The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld (30 page)

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Authors: K. N. Lee,Ann Wicker

BOOK: The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld
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This was what she came for. She never expected it to be easy.


Koa braced herself and before she could talk herself out of it she jumped inside the black pool. She felt the disguise start to melt away. Her scream was cut off as the liquid filled every orifice of her face. The thick liquid seeped into her mouth filling her lungs, coursing into her veins. It tasted like black licorice and bitter herbs.


Koa was frozen in terror. There was no fooling the black mass of the portal. She felt smothered and found herself searching in panic, hoping that the end was somewhere near.


It seemed to take an eternity. Her lungs burned for air. She clutched her throat, falling to her knees. She crawled along the floor, the sticky substance gripping her like glue. She couldn’t move. Like a spider web, it held her there, immobile.


Koa began to panic. She choked. Her lungs burned as if hot acid had been poured down her throat. A hand reached out to her and she recoiled backwards. Black tears trailed down Koa’s cheeks. The hand grabbed her by the top of her head and yanked her through. The instant her face emerged she gasped for breath.


Terror struck her when she looked into those blue eyes. He frowned at the look of shock on her face.


“My darling Koa,” he said in a tender voice. Tears filled his eyes. He came to his knees and put his hands on either side of her face. Koa stared in frozen bewilderment as he caressed her face. He littered her face with kisses, holding her as if he was afraid to let her go. He fought sobbing aloud. “You’ve come back to me. After all of these years, you’ve returned. I always had faith that you would, even when Halston took you from me.”


Koa felt her terror replaced by loathing. “Jax.”


Jax nodded and pulled his face back. He held her at arm’s length and smiled at her. He examined her face with his eyes. Then stared at her hair. “Your hair is blue now. I like it.”


Koa frowned. Something wasn’t right. He wasn’t what she had been expecting. He appeared to be a gorgeous young man, but she knew that it was just a mask. Still, there was such innocence in his eyes.


Koa shook her head. She couldn’t afford to let herself be swayed.


What am I thinking
He needs to die
! Koa thought to herself, but then…there were the tears. Genuine tears. She felt an anxiety building in her stomach. He laughed. He looked embarrassed and wiped his eyes with the back of his hands.


“Forgive me. I should have contained myself better.” Jax let her go and came to his feet. He was tall, like his sister Evina.


Jax wore a suit. His dark red hair was perfect and polished. His skin was milky white, like porcelain. His blue eyes stared at her in longing.


Koa looked away. Her frown deepened. She pushed herself up to her feet and stepped away from him. Koa stole confused glances at his face. She felt out of place. She opened the pouch and drew her sword.


“What is this?” Koa looked around the large bedroom, searching out hidden spies or guards. It appeared that they were alone. “Is this some kind of trick?”


Jax’s brows furrowed. “A trick?” he asked. “What kind of trick?” He stepped towards her and she gasped, bringing up her sword.


“Stay back, Jax,” Koa warned.


Jax made a face. He looked hurt. “You’re…
… of me?” He took another step and Koa cut the side of his cheek. All of what little color was in Jax’s face drained. He stood there with his mouth agape, staring at her in disbelief. He didn’t even move to touch his wound. The small trickle of blood trailed down his face.


Why do I feel like I just struck a child
? Koa thought with dread. She kept her sword up, and watched him. Her hands were shaking. The sword didn’t glow. Like his sister, he was not evil.


Jax pursed his lips. He looked away from her in pain. He straightened his suit and walked over to a table. He picked up a cloth napkin and dabbed the blood from his cheek. “You drew blood,” he said staring at the white clothed stained with his blood. He glanced over at her. “You used your sword, against me?” He shoulders slumped, as if all of his hopes and dreams had been crushed. “What has happened to you?”


Koa was without words. She felt odd. She looked around, expecting someone to jump out of a corner somewhere and reveal the meaning of this strange encounter. She swallowed, and unsure of herself, spoke. “You’re trying to confuse me. Stop it.” She kept looking around, paranoid.


Jax’s eyes widened. “What’s wrong with you?”


Koa lowered her sword, defeated. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at Jax. “What is going on here?”


Jax shook his head. “You mean to tell me, you really don’t know? You don’t remember


Koa shrugged. “What is it that I am to remember? All I know is that you hurt my mother and yet I am supposed to release you in order to kill Greggan. I am not so sure I trust someone who harmed my family.” Thinking of breaking her mother’s curse gave her courage. She had to be brave for Raven. “But I trust Halston. I will only let you live because of him.”


“So Halston is the one who did this to you?” He nodded with a bitter smile. “He’s the one who erased me from your memory.” Jax fell backwards into a chair. He lowered his head in silence. The silence stretched for an eternity.


Koa wanted to be patient. It wasn’t one of her…strongest qualities. She cleared her throat. Jax looked up, tears of blood falling from his eyes. “Why would I harm your mother, Koa? All I’ve ever wanted to do was protect you. I’ve loved you from the day your father brought you into the palace.”


“You cursed my mother!” Koa countered. She wanted to know more about when her father brought her to the palace, but she needed to stay focused.


Jax shook his head. “Cursed!” He shot to his feet. “Who has spread these…vicious lies about me?” He frowned. His voice lowered. “Was it Halston?”


“My mother told me what you did.”


Jax looked stunned. He walked to her with his eyes on her sword. He lowered his voice. “I loved your father and mother. Without them, I wouldn’t have you. I would never have dreamed of hurting any of you. I would destroy that world you live in up there…and
in it to protect you.” His face turned serious. Jax spoke with passion. “I had your mother changed because she would have been killed otherwise. I did it for you. I pledged an eternity of love to you, Koa.”


Koa saw his hands balling into fists and felt her resolve waver. He was sincere. She was baffled and unnerved.


“Lies,” Koa whispered. She wanted to hold on to that hate. All of those moments spent plotting her revenge on whoever cursed her mother.


“I could never, lie to you Koa. You mean more to me than anything.”


“What are you talking about?”


Jax sighed and covered his face. He shook his head and ran his hands through his red hair. Koa watched him as he sat back and folded his hands on his lap. He looked up at her. “From the beginning then?”


Koa nodded. She was eager to hear what he had to say. “Everything. Every bit of it.”




ell, we don’t have much time. So, I will try to be brief,” Jax began. “I suppose this all begins with Halston and the rebel angels. You see Halston was just one of thousands who left heaven to follow who you might know as Satan. They were all tricked into leaving their perfect existence and abandoned here on Earth. Halston was the first to try to make it back. He and this other angel known as Al tried to find a way back. They have been trying for centuries. But on the other end, there were the angels who didn’t want to go back. They fell in love with human women.” Jax met her eyes.


Koa felt uncomfortable whenever he looked at her. She tightened her grip on her sword. Koa refused to turn her back on him, or anyone else. She would keep her guard. Her eyes briefly scanned the cell. She was surprised that it appeared to be more of a luxury suite than a damp, old, prison cell like she’d imagined. Jax had everything he needed. A big comfortable bed sectioned off by a sheer divider, a tall wardrobe, tons of bookcases, a lounge area with a mini bar, and even a golden telescope that pointed out a small hole in the wall.


Koa frowned.
This is weird
, she thought, but nodded for him to continue.


“Their spawn were the first nephilim. Vampires, giants, and War-Breeders were considered the more stable of the creations. Ghouls were considered failures.”


“Giants? War-Breeders? Like Tristan?” Koa took a step back at hearing her own voice echo across the large room. She looked around, still paranoid that somehow this was all a trap and that at any moment Jax would make a move towards her.


Jax perked up, excited that she was showing some interest. “Yes, the giants were wiped out in the great flood. They didn’t follow the others to the Netherworld.” He frowned. “I’m not really sure why.” He shook his head. “Anyway, War-Breeders are big, muscular creatures. They were created to fight against whatever the Royal Army sent down to stop them.”


“Royal Army?”


Jax tilted his head. “You really know nothing. You know, the Kingdom of Heaven? Well, they have the Royal Army. There’s a war going on, my love. It’s been going on since humanity came into existence.”


Koa swallowed. This was bigger than she could have imagined. She felt so small and insignificant. Koa nodded and licked her lips. “And what about demons?”


“They’re different. They’re what angels become when they cross over to the dark side.” His eyes darkened. He pointed at her and spoke in the tone that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand. “You don’t
want to make an angel angry enough to turn.” He slid his finger across his throat.


Halston had never told her that before. Then she remembered how he had changed right before her eyes in the Valley of the Jems. “Noted. Now, where do I fit into all of this? What is the story of…us?”


Jax smiled then. “Why that’s the best part of the story.” He began to stand. Koa whipped her sword up and he sat back down. He looked down at the blade and sighed. “Calm down. I’m not going to touch you.”


Jax sighed and ran a finger along the now healed wound that Koa had given him. He looked up at the vaulted ceiling, mock stars hung like thin, glittering lights. He was thinking.


Koa huffed.


Jax frowned. He gave her a knowing look. “You’re still impatient, I see. You were always a little…anxious.”


Koa’s eye twitched.


Surprisingly, Jax chuckled. Koa felt a shiver run up her spine. Something about that laugh made her feel a little wary. Jax stood, quicker than she expected. He was before her so quickly that she gasped and nearly tripped backwards. He caught her with one arm behind her back. His arm was strong, like solid stone.


She froze. Jax looked down into her eyes, as if hypnotizing her. She felt her heart quicken and her knees grow weak. Koa gulped and swirled out of his embrace. She fled behind him and pointed her sword at his back.


Jax stood there completely still, his arms still held as if she were still leaned against them. Like a statue, he remained that way. “You know, it probably was unwise to believe that you would still love me.” He straightened his back and turned to face her. His face was emotionless.

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