The Christmas Bride - A Western Romance Novella (Book 4, Burnett Brides Series) (15 page)

Read The Christmas Bride - A Western Romance Novella (Book 4, Burnett Brides Series) Online

Authors: Sylvia McDaniel

Tags: #Historical Romance, #Cowboy, #Fort Worth, #Bride, #Matchmaker, #Christmas 2013, #Western Historical Romance, #Texas

BOOK: The Christmas Bride - A Western Romance Novella (Book 4, Burnett Brides Series)
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Her stomach lurched, and she couldn’t deny Tucker’s accusations. He was right. She enjoyed matchmaking other people, just not herself.

Wyatt grabbed his hat. “Boys, don’t disrespect your mother.”

He slammed his hat on his head and stared at Eugenia. “I’ll see you at the Christmas play.”

Tears pricked the back of her eyelids, and her heart filled with pain. He was leaving, and while she understand and knew he had to go, she didn’t want him to leave. She didn’t want their time together to end this way.

“Good-bye, Wyatt.”

He walked out the door, and she sank onto a chair. She knew he would not be back. She had what she wanted, her freedom, and somehow it didn’t feel as good as she remembered. Somehow her heart was breaking.


The most excruciating silence she’d ever experienced filled the ride to the house. Her boys were angry, and it wasn’t Wyatt they blamed, but her.

Although the Texas sun blazed in the sky, a cold wind blew that seeped through Eugenia’s clothes, into her pores and lungs, slowing her blood until her heart felt sluggish and frozen. She wanted to cry, but she knew her tears would only freeze on her cheeks.

What had she done?

Travis sat like an unyielding rock beside her, driving the wagon.

“Mom, he’s a good man.”

“Stay out of it, Travis. This is between me and Wyatt.”

“No, you made it about all of us when you slept with him without a ring on your finger,” he said, his voice tight with anger.

She turned and stared at her son. “Did you and Rose sleep together before there was a ring on her finger?”

Travis frowned.

“Exactly. You may think I don’t know what’s going on in my own home, but I do. That old house has a lot squeaks and groans, but there are other times when the noises don’t come from the house.” Eugenia released a deep breath, frost glittering the air. “I would have said something if I wasn’t certain you would eventually marry her. You were meant for Rose.”

“You’re meant for Wyatt,” Travis said, his voice strong and sure.

“I was meant for only one man, your father,” she said, although quickly her mind said
. These last few days had been more fantastic than the entire time she’d been with Thomas. Why? Why did it seem like she was making a mistake?

“Do you think that we’re going to be upset that you married again?” Travis asked, giving her a quick glance before he returned his eyes to the road.

“No, but you’re a lot like your father. Your father told me when and where and how to do things. He even tried to tell me how I should arrange the kitchen, and I told him to let me please have one part of my world where he wasn’t in total control. You need to be careful with how you tell Rose what to do,” she said, thinking she’d warned her son about not turning out like his father.

Travis shook his head at her. “You don’t get it, do you?”

Eugenia looked at her oldest son, wondering what it was she didn’t understand. She’d been married more years than he had. She knew marriage. He hadn’t even wanted to get married.

“Yes, I can be damn bossy at times, but my wife lets me know immediately when I cross the boundaries. She’s my partner, my helpmate, and she’s a damn strong one. Maybe it wasn’t Papa that had the problem. Maybe it was you.” He paused and gave her a look that left her reeling on the inside. “Maybe you weren’t a strong enough partner to stand up to Papa. Maybe you should have set the boundaries of what you were willing to accept and made sure that no one crossed them. You do that now. Why was it different with Papa?”

Eugenia sat back and didn’t say a word. Hadn’t she been a strong partner for Thomas? Had she let him walk all over her? Had she let him get away with being domineering? Could the problem have been her?


When they arrived at the ranch, Rose and Beth came running out of the house, worried expressions on their beautiful faces, and Eugenia felt sick in the pit of her stomach.

“Are you all right?” Rose asked, her green eyes staring at Eugenia.

“We were so worried when you didn’t come home,” Beth said as she wrung her hands. “I’m so glad they found you.”

“I’m fine. The snow was falling so fast and hard we had to stop at the line shack,” Eugenia said, climbing down from the wagon. “We couldn’t see the road.”

“We?” Rose asked.

Eugenia frowned and watched as Travis walked away. “Let’s go in the house where it’s warm.”

They went inside, the three women stomping their feet to remove the snow from their boots. Eugenia went to the kitchen and put the tea kettle on to boil. She needed a cup of the brew to warm her and settle her wayward heart.

She needed something to keep her hands busy, her mind occupied.

She sank down onto the kitchen table and savored the feel of being home, in her kitchen, in the home where she raised the boys, where her grandchildren were growing up, where most of her life had been spent. This was her home.

The women sank onto chairs around the table.

“Where are the boys?” Eugenia asked.

“Uh, they said they needed to tend to some chores,” Rose said. “What’s going on?”

Eugenia raised her gaze to stare at her daughters-in-law. She sighed, her heart heavy, wishing she could go to her room and hide away. “They’re angry at me.”

“Travis wasn’t happy,” Rose said. “What happened?”

Eugenia gave them a quick explanation of what had transpired, leaving out the part about having had the most incredible sex she’d ever experienced. When she finished, they glanced at one another and then at her.

“Why won’t you marry him?” Rose asked, her green gaze boring a hole into Eugenia’s soul, as if she was trying to understand her reasoning.

“I like my life. I like having control over the decisions I make. It’s been peaceful since Thomas died and quit telling me how to live my life. You girls have to remember, I married him at fifteen. I was a girl and went into raising kids and helping with the ranch.”

“Do you love Wyatt?” Beth asked.

Eugenia put her hand to her mouth. A little sob escaped, leaving her chest tight with unshed emotions. There were so many things about Wyatt that she loved. The way he made her laugh, the way he did things with her, the way he treated her, the way he looked after her safety, the tenderness she saw in his eyes.

Was this love? Again? At her age? Was it possible?

Oh God, no, it couldn’t be.

She shook her head. “If I were going to get married again, he would be the man I want. But I’m never going to remarry.”

The sound of the tea kettle whistle suddenly filled the silent kitchen, causing Eugenia to jump. This was her home, her family, her life. She didn’t want more. This was enough.

“Can I ask you girls a question?”

“Sure,” Rose said, and Beth nodded.

“When your husband tells you what to do, do you stand up to him?” Eugenia asked, knowing that both women had stood up to her sons, but did they continue to do so, or had they let the men take over since their marriage?

Rose and Beth started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” she asked.

“Of course I do. If I didn’t, Travis wouldn’t have married me. It’s what makes our relationship so unique. We each are strong personalities who speak our minds,” Rose said, acting as if she was surprised Eugenia would ask.

“Why are you asking?” Beth wanted to know.

“Travis told me that perhaps I wasn’t a strong enough person when I was married to his father,” Eugenia said, still finding his words deeply troubling.

Beth smiled. “From what Tanner tells me, Thomas Burnett was very opinionated and strong willed. We didn’t know you back then, but you’re not a weak woman, Eugenia. You defied three sons who didn’t want to get married and found them women.”

“I always thought I was strong. But now I’m questioning my part in my marriage. Was I too weak?” she asked, raising the teacup to her lips.

The back door slammed open, and a wave of cold air rushed in, chilling the room. Travis stood in the doorway. “Sarah’s in labor.”


Wyatt sat in front of the fire. He’d gotten home earlier in the day, and just as he’d thought, his men had all the animals secure. They were happy to see him, but he didn’t have to worry. They had everything under control.

He wasn’t in the mood for company, and he now sat watching flames consume wood, a drink in his hand.

All he could think about was Eugenia, and that made him angry. They were finished. He’d done exactly as she’d asked, and they hadn’t discussed the future until this morning after her boys arrived. And that conversation was short and sweet. She wasn’t going to marry him, but he was good enough for a quick tumble once a week.

And God help him, he loved the woman. The past two days had cemented what his heart already knew. He loved that stubborn gray-haired woman with the flashing blue eyes. Loved her and wanted to marry her.

He slammed the empty glass on the table beside him and poured another shot of whiskey into the tumbler.

Gus walked in. “What are you doing?”


“I see that. It’s only three o’clock in the afternoon, and you’re already getting drunk,” he said, frowning at him, a worried expression on his weathered face.

Wyatt didn’t respond. What was the point? He only wanted to get drunk.

“Exactly where were you these last few days?” Gus asked.

For a moment Wyatt didn’t say a word, knowing he couldn’t tell Gus everything. The man gossiped worse than any woman he’d ever met. “I was in a line shack not far from the Burnett place.”


Wyatt paused. “Yeah, just me and some mice sharing a cabin.”

The memory of Eugenia curled naked around him came to mind, and he couldn’t say a word. Nothing. Naught. Perhaps it was better this way. This way no one would know that she’d turned him down. This way he could lick his wounds in private. This way he could heal his battered heart.

“I bet that was cold and lonely.”

“Yes,” he said, hating lying but knowing it was best.

“You still pining over Mrs. Burnett?” Gus asked, his voice suspicious.

Wyatt gazed at the weathered face of his friend and wished the man would go away and leave him in peace. Today was his day to mourn the end of his hopes and dreams with Eugenia. Today was his to nurse his broken heart.

Tomorrow he would once again be his chipper self, but not today. Not now. Not when his wounds felt exposed, his chest open, his heart ruptured and bleeding.

“I’m not pining over Eugenia.”

“Then what’s got you in this funk? The only other time I saw you with a whiskey glass in your hand at three o’clock in the afternoon was when Mrs. Beatrice died. Who died?” Gus asked raising his brows.

For a moment, Wyatt just stared at Gus. “Don’t you have something to do?”

Gus pondered, completely ignoring Wyatt’s comment. “How’s that church play thingie going? You and Eugenia still getting along?”

“You are not going to be satisfied until you pry out whatever you think is bothering me, are you? Should I make up something?” Wyatt asked as he took another sip of his whiskey.

Gus grinned. “Wouldn’t be a good friend if I didn’t try to figure what’s got you so determined to become booze blind.” Eugenia’s got you in a horn-tossin mood.”

“Forget the name Eugenia,” he warned Gus.

“No casseroles in the last few days, although the weather put everything on hold,” Gus stated, and Wyatt wanted to rip the words from Gus’s throat. The man was a determined irritant.

“The casseroles are done. There won’t be any more casseroles,” he said, wondering what Eugenia was doing today.

“What about Eugenia? You still think she’s the one?”

“She’s the one about as much as you are. Now get on out of here before I do something really stupid like fire you,” he said, his voice raised loud enough that even his sleeping dogs lifted their heads and glanced at him in annoyance.

“Yes, sir. We’ve been together more than twenty years, and you’re letting a woman come between us,” Gus said, putting his hands up in the air and stepping back.

Wyatt closed his eyes and let his head roll from side to side. “I apologize, Gus. But I just want to sit here and drink myself into oblivion this afternoon.”

“Apology accepted. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to worry about you. I’ll check back in on you later to see if you’re still sitting up right,” Gus said, backing out of the room.

“How many times have you seen me that drunk?” Wyatt said, raising his voice.

“Never. That’s why I’m concerned.”

“You don’t have to worry. I’m just drinking long enough for the pain to be dulled. Once the pain is dulled then I’ll go to bed.”

“She’s not worth the way you’re going to feel in the morning,” Gus said.

“Maybe not. But I’m just getting through today,” Wyatt said and took another drink.”

Chapter Ten


he ride from the house into town was quiet. The roads were still snowy and treacherous, but at least Eugenia could see where other people had traveled.

One of Tucker’s deputies had ridden out to find him to let him know that Sarah was in labor. He’d left immediately, and now the rest of the family was following.

Her heart pounded in her chest, filled with elation to see the new baby. Eugenia was torn between her excitement and despair. She missed Wyatt. She missed his nearness and knew if she’d agreed to marry him, he would have been by her side for this important family event. And now, her children thought her a fool for not accepting Wyatt’s offer.

When they arrived at the house, Eugenia found Tucker inside pacing the floor, anxiously looking for them. “Mom, we can’t find old Doc Wilson. He’s not made it back into town.”

“Let me talk to Sarah, son,” Eugenia said, calmly trying to ease Tucker’s fears.

Eugenia walked into the bedroom and saw Sarah in the middle of a contraction, standing, hanging onto the bedpost, breathing harshly, her face contorted with pain.

Rose came in behind Eugenia and walked over to Sarah and rubbed her back. “You doing okay?”

At the end of the contraction, Sarah took several deep breaths. “I’m so glad all of you are here. I don’t think the doctor is going to make it. My contractions are getting stronger, so I know the time is almost here. Tucker said he could do it, but I just want to make sure he has help.”

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