The Chocolate Run (9 page)

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Authors: Dorothy Koomson

BOOK: The Chocolate Run
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I couldn’t, though. I couldn’t ignore this unusual, sophisticated chocolate – find myself a Mars to befriend – because she was my neighbour. I had to get to know her. I bit the bullet and knocked on her door when her parents left.

‘Hi, I’m Amber, your next-door neighbour,’ I’d said to her.

‘I’m Jen,’ she said, and grinned. That grin dissolved my worries about her. You could fake a lot of things but not the warmth that came from that smile.

Once you bit into Jen by talking to her, by going beyond her looks, you found out how lovely she was. How her nose wrinkled up when she laughed. How her eyes sparkled when she was about to ask you something deeply personal. How silly she could be. Under that white chocolate bubbled real champagne. Fun, refreshing champagne, an experience you wanted to last and last.

We spent most of our time together after that. She was training to be a primary-school teacher with English as her main degree and I was studying Psychology with Press and Publicity as my professional training subject. It was Christmas, though, that cemented our friendship.

At Christmas, when everyone was getting excited about going home, seeing friends, spending time with their families, I started to get mini panic attacks. I sat staring into space, gnawing on my thumbnails, my heart almost visible, it was beating that hard in my chest. My parents had separated when I was ten and I was trying to work out which parent would get the 27 to 30 December visit. Which one would be giving me a long, frosty silence down the phone as I explained I wasn’t going to be spending the big day with them. Christmas was so fraught I often tried to ignore it. Then I discovered Jen was going through Christmas Anxiety too.

Jen’s mum was an ex-model, but her mother, with her fading beauty, was a bitter woman. And her bitterness fermented into a vindictiveness aimed primarily at her daughter.

When Jen was eight, her mother told her the man she thought of as her father wasn’t her father. When Jen was ten, her mother decided he was her biological father. As it turned out it didn’t matter because he left when Jen was eleven, never to be heard from again. Her mother then had a succession of boyfriends, none of whom liked Jen. Not Jen the person, Jen the reminder that her mother wasn’t footloose and fancy-free. The only one of her mum’s lovers she did get on with was the man her mother met six months before Jen left for uni. Her mother was still with him and Jen liked him a lot, possibly because he showed her and her mother a lot of respect.

The point is, Jen and I bonded because we knew we were different from our peers. Everyone around us didn’t seem to tread on eggshells around their families; we didn’t run home at every opportunity. So, Jenna Leigh Hartman from Reading and Amber Salpone from London clung to each other, two dysfunctional lifebuoys in a sea of normality.

‘You do like Matt, don’t you?’ Jen asked.

She was now lying on the patch of thick red carpet where, hours earlier, Greg’s body had been stretched out while he read the papers. Jen rested the wine glass on her flat stomach, her eyes closed, her knees pulled up so the flats of her feet rested on the ground. Her hair was like a golden glow that fanned out around her head. Jen could make a casual pose seem so effortless. Yes, a casual pose was always meant to be effortless, but I had trouble with it. Say I was doing the same thing: I’d invariably get an itch in my lower back but wouldn’t want to sit up to scratch it, so I’d jiggle and shift about on the floor, like a snake trying to move through shagpile. Then I’d spill some wine so I’d leap up and trip over takeaway cartons on my way to get a cloth. Or I’d be lying on the sofa under my duvet, watching telly, but couldn’t relax because I was fidgeting about searching for the remote. Jen, on the other hand, could be yoga-still in anything she did.

‘Mmm-hmm,’ I replied, concurring that I did like Matt without actually saying yes.’ (I loved the mmm-hmm, it was so generic that you could lie without technically lying.)

I was reclining on the sofa, resting my wine glass on my stomach but holding onto it while desperately seeking the TV remote.

Me and Matt. It wasn’t a simple case of us not liking each other. Matt had problems smiling at me or, sometimes, even speaking to me because he thought Jen and I were too close. I knew her before him. I was a part of Jen’s life that he could never be a part of and that bugged him; stopped him sleeping sometimes. If we started to laugh about stuff we did in the past, a cloud would pass across his face and he’d slide into a sulk. He gave her a hard time if she told me something before him. And heaven forbid she be on the phone to me for more than ten minutes while he was there. Matt and I loved the same person and he wanted to guarantee she loved him more than she did me.

‘I do worry that you and he don’t get on as well as you and Greg,’ Jen continued.

You really don’t want me to get on with him as well as I do with Greg
, I thought. ‘We’re different people,’ I explained.

‘You and Greg are different people!’ she screeched. ‘He’s a complete whore and you’re practically a nun, but you and him get on. He’s always round here or meeting you for lunch. Greg sees you more than I do sometimes.’

The mention of his name, talking about him, made stardust dance around my stomach like moonlight danced on water. ‘I’ll see more of Matt now that you’re going to live together. Jeez, you’re going to live with Matt. You’re going to become a cohabitee. Again.’

‘Funny, isn’t it? You’ve never lived with a bloke, whereas Matt will be my third one.’

‘I have lived with a bloke,’ I protested.


‘Eric. And you don’t get more blokey than him.’

‘Brothers do not count. You could have lived wi—’

‘Book your cab home before you finish that sentence, OK, Jenna,’ I cut in.

She scrunched up her lips and pulled a face at the ceiling. ‘Do you think it’ll last with me and Matt?’ she asked. ‘I lived with Karl and Tommy and I thought it’d last. I really did, but it didn’t.’ She swivelled her head to survey me. ‘Do you think I’m doing the right thing?’

Why did everyone think I had the answers to everything today? First Greg was asking what was going on between us, then Jen was asking if she was doing the right thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if Indiana Jones showed up any moment asking if I knew where he’d left the Holy Grail.

‘You moved in too soon with Karl and Tommy. They were nice blokes,’ I added quickly, ‘but everything was rushed. Maybe it’s good that Matt’s been so reticent about settling down, because now you both know you’re ready. He does love you.’ It aggrieved me to admit this sometimes, but whenever Matt wasn’t off in Paris being International Marketing Director for his company, Jen was the centre of his world. I’d have loved it if he was a neglectful bastard and then I could have licence to dislike him as much as he hated me. ‘I could never say that so certainly about Tommy or Karl.’

‘But you’re still number one, you know,’ Jen said. ‘You’re still the one I tell everything to.’

‘Mmm-hmm,’ I replied. I told Jen everything too. Except this one thing. It was only a small thing. Anyway, it probably wouldn’t last with me and Greg.
In fact, I give it two months. Three at the most

‘hmmm, a man or chocolate – put it this way, you’ll never be sat around waiting for a bar of chocolate to ring you’

chapter eight


are you?’ Renée’s voice said sharply across the office.

Martha didn’t flinch, didn’t even seem to notice. I did. I glanced away from my computer screen at my boss.

Renée’s professionally shaped eyebrows were hunched together; her red mouth was taut with indignation. ‘
’ she barked into the phone.

Long pause as the other person spoke.

‘Why should I remember you? Did you save my life or something?’

Martha smirked, but she would. It was always me who panicked when Renée got like that on the phone because she was invariably talking to someone we should be aiming to be nice to.

‘You write for who?’

I shoved my chair back, almost dislocating a couple of vertebrae in the process, and ran the distance to Renée’s desk. Three-quarters of the way there, I flung myself across the desk, narrowly missing the pencil holder and her precious stapler, and jabbed my finger on the ‘secrecy’ button on her phone.

‘Give me the phone,’ I said, with my hand outstretched. Time was when I could fling myself onto the desk and get the phone out of Renée’s grip before she could react, but over the last year she’d got very adept at snatching it out of reach while I was mid-air.

Renée clutched the receiver to her chest like it was her firstborn. ‘No.’

‘Renée,’ I cooed, ‘give Amber the phone.’

She shook her head. She hadn’t shouted since she went overboard on Monday. As I predicted, my day off gave her something to think about. So this journalist who had innocently picked up the phone to find out about our Festival was, in fact, dealing with a woman who had four days of anger simmering away, ready to boil over.

‘Give me the phone and I’ll let you slag off the new London Film Festival brochure all afternoon.’

Renée’s eyes flickered as she saw what was on offer: an afternoon of nit-picking, sneering and downright bitchiness that I wouldn’t temper. There’d be no ‘Come on, Renée, be fair,’ while she went on and on. It was tempting . . .

‘I’ll buy you chocolate and then make you coffee,’ I added.

Tempting, but not tempting enough, she still clung to the phone.

‘And,’ I said, playing my trump card, ‘you can critique their website.’

Words Renée longed to hear. I’d always stopped her having a go at their website because ours wasn’t much better. In fact, ours was in desperate need of resuscitation and I’d decreed we could only slag off the things that we did better than LFF. Renée’s hand shot out as she handed over the phone.

I hit the ‘secrecy’ button. ‘Hi, sorry about that, the Festival Director had to take another call, how can I help? I’m Amber, the Deputy Festival Director.’

‘Hi, Amber.’

Oh. Good. Grief. Her.

I’d know that affected, nasal voice anywhere. I should’ve let Renée abuse her. I gave up my trump card for her. HER! Her, the journalist from hell. The nutter journalist from hell who’d tried to get me sacked.

Last year, in an almost identical incident, Renée’s phone had rung and Renée under sufferance had answered it. She’d been speechless when some woman had started prattling on about Renée’s past.

Renée had been the Bridget Bardot of her day, thankfully without the fascistic leanings, and had become famous when she was thirteen by playing Lolita in a French arthouse film. She’d been an international overnight sensation, nominated for awards, starred in a number of films, blah, blah, blah, beautiful career ahead of her . . . But, Renée being Renée (and intrinsically contrary), had gotten bored of the limelight and gave it all up at twenty-one to learn about movie production. She moved from Paris to London and worked for a few film companies. She met her husband, a screenwriter, and they moved to Leeds, where he was from. She’d then got a job as Contributing Festival Assistant at WYIFF and within two years was running the whole shebang. This woman on the other end of the phone had, it seemed, called only to remind her of that.

I’d heard the silence after Renée’s ‘Allo, WYIFF?’, glanced up in time to see Renée’s face tighten, the sign she was about to start screaming. I’d thrown myself across her desk – unfortunately not missing the stapler that time – and wrestled the phone out of her hand before she invoked her tongue.

‘We’d like to interview,’ the woman on the end of the phone continued, and named a fairly well-known star who we’d got to attend the UK premiere of her new film in Leeds, ‘which I’m sure she’d love to do because we’re a glossy and the Yorkshire market is so limited. And we’d like to do a piece on how you went from being such a well-known teen star to running a festival in Leeds of all places.’

‘Probably not a good idea to upset the Festival Director by saying such things,’ I calmly told the caller. ‘This is Amber Salpone, the Deputy Festival Director. Let’s be honest, we don’t have to give you access to her and because you’re calling us, I’m sure you’ve discovered her agent is a nightmare. But if we can get it in writing that you’ll give the Festival and The Mates Of The Festival a plug with contact details and you’ll mention that,’ I reeled off a list of stars, ‘have previously attended the Festival, then I’ll put you on the interview list.’

‘Have they all really been to the Festival?’ she replied, rather insultingly impressed.

‘Yup, we’re not some hick town outfit,’ I laughed. I eyed up Renée, who seemed to be chewing on a wasp. ‘I’ll let you know about interviewing Renée.’

She, Mimi, came and, knowing she hadn’t been up norf before, I met her at the station. She’d given me the once over and found me wanting. I wasn’t wearing the right clothes, I wasn’t carrying the right kind of bag and I was a Southerner who’d
to live in the North. ‘How can you bear it?’ she’d asked me as I walked her to the hotel I’d booked her into.

Her voice – nasal, imperious, affected – was even more annoying in real life. Her blonde bob had been styled by expensive fingers, her comely figure was clothed by well-named people. We had nothing in common, but I’d been nice to vile people before in the name of work so I’d smiled at her and said, ‘The longer you live here, the more you love it,’ and prayed that the God of Yorkshire didn’t strike me down for being so disloyal.

Later that Friday night, at the after-screening party, when The Celeb had gone to bed, Mimi held court from her bar stool in the hotel surrounded by male crew from the film and male journalists, pontificating on how ‘dinky’ Leeds was: ‘It’s got a Harvey Nics, hasn’t it? It’s like a mini London.’

Had their tongues not been hanging out, those Yorkshire men would’ve run her out of town. Among those male journalists was Greg. And, guess who disappeared upstairs with her?
You two deserve each other
, I thought as I crawled off home.

I’d been knocked out by the event, had needed to work late for weeks beforehand co-ordinating things. Sunday afternoon, when it was finally over, I’d come home after seeing The Celeb off at the airport. She, in stark contrast to Mimi, was down-to-earth with a wonderfully dry sense of humour. I’d enjoyed meeting her most out of all the stuff over the weekend and she’d promised to come back for the Festival if she could. I’d collapsed onto the sofa still wearing my coat, staring unseeingly at the television. An hour must have passed before I could get my faculties together enough to contemplate taking my coat off and getting something to eat. I’d just about raised my head from the sofa armrest when my phone had bleeped in my pocket. I’d tiredly pulled out the silver mobile, expecting to see a message from The Celeb who’d said she’d text me when she got back to London.

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