The Columbia History of British Poetry (402 page)

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Authors: Carl Woodring,James Shapiro

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BOOK: The Columbia History of British Poetry
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as epic, 264;
illustrated editions of, 149;
inverted epic elements of, 264;
Andrew Marvell on, 145;
and Old English poetry, 12;
passages from, 265-268, 276;
as pastoral, 269;
rhyme and meter of, 264;
themes of, 263-264, 266-268, 309;
and tyopography, 142
Paradise of Dainty Device, The
, 179, 185
Page 715
Paradise Regained
, 263-264, 268-269
"Parish and the Universe, The," 621
Paris Psalter, 11, 13
Parliament of Fowls, The
, 59, 66, 70-72, 86, 647
Parliament of the Three Ages, The
, 34-35
"Parnassus" (Fergusson) 102
"Parnassus" (Tennyson) 417
"Paroakial," 626
Parody, 117-127, 174, 312, 319, 332, 527.
See also
"Passion, The," 257
"Passionate Sherpherd to His Love," 193
"Pastel," 523

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