The Commitment (20 page)

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Authors: Kate Benson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #War, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military

BOOK: The Commitment
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“Nothing at all,” he smirks. “Say your dad’s name.”


“His full name, Babe.”

“Franklin Lee… oh,” I trail off.

“Oh my God,” Chase laughs. “You’re trying to name my baby Benjamin Franklin?”

“I didn’t think it through,” I blush. “Shut up. I’m going to get dressed.”

Once I’m showered and dressed for the day, I rejoin the others and am happy to see Ana’s finally emerged from her bedroom. She and Drake are both quiet, but seem to have come to some kind of understanding about everything that happened. I know how much she loves him, so I’m glad they were able to work things out, but I meant what I’d told Chase last night. I’ll always stand up for my best friend.

We spend the day looking over the beach and trying to strategize placement for chairs, an aisle and the other basic necessities. By the time we make it in a few hours later and Ana forces me to make a list of foods for the reception, I’m not only starving, I’m exhausted.

Once I’ve gotten JT fed and bathed, I settle onto the couch with him to watch a movie, but barely make it through the previews before I’m asleep. When Chase lifts me from the couch and carries me into the bedroom, I wake slightly and grip his neck tighter.

“Pretty soon I’m going to be too big for this,” I mutter, pressing my lips to his neck.

“Never,” he whispers into my hair. “I can’t even tell that much of a difference.”

“Aww, you’re such a liar,” I yawn, recalling I’d officially gained twenty pounds as of my last appointment as he sits me on the bed. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Baby,” he says, letting out a quiet chuckle.

Helping me out of my clothes, he kisses me on the forehead and pulls the covers down for me. After hearing him move around the room for a moment, I feel the bed dip and him climb in beside me. As he pulls my back to his front, he runs his lips up my neck and begins slowly massaging my breast, resting his hand between my legs.

“Hmm…” I groggily hum in pleasure. “Baby, that feels really good, but I don’t think I can move. I’m so tired.”

“Do you need to come?” he whispers.

“Yeah, but…”

“Hush, Baby. I’m gonna take care of you,” he says softly, lifting my leg slightly and pushing into me from behind.

“Ah,” I gasp, louder than I’d anticipated and lightly, he moves his hand from my breast to my lips.

The added restraint sends a rush of arousal through me and instantly, I feel myself growing wetter around him.

“You’re fucking soaked, Baby,” he pants into my hair, moving faster inside me as he runs his tongue over my earlobe, sucking gently. “I love taking you from behind, Princess.”

“Oh my God,” I groan against his hand, his words sending me further into the abyss.

“Let me watch you touch your clit, Dirty Girl,” he husks out and immediately, I move my hand lower, my already building orgasm coming on full force.

“You gonna give it to me already, Gorgeous?” he asks, the smirk evident in his voice as he pushes deeper.

“Yes,” I admit, my voice muffled beneath his hand.

“This is my pussy, isn’t it, Sweetheart?”


“Say it, Baby,” he orders through clenched teeth. “Tell me I own this cunt, Sophie.”

“Holy fuck, Chase,” I whimper at the delicious filth flying from his lips. “It’s yours!”

“Good girl,” he croons, stretching and filling me over and over at a rapid pace as I feel his eyes watching me work myself over. “Do you want my come?”

“Yes,” I mewl, nearly in tears at the explosive climax that’s only seconds away. “Please come with me, Chase.”

“Okay, Princess. Are you ready?” he whispers, his hot breath running over my neck as he thrusts deeper, humming as I nod my answer. “Go Baby!”

As I hit my climax, he fills me, panting heavily over my skin as he tightens his grip on my thigh. The combined effect throws me over the edge so completely, I cry out loudly. Tightening his clasp over my mouth, I sink my teeth into his hand as my arousal climbs to new heights. I climax furiously around his still pulsing shaft and watching my reaction, he lets out a low growl.

“Oh my God, Baby,” he groans, running his tongue up the side of my cheek, licking my tears clean. My chest is still heaving as I lie limp in his arms, letting out a quiet whimper when he lifts my hand to his mouth. He hums around my fingers as he sucks them clean before returning my hand to my stomach and bending to kiss the back of my head. “That was hot as fuck. Are you okay?”

“I’m perfect,” I whisper, loving the feel of him resting inside me. “I want to fall asleep just like this.”

The last thing I remember before I did just that was him telling me he loves me.



Thankfully, although I wake earlier than usual the next morning, it’s at a more reasonable hour. As I slip out of the bed, I’m careful not to disturb Chase’s large, perfect frame. I throw some clothes on and head into the kitchen in search of my best friend.

I could tell yesterday had been a rough day for her, but as the afternoon progressed, she slowly begin to return to herself. I’d seen her and Drake talking quietly in the kitchen last night as we settled onto the couch. While I’d hoped they were talking things out, I’d fallen asleep so quickly, I wasn’t really sure. When I find sitting at the small breakfast table by the window, my heart warms as I watch her meet my eyes and give me a genuine smile.

“Good morning,” she says, her voice sounding normal for the first time in two days.

“Hey,” I say, giving her the best smile I can manage before eight in the morning. “How are you?”

“Better,” she admits.

“Did y’all talk some more?” I ask, moving across the kitchen with my hot tea to join her.

“No,” she starts. “He offered, but I really didn’t want to hear anymore. We pretty much said everything we needed to say when we came home the other night. I just needed some time to be mad, you know?”

“Yeah,” I nod. “So, do you think you’re going to be okay?”

“Yes, I do. I know he wasn’t lying to me. It was a mistake, he never meant for it to happen and he stopped it as quickly as he could. It hurts, it sucks and I hate it, but I’ve given him my forgiveness strictly due to the circumstances,” she sighs. “There aren’t very many things I’m certain of, but I know without a doubt that Drake loves me and he knows if he ever hurts me again, I’m gone.”

“So everything’s good then?”

“Yes,” she says, giving me another smile and reaching for a stack of bridal magazines from the chair beside her. “Plus, bonus, we can get back to planning your wedding today.”

“Yay!” I say, still not awake enough to fully mean it and causing her to chuckle.

“Since we’re going to some of the bridal places later,” she starts, pulling the first in front of her. “I thought we should try and get an idea of what you want for the ceremony. What colors did you settle on?”

“I was stuck between a couple and I can’t remember what they were called,” I admit. “One was that oceany blue color, remember?”

“Yeah,” she nods. “Hang on, one of these has a palate in the back, let me look.” I’m staring out the window absentmindedly when her voice breaks my thoughts again. “Here, wasn’t it one of those?”

Leaning across the table to hand me the book, the sleeve of her robe catches and moves up her arm. When I move to help her, I see the mark on her wrist and my heart stops.

“Ana,” I whisper, a combination of terror and fury filling my voice. “What the hell happened to you?”

Chapter Twenty




As Ana’s grey eyes meet mine, a mixture of panic and uncertainty cross her features and my head begins to reel.

“Honey,” I say, my voice starting to shake. “Please tell me what happened.”

“Um,” she starts, uncharacteristically stuttering.

“Ana, did Drake do this to you?” I ask, praying for anything but a confirmation.

When her eyes meet mine, the look of anxiety in her eyes still prominent, the knot builds in my chest. Before I can attempt to ask her again, the door to her and Drake’s bedroom comes swinging open.

“Baby,” he starts, looking down at his watch as he enters the room, completely unaware. “Have you seen my-”

“Did you do this to her?” I spit out at him, venom in my voice as I cut him off.


“Her arm,” I say, grabbing it as gently as I can and thrusting it up to show him. “Did you do that to her?”

“Sophie,” he starts, shaking his head. “Honey, it’s not what you think…”

“Don’t you
me, you asshole,” I spit, a fury inside me unlike any I’ve ever know as I step around Ana’s chair and head straight for him, attempting to shove him. His much larger frame doesn’t do much against my small one and seeing that only makes me madder. “You want to hit someone? You want to leave a mark on a woman? I dare you to fucking touch me!”

“Sophie, it was an accident!” Ana tries, reaching for my arm to stop me from hitting him. “He didn’t mean to…”

“Don’t defend him,” I tell her. “Look at your arm, Ana.”

“Sophie, you don’t understand…” she starts again, her voice growing louder, but I’m not hearing it.

“Ana, there’s nothing to understand,” I shake my head. “I’m not going to let anyone fucking hurt you. That is not okay!”

“Sophie, I wouldn’t…” Drake tries.

“You shut up!” I snap, cutting him off.

“What the fuck is going on out here?” Chase says, coming into the room and stepping between me and the others.

“What’s going on,” I start as I face him. “Is your piece of shit cousin put his hands on my best friend and I’m about to fucking kill him!”

“It’s not like that, Sophie!” Ana interjects.

“Ana, you
told me he did this to you,” I manage.

“Yeah, I know, but…”

“But nothing,” I say, attempting to step around Chase. “I’m kicking his ass!”

“Baby,” Chase says as he gently grabbing my arms from behind. “Stop.”

“Are you fucking kidding me right now, Chase?” I ask, slowly turning to face him in shock. “Do you see this shit?”

“Yes,” he nods, his voice calm. “But it’s not what you think, Babe.”

“How is it not what I think, Chase?” I rail. “Look at her! You look at her and you give me one good reason why I shouldn’t knock the living shit out of-”

“It was consensual!” Ana blurts, cutting my rant short.

“Consensual? What the hell are you…?” I start, my voice slowly trailing off as I begin to understand. When my eyes meet hers, she slowly nods her head.

“Yeah, Soph,” she says, blushing slightly.

My eyes dart between them and I think about her behavior with him, the way he is with her. Remembering the first time the three of us were all standing in the very same spot, I recall hearing her call him Sir and it all clicks into place.

“Seriously?” I ask them both, immediately met with nods.

“Yes,” they answer simultaneously.

“And you knew?” I turn to ask Chase.

“Yeah,” he says quietly, holding my eyes.

“And you’re cool with this?” I say, darting my eyes back to Ana.


Standing silently as I let the past few minutes sink in, I shake my head and face my best friend again.

“Seriously?” I ask, this time unable to hide the look of slight disgust, ignoring Chase’s gentle laughter from behind me.

“Yes, Soph,” Ana says, blushing again. “I was going to tell you, but I was afraid you’d, well… Act like this.”

“I’m sorry,” I tell her, pulling her to my chest. “I was just worried about you.”

“I know.”

“It serves you right though after all that crap you gave me about Chase manhandling me,” I tell her in a voice only we can here as I playfully smack her.

“Ow,” she laughs, hugging me tighter.

“Whatever,” I tease, still whispering. “Don’t act like you don’t like it.”

“Oh my God,” she laughs, releasing me as we turn to face Chase and Drake.

“Are we cool?” Drake asks. “Or do I need to worry about you coming after me at lunch?”

“No, we’re cool,” I sigh. “But I’m watching you, Mitchell. You better not hurt her. I’ll fuck you up.”

“Sophie, I would die first,” he says, his eyes genuine.

“Alright,” I say.

“Too soon for a hug?” he teases.

“Very much so,” I chuckle. “You keep your freaky ass over there.”

“Deal,” he laughs, pressing his lips to Ana’s forehead before facing Chase. “Dude, your fiance’s a little nuts.”

“Yeah, I know,” he smirks.

“You think I’m bad,” I start as I take a seat at the table. “You better not let Jack find out like that.”

“Don’t let me find out what?” we hear and immediately turn to see him standing in the doorway.




The second Jack’s voice breaks through our conversation, my girl’s eyes bug out and she spins to face him. The emotion in her face is impossible to miss as she stares back at him, holding his eyes.

I hadn’t admitted it to her, but yesterday when I woke up, I’d overheard them talking. I thought about interrupting, but I knew it was a conversation they needed to have. I’d be lying if I’d said it hadn’t been hard to hear, sometimes the truth just is. However when I saw how much lighter she’d seemed after having cleared the air with Jack, I realized it was something she just needed to do.

“What’s going on?” Jack asks, breaking my thoughts.

“Nothing,” Sophie lies, the evidence clear on her face. “We weren’t talking about anything…”

“Soph, since when do you lie?”

“I’m not…”

“Babe, you couldn’t lie your way out of a paper bag,” he starts, cutting her off as he makes his way across the room. “What’s going on?”

“It’s nothing,” Ana sighs. “It was just a big misunder-”

“What the fuck is that?” he asks, gently grabbing her arm and glaring at Drake.

“Jack,” he starts, but Ana turns to face him and gently shakes her head before meeting her brother’s eyes again.

“Let’s go outside,” she says, trying to push him toward the door.

“Let go of me, Ana,” he says, but she refuses.

“If you trust me, you will come outside with me right now,” she tells him.

Releasing a deep breath, he eventually relents and lets her lead him out to the back porch. It takes her a few minutes, but finally she gets him to look at her and stop pacing angrily. The doors block out most of the sound, but do nothing to conceal the fury in his movements. I can’t say I blame him, though. I know Drake would never hurt Ana, but if I’d seen a mark on Emily, I can’t even imagine what would come of Brad.

“Oh my God,” Sophie mutters. “Holy shit, he’s so mad. Drake, you might want to hide.”

“I would never do anything to hurt her. If I had, I’d deserve that ass whoopin’ and I’d face it,” he says. “The nature of our relationship may not appeal to others. They may not even be able to understand it, but there’s nothing sordid or shameful about our feelings, the way we choose to express them or the commitment we’ve made to each other. We’ve got nothing to hide.”

We sit in near silence for the next ten minutes waiting for the explosion as they continue their heated, emotional talk outside. When JT clumsily makes his way into the breakfast room where we’re all standing, Sophie gives him a big smile and pretends like everything’s exactly as it should be.

“Good morning, Sweet Pea,” she says, bending slightly to kiss his mussed up hair. “How did you sleep?”

“Good,” he yawns before pointing to the glass doors. “What are they doin’ out there?”

“They’re just talking, Baby,” she says quietly. “You want some breakfast?”

“Yeah,” he nods, taking her hand and following her into the kitchen.

When they emerge, she gets him settled, blocking his view of the porch. Only a few more minutes pass when they come back in. Judging from the uncomfortable look on Jack’s face, Ana’s told him the same thing she just told Sophie. With the exception of smiling over at JT when he greets him, Jack’s all business as he approaches Drake on my left.

“Did the girls ever tell you what my job was in the Army?”

“No,” Drake admits, still standing firm. “They never...”

“Sniper,” he cuts him off. “Do you know what that means?”

“Means you’re a good shot.”

“No, it means I’m an
shot. It also means if one hair on my sister’s head is so much as bent wrong, I’ll only have to see you to end you.”

“I would expect nothing less,” Drake nods, still holding his eyes. “Jack, I love your sister. I would never mistreat her.”

“Alright,” he says. “You make sure you stay on the same page.”

“Fair enough.”




Once it all blows over, we spend the rest of the day finalizing our plans and the guest list for our impending wedding. With JT’s game schedule and everything happening so quickly, this is the last weekend we’ll be able to spend here before we have the ceremony. Although we’re planning something small, I’m insistent on getting everything done this week.

“I’m not working tomorrow,” I announce as I walks outside where Chase and Drake are watching JT practice his throws with Jack. “I know three weeks sounds like plenty of time, but it’s not. Especially with the baby, people coming in from out of town and JT’s playoffs all thrown in the mix. Every store we’ve called is closed on Sundays, so Ana and I are going tomorrow to get most of the stuff.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll get it all done,” Chase tells me. “At the end of the day, as long as we’re married, that’s all I care about.”

“Yeah, me, too,” I smile, leaning up on my toes to kiss him and letting out a sigh. “Unfortunately, though, it’s not all Ana cares about so she’s waiting on me to help her make a freakin’ seating chart.”

“Okay,” he grins. “If I don’t hear from you in an hour, I’ll come and rescue you.”

“Thank you,” I smirk.

An hour later, he walks into the living room to find me sprawled on the couch.

“You done?”

“No, I’m in trouble,” I admit with a sigh. “I told Ana the seating chart was lame and she kicked me out of what she’s now calling her ‘office.’”

“You’re supposed to be working in there!” Ana calls from the other room, a hostile edge to her voice.

“With what?” I shout back. “You threw a pen at me and told me to get out! You have everything in your stupid fake office!”

“Well, with your attitude, can you blame me?”

“Oh eat it, Ana,” I grumble with a smirk, causing Chase to chuckle as he takes his place beside me and I redirect my attention to the television.

I’ve been drooling over Gerard Butler for the past ten minutes as he talks about his new movie I still know nothing about. Honestly, I couldn’t care less about the movie. He could spend two hours reciting the ingredients to salt and I’d watch it.

“Emily freakin’ loves that guy,” Chase says, breaking my trance.

“Huh?” I say, hating the way my flaring cheeks give me away.

“Em’s in love with that guy. He’s cool, but I don’t really see what the big deal is,” he shrugs, smirking at the dumb look on my face. “I’d ask if you thought he was hot, but you said you don’t have any celebrity crushes, so…”

“What? No,” I attempt the lie. “I don’t… I barely even know who he is. I was just watching it because I’m really interested in the movie they’re interviewing him about.”

“Oh really?” he says, the corners of his mouth starting to turn up slightly as he cuts his eyes suspiciously at me. “What movie is that?”

“Well, I don’t know the name of it,” I say, turning my eyes away sheepishly as I pull a made up movie plot out of thin air. “It’s about a guy who is in the Russian mafia and he’s trying to get out.”

“I didn’t know you were into those kinds of movies.”

“Yeah, I’m part Russian,” I blurt, internally kicking myself and hoping he won’t notice the break in my voice as I gaze lustfully at the television.

“You’re part Russian, huh?” he asks, looking at me sideways in disbelief as I nod, refusing to meet his eyes. “Interesting… You know who else is Russian?”


“Mila Kunis,” he smirks.

“What did I say about talking to me about her?”

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