The Chase (8 page)

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Authors: Erin McCarthy

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Adult

BOOK: The Chase
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Sweet Jesus. Was she serious?
“If that’s okay with you, that is.”
He nodded, rapidly, mouth too full of anticipatory saliva to respond. Not that his brain could form words anyway. He no longer had a brain. He was just a giant cock, standing up at attention, waiting desperately for her to do something with him.
“Are you sure this is okay?” she asked again, stroking up and down on him.
Finding his voice, he said gruffly, “Hell, yes, I’m sure.” To prove it, he reached out and undid her jeans, a little tit for tat.
Somewhere in the back of his mind it occurred to him this might be a bad idea. He and Kendall had just started talking again after a decade and their newfound friendship was fragile at best. Sex would complicate that. But the tiny corner of his brain that had any sense whatsoever was drowned out by testosterone flooding into every nook and cranny of his consciousness.
“Oh, good,” she said, and her voice was breathy and excited, which spurred him into action.
Undoing her pants, Evan pushed up her shirt at the same time he exposed her panties. Kissing the soft skin of her belly, he flicked his tongue along the top of her panties, stroking back and forth on the warm flesh. She shivered, her fingers pressing into his shoulders.
“Are you wet?” he asked.
Now it was her time to just nod.
“Let me see.” Evan slid into her pink panties, cupping her mound, before pushing his index finger inside her. She was slick with want and deliciously tight. “Oh, yeah. Very wet.”
And damn if she wasn’t moving her hips in rhythm already, forcing his finger deeper. A glance up showed Kendall’s eyes were half-closed, her head tilting back, hair sliding across her face. Sexy didn’t even begin to describe it. He let her move for a minute, pumping faster, her breath coming in urgent pants, before pulling his finger out.
She protested with a whimper. But Evan was already shoving her jeans and panties down to her knees.
“Are you on the pill?” he asked, suddenly aware that he had no condom, and even if he did, he didn’t want to wait to unwrap it. He wanted her now. Before now. For the last ten years now.
“Yes.” Kendall wasn’t looking at him, but was staring down at his cock, which he had freed from his pants and boxer briefs.
He thought she might hesitate, change her mind, but she just put her foot on the bumper and said, “Help me with the physics involved here.”
“My pleasure.” Evan grabbed her ass and hauled her right onto him. “Just bend your knees on the hood. Gravity will actually be our friend.”
He leaned back just a little, then when her legs were in place, he settled her right over his erection. Teasing with the tip at her hot, slick entrance, he closed his eyes and swallowed hard against the desire rushing up inside him.
While he would have just sat there savoring, gathering control, Kendall didn’t pause for more than a beat before she drove herself down onto him.
She moaned in his ear, an exhalation of the same ecstasy he felt.
Knowing she was going to have limited movement, Evan grabbed her hips and thrust up inside her welcoming body.
Damn it.
This was crazy good. This was unreal. This was wild and fast and intense.
Her little cries rang in his ear and he pushed into her harder, wanting to take that sound and own it, hold it. He pumped and she groaned and he didn’t hold back at all. Just gave it to her with all his pent-up frustration and feeling.
When she came almost immediately, Evan felt the most profound satisfaction he’d encountered in a long-ass time.
“Oh, my God,” she whispered. “That was . . .”
“Amazing?” he asked, slowing down just slightly to give her a second to catch her breath.
Evan stopped altogether. “Excuse me?”
“It took you sixty seconds to get me off. That’s embarrassing.”
Reassured, he kissed her earlobe. “We just have good chemistry, that’s all. Now be quiet.”
Kendall stuck her tongue out at him, but drew it back immediately on a moan when he lifted her hips and dropped her down hard on him.
Aware that he was probably squeezing her hips a little too hard, Evan eased up. But it was hard to stay loose, in control. Kendall was sitting on his cock on a Corvette and he was condom free. This was a freaking dream come true. This was a calendar. A video.
The thought of being able to watch a replay of Kendall doing this to him, over and over, made him groan. Still feeling a bit of a rum buzz, Evan wasn’t as cool as he’d have liked to be. Her breasts were brushing his chest, her fingertips digging into his shoulders, her lips dropping feathery kisses on the corners of his mouth, and he was gone. The way she wrapped around him, legs, hips, sweet hot insides around the length of him, he gave in and exploded.
felt the unbelievable sensation of a second orgasm sweep over her as Evan came deep inside her, his grip tight on her waist, his guttural cries ringing in her ear. She never came twice. Not this close together and not from penis. To pop off a second time she always needed oral sex. But there was no denying that she was coming, and she clung to him, her legs awkwardly bent but not even bothering her.
It was just pure pleasure, just fast, stripped down, raw ecstasy.
And it was embarrassing, she hadn’t been lying about that.
One kiss, and she was jumping on him on the hood of her car.
Thirty seconds and she was having an orgasm.
Two minutes and she was doing it all over again.
Breathing hard, her body quivering with aftershocks, Kendall clung to Evan, her head on his shoulder. Swallowing hard, she tried to think of something to say, but there was nothing that came to mind. He didn’t seem inclined to talk either, and they sat like that, his hands holding her from sliding off and hitting the dirt road, until her heart rate returned to normal and she was altogether too aware of the fact that there was a biting wind and where it was biting her was on the butt.
“Guess we should move,” he murmured in her ear. “Your legs are shaking like Jell-O.”
That, too.
But part of her wanted to stay that way indefinitely. Stay wrapped in his arms in the aftermath of an explosion of passion. Once she moved, it would turn awkward, and regret would wrap around her like a scratchy wool blanket.
“When you drop me off, why don’t you come on inside with me?” Evan said, his fingers brushing her hair off her cheek in a gesture she found both sexy and tender. “I’d like to try that again on a bed, where I can taste you. All of you.”
“Yes.” Kendall said it without hesitation, then wondered if she was being too easy. If she should make him work a little harder.
Then he shifted her off of his body and she decided she didn’t give a rat’s hooey. It wasn’t like she hadn’t just been easy, and if straight shooting got her some more of that sooner rather than later, she was all for it.
“Mmm,” he said, in a deep, rumbling voice that felt as intimate as his finger stroking inside her had been. “You feel amazing. I hate to let you go.”
Suddenly terrified at the unexpected longing those words had bubbling up inside her, Kendall managed to slide off the car hood and readjust her panties and jeans. Evan was right, her legs were trembling. “All good things must come to an end.”
Evan was still sprawled out on the hood, propped up by his forearms, his pants open and disheveled. He gave her a lazy grin. “Is that so? That seems cynical to me.”
“Says the man who has resigned himself to driving the incontinence car.” She nudged his foot with her boot. “Let’s go. I’m freezing my buns off.”
“We don’t want that.” Evan gave a terrific sigh and peeled himself off the car. “Where are your keys? I’m driving.”
As if. “I don’t think so.”
“I am. And I’m taking your car around this track, just once, for old times’ sake.” He buttoned his pants and came towards her, his hand outreached. “Give me the keys.”
“No. You’re smoking something, Monroe. You are not jacking my car up on this track. And no one drives my car but me.” Not even her father drove her car. That’s why she’d bought him his own. She was territorial about her mirrors and her seat and her engine.
Evan’s hand fell. “Please? Not even today? This could be the beginning of the end of my career, you know.”
Shit. He looked so hangdog. Guilt twisted inside her.
“Alright.” Kendall pulled her keys out and dropped them into his hand. “But don’t take this track too fast, it’s all pitted.”
He grinned at her and kissed her forehead. “Damn, you are such a girl, tomboy or not. No guy would have fallen for that line of bullshit I just handed you.”
She had been had. Outraged, Kendall smacked his arm. “Give me the keys back!”
“Nope.” He dangled them in the air above his head, and way out of her reach. “Unless you want to jump for them.”
“I guess some things don’t change. You’re still a jackass.” But she wasn’t really that annoyed. It was hard to be irritated when her inner thighs were pleasantly humming still and he was grinning all adorable-like.
“You know what else hasn’t changed? It’s still stupid that you and your siblings all have K names and me and my siblings all have E names. In fact, it’s even dumber now that we’re all grown up. What the hell were our parents thinking?”
Kendall laughed. “That it was cute. And you’re still as random as ever.”
“Was that random?” He shrugged. “What isn’t random?”
At the moment, her entire night could be classified that way. She followed his lead and climbed into the car, trying not to panic at being in the passenger seat. It was possible she had some control issues when it came to driving. But hell, driving was her job, of course she liked to be the one behind the wheel.
“You nervous?” he said to tease her. “Don’t be, I have it all under control. Except I can’t find the ignition.”
Terrified, she whipped her head over to see if he was serious. He wasn’t.
“God, you’re gullible.”
She was. Of course he knew where the ignition was. Just because there wasn’t one in a stock car didn’t mean he didn’t drive a regular car. Duh. She was losing it. Gripping the dashboard, she tried to relax as he pulled out. What was the worst thing that could happen?
Evan hit a pothole hard. “Whoops.”
“You did that on purpose.”
“I did not. Visibility is poor here.”
“And you’re full of shit. You drive under the lights going damn near two hundred all the time. You’re not like that guy I dated who didn’t know the clutch from the brake.”
Realizing that it was true, Kendall relaxed and settled back into her seat. Evan had been driving practically since birth. Taking her Vette around an empty track was not going to damage her car in any way.
“Which guy was that? He sounds like a loser.” Evan drawled out the word “loser” with a heavy twang, so it sounded like lose-uh.
“It doesn’t matter.” He wasn’t important. None of the men she had dated had been particularly important. Which at times had scared her. Here she was cruising up to thirty and she hadn’t even come close to falling in love. Not since the teen puppy love she’d felt for this annoying man next to her.
Except he wasn’t particularly annoying to her at the moment.
He was making her smile, with his own quick grin and casual charm.
And he was turning her on, with the way he sat so confidently in the driver’s seat, his hand gripping the gearshift loosely. Those fingers, that had just been inside her, worked to shift gears with fluidity and strength. He had opened the engine up so that her car was eating up track. Evan was owning it without hesitation, taking the first turn smoothly, his eyes facing forward, but his mouth turned up at the corner.
“Not bad,” he told her.
No, it wasn’t bad at all. In fact, she was getting hot in her jeans all over again watching him. He was inherently sexy, powerful, masculine. The hard edge of the second turn threw her towards him and she brushed against his arm. The muscles beneath his shirt were bulging from the position of his arm on the gears.
“I’m going to make your car my bitch,” he told her, shooting a grin her way.
The hell he was. “My car is a guy. And that was totally sexist, by the way.”
“How do you know your car is a guy?”
“Because it’s strong and fast, but it lets me call the shots. This is
“That was sexist, too. But so fucking hot I’m willing to overlook it.” Evan turned the wheel and eased up on the gas as he left the track.
The jolt as he nailed a pothole at eighty miles an hour rattled her teeth, but Kendall didn’t care. That tone of voice he had used, that matter-of-fact willingness to admit he wanted her, had her shifting on her seat, inner thighs moist. “I wasn’t trying to be hot.”
“Well, it was. You are. And I’m taking you home.”
“So you said.” Kendall cleared her throat, a tightness, an anticipation, closing it off. “And I believe my answer was yes, so get the lead out, Monroe. My grandma drives faster than you do.”
He laughed. “Oh, little girl, you are asking for trouble.”
“I already got me some trouble, and it’s driving my car. What I’m asking is for you to hurry on up so I can get laid.” Much as with her car, she felt the need to show Evan who was boss.
Not that she was in control of him or herself or anything else for that matter. One hour and a smoldering kiss and she was letting him nail her on the hood of her car, but why make it any easier for him than it already was?
“Yes, ma’am.” Evan slammed on the brakes as he approached the main road, and barely glanced left before jumping her car from dirt to the pavement.
Knowing she had no business saying anything after she’d just urged him to speed, Kendall bit her lip and tried not to consider the damage her shocks might be sustaining. It didn’t matter. The truth was, she was having a great time. A few hours earlier, she wouldn’t have thought she could spend five minutes with Evan without wanting to choke the life out of him, and yet he was making her laugh and loosen up more than she had in months.

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