The Captive Series (35 page)

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Authors: C.M. Steele

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Sergei was well beyond gone himself. He was feeling the same things she had been. His hands made fast work of her panties; he used his strength to tear them to shreds.

“I liked those,” Lana pouted, looking at the shredded panties he had just tossed across the room.

“Me too,” Sergei groaned as he stroked his cock. He wanted inside her so badly, he felt like he couldn’t breathe. Sergei bent down to taste her lips, pressing his body closer and harder on hers.

Lana moaned in his mouth as she felt his erection pressed against her belly and pussy. Her breath was starting to become faster as she grew increasingly needy. Her pert nipples rubbed against his broad furry chest, sending pleasure coursing through her.

“Ah,” Lana sighed as he moved his mouth down to her neck and breasts. Grasping one in his hand and taking the other in his mouth, he started to lick, tease, and love them. He was eager to be inside her, and she was just as eager to feel him. He pulled back and lined his dick with her entrance, rubbing it slowly against her wetness, letting it coat his head. Sergei bent down and took one of her fat breasts into his mouth and bit down a little roughly. The moment she cried out from the pleasure and pain, he slammed his way into her heat.

“Ahhh!” she shrieked.

Sergei wanted to be angry. He wanted to be furious at her for not saying a damn thing, but how could he? She’d just given him a precious damn gift. “I don’t understand.” He looked at the teary-eyed beauty under him. “Let me make it better. Damn it, I wish you had told me,” he growled before his mouth came down on hers, capturing her low cries as he moved in and out of her.

His thickness was too much for her unused pussy; she was feeling really full and overwhelmed. “It’s too much Sergei,” she pleaded for him to make it better.

He paused, staring down at her but refusing to pull out. The damage was already done, now it was time for him to please her. Lana had lost the pleasure she had been feeling, and it was clearly etched on her face. Sergei wouldn’t stand for it. Slowly he started to move inside her. Her walls were too tight for much more. Needing her to be excited, he looked into her eyes before he said, “Your body is perfect, Lana. I’m going to change those cries of pain to pure sighs of bliss.” Then he began to kiss her tenderly, moving his hands up and down her thighs and her side. He stopped just short of caressing her breasts, teasing the flesh just under them.

Lana started to shiver with his touch and her tender, aching walls started to pulse. Sergei started to move in and out with deeper and longer strokes. Rising up to watch his body take hers, he looked at his dick, coated with her juices and traces of her virgin blood. He growled and leaned down on one elbow, using the other arm to caress her face. His thumb ran across her lips, teasing them open. Lana parted her mouth and peeked out her tongue, lightly sucking his thumb into her mouth.

“Agh! Damn, babe. Yes, suck it,” he groaned. She sucked his finger while she started to move her hips, pressing them up against his pelvis. Sergei started to gyrate his hips into hers, letting her clit rub against his base.

Lana cried out, pleading more and more. “Sergei, ah! Yes.” Her cries turned to moans as her body got accustomed to his invasion. His smooth length moved in and out of her at a slow yet punishing pace, dominating her heat. He grabbed the back of her thighs, gripping them hard as he started to pump faster and faster.

“Please,” Lana moaned as her hands clawed at his back. Sergei obliged and pressed harder into her as he lifted her hips off the mattress. He started grunting and groaning as his body built up the need to come. She was tormenting him with tight walls that were obliterating his mind and body. Never had coming been as important as it was at this moment.

Lana’s hands wrapped around Sergei’s shoulders, then moved up to his neck and then into his hair, massaging and tugging his head as she felt waves of pleasure started to build. She cried and cried as her body shook and her orgasm ripped through her. “Sergei!” she shouted.

His body shook with her hands touching his skin and hair so greedily. Feeling her walls pulse and hearing her cries, Sergei followed her down the blissful abyss, coming deep within her. The power of his orgasm caused him to collapse atop his precious, sexy vixen who fucked up his mind and world.

Virgin, a virgin? How the fuck is that possible?
Sergei thought. He rested his head on her shoulder. He tried to catch his breath and rein in the thoughts that were going faster than his racing heart.

He could feel his dick coming back to life inside of her as her body still throbbed. Knowing that he wanted more, Sergei got up and pulled out his blood and juice coated cock out. He needed answers first, then he planned to fuck her all day and night long.

Chapter 6

Sergei couldn’t believe what had just happened. He had made love to the woman he’d given up hope on, but that wasn’t the kicker—she’d been a virgin! What a shock it had been. He was completely confused; she’d been married to Santini, so how did she manage to keep herself pure? Santini wouldn’t be a man to wait for his wife to be ready and then just let her leave without making her his. Hell, Santini once pressured Bianca into an engagement in an attempt to get her in bed.

Sergei wanted to ask Lana a thousand questions, but he didn’t want to kill the moment. He didn’t know what would happen after this or whether she was willing to be with him. He wasn’t going to force her to do anything she didn’t want to; he’d already learned his lesson.

Sergei looked over at Lana as she tried to catch her breath next to him. He watched as her chest heaved up and down. He could see her breasts, still red from the hair on his chest, and the huge bruising from the markings he left on her. Feeling his stare, she turned to him with a smile of embarrassment.

“There is a lot that we need to talk about,” Lana said as she sat up.

He was glad she brought it up first. “Like?” Sergei asked, hoping she’d explain everything.

“Like…did you kill him?”

Shock and anger took over as he scowled at the woman he just fucked. “What?! That’s what you want to talk about, after what just happened? No.” Sergei, furious and hurt, jumped out of the bed. He started pacing, not caring that he was ass naked and his cock was bobbing as he paced.

“I’m sorry.”

“What is with you?” Sergei roared. “Did he disappear on your wedding night? Is that why you were still a virgin?” He grabbed his boxers from the floor and tossed them on. “I was worried about killing the mood, but it seems all you could think about was him. I hoped to hell it wasn’t him you were thinking about when you lay with me. If giving me your virtue was a trade-off for information, well, you just lost. Excuse me.”

He rushed from the room leaving her speechless.


Lana sat in the bed for a while longer, trying to understand the fact that she just couldn’t let it go.
Why did I have to go and ask that right at the moment? Why did I just ruin something so amazing?

She got off the bed and grabbed her clothes. After using his bathroom, Lana returned to see her blood on the bed. She looked at it and knew she’d given him a lot more than her virginity; she’d given him her heart. Lana Grey fell in love with the wrong man. She wanted to run so badly, but she couldn’t get away.

Lana walked out of the room, not exactly knowing where he went and if he was planning to talk to her again. She returned to her room and jumped into the shower. She had to rinse his scent off her, not because she was mortified by what she’d done, but because she still wanted him.

After her shower, Lana changed and laid down in bed so she could think. About twenty minutes later there was a knock at the door. She pretended to be asleep, but Sergei wasn’t going to take her lack of response as a way to stay out. He walked into the room and saw her sleeping.

He kicked the mattress. “Sleeping beauty, wake up. It’s time for you to go.”

“To go where?” Lana asked right away.

“Back home,” Sergei growled.

“For real.” Lana’s mind was going a million miles a minute, but not in a good way. He wanted her gone.

“Yes. The plane will be ready in twenty minutes. You can go to your house, which is all back in order, and you can do whatever you want. Thanks for the nice lay,” he responded, still very livid. Sergei walked out of the room and the insult hit her to the core. Lana didn’t say another word to anyone until she was on her flight.


Sergei waited until she was gone before he walked out of the back veranda. He was afraid that he’d try to keep her there if he saw her trying to leave. She had obviously not wanted to be with him. Santini was the only person she was concerned about. Sergei walked to his bedroom and poured himself a drink. Downing the glass, he poured another and sat on his bed, wondering how she could give herself to him but all the while still thinking about another man. It was cold and brutal.

His phone was ringing and ringing, but Sergei refused to answer it. Nikolai had begged him to calm down earlier, but he refused and sent Lana on her way. Sergei wasn’t in the mood to hear another lecture.

When Sergei woke up there was ten missed calls from Nikolai and a voicemail. He pressed the button to hear what Nikolai wanted.

“Hey, Jackass, I was trying to get a hold of you. It’s about your Lana and why she wants to find Santini. Call me.”

Sergei jumped up and called him in a hurry.

“Nikolai, what is it?” Sergei asked in a rush.

“No ‘hellos’ or anything like that?” Nikolai teased, which only annoyed Sergei.

Frustrated, he growled, “Just get to the point.”

“You’re going to kick yourself, but here it is. She was never married to Santini. Her twin sister, Ana, was married to Santini and disappeared over a year ago.”

Sergei’s mind was just blown by the revelation. “What!? That explains a lot, but why didn’t she just tell me.”

Nikolai guffawed and said, “I don’t know. I barely understand my wife, and you’re asking me about another woman. They operate different, and there isn’t a manual big enough to explain them.”

Sergei wanted to kick himself for letting her go. “Fuck, I just sent her back. She should have taken off by now.”

“So what are you going to do? Sulk and drink like a pussy licking his wounds, or go get your woman back?”

“She’s not my woman,” Sergei said, resigned.

“Did you not call me earlier telling me she gave you her sweet, virgin pussy? She’s yours.” Nikolai reminded him.

Sergei got his shit together. “I have to go get her. Damn, I have to see when the next flight leaves for Texas.”

“Sorry man, there isn’t one until tomorrow.”

“So why couldn’t you have told me sooner why she was after us about Santini?” Sergei blamed his friend.

Nikolai said, “Well, you ungrateful shit, Bianca and Amber decided to help with the reorganization of her place, and they found the file on the floor scattered under the dresser.”

“Are you serious?” Now Sergei wanted to really kick his own ass. He had the information right in his face, but he’d been too full of jealousy to really examine it.

“Yes, I’m serious. The girls thought it was best if they go and pick up Lana from the airport. I only agreed because I’m trying to help you.”

“You’re letting two pregnant women drive to go pick up my nutty, stubborn woman?” He didn’t believe Nikolai would let Bianca go alone.

“Yes, I let them, but Luciano will be riding in front with the driver.”

“Great. I hope the girls could fix my fuck-up. If anybody can, it would be those two,” Sergei said with a sigh of relief.

“Yeah, let’s hope. I booked you a flight at eight a.m., so get your ass ready and to the airport early.”

“Thanks, Niko.”

“No need, bro. You’ve been there for me for so long, and if it wasn’t for me and Luciano, she wouldn’t have been looking for Santini.” Nikolai and Luciano were the ones that had dealt with Santini, but Sergei still had a hand in it.

Fate had brought her to him right after they got rid of Santini, luckily. “No, she still would, but she would have found him and a shit load of trouble.”

“That’s no joke. Santini was ruthless with those in his close circle. She must have been an outsider because I couldn’t believe that she would work with them.”

“I don’t think so, either. I’m going to go get her and make it right.” Sergei hung up and prepared for the fight of his life.

Chapter 7

“Do you think she’s going to talk to us or has Sergei blown it?” Amber asked Luciano and Bianca as they sat in the back of the limo on the way to the airport to pick up Lana.

“Amore, after all Nikolai and I put you through, do you think it’s too late for Sergei? No, she just needs you girls to steer her to the dark side.”

“Oh, we will.” Bianca laughed mechanically.

“You’re nutty, Bee,” Luciano said as he tugged Amber onto his lap.

“Yes, but let’s hope she’s as nutty as us and can’t resist a strong handsome man who is equally nutty,” Bianca added, laughing at her brother’s need to hold his wife even though he was already sitting close to her before.

“That sounds about right,” Luciano replied before kissing his wife deeply.

They arrived at the airport just as Luna’s flight landed.

“I’ll be right back, ladies.” He gave his wife one more kiss and a squeeze before sitting her back on the seat and sliding out the limo. Luciano went inside to go get Lana, hoping she didn’t try to make a run for it. He only had to wait a few minutes for her to exit the plane. Luciano spotted her and could tell instantly that she had been crying. She must care for Sergei very much. It might not be as hard as she wanted.

Luciano didn’t grab on to her, but he did tap her shoulder to get her attention. “Detective Grey, I’m here to give you a ride back to your residence.”

“Are you really? Or are you here to take me somewhere and off me?” She gave him a look that said “fuck off.” He just let it slide off his shoulders before letting her know the situation.

“First, I am a lawful citizen, now. I own my own corporation and work hard for my family. Second, I was just trying to be polite. I could let your ass figure out a way to get home with no money or identification.”

“You sound like a total sweetheart,” Lana said sarcastically as she caught his attitude.

“Only the women in my family and my son get the special treatment. Now, are you coming, or will you hitchhike your ass home?”

“I guess,” Lana said. She was just about to take her luggage when Luciano took it from her.

“Come, the limo is out this way.” Luciano escorted her to the limo and put her luggage in the trunk. Opening the back, he waited for her to enter and closed the door.

“Hi there, Lana. I’m Bianca, Nikolai’s wife, and this is Luciano’s wife, Amber.” Bianca said brightly. She gave Lana a big grin then stuck out her hand.

“Um. Hi,” Lana said in confusion and discomfort. She was now in the car with the wife of the man she had investigated. She was starting to see that maybe she was a little overzealous about her need to search for Santini. Hell, the other guys could have ended her too.

“So I know that you’re tripping with all that’s happened, but you’re being silly. It wasn’t smart to run away from Sergei. We love him,” Bianca said.

Lana wanted to growl at the way she said she loved Sergei. “I didn’t run away, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t want to be involved with a criminal.”

Amber giggled and said, “Ooh. That’s not nice, and it’s a big fat lie. If you didn’t want Sergei you wouldn’t have given up your v-card to him.”

Lana’s face turned red with embarrassment, then anger. “I can’t believe he told you! I’m going to kill him,” she exclaimed.

“He didn’t tell us,” Amber said. “He told Nikolai because he didn’t understand how you could have been a virgin after he saw this picture.” Amber showed the image to Lana, who gasped with surprise.

“He thinks I’m married to Santini?!” Lana said in abject horror. She would never! The man was disgusting.

Bianca said, “Well, he doesn’t anymore. Nikolai told him the truth, and he’s kicking himself as we speak”

“So he sent you to stop me?” Lana shook her head. He claimed she was free to go, but then he sent his minions or who knows what, past lovers probably, to speak on his behalf.

“No. We came up with the idea ourselves. According to my husband, he just learned of it about ten minutes ago,” Bianca replied.

“We saw the file when we were putting your apartment back the way it was,” Amber added as she pulled out a bag of candy. She offered some to the other two, but they passed.

“You know why I need to find him, don’t you?” Lana asked, hoping they would help her get some answers.

“Yes, but that doesn’t change why you’re denying your feelings for Sergei,” Bianca challenged.

“After Santini, I wasn’t going to ever get involved with a mobster.” Lana answered Bianca’s unspoken question.

“Well, a little too late for that, huh?” Bianca pointed out.

“It’s done. He told me I could move on, and I will,” Lana stated, not wanting to hear any more of their opposition.

“So you don’t care for him?” Amber asked, distressingly.

“He kidnapped me and refused to let me leave,” Lana shouted in outrage, trying to hide her warming feelings toward Sergei.

“Big deal, been there, done that. She did too,” Bianca said nonchalantly as she pointed her head toward Amber.

“If you hadn’t been stalking Sergei, he wouldn’t have had to kidnap you. You’re lucky you weren’t killed for your persistence. Many would disappear if they had been in your situation.”

Lana tucked her head into her chest before shaking her thoughts away. “Look, I just want to know what he did with my sister.” No matter what happened with her and Sergei Lana still needed to find her sister, but it was looking very unlikely she would get that answer.

“We can try and help you if that’s what you want, but there isn’t a guarantee that we can,” Bianca said. “The thing is…he and I were engaged and I never knew about your sister.”

“Which means she really is dead?!” The smallest hope she had about Ana living suddenly faded.

“I’m sorry, but that’s a huge probability,” Bianca whispered sadly.

“Now you can see why I can’t be with someone like Santini.”

“Sergei is nothing like Santini. I’m sure you noticed how sweet Sergei could be,” Amber said.

“Yes, when he wasn’t mad at me.” Lana chuckled. She was thinking about the many times he had been nice before she would purposefully piss him off.

“Well, we all get them mad, but usually because they are jealous, possessive fools who don’t get us yet.”

“So he’s dead, isn’t he?” Lana asked about Santini.

“I can’t say,” Amber said with shrug. “All we can tell you was that he was a very bad man. So bad, I would love to put a bullet in him myself. If he’s dead the world is a safer place.”

“If it wasn’t for Nikolai and Sergei, my family would be dead, and I would have been raped then killed by Santini. He set us up to be killed by Nikolai for supposedly getting him sent to prison in Russia. They saved us, and it was because of them that we even get a chance at our happiness,” Bianca said as she shook her head, reliving the day her life changed.

Amber paused, took a deep breath, and then added, “Santini organized the plan that got Luciano and me kidnapped. When we were taken I was…raped…while Luciano was forced to watch.” Amber paused, taking a deep breath before she continued, “We still struggle with the emotional toll it took on us and our marriage. Santini’s evil personified.”

“I knew he was bad and violent. There was no questioning that, but it doesn’t change the fact that he killed my sister, and I have no way to find her body.” Lana’s body slumped in defeat.

“The guys can probably help you find answers. I know Sergei would,” Bianca responded.

Wanting to fight her love for Sergei, Lana said, “These men may act like good men at the beginning, but then get abusive when they get tired of you.”

“Lana, you can’t compare every man to Santini, especially Sergei. I’ve been married to my husband for almost three years now and never once have I felt that he would strike me. Spank me on occasion, yes. Well, only when I’ve been a bad girl,” Amber said with a wink and a smile. “But he’s never made me feel scared that he would truly hurt me. Even when we first got together and he was angry with me, he didn’t hurt me physically. Emotionally, the man made me feel all sorts of things, but any time he brought me emotional pain it was because of a huge misunderstanding and because he’s an idiot. It was never intentional and I hurt him too.”

“Just give it a shot,” Bianca added, patting Lana’s thigh and looked at her pleadingly.

Lana groaned and whined, “I don’t know if I can. I just want to go home. Please.”

“We’re almost there, now. Just think about what we said. Use your heart not your head. It’s the best decision I’d ever made,” Bianca said.

Amber smiled and clapped happily as she said, “Me too.”

“Are you telling me Luciano kidnapped you too?” Lana asked amazed. This seemed like a trend. A happy one, she had to admit to herself.

“No, his men did at the request of another,” Amber said sadly. “Luciano rescued me when he heard about it.”

“I’m telling you, the guys can be bad, but to us, they are wonderful. I wouldn’t trade Nikolai for anything,” Bianca added.

Lana looked at the two women and realized they were super happy to be married to the mob, but she wasn’t sure she could do it.
Did Sergei even want to marry me? Or was I just a goal?

The divider came down and Luciano turned to them. “Ladies we’re almost here.”

Amber smiled at her husband, then said to Lana. “We’ll walk you in.”

“You don’t have to,” Lana answered.

“We know, but we’d like to make sure we got everything in the right place.” Amber wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

“You two really did put everything back?”

“Of course, men don’t have a clue,” Amber said as she tapped Lana’s shoulder.

“Grazie, Amore,” Luciano growled playfully.

The limo stopped, and just as they were getting out the motion got to Amber. “Oh no!” she cried out as she ran to a bunch of nearby bushes. She emptied the contents of her stomach. Seeing and hearing her vomit, Bianca couldn’t contain her nausea and both pregnant women started throwing up.

Luciano shouted as he held the door for Lana. “Shit. Cara, Bee are you girls okay?”

“What’s wrong?” Lana asked. She hadn’t seen anything because she was the last to exit the limo.

“They’re both pregnant. It’s easy for them to get sick. Shit. Excuse me.” He ran back to the limo and grabbed some of the chilled water bottles.

Lana watched as Luciano in his full finely tailored suit took care of both women, helping them and rubbing their backs. He seemed really caring for them. Lana had the whole rundown on the family because of searching for Santini. It sickened her to know that Santini was willing to have the baby killed too.

Lana’s eyes bugged out when she thought about what she was seeing. She’d had unprotected sex with Sergei.
Why hadn’t I thought of it until now?
Lana pondered her realization and waited until the ladies had improved before approaching. She could handle blood, but she couldn’t stomach vomit. Lana was doing everything she could to avoid joining them in the barf fest.

Once everyone was done being sick, they walked back up to a blanched Lana.

“Oh my! Are you okay?” Amber asked.

“Yeah, just not good with vomit,” Lana admitted wryly

“Sorry,” Amber apologized as she turned red with embarrassment.

“No worries. I’m really tired. I just want to go in. I’m really tired,” Lana bemoaned.

“Okay, ladies. Let’s go,” Luciano said as he escorted the women up the stairs to the small house. After opening the door, he looked around before letting the girls in. It wasn’t something he normally did, but since Lana’s house wasn’t as secure as his he was a little antsy.

“You need to get cameras installed. It was too easy for Sergei to get to you. There are worse people out there than him.”

“Thanks, I will, but I really don’t know how long I’m going to stay,” Lana remarked as she noticed some of the changes.

Luciano said, “Just stay at least until you talk to Sergei. I think he’s a great guy and was glad when he noticed you, so he could stop flirting with my wife.”

“He was flirting with you?” Lana asked Amber, in thinly-veiled jealousy. The three looked at her with barely hidden grins. She was caught.

“Only to irritate Luciano,” Amber responded.

“Yeah and don’t forget how many times Nikolai wanted to end their twenty plus year friendship every time Sergei smiled at me.” Bianca, the pot-stirrer, enjoyed this. It was clear Lana wasn’t going to be able to fight her attraction to Sergei forever.

They left Lana alone in her apartment because Amber and Luciano wanted to go home and be with their son. Plus while Amber and Luciano were talking to her, Bianca got a call from Nikolai saying he wanted her home because he missed her.

Once they left, Lana was able to look thoroughly at the changes they made. She was amazed at the minor makeover that was subtle, but noticeable. They did a great job with taking away from Lana’s tastes. After making sure all the doors were locked, she poured herself a glass of water, then walked back into the bedroom. Lana looked at the bed, remembering the way he pounced on her, turning her on in a moment when he sent the file flying. Now it all made sense. At the time, she’d been so lost in the idea that he was in her place to notice his reaction to the file. After putting down the glass she decided to lie down. She was suffering from a severe case of jet lag.

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