The Charm School (46 page)

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“Beats me.”
“Right. Me too. I think something stinks, Sam, and I’m wondering if you’d like to give me an off-the-record clue.”
“I don’t have a clue,” Hollis replied. “But if what you say is true, it’s possible that Greg Fisher did pass through Mozhaisk, then doubled back for some reason, then later headed back for Moscow and ran off the road before he got to Mozhaisk again.”
“Why is he running up and down the Minsk–Moscow road at that hour? Was he on some kind of cloak-and-dagger assignment for the spooks here in the embassy?”
“There are no intelligence personnel in the American embassy,” Hollis said, “but if there were, they wouldn’t send people out in Pontiac Trans Ams.”
“True.” Salerno added, “Look, I’m booked on that Pan Am flight to Frankfurt tomorrow. Let’s sit together, and I’ll tell you a few other things I discovered about this business.”
“Maybe.” Hollis turned to leave.
Lisa approached, and Salerno greeted her warmly. He said, “Going to miss you, Lisa. The only straight shooter in the embassy Ministry of Propaganda.” They spoke for a moment, then Salerno moved off. Lisa said, “What was he talking to you about?”
“What do you think? He smells a rat.”
“Eventually we may have to go to the press with this.”
Hollis said curtly, “We are employees and representatives of the United States government. We are not press informants.”
She put her hand on his shoulder. “True.”
He said coolly, “If I’m more cautious than you, it’s because I’m much older than you.”
She gave him a conciliatory smile and patted his arm. “Now, now . . .”
Hollis, for the life of him, could not understand women. It seemed to him that she aggressively pursued him, then the moment he stopped being evasive, she backed off. He vaguely recalled that he’d had similar experiences with women when he was younger. There were some women and men he knew who enjoyed only the chase, and like fox hunters, had little use for the kill. He said, “Excuse me,” turned and headed back to the bar.
Hollis saw Alevy standing there and had the impression that Alevy had been waiting for him. Alevy said, “It’s not a good idea to draw attention to the CIA station chief.”
Hollis ordered a scotch and soda.
“It makes some people uncomfortable.”
Hollis moved away from the bar with his drink. “I thought you were a political affairs officer. Now you tell me you’re the CIA station chief.”
Alevy smiled. “Well, I thank you for your thoughtfulness. What did Salerno want?”
“He knows a few things, Seth. Any reporter in this room with a little pluck could come up with some inconsistencies in the Fisher story. Coupled with me and Lisa getting the boot, it smells a little.”
“I suppose. You and Lisa have a spat?”
“Good. I want you to stay close to her at least as far as Frankfurt.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Okay. By the way, if you have no other plans tonight, would you do me a favor?”
“Stop by around midnight. My place.”
“When do you sleep?”
“At the ambassador’s staff briefings.” Alevy asked, “Do you know anything about the Mi-28 chopper?”
“Only the technical stuff. Newest Soviet transport helicopter. Why?”
“I have to do a report. Can you bring me what you have?”
“I’ll have O’Shea drop it off.”
“You can drop it off. Midnight, my place.” Alevy turned and walked off.
Hollis said to himself, “I knew it.”
Hollis spent the next hour talking to the various air attachés from the NATO member nations. There was information to be exchanged, thank-you’s to be said, and promises to stay in touch, professionally. The good thing to be said for military spies, Hollis thought, was that they were military first and spies second. Hollis made his farewells, then slipped out of the reception hall and went up to his office, where he intended to stay until his midnight meeting with Alevy.
His phone rang, and he answered it, “Hollis.”
“What are you doing in your office at eleven o’clock?”
“Saying good-bye to my secretary.”
“You’d better not be, Hollis. Are you coming home tonight?”
The word took him by surprise. “I have a midnight meeting with the political affairs officer.”
“His place.”
“I expect you in my bed before dawn.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“What’s there to
“I have some work to do here,” he said. “I have to go.”
“I have your underwear. And your toothbrush.”
“These are not secure phones.”
“There was that thing I wanted to try, where I bring my legs up over my head—”
“Okay, okay.” He smiled. “I’ll see you later.” He hung up.
Hollis went to the window and looked out into the darkened city. “Meeting with Alevy. Then Novodevichy Convent tomorrow. Sheremetyevo Airport, Monday morning. Pan Am to Frankfurt.” Then London, Washington, or New York as the mood struck him. That was the plan. That was
plan. There were other, conflicting plans out there. He liked his plan the best.


The blue Ford Fairlane sat in the underground garage, deep below the trees and grass of the embassy compound’s main quad. Betty Eschman, the wife of the naval attaché, was behind the wheel. “Ready, Sam?”
“Ready.” Sam Hollis sat on the floor in the rear of the car, his back to the door. Lisa was opposite him. In the rear seat, their legs tucked under them, were two young women from the consular section, Audry Spencer and Patty White. In the front passenger seat was Jane Ellis, a commercial officer.
The engine started, and Hollis felt the Ford move forward. He said to Betty Eschman, “Remember, they’re not allowed to stop you when you’re leaving. If a mili-man steps in the driveway, hit the horn and keep going. He’ll move. Okay?”
“Okay. I did this for my husband once.”
Jane Ellis said, “Why bother with the horn? He’ll move. Sideways or horizontally.”
The two women in the back laughed, a bit nervously, Hollis thought.
Lisa offered, “Two points for a mili-man, Betty.”
The Ford went up the ramp and surfaced beside the chancery building, into the grey morning that was gloomier than the subterranean garage. Betty Eschman drove slowly through the forecourt of the embassy compound.
Hollis ran the simple plan through his mind again. There were only two places in all Moscow where Protestant services were being held this Sunday morning. One was a small Baptist church in a far suburb. The other was the chapel in the British embassy where an Anglican chaplain flew in from Helsinki on alternate Sundays. The American embassy did the honors on the alternating sabbaths and holy days. It was fortunate that today was the turn of the British and that the four women normally went over there together. There was nothing, therefore, that should arouse the curiosity of the embassy watchers, who knew the routines of the American embassy.
Betty Eschman said, “We’re passing the Marine guards now. Here goes.”
As she approached the sidewalk, one of the militiamen stepped out of his booth, walked into the driveway, and held up his hand. Betty Eschman blasted the horn and stepped on the accelerator. The militiaman jumped back and shouted, “

The Ford cut right and proceeded up the street. Mrs. Eschman asked, “What does
Lisa replied, “Cunt.”
“Why, that son of a bitch!”
Jane Ellis added, “I’m going to make a formal complaint. I’m tired of their harassment.”
Patty White laughed. “I never saw a Soviet citizen move so fast.”
Hollis asked, “Anyone behind us?”
The two women in the front looked in their side-view mirrors, and both reported that they didn’t see any cars.
Betty Eschman cut onto the embankment drive and accelerated up the nearly deserted road that hugged the north bank of the Moskva. It was not the most direct route to the British embassy, which was on the Maurice Thorez embankment opposite the Kremlin, but Hollis knew it was a fast road, an easy road on which to spot tails. Also it passed directly beside Novodevichy Convent. Hollis settled back against the door and looked at Lisa. She stretched out her legs and put her shoeless foot in his groin. “Am I crowding you?”
The two young women in the back chuckled.
Jane Ellis said, “What’s going on back there? Behave, Sam.” The women all laughed. Hollis thought his original idea of riding in the trunk might have been better. The Moskva and the road turned south in the river’s great loop below the Lenin Hills. Hollis said, “You’re all going to catch some harassment when you return. Sorry.”
“Screw them,” Jane Ellis said, who added quickly, “Oh! We’re going to church.”
Everyone laughed.
Betty Eschman announced, “There’s the convent straight ahead.”
Lisa said, “Pull off into that little park in front of the convent, and we’ll tumble out.”
Hollis said, “Thanks for the lift, ladies.”
Jane Ellis responded, “It was an honor to have the holders of the Joel Barlow award in the car.”
Betty Eschman cut off the embankment road into the park and stopped on a paved lane. Hollis and Lisa opened their doors and got out quickly. The car pulled away, and Hollis watched it disappear around the curving river road, then he looked around and said, “I think we’re alone.”
Lisa brushed off her black trench coat. “Hell of a way to get to church.”
“Let’s move away from the road.”
They began walking through the park toward the high crenellated walls of limestone and brick that surrounded the twenty-acre convent grounds.
Lisa asked, “Are we still fighting?”
“Good. Are you sorry?”
“For what?” Hollis asked impatiently.
“For being difficult. For sleeping on the couch. For—”
“Yes, yes. I’m sorry.” He looked at his watch. “What time is the service?”
“At ten. The Soviet government has designated two times for Christian services in all of Russia: ten
. and six
“Keeps it simple.” Hollis regarded the ornate battletowers of the convent walls. “Incredible place. Nicer walls than the Kremlin. Which way in?”
“Follow me.”
They made their way around to the north wall, which held the Church of the Transfiguration. A stream of people, mostly elderly, came from the nearby metro station and passed through the massive church portals. Hollis looked up at the spires and gold onion domes rising over the wall, set against a sky of Moscow grey, and he became aware of a fine mist settling on his cheeks. “I won’t miss the weather.”
“No.” Lisa took his arm, and they joined the people going through the arched gates. Lisa asked, “What were you talking to Seth about until four
“Sex, sports, and religion.”
“He doesn’t know beans about any of those things, and neither do you.”
“We figured that out about four, and I left.”
“You know, every human life needs a spiritual dimension, or it isn’t a complete life. Do you feel there’s something missing from your life?”
“Yes. Sex, sports, and religion.”
“I thought I was part of the team. You two are not being fair. You can’t use me and keep me in the dark.”
“Take it up with Seth.”
“I don’t think you want me talking to him.”
“You can talk to whomever you please.”
“Remember you said that.”
They passed through the tunnellike entrance of the gate church and came out into the convent grounds. The people around them glanced curiously at Lisa’s well-cut trench coat and examined her footwear. Hollis wore his baggy blue overcoat, narrow-brimmed hat, and shoes that squeaked. Hollis recalled that Captain O’Shea had stood in line two hours for the Soviet shoes. The leather was synthetic, the shoes were a size too small, and the cordovan color was a bit on the red side. O’Shea claimed that was the best he could do, but Hollis always suspected he was getting even for the two hours in line.
Hollis and Lisa walked arm in arm, following a wet cobblestone lane covered with broken branches and dead leaves. Lisa said, “That’s the Lopukhin palace. Boris Gudonov was elected czar there. Also, as Sasha said, Peter the Great put his sister in there. Peter used to hang his sister’s political supporters outside her windows.”

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