me.

“Charlotte, can you hand me her shoes, please?”

“Here,” she says, her eyes just as untelling as the others.

“Step in,” she instructs me, holding the flat, crystal adorned sandals onto my newly manicured feet. “Heather, can you hand me that box, please?”

“Sure,” she says.

“Thank you,” she says quietly before turning to face them. “Would y’all mind giving us a minute, please?”

“Of course,” they all say, each giving us a smile as they let themselves out of the room.

“Before I let you see yourself,” Ana starts. “I have something for you.”

“Ana, you didn’t have to…”

“Hush,” she smiles. “So, before I give this to you, I have a confession. I don’t think I ever told anyone this before, but when my mom was pregnant, I prayed every night for a sister. You can imagine with my delicate personality, I wasn’t very happy when she told me I was getting a brother,” she says, making me grin. “Anyway, she was pregnant over Christmas and my dad gave me a necklace with four sapphires on it, one to represent each of us. He said, ‘Ana, I know you want a sister, but God knows when certain souls need the best sisters out there. We think maybe that’s why He decided to give you a brother instead, because He knew you’d be just the sister this baby will need.’”

“Aww,” I say, my eyes tearing up.

“Well, at the time, I thought it was a load of crap,” she sniffs, making me laugh. “Especially when Jack was five and he broke the necklace,” she says. “Luckily, though, I salvaged the pieces and Jack grew on me. Later, I realized that my dad was right. God knows when we need a sister. He’d already given me the best brother I could have ever asked for, but He waited to give me you, my sister, when I needed her most.”

As the tears threaten to ruin her cosmetic masterpiece, I watch her carefully open the small, velvet box she’s holding and I see what’s inside. Two identical diamond tennis bracelets lie side by side, each of them with a single sapphire in the center.

“There were four stones,” she says quietly as she places one of the elaborate bracelets on my wrist. “Lucy had one, Jack has one and I had these made for us.”

“Ana, I can’t…” I try, the tears not having time to fall before she’s catching them with a tissue. “This is a family thing.”

“Soph, we’ve been through hell and come out on the other side together. You’re just as much my family as anyone,” she says with a teary smile. “I know that things didn’t turn out the way we always thought they would, but you have to walk down that aisle knowing how happy I am for you. I love you so much, Honey.”

“I love you, too, Ana,” I manage, pulling her to my chest and hugging her tightly.

In the middle of our sisterly embrace, ‘My Baby Daddy’ by B-Rock and The Bizz sounds loudly through the room, causing her to groan.

“What the hell is that?” she asks, her face contorting in horror and making me grin.

“It’s my phone,” I laugh. “Chase changed his ringtone.”

“Ah! I should have known,” she smirks. “Well, I’ll give you two some privacy then. I love you.”

“I love you more,” I reply with a small smile, watching her go.

“No peeking!” she calls back, making me chuckle as I lift the phone from its place on the table.

“Hi Babysaurus,” I answer.

“Hey Princess,” he says, the smile in his voice obvious. “What are you wearing?”

“A wedding dress,” I giggle.

“Damn right you are!” he chuckles, making me beam. “Are you getting nervous?”

“No,” I say honestly. “Why, are you getting cold feet, Mitchell?”

“These feet have never been warmer, my Sweetheart,” he starts. “Are you alone right now?”


“Good,” he says. “Will you do something for me please?”


“I gave Emily something to put in your purse,” he starts. “Do you see a small blue bag?”

“Yeah,” I say after pulling it from the side pocket.

“Good,” he says. “When we hang up, I want you to open that and follow the instructions.”

“Okay, you gorgeous weirdo,” I laugh. “Are you wearing yours?”

“Of course,” he says of the cufflinks I’d had engraved with today’s date I’d put into his bag. “I love them, thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” I smirk. “I’ll see you soon!”

“I can’t fucking wait,” he admits, making me blush.

“Me either, Lovebug.”

“Tell my Peanut I love her,” he sighs.

“Daddy loves you, Peanut,” I smile, rubbing my belly. “I’m sure he loves you, too.”

“I love you, Sophie.”

“I love you, too, Baby.”

As we hang up, I toss the phone onto the mattress and open the conspicuous blue bag, lifting the lid of the small box. Tucked inside, I find an mp3 player with a bright yellow sticky note with the words, “
Press play and listen. I love you, Princess

Switching it on, I sit as carefully as I can without disrupting my dress, knowing Ana will kill me otherwise. My heart clenches in my chest as Bob Dylan’s ‘When I Get My Hands On You’ from The New Basement Tapes begins to play. The lyrics are so beautiful that by the end of the song, I’m struggling again to not ruin my makeup. As it’s finishing up, Ana reenters the room and comes to a stop in front of me.

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