The Chieftain Needs an Heir - a Highland ménage novella (Clan MacKrannan's Secret Traditions) (12 page)

BOOK: The Chieftain Needs an Heir - a Highland ménage novella (Clan MacKrannan's Secret Traditions)
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Niall came to t
he arch to be with Sorcha again, and put a hand on his brother's back in thanks.   The brother kissed the Tall Wife lightly on the cheek and left them.

There was but one more part to enact of the Remedy for Wives Too Tall, and the Chamber of the Green Man was charged with its own sizzling enchantment.

As Ruaridh strode back to his star, he saw a changed wife.  Mirren looked ill, with the greenness of bellyache about her.  Speaking out would have her banished from the clan, for her whinings had been dealt with in the Vault and she'd still had the energy to make venomous assault on others here.

Ruaridh looked to Oona, directing her attention to Mirren and hoping this would no' sabotage the final bit of the remedy.

Oona was on the star beside Mirren's, purposely planned so she could keep an eye on the besom – and a restraining arm, if necessary.  She'd been buffeted by the waves of harmful thoughts coming off Mirren since Ruaridh had taken his honey elsewhere, and knew that the greenness came as much from jealousy as from bellyache.  Mirren had just watched her husband with two different women.  Without care for the importance of the clan's Traditions, and having an active interest in the Heir's Cradle being empty, all Mirren could see was her own humiliation.

From under the
cover of her own star, Oona chose a flagon from her array of supplies and encouraged Mirren to drink it all at once.  The besom would no' be spoiling anything else for a wee while.

now looked to Hector and bowed her head.  She received in return a most respectful bow, and then an eyeful of his gigantic chest as he took off his shirt.  A good man, that.  Oona was champing at the bit to see if he'd need rousing, for the only fertile women left to do it now were Cecily and Mirren, and Mirren would fall asleep on the job.

Hector MacKrannan could ha
ve chosen not to need rousing.  After seeing Hilde at her task, and realizing that the Wisewomen were eligible for this, he chose to be completely flaccid when his kilt followed his shirt onto the floor, a feat only managed by the discipline of his mind when he watched Sorcha full frontal being tupped by Ruaridh.

He lifted th
e cover from his star and picked up his pot of honey, leaving its lid behind.

fertility energies coming from the Green Man behind Cecily had exhilarated her since the circle had been turned back in.  The life forces fairly bounced off the walls now.  At key moments she could see the major vortexes swirling around Sorcha at the arch, and a minor one at Hilde's rousing task. 

Cecily had covertly watched Hector throughout, his star being
opposite hers, and she could see how solemnly he took this Tradition.  He'd stood throughout like a statue.  Although she supposed that the Captain of the Queen's Bodyguard would be used to standing motionless for long periods of time, the events going on at the arch were hardly of the everyday variety.

His face had given nothing away dur
ing the two couplings.  Anyone looking at him would think he was overseeing the royals at a game of croquet.  But she'd seen his reaction to Ruaridh walking to Hilde, and that escalated when Hilde disrobed and performed the rousing task.  His ears went back, and his eyes froze as if he'd stopped them in the midst of widening, and he stopped blinking altogether.  An onlooker may have seen nothing much different about his face, because he'd arrested his reaction so quickly, but Cecily saw his initial amazement move into something else.

Either he
had a notion for Hilde, which she'd never seen sign of, or he hadn't known the younger Wisewomen could do the rousings.

The trouble with the Sight was that you never got to use it for your own good.  None of the Wisewomen would even use their clairvoyant gifts on each other, for that would be ju
st the same as using your own.

Motivation was everything. 
She had to let life bring her what she was meant to have.  And right now life was bringing her Hector MacKrannan, walking naked towards her with a pot of honey, and she thought her thudding heartbeat would be heard throughout Scotland.

Cecily was supposed to be the face-reader around here, yet she felt
like the inspected one as Hector came down from his great height onto one knee and held out the nectar.  Her features would just have to arrange themselves without her conscious input for there was work to be done, and her flustered mind was scrambling to remember Oona's sequence of instructions and what Hilde had done to Ruaridh with such success. 

A scoop of honey for his ingestion, that was it.  He brought her
dripping fingers to his mouth and sensuously licked them until she hummed the bees' song and bade him rise.

ake her robe off… was that next, or…

She pulled
it up, and somehow got the sleeves into a fankle with her hair and the more she tugged the more the mess wouldn't budge.

Hector knew he should no' help her disrobe but
what could a man do when the whole bumphle had stuck round her head?  Body exposed, face hidden and arms high and powerless – it was much what awaited him at the arch, except this was Cecily in all her glory, succulent breasts jiggling at him while she struggled.  Ahh… hell… even his imaginings had no' done her justice.

found the Celtic knotwork of the garment's hem and yanked it as far as her waist to let him at her hair for disentangling.  Her surprised face appeared briefly before he lifted the whole robe off her in a swipe of impatience.  Her arms and chestnut locks came back down, and her eyes went straight to his cock… he followed her stare to find the rousing had already begun.

folded the robe for her, and held her hand as she knelt down and tidied all her hair away.  The thought of what she was about to do was enough to stir him further, and he fought it, for she must have the achievement for herself.

Cecily had been attuned to the greater energies around the chamber and the sparkling
vortexes appearing.  She was excited beyond bearing to be given the task of preparing the third phallus for its part in the remedy, and this was Hector…

All but Sorch
a were watching.  The positions of the stars meant that most would see exactly what she did, and the rest would see the final evidence of her abilities when Hector walked to the Tall Wife.  But she felt the presence of others too… the ancients… the bloodline Hector was part of… the spirit of the Green Man... and inside her head she heard,
Focus… Rouse him full…

She adjusted the pitch of her humming as she
rested the phallus along her left hand and lathered it with honey.  Already it lay past her palm onto her wrist and she could see a muscle in Hector's groin flex as she swirled the last of the nectar onto his seed sac.  He was so tall that her mouth could hardly reach him, so he braced his legs astride until he felt her tongue lick at the ambrosia.

The bees' song came only from the other Wisewomen as Cecily lapped at the sac and the root
to imbue the power.  She felt Hector take her sticky right hand and bend to lick the fingers clean one by one, and her insides stirred in longing at the feel of his tongue working in perfect rhythm with her own.

The phallus had grown now
.  A sweep of her tongue from root to the heartshaped tip showed her the massive extent of it. 

The tip…
she must put honey on the tip when it emerged from its cocoon.  The pot was already empty and her hands clean, but she knew where a little might be found.

Cecily needed both hands for this.  She
took hold of the rigid phallus hand-over-fist, finding it too thick for her fingers to meet her thumbs, and stroked its head against her cheek.  She thought to look up as she did so, and there was Hector's loving gaze she'd dreamed of so often.

Rouse him full…

She took him into her mouth as best she could and used her tongue to wipe the last of the nectar.  The vortex came down to whirl around them, and her mouth felt the pulsing urgency of his rousing.  Her fists moved backwards and forwards, her tongue swirling around the tip, and she sucked and sucked until the vortex grew dazzling as the phallus approached its full power.


Now that her lips were sealed around the phallus she resumed her Wisewoman humming and felt the vibrations run its length and beyond.  The workers' swarm came to rest on her head and she opened her eyes to find it nestled in Hector's hands, his fingers gathering her hair away and his thumbs lightly buzzing over her ears.  And when the swarm took wing she knew it was time to release him.  The third phallus was roused and Hector must go to the Tall Wife.

was loathe to go when all he wanted was here.  Soon, he promised her with his eyes…
He robed her quickly and kissed her full on the lips.

The walk to the arch was but a few of his
long strides yet a lifetime was shed in its passing.  His mind and body were still full of the bees' song and all three Wisewomen were humming again.  The buzzing was so insistent in his groin that he must share it with the Tall Wife, for its purpose was her bliss.

heard Hector's footfall and turned her head to find him towering over her.  She was still dazed from two blisses and had only a short time of recovery between the last and the next.  The chieftain's Spend lay deep within her.  His brother's Pushing In had been most effective, for her clenchings were fierce with him also, and her legs were still trembling as Hector's hands came upon her own on the arch.

did not seem inclined to caress her with Ruaridh's feather touch.  He swept his big hands slowly down her arms, and her sides, and her nether cheeks before laying himself against her back and enfolding her in his giant arms.  She could feel a hand steal up to a breast still hidden under her hair, and he palmed her there most expertly for an age, waiting until her back arched before moving to the other breast and continuing his work.

One arm around her waist was all he needed to hold her captive against his chest while his other hand stole lower.  Sorcha knew what he was about to do, yet was still shocked into whimpering when his
huge finger found her bud and began stroking her there. He must have felt the shaking run through her body, for his grip on her tightened so much that her feet left the floor, yet his adamant finger kept on with its incessant circling.

She could feel his manhood throbbing against much of her spine, but had no idea of its size until he slid down
to let it move between her legs.  She looked down to see the tip of it appear, and his hand move to press it against her while his hips stroked it along her wetness and over her bud, moving and moving and sending her wild enough to close her eyes and rest her head back under his chin.  And still he kept on, imprisoning her against him and spreading her wetness everywhere.

had found that surprise was usually the best way.  Lying down would be easier but this would be manageable if he'd gauged their heights right.  One last rub at her wee bud and then he let her go completely.

He took
firm hold of her legs and spread them well apart, swinging her up and back to the level he needed, and put the tip of his cock inside her.

One thrust half his length was enough to impale her.  He stood steady, holdin
g her legs and waiting for her to get accustomed to the feel of him.

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