The Color of Heaven - 09 - The Color of Time

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The Color of Time

A Color of Heaven Novel


Julianne MacLean

The Color of Time

Copyright © 2015 Julianne MacLean

ISBN-13: 9781927675274

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This is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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Sylvie Nichols

Someone once told me, in a genuine effort to be helpful, I suppose, that I was crippled by regret. I couldn’t deny it. If I had a dime for every time I wished someone would invent a time machine—so that I could go back and do things differently—I’d be a rich woman today.

But we all know that time machines don’t exist. Of this, my sister has reminded me constantly. Jenn has told me for years that I need to let go of the past and move on with my life. She even took me into her home to live rent-free for a full year so that I could quit my toxic, dead-end job and go back to school.

I appreciated her help, honestly I did, and because of her, I am now a fully certified dental hygienist, working hard every day to look forward, not back.

Life is good.
is good. Of that, at least, I am certain.

But no matter how far forward we travel in life, is it ever truly possible to let go of the past? Isn’t it part of who we are? Part of our identity? We can’t simply erase memories from our minds, so what are we to do? Fight every day to block them out? Turn away from them? Pretend they don’t exist? Wouldn’t that be fake and superficial?

All my life, these questions have plagued me, but finally I have the answers. I have them because of a simple phone call—a phone call I received one summer afternoon that changed the course of my life.

Chapter One

Billings, Montana

August 2, 2015

“What’s wrong?” Jenn asked, looking up from the magazine she was reading on the back deck. My pregnant younger sister removed her sunglasses and laid them on her lap.

I slid the glass door shut behind me and sat down on one of the plastic chairs. “Something bad happened. Gram just called. She was out in her yard on a ladder cleaning out the gutters…”

“Cleaning out the gutters?” Jenn sat forward on the lounge chair. “She’s eighty-seven! She should be hiring someone else to do that stuff!”

I raised my hands in mock surrender. “Hey, you’re preaching to the choir here, because that’s exactly what I told her.”

Jenn let out a worried huff and flopped back down again. “Is she okay?”

“Not really. She slipped on the bottom rung and fell off the ladder. It wasn’t a high fall, but still… Luckily Mrs. Cassidy was outside cleaning her pool and heard Gram calling for help. She’s in the hospital now and they just told her she broke her hip. She has to have surgery.”

Jenn covered her mouth with a hand. “Oh, no. Poor Gram.”

I nodded in agreement. “I’ve been worried about something like this happening, ever since Grampy died. That house and the yard are huge. There’s too much maintenance.”

“I agree,” Jenn replied. “But she’s still sharp as a tack, so she’s not ready for a nursing home, but maybe a nice retirement facility would be better for her. She could meet people her own age and not have to worry about mowing the lawn or weeding the garden.”

I considered that for a moment. “I can’t see her going for that. You know what she’s like. She can’t let go of things.”

I felt like the pot calling the kettle black.

Swinging her legs to the deck floor, Jenn set her magazine on the lounge chair cushion. “Yeah. And Mom says Gram is very attached to the house. She refuses to consider selling it.”

I leaned back in the chair and gripped the armrests. The sun was uncomfortably hot on the top of my head. “One of us will have to fly out to Maine and take care of her. She said her neighbor is being very helpful and is feeding her cat while she’s in the hospital, but what’s going to happen when Gram gets discharged? She can’t manage all alone in that house. She’ll need help.”

“Does Mom know yet?” Jenn asked.

“No,” I replied. “Gram said she called her but there was no answer.”

“Mom’s probably with a client,” Jenn said, “and the hair dryer’s going or something.”

Our mother, a sixty-three-year-old widow, had recently started her own mobile hairdressing business where she paid house calls to elderly women who couldn’t travel to a salon. She was very proud of herself for getting a bank loan, completely on her own, and purchasing all the equipment she needed along with a van that had advertising plastered on both sides.

“Mom’s going to freak,” Jenn said. “You know she’ll want to go out there, but it’s such bad timing for her—just when her business is starting to pick up.”

I agreed and gestured toward Jenn’s belly. “
certainly can’t go. You’re due in a month. They probably wouldn’t even let you fly. I, on the other hand…” Taking a deep breath and rising from the chair, I strode to the railing and looked out at the green lawn below.

Of course, I knew that if anyone should go, it should be me, because I was currently in between jobs—although not by choice. Two months ago I graduated at the top of my class from the dental hygienist program and was one of the first students hired by a large downtown dental office. It was a one-year maternity leave replacement, but they assured me that another job would open up in the meantime and I’d be offered something permanent.

Unfortunately for me, the new mother changed her mind after a month and decided she didn’t enjoy being at home with her baby all day long. She wanted to come back to work. As a result, I was shifted to a part-time position until something full-time opened up. It would probably happen eventually, I was told, but for now I was just filling in on a casual basis.

Turning to face my sister, I rested my elbows on the rail. “Clearly I’m the one who should go.”

“What about your job?” she asked.

I waved a dismissive hand. “They can get by without me for a few weeks. And I’m sure you and Jake will be happy to have the house to yourselves. I’ve overstayed my welcome as it is.”

Jenn stood and approached me. “You know we love having you. You can stay as long as you need to.”

“Thanks, but I’m thirty-three years old and you have a baby on the way. I don’t want to be a freeloader forever. Besides, I promised I’d get my own place as soon as I got a full-time job. I just don’t know when that’s going to happen.”

“It’s not a problem,” Jenn assured me. “But if you want to go to Maine, that’s fine, too. You’re right, Gram’s going to need help and I don’t know who else can go right now. But are you sure you
to go? You know what I mean, right? It’s been four years since you’ve been east, and you’ve come so far.”

Of course I knew what she was referring to—that I had only recently turned over a new leaf and clawed my way out of the emotional black pit in the ground where I’d been wallowing for the past sixteen years.

Sadly, the trouble started in Maine when Jenn and I used to travel there to spend summers with our grandparents—a Nichols’ family tradition. Our parents would accompany us for a week, then they’d leave us there so we could take sailing and tennis lessons until September when we would return to Montana.

It worked out fine when we were children, but the situation changed for Gram and Grampy after we hit puberty and lost interest in catching frogs. Summers were different after that. It was different for all of us.

Chapter Two

Sometimes I wonder if it’s better to let sleeping dogs lie, or wake them up and face their sharp-toothed wrath. I knew which camp Jenn was in. She’d always urged me to tiptoe past that sleeping beast and go elsewhere. Forget I ever saw him. Pretend he didn’t exist.

I was more inclined to poke the dog with a stick.


* * *

I might as well confess it now, and I doubt you’ll be surprised: I’ve been in therapy for the past year. I shouldn’t say it as if it’s some terrible secret or something to be ashamed of, because it’s helped me cope with a number of important issues. My therapist isn’t like Jenn. Dr. Howard encourages me to talk about my feelings and cry if I need to.

I did a lot of that in the first few months and felt like a total wuss in her office, but lately I’d been feeling more solid on the inside.

As I boarded the plane, however, I found myself saying a silent prayer that this trip to Portland wouldn’t reverse my progress and knock me down like it had in the past. I crossed my fingers that it would be different this time. That I’d be able to handle it better and feel good about my life when I returned home again.

Chapter Three

Portland, Maine

August 3, 2015

“Gram…oh my goodness.” I entered the hospital room, leaned over the bed and kissed her on the cheek. “How are you feeling?”

My grandmother, hooked up to oxygen and a jungle of IV tubes, blinked up at me sleepily. “Sylvie…?”

“Yes, it’s me. I just got off the plane and came straight here. Are you okay?”

She nodded her silver-haired head. “I had the operation.”

“I see that,” I said with a smile. “The nurse said you’re doing really well.”

Her eyes slowly closed, then they opened again. “What time is it?”

“It’s just past 8:00. Can I do anything for you?”

She shook her head and squeezed my hand. “You’re here, sweet pea. That’s all I could ever want.”

Bending forward, I kissed her on the forehead and brushed her hair away from her face. “I’m so glad I could come. I’ve missed you.”

“Me, too,” she replied. “Are you going to be okay?”

I chuckled softly. “I’m fine, Gram. I’m not the one who just broke a hip.”

she replied in a breathy voice. “What day is it?”


“I’m so tired, I can’t keep track.”

“That’s because of the pain medication,” I told her. “Don’t worry, you’ll feel better tomorrow after a good night’s sleep.” Suspecting she was about to drift off, I leaned a little closer to remind her why I was there. “Gram? Do you remember our conversation last night? You said your neighbor would have a key to your house?”

Her eyes lifted heavily. “Yes. Just knock on her door.”

“Mrs. Cassidy, right?”

Gram nodded. “Yes. She’s feeding Gordon.”

“Good. I’ll give him lots of love when I get there and I’ll be back to see you first thing in the morning.” I bent to kiss her again. “I love you. Sleep well.”

“You, too,” Gram replied.

I left the room and spoke to the duty nurse briefly about Gram’s prognosis before I walked out of the hospital with my giant blue suitcase in tow.

Twenty minutes later, I pulled up in front of Gram’s house in a cab. All the windows in Mrs. Cassidy’s house were brightly lit, so I felt comfortable letting the cab driver go.

As I gripped my suitcase handle and wheeled it up over the curb onto the sidewalk, a familiar fragrance of pink hedge roses and freshly cut grass wafted to my nostrils.

Stopping on the walk, I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.
Ah, what a smell

There was something so invigorating about the salty sea air and how it mingled with the scents of the flowers and the earth. It was nothing like the mountain fragrances of Montana.

Filling my lungs and letting out a breath, I became immersed in fresh summer perfumes—the garden blossoms and the rich, damp earth lining the stone path. I gazed up at the starlit sky and listened to the sounds of crickets chirping noisily on Mrs. Cassidy’s lawn.

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