The Christmas House (38 page)

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Authors: Barry KuKes

BOOK: The Christmas House
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lets go into the family room so David and Nicole can open their presents from Santa,” Arianna announced.

“Mom, there is no Santa. And why did Dad buy us presents? We can’t take them back with us. It seems like such a waste,” David said.

“David, your father is as lost as we are with how to handle this situation. Please let him enjoy the moment. If he feels he has to give you a present to show you his love, then accept it within your heart. He will feel your love in return. It is the only present we can give him, “she replied. 

Arianna took David by the hand as they walked into the family room. Michael was sitting by the Christmas tree wearing a red Santa cap as he searched for presents from under the tree. The guests gathered to watch the exchange of presents between Michael and his family. As Michael read the tag on each present he shouted out the
name. One by one, pretty boxes wrapped in an array of colors were passed throughout the crowd. Most of the gifts were for Nicole and
however Michael had not forgotten his parents and other relatives. With the exception of the gifts for Nicole, David and Arianna none of the gifts were material items. Everything was consumable; thus every gift could be consumed and thus kept. The guests were appreciative for the gifts Michael presented to
they all felt very awkward since they were not allowed to bring Michael a gift in return.

Michael called out Arianna’s name as he read the tag from a small box wrapped in gold shiny paper. As he handed the box to his wife, she smiled and removed the gift paper from it slowly. She opened the lid of the small box and revealed a beautiful gold necklace with a heart shaped pendant attached. The setting of the gold heart was outlined with blue sapphires and white diamonds, which were Arianna’s favorite gems. She kissed Michael softly and asked him to help her put the necklace around her neck. As he did, she commented how everyone should remind her that she was wearing it when she left the house or she would take it back with her to heaven, and thus would never again be allowed to visit Michael at Christmas. The guests all sadly smiled and looked at Martha, for they found Arianna’s comments woefully ironic.

As Arianna showed off the stunning necklace, Michael pushed the last gift out from behind the tree. It was a huge box and Michael commented that someone must have been a very good girl to receive such a large present from Santa Claus. Nicole’s eyes lit up.

“For me?”
Nicole asked.

“Yes, sweetie.
This is for you,” Michael replied.

As Nicole tugged at the red and white striped wrapping paper, the guests became more curious and moved closer for a better look. The box was bigger than Nicole, so Michael, Jack and David helped her open the gift. David popped open the top of the box, and Michael and Jack reached inside, pulling the gift straight up and into the air. As they sat it down on the floor, Nicole’s eyes opened wide.

“A rocking horse!
Mommy, Santa brought me a rocking horse!” she exclaimed.

This was not just any rocking horse. Michael found a slightly worn carousel horse from a merry go round at a recently shut down amusement park. The colors of the horse were faded and desperately needed a touch up. He spent many months refinishing the horse and then attached it to a hand carved wooden base with springs. The brass rod protruding down the center of the horse was polished brightly, as were the metal stirrups that hung off a leather saddle.

ichael set Nicole on the horses’
back. As she rocked back and forth, Michael smiled from ear to ear.

“This memory of seeing her so happy is the best gift I could have ever wished for.”

The guests surrounded the rocking horse and admired the amount of detail that Michael painstakingly recreated for his daughter to enjoy. The love in the room was abundant as Christmas carols played in the background and eggnog was passed around.

Arianna walked toward Michael and hugged him.

“The only gift I have for you is me.”

“I will take that present year after year after year,” he replied as he kissed her lips softly.

“What time is it?” she asked.

Michael looked at his watch.

“It’s already afternoon. Opening presents took longer than I thought it would.”

“We still have several hours. Come lay with me upstairs?” she asked.

“I couldn’t think of a better way to spend the rest of my Christmas,” he replied.

As Michael and Arianna retreated to the upstairs master bedroom, the guests continued to eat and talk the hours away. Uncle Wally told jokes. Arthur and Marie told Dennis stories of their younger days. Dorothy and Anthony played with their grand daughter and her new rocking horse. David and Uncle Billy were in the music room composing an original song. Everyone was having fun, except for Martha.

Martha was having mixed e
motions about the decision she
convinced the others to agree to. As she sat second-guessing herself, the grandfather clock struck out the hour on every hour. Martha sat for several hours thinking about the Carter family.



"Chime, chime, chime, chime, chime, chime." The grandfather clock announced to the guests that it was once again 6:00 p.m. on Christmas Day. It was time to say

Michael and Arianna transcended the stairs for they have been watching th
e minutes tick away as they lay
in each other’s arms for the last several hours. Michael was visibly upset and saddened by the passing of the time.

“I can’t believe it’s already time for you to leave. It seemed to take forever for you to get here and then in a blink of an eye, the time for you to leave has come so quickly,” Michael said.

“I know Michael. I wish we could spend everyday like today, but I guess we should just be thankful that we do have this one day per year, thanks to Martha and this wonderful house.”

uests were putting on their coats and grabbing their empty trays and platters
s Michael and Arianna reached the foyer area
. One by one they exited the house and walked into the darkness. Michael hugged and kissed each of them, as he bid them farewell until the following year.

Jack and Wanda arrived in the foyer and Michael became teary eyed.

“I’m going to miss you both very much. Please look after my family over the next year. You have always been there for me Jack. I love you both,” said Michael as he became choked up with emotion.

Take care
buddy. Have a great life. Well be seeing you around,” Jack replied.

“Hey, next year I’m going to beat you at a pancake eating contest Jack,” Michael said.

“Sure, Mikey, whatever you say. Merry Christmas,” he replied as he left the house.

Wanda said not a word but hugged Michael tightly and ran from the house crying. As she caught up to Jack, they walked toward the street and vanished into the night.

Michael and Arianna’s parents were next to leave and unlike previous years of joyful and happy good-byes, this time they were deeply saddened.

“Merry Christmas Mom and Dad.
Hey, it’s okay. I’ll see you next year,” Michael said.

They all just stood there crying, as they hugged and kissed Michael good-bye. Michael was starting to question why everyone was so unhappy, but then assumed it was simply because he was so unhappy. The situation was much different this year than in years past.

Dennis joined the family at the front door and told Michael that he was going to walk out with his parents, but he would return.

As both sets of parents and Dennis departed out the front door, Michael turned to find Arianna, David and Nicole standing in front of him. Except for Martha, they were the last to leave. Michael dropped to his knees and took Nicole into his arms and hugged her petite body over and over again. She kissed Michael on the cheek.

“Thanks for my horse Daddy.
Merry Christmas.
I love you.”

She ran out the door and waited for her mother to join her on the front stoop.

As Michael
wiping tears from his eyes, David extended his hand.

“I’m going to miss you Dad.”

Michael by passed David’s hand and wrapped his arms around him as he brought him close to his chest. David broke away from his father’s grip and as he headed out the front door he shouted, “Merry Christmas Dad! I love you!”

Michael continued to weep as Arianna placed her hands on his face and wiped the tears away.

“It’s okay Michael. I love you with all of my heart.”

Michael looked at her neck and saw the heart shaped pendant hanging from the gold chain.

“Speaking of hearts, you need to take that off or I will never see you again,” Michael said.

He helped Arianna undo the necklace and placed it inside of his pants pocket. At that moment Martha walked into the room.

“Time to go Arianna.
I’m sorry child, but rules are rules,” Martha said.

Arianna smiled at Martha and turned to Michael.

“I love you so much. The time will pass fast. I will be here again before you know it.” She kissed him deeply and ran out the front door.

Michael turned toward the door and watched his family as they walked toward the street. They stopped and waved at Michael. He waved back as they continued to walk and then vanished into the foggy darkness of the evening.

Martha came up to Michael and laid her hands on his face.

“Michael I have something very important to tell you. I think we better sit down for a minute.”

Michael walked away from the front door as Martha took his arm and led him into the dining room. As they sat at the dining room table, Martha took both of Michael’s hands into her own.

“Michael, a decision has been made by all of the guests that
visited your home this evening,
with the exception of Arianna and your children who will learn of this decision shortly. It has become obvious to all of us that your life would be wasted waiting for Christmas Eve to come around year after year. You have made it clear that you will never remarry and you will live your life as a hermit everyday but Christmas. This is not the way a young man should spend the rest of his life. If you were going to die soon, I may have felt different but I have it from a very reliable source that you are going to live a very long life. We all want that life to be just as happy as it will be long.”

“Martha, what are you trying to say?” asked Michael.

“Michael, none of us will be returning to visit you again. We have all decided to give up our privilege to visit you, so you will not plan your life around our visits. You will be forced to get on with your life,” she replied.

“No! Wait! You can’t do this!” he shouted.

“Michael, hush! It is the best thing for you and for us. And to make sure that none of us could change our minds, we have purposely left you a gift of mass and matter, which is sitting by the Christmas tree. This is a clear violation of the rules of this house. We are not allowed to return because we have left you such a gift,” she stated.

“I don’t want some stupid gift of mass and matter! I just want you and my family to be with me on Christmas!” Michael exclaimed.

“Michael, the decision has been made and it cannot be reversed. We all love you dearly and that is why we are doing this. God bless you child. You will find happiness and love without our annual visits. I have to leave now Michael. Merry Christmas,” she said as she stood up from the table and walked to the front door.

“No, wait. Martha! Please come back! What did I do wrong? I built the house! I regained my faith! What did I do wrong?” he shouted as Martha opened the storm door and walked into the darkness.

Michael continued to yell after her.

“Martha! Martha! Please come back! Martha!”

As Michael stood looking out into the night air, he saw nothing but fog and a light snow falling to the ground through his tears. He stepped back into the house and sat down on the second step of the staircase. He lowered his head and covered his face with his hands as he strongly wept. Many minutes pas
until his crying subsided, for Michael
finally r
n out of tears.

He stood up and slowly walked into the family room. Looking at the fireplace he saw a crystal decanter sitting on the mantle. The decanter was filled with whiskey. Michael took a glass that was sitting on a nearby table and then grabbed the bottle from the mantle. As he sat down on the apron of the fireplace, he removed the crystal stopper from the decanter and filled his glass three quarters of the way.

As he set the bottle down on the floor and raised the glass to his lips, he saw a white envelope balanced on the back of the rocking horse. He set his glass on the floor next to the decanter and walked over to the horse positioned near the Christmas tree. As he reached for the envelope, he saw the notation written on the front that read, “Merry Christmas Michael from your Family and Friends.”

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