Read The Carnelian Throne Online

Authors: Janet Morris

Tags: #Adult, #Science Fiction

The Carnelian Throne (36 page)

BOOK: The Carnelian Throne
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(B) Any mind capable of entering into the community of minds called Wehrdom; an individual possessing the pan-species communication gene.

(B) The hierarchal organizations of wehrs.

(B) Colloquial phylum name for ossasim; any coordinator of wehrs for the benefit of Wehrdom.

(B) The circuit by which Wehrdom communicates; th
6 network of joined minds of Wehrdom; any communication by way of that network.

Wisdom Mask:
(B) A mask like that of an aged woman, used in Beneguan mystical rites.

BOOK: The Carnelian Throne
10.34Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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