The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History (43 page)

BOOK: The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History
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With T. E. Lawrence (fourth from left), ‘who is not in complete harmony with the normal’, Gertrude Bell (third from left), and Clemmie (left), March 1921.
With Field Marshal Sir William Robertson inspecting the Tank Corps in 1915.
With General Pershing at a ceremony in London, July 1919.

Touring Bristol after German bombers had raided the city in April 1941. With him are Clemmie and the US ambassador, John Gilbert Winant.

Accepting a cigar from a London factory worker during a morale-raising visit with the Australian Minister for External Affairs, Dr Evatt, in 1942.

8 June 1943: Allied Forces headquarters in North Africa, (left to right) Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, Lord Alanbrooke, Air Chief Marshal Tedder, Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham, General Alexander, General Marshall, General Eisenhower and General Montgomery.
Trying out a Thompson ‘Tommy’ submachine gun in southern England, three months before D-Day.

With General de Gaulle, ‘the last survivor of a warrior race’, whom he also called ‘the monster of Hampstead’ in Paris, 11 November 1944.

With General Montgomery (wearing a beret), crossing the Rhine with American and Allied troops, 25 March 1945.

Waving to the crowds in Whitehall on 8 May 1945, the day he broadcast to the nation that the war with Germany had been won.
With Lloyd George in 1934.

With Lord Halifax in Whitehall on 29 March 1938, shortly after Hitler’s annexation of Austria.
With Stalin, ‘The Old Bear’, on Churchill’s sixty-ninth birthday in Tehran, November 1943.
BOOK: The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History
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