Read The Carnelian Tyranny: Savino’s Revenge Online
Authors: Cheryl Koevoet
Copyright © 2014 Cheryl L. Koevoet.
Cover Art: Najla Qamber Designs
Author Photo: K. Evenhouse
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ISBN: 978-1-4582-1564-2 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2014908256
Abbott Press rev. date: 05/22/2014
For Debbie Hahn and Christy Holley, my sisters of the h
For without your passion and encouragement, the saga of
Darian and Marisa would have never seen the light of
I’ll love you both for
“In righteousness you will be establi
Tyranny will be far from
you will have nothing to
Terror will be far rem
it will not come near
Isaiah 54:14 (
HRH Princess Maraya Petra Fiore
(aka Marisa MacCa
Eighteen years old; daughter of the late Queen Elyse Fiore and late King Alano Macario; lost and presumed dead to the Carnelian world twelve years ago; graduate of South Medford High School, Jacksonville, Oregon; recently returned through a vortex; engaged to Darian
HRH Prince Darian Petrus Alessandro Fiore
Twenty-two; son of the late Prince André Fiore and Princess Helena Arras; Chief Counsel of the Crimson Court; High Commander of the Knights of the Crimson Order; older brother of Adalina; engaged to Maraya
Baron Alessio Macario
(aka Alistair “Uncle Al” MacCa
Late forties; identical twin brother of the late Prince Alano Macario; Paladin Knight of the Crimson Order; former real estate agent at Rogue Valley Realty of Jacksonville, Oregon; uncle of Marisa and Mark; husband of Cinzia; father of Arrie
Baroness Cinzia Pantaleone-Macario
Mid-forties; born in Andrésis now living in Crocetta; former Lady-in-Waiting to the late Queen Elyse; wife of Alessio; mother of Arrie; aunt of Marisa and Mark
Lord Arrigo “Arrie” Macario
Twenty-four; son of Alessio & Cinzia; Apageon Knight of the Crimson Order; cousin to Marisa and Mark; advisor to Prince Darian
HRH Prince Marcus Levis Cerrino Fiore
(aka Mark MacCa
Sixteen; former student at South Medford High School, basketball fanatic; War Counselor in-training; brother to Marisa; nephew of Alessio & Cinzia
HRH Princess Adalina Gisella Fiore
Fifteen; daughter of Helena Arras and the late Prince André Fiore; sister of Darian
HRH Princess Helena Arras-Fiore
Late forties; born in Ravenna, now living in Crocetta; widow of the late Prince André Fiore; mother of Prince Darian and Princess Adalina
Count Faustino “Tino” Durante
Early fifties; former
to the late Prince André Fiore; Paladin Knight of the Crimson Order; language teacher and intellectual
Cavaliere Bruno Nestore
Late twenties; Chief War Counselor and instructor in self-defense, all-time Carnelian Academy broadsword champion; youngest person to reach the level of Apageon Knight; Paladin Knight of the Crimson Order
Lord Cozimo Laurentine Arroyo
Mid-eighties; Chief Advisor of the Crimson Order; former squire to King Petrus Fiore and longest-serving member of the Crocine Royal Household; Keeper of the Law and philosopher
(aka Cecil Weinga
Early fifties; born in Pasadena, California; PhD in Physics and Astronomy from Caltech; founder of the vortex wormhole theory; currently living in Crocetta; suspected by local inhabitants to be a sorcerer
Eman Yewil
Early thirties; born in Crocetta proper; shepherd; friend of Princess Marisa; neighbor of Castle Beauriél estate
Lord Luca Domenico
Twenty-two; Crimson Academy graduate;
to Prince Darian and Salim Knight of the Crimson Order
Baron Porfiro
Early sixties; Paladin Knight and High Commander of the Crimson Civilian Militia
Count Savino Umberto da Rocha
Twenty; son of the late Queen Sophie Fiore and the late Count Gregario da Rocha; former Paladin Knight of the Crimson Order; twin brother of Matilda; cousin to Marisa and Mark
Lady Matilda “Mattie” Florentina da Rocha
Twenty; daughter of the late Queen Sophie Fiore and the late Count Gregario da Rocha; twin sister of Savino; cousin to Marisa and Mark
Lord Dastar Raniero
Early fifties; of unknown origin; former Political Advisor to the late Queen Elyse Fiore; recently returned from exile
Lord Emiel Gaspar
Mid-fifties; born in Drychen province; currently serving as Chief Advisor and Special Envoy to Count da Rocha
Talvan Pardivoor
Late-thirties; member of the Ijbant Titan Tribe of Northern Terama Provence; High Commander of the Abbadon Warrior Guard; under the command of Count Savino da Rocha
Late thirties; member of the Orieno Titan Tribe of Eastern Terama Provence; High Commander of the Abbadon Warrior Guard; under the command of Count Savino da Rocha
Loris Raniero
Fifteen; Keeper of the Castle at Abbadon; nephew of Lord Dastar Raniero
HM King Bertoldo Macario
Mid-fifties; King of Terracina Provence and ally of the Middle Crocine Kingdoms; High Commander of the Royal Terracine Fleet; cousin of Baron Alessio; widower of the late Mirella Agapeto; father of Caterina, Costanzo and Caprice
HRH Princess Caterina Macario
Twenty; born in Terracina; Crown Princess of Terracina
HRH Prince Costanzo Macario
Eighteen; born in Terracina; second in line to Terracine throne
HRH Princess Caprice Macario
Fifteen; born in Terracina; third in line to Terracine throne
Levels of Knighthood in the Crimson O
Squire (1) Arydon (2) Salim (3) Apageon (4) Paladi
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