The Clever Fox: Part One (The Pleasure Hound Series)

BOOK: The Clever Fox: Part One (The Pleasure Hound Series)
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Product Description


Front Matter


The Creed of the Pleasure Hounds

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten


Chapter One

The Cindermama series


Stay tuned at the end of the book for a glimpse at Part Two of this serial!

Raised in an overbearing family of scientists, Alyss has been slowly suffocating as a closet artist all her life. When Adom, a struggling male artist, wants to paint her, Alyss leaps at the chance to be his muse. But her perfectly packaged exterior begins to crack as she struggles to keep their painting sessions secret from her disapproving family. 

Adom has secrets of his own. As a sensual painter, he’s forced to hide the erotic nature of his art behind boring pastoral settings or face being thrown in jail for obscenity. That’s why Emet, Adom’s bondmate, has cause to worry when he finds Lady Alyss in their home posing nearly nude with her legs spread, her hands bound, and her eyes closed in the ecstasy he knows all too well as rope bliss.

This story contains MM sexual scenes, MF foreplay and rope bondage.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Copyright 2015 by N. S. Seneb

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the author.

Edited by Heartspell Media, LLC

Cover design by
Yocla Designs

Manufactured in the United States of America

First Edition June 2015

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The Creed of the Pleasure Hounds

"The clever foxes who hear my call will be those who sniff out pleasure like a hound.

These loyal steeds are orchestrators of pleasure who will submit their hearts to me

and serve my daughters for all of their days."

Chapter One

As dawn continued its break from dusk, a burst of orange from the rising sun bled into the deep blue of the previous night's sky. The blood orange tinted the clouds a vibrant shade of purple. When orange and blue mixed, the colors made a berry shade of red similar to that of a strawberry. Orange, purple, blue and reds. Alyss marveled at nature's unique canvas. The Goddess was, indeed, the ultimate artist. She always got her color mixing just right.

Unlike most humans.

The pale pink adorning Lady Milysa's skirts was a disservice to the color palette. Her top was a darker shade of red -fuchsia, Alyss guessed. And the pattern at her waist? No, it couldn't be. But they were! Polka dots.

Polka dots?

Alyss cringed. Who wore polka dots after adolescence? In fact, what self-respecting, little girl had ever donned polka dots outside of a nursery? As though the solid circles weren't enough, there were Lady Milysa's gold shoes. Alyss shut her eyes against the assault on good taste.

Lady Milysa, oblivious as ever to her fashion faux pas, stood in a huddle of young women, her hand outstretched, a smug smile on her pinched face. The flash of a huge diamond surrounded by two indistinguishable stones momentarily blinded Alyss as the young woman came nearer.

"I barely made it in today," Lady Milysa said. "They dote on me so. They don't know what to do with themselves without me there to tell them which foot to place in front of the other."

The ladies all nodded their heads in understanding, though none of them were bonded themselves. Young girls who were considering a lifetime of service in the Sisterhood held off on bonding until they were certain of their place inside the hallowed halls. Service to the Sisterhood required a woman's full attention, and the care and attention of men was far too much a distraction for a woman to do the Goddess' work on Earth.

The women of the Sisterhood often did not take husbands or have children. In a society such as theirs, where female births were so scarce, joining the ranks of the Sisterhood was a heavy decision. And so it was impressed upon the young dames who entered this sacred space of the inner sanctum to think carefully about the decision of giving their lives over to Her service.

It was a decision Alyss had been certain of for as long as she could remember. She wanted neither men nor children in her life. She was a perfect candidate for advancement in the Sisterhood.

"And the wedding night?" one of the hangers on of Lady Milysa asked tentatively.

Alyss was certain she was the only one who caught the slight grimace that slid across Lady Milysa's face before the newly bonded girl plastered on a superior smile.

"It was over in a snap. Really, all the fuss for a few moments of discomfort. I shouldn't be surprised if I were already with child now and we won't have to do it again for another year."

The girls around her sighed as though Lady Milysa alleviated some great fear of theirs. Alyss had little knowledge of the physical aspects of bed sports. But she did know that her sister, Merlyn, and her cousin, Chanyn, enjoyed intercourse enough to sleep with their bondmates every night. Alyss had once visited Merlyn during the day and caught her sister in an embrace with both of her husbands at the same time. The same time!

Intercourse was an experience Alyss was never likely to have. Not one she had ever been interested in having. But she was certain Lady Milysa's husbands were doing it wrong if their bride was happy to wait a year before engaging in the activity again.

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