The Columbia History of British Poetry (184 page)

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Authors: Carl Woodring,James Shapiro

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Page 680
ical Theory in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
, she has edited
The Court of Sapience
in the Toronto Medieval Texts and Translations Series.
Susan M. Levin is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the Stevens Institute of Technology, author of
Dorothy Wordsworth and Romanticism
, and performer of Songs by Women Composers, 16501950.
Edna Longley, a professor of English at the Queen's University of Belfast, is the author of
Poetry in the Wars, Louis MacNeice: A Study
, and many essays on the poetry, culture, and politics of Ireland. She has edited the poetry and prose of Edward Thomas, and the selected poems of Dorothy Hewett, Paul Durcan, and James Simmons. Her most recent book is
The Living Stream: Historical Revisionism and Irish Literature
Richard C. McCoy, Professor of English at the Graduate Center and Queens College of the City University of New York, is author of
Sir Philip Sidney: Rebellion in Arcadia
(1979) and
The Rites of Knighthood: The Literature and Politics of Elizabethan Chivalry
Jerome McGann is Commonwealth Professor of English at the University of Virginia. Among his works are the Oxford English Texts edition of
Lord Byron. The Complete Poetical Works
(in seven volumes) and
The New Oxford Book of Verse of the Romantic Period
. Two of his general studies of Romanticism are
The Romantic Ideology
(1983) and
The Beauty of Inflections: Literary Investigations in Historical Method and Theory
David McKitterick is Fellow and Librarian of Trinity College, University of Cambridge. His publications include
A History of the Nonesuch Press
(written with John Dreyfus, 1981),
Cambridge University Library: A HistoryThe Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Andrew Perne: Quatercentenary Studies
(1991), and
Printing and the Book Trade in Cambridge, 15341698
(1993). His edition of Stanley Morison's
Selected Essays on the History of Letter Forms in Manuscript and Print
was published in 1981. His Engelhard lecture at the Library of Congress was printed in
The History of Books and Libraries: Two Views
Morton D. Paley is Professor of English at the University of California at Berkeley. Among his studies of Romantic literature and art are
Energy and the Imagination, The Continuing City
, and
The Apocalyptic Sublime
. He edited the William Blake Trust edition of Jerusalem (Tate Gallery Publications, 1991); and he is coeditor of
Blake: An Illustrated Quarterly
.and (with T. J. Fulford) of a volume of new essays on Coleridge,
Coleridge's Visionary Languages
(Boydell and Brewer, 1993).
Cary H. Plotkin is Assistant Professor of English at Barnard College, Columbia University. He is the author of
The Tenth Muse: Victorian Philology and the Genesis of the Poetic Language of Gerard Manley Hopkins
and of an essay on Hopkins's theodic language in
Gerard Manley Hopkins and Critical Discourse
Robert Ready, Professor of English at Drew University, is the author of
Hazlitt at Table
(1981) and of various essays on English Romantic authors.
Page 681
David G. Riede is Professor of English at the Ohio State University. He is the author of
Swinburne: A Study of Romantic Mythmaking
Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the Limits of Victorian Vision
Matthew Arnold and the Betrayal of Language
Oracle and Hierophants: Constructions of Romantic Authority
(1991), and numerous articles on Romantic and Victorian literature.
James Shapiro is Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University. He is the author of
Rival Playwrights: Marlowe, Jonson, Shakespeare
(1991), and is currently completing a book entitled
Shakespeare and the Jews
Vincent Sherry teaches at Villanova University.
His James Joyce: Ulysses
will be published in 1994 by the Cambridge University Press. His studies of modern and contemporary poetry include
Ezra Pound, Wyndham Lewis, and Radical Modernism
The Uncommon Tonque: The Poetry and Criticism of Geoffrey Hill
(1987), essays and reviews in major quarterlies and such periodicals as the
Times Literary Supplement
. He has edited the
Dictionary of Literary Biography
volumes on
Poets of Great Britain and Ireland, 19451960
(1984) and
Poets of Great Britain and Ireland since 1960
Carole Silver, Professor of English at Stern College, Yeshiva University, and Chairperson of the university's Division of Humanities, has written widely on the Pre-Raphaelites. Author of
The Romance of William Morris
, editor of several volumes on Morris's work, most recently
Socialism and the Literary Artistry of William Morris
(with Florence Boos), she is also coauthor of
Kind Words: A Thesaurus of Euphemisms
(revised, 1990). With a book in progress on the Victorian fascination with the fairies, she has prepared an exhibition and catalogue on the Morris Circle in Canada.
Richard Strier is Professor of English and the Humanities at the University of Chicago. His publications include
Love Known: Theology and Experience in George Herbert's Poetry
, essays and reviews on Renaissance poetry and on critical theory, and, edited with Heather Dubrow,
The Historical Renaissance: New Essays on Tudor and Stuart Literature and Culture
Carl Woodring is George Edward Woodberry Professor of Literature, Emeritus, of Columbia University. His several books include
Nature into Art, Politics in English Romantic Poetry, Wordsworth, Virginia Woolf
, and two volumes of
Table Talk
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Page 683
Absalom and Achitophel
, 145, 276-277, 281-282, 284-287
"Absolute and Abitofhell," 127
"Abt Vogler," 434
Actis and Deidis of the Illuster and Vallyeand Campioun, Schir William Wallace, Knicht of Ellerslei, The. See Wallace, The
"Address to the Deil" 106, 354-355, 357
"Ad Mariam," 469
, 381
"Ad Patrem," 257
Adventures of Master F. J., The
, 186-187
Russell, George William
, 61, 69, 73, 208, 256, 396.
See also
Aesthetes, 511-512, 521-522, 524-527, 531.

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