Read The Cactus Killer (The Inglewood Chronicles) Online

Authors: Jeremy Croston

Tags: #horror, #dark fiction, #supernatural romance, #young adult adventure, #mystery suspense, #paranormal thriller, #werewolf and vampire, #vampire mystery, #supernatural crime, #occult crime

The Cactus Killer (The Inglewood Chronicles) (16 page)

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Yeah, he’s got this. He
just has what we call pre-game jitters. He is a good cop and an
even better improviser. Once he is there, he will slip into the
role and we will see what we can catch.”

She looked out the window
and Reno and Billy were laughing about something. “I too need to
keep my head in the game. This Hammer of Jehovah individual has me
quite on edge.”

Of course he does, that’s
his game after all. You are getting too close so he needed to do
something to get you out of whack. It’ll be okay, we will catch
Tucker and then we will catch him.”

I walked over and gave her
a hug. She looked like she needed one. “I have said it before, but
thank you Vic, for being you. The crazier this whole situation gets
the more of my rock you become.”

It’s called doing the
right thing.”

Once again, we kissed and
this time it was more feeling over passion. It gave me the chills,
in a good way. Unfortunately all good moments must come to an

Hey, are you two love
birds going to come with us or should we put a do not disturb sign
on the door?”

Reno Tavares! Is that
anyway to speak to your boss?” Liz broke away and her glare was
directed at the witty vampire standing in the door. Billy was right
behind him looking just as guilty.

Someone has to keep you in
line and with Phil watching the big guy, it’s up to me. Now get a
move on, we have a wacko to catch!”

He strolled off to the cars
out front with Billy trailing behind. Liz and I kind of gave each
other that hand in the cookie jar smile and we were quick to
follow. When we got out there, we piled into Billy’s Navigator and
were off to Elephant Butte.

Alright, let’s hit up the
plan one more time. Billy is going to go in and talk to Pastor
Michael Browne while the rest of us listen in.” I turned over to
Billy, “You got your story lined up?”

I am going to tell Pastor
Browne that I witnessed something that shouldn’t be real, like a
vampire attack and see where it goes. I figured I would just play
off of what he says.”

Perfect, give him details
too that no one who hasn’t witnessed something like this could. The
more you play this up, the better chance we can see if he breaks
his defense and see if he’s involved.”

Liz took this opportunity
to speak up. “What if he truly is not involved, where do we go from

I don’t have an answer for
that. This was Tucker’s old stomping grounds, so we just have to
hope that he left us something behind to go on.”

I know my words didn’t
encourage a lot of hope, but I truly believed what we needed to
find was at that church. The rest of the ride was a quiet affair.
It was a little before eight when we passed the sign welcoming us
to Elephant Butte. I gave Bernard a quick call and they were in
position at the diner across the street. Chaz had done a quick walk
around the block right before I called and nothing seemed out of
the ordinary.

About fifteen minutes
later, we were pulling up in front of the church. Thankfully,
Billy’s Navigator had darkened tint on the windows and no one could
see in. We placed the wire on him and all of us put our ear pieces
in. I switched my phone over to walkie-talkie mode.

Bernard, dad, do you

We are here,Vic. Is Billy
all set?”

Roger that, he is wired
and ready.”

Billy, this is Callum.
Don’t worry lad, we have you covered. Do what you can and we will
take care of the rest.”

I handed the phone up to
him. “Yes sir, I won’t let you down.”

We disconnected and now it
was time. “You got this, man. This is for Talia; remember that and
you will be fine.”

His look hardened and at
that moment I knew everything would be alright. “You got that
right, this is for Talia. Let’s go catch this bastard.”

Reno and I both slapped him
on the back and Liz gave him a kiss on the cheek. One last radio
check and Billy opened the door and walked right up to the

I opened my phone, “Dad,
this is Vic. Billy has just left. Be prepared, this could go to
hell in a hurry.” 

Chapter 23


When I walked into the
church, it struck me as just your normal place of worship. Nothing
screamed demented serial killer or occult activity. Maybe it was
the fact it was so normal, but something about this place put me on
edge. There was just something in the air I guess.

I sat down in a pew and
pulled out one of the Bibles in the seatback. I did my best to go
to church every Sunday and right now it felt like a good time to
take a moment to say a quick prayer. I prayed for myself and the
success of this mission, and also for Talia. She did not deserve
her fate.

Can I help you, son? You
seem like a soul who needs to talk.”

I looked up into the face
of a kindly older gentleman that matched the description of Michael
Browne. “Are you the Pastor of this church?”

Yes I am, son. We do not
get too many visitors at this hour. I hope I am not interrupting
your personal time with God.”

No, it is okay. I was just
saying a prayer for a friend. It has been a very long

His smile was just so
genuine. I really hoped he was not part of this. “Turning to the
Lord in times of need is a good habit to practice. Is there
anything you wish to share with an ear willing to

I looked around the church
and it was empty except for the two of us. “Pastor, I have seen
something that has shaken my faith. I am from Dallas visiting
family, but I needed to find a house of God to get solace

What have you seen that
could have shaken your faith so? Looking into your eyes and the
resolve you possess tells me you have great character.”

God help me Pastor, but I
witnessed an attack last night. I believe the attacker was a

His eyes went wide, “Son,
what you are saying does not sound plausible. How can you be so

He saw me; his eyes were
as red as blood and he had fangs that had to be at least three
inches long. The longing of bloodlust in his eyes is a sight I will
never forget. I called the police department and they hung up on
me. They thought I called in a practical joke.”

He looked away and spoke
quietly to himself, but I heard him. “My God, Tucker was right.” He
turned back to me, “Listen my son, what you saw was most definitely
not a hoax. The reverend of this church before too had seen
things.” He stopped talking, his face getting even

Father, is there a way for
me to contact this reverend? What I saw last night will haunt me
for the rest of my life unless I seek aid.”

I do not think there is a
way to contact him, but last I had heard he had taken refuge in the
Sacramento Mountains, at an old cattle ranch.”

I did my best to look
crestfallen. “That is not the news I had been hoping to hear. I
have no idea what I am to do now.”

Continue to pray, my son.
That is all we can do.”


We were listening intently
to Billy’s conversation with Pastor Browne. It seemed he was not
involved but he gave us a location, some sort of cattle ranch up in
the Sacramentos. I was about to walkie-talkie dad and Bernard to
give them the latest when my phone rang. It was an unknown caller

I think Tucker is calling
me.” Both Liz and Reno turned their attention to me as I answered.
“Hello, this is Vic Inglewood.”

Congratulations on your
promotion Victor, you must be so proud being a slave to such

Hello Rev. Tucker, how are
you doing this fine evening?”

I am doing quite well,
Victor. I am just enjoying the show Pastor Browne and William are
putting on in my old home. It seems you and your flock of friends
are enjoying it too.”

I didn’t like this one bit.
“Where are you Tucker? I think it is time we met face to face for a
little conversation.”

Oh, I am close, but I
would rather not be in the presence of someone who so openly defies
God’s word. But I do have a gift for all of you. You will be able
to see my perfected work in the war against the daemons up

I had a witty retort to
throw back but he hung up. “Reno, go into the diner and get those
guys briefed. Liz, it’s time we went back in and said hello to
Pastor Browne.”

What do you think he meant
by his ‘perfected work’ Vic?”

I have no idea, but we
have to be ready. Reno, tell them to arm themselves to the teeth.
They will know what it means.”

We all got out of the
Navigator, Reno to the diner and Liz and I to the church. I had
Roscoe close by incase of a surprise and I knew Liz had one of the
tantos somewhere on her. When we entered, Billy and Pastor Browne
were in prayer, but he broke away and looked up.

My heavens, Sheriff
Inglewood and Agent Swansea, what are you doing here?”

Pastor, it is time we cut
the bull and were honest with you. We are after Warren Tucker for
his crimes against our people.”

He gave me a funny look.
“What do you mean your people?”

Pastor, Billy and I are
werewolves and Liz Swansea is a vampire. Warren Tucker is killing
our friends and family for no reason other than he thinks we are a
blight to the planet.”

His face went even whiter.
If I wasn’t careful I could send this poor guy over the edge.
“Daemons in the house of God! How blind I have been in this

No Pastor, you are not
blind. Billy and I both attend church regularly on Sundays and
Agent Swansea is just an atheist, not a bloodthirsty

Hey, I am not an atheist;
I just need a little more proof before I give my convictions
freely.” It was funny to see her get worked up.

He sat down in the pew, “So
you aren’t here to kill me?”

Why would we do that?”
Billy had spoken up; he seemed genuinely hurt at that

He looked up at Billy, “I’m
sorry for that insinuation. I told you before I saw conviction in
your eyes and I truly believe that. However, you are asking me to
believe a whole lot more here.”

I got it Pastor, but we
are the good guys here. When I came in and started talking to you,
I prayed that you weren’t involved in this nonsense and you have
proven yourself. It is Warren Tucker that we need to find. He is
the one hurting us.”

The rapport Billy had made
with Pastor Browne in such short order was amazing. The older man
seemed to trust in his words. “Please forgive me; Warren was my
friend for many years before he went off the reservation with his
ideology. At first, we turned a blind eye to what he was doing. We
are as guilty as he is.”

You’re right, Michael;
you’re guilty of not listening to my father.”

We all looked up to the
altar where the voice had come from and a young man was standing
right in front of it. He had come in undetected, which worried me.
Only Liz had been able to do that. Pastor Michael Browne knew who
he was though.

Austin, what are you doing
here? And is what these folks saying true? Is your father murdering

His laugh was borderline
insane, “Innocents? Look at those monsters, Michael and tell me
they are innocent! Father and I have had are eyes opened to the
world and now we are here to reshape it in his image! These
creatures have no place in that new world.”

Something about this kid
struck me as off. Father, forgive me as I pulled my pocket knife
and threw it at him. I don’t like to overestimate my own reflexes,
but they are fast. The kid had no chance at avoiding the knife or
so I thought. He smiled right before it hit him and faster than I
can blink had moved.

Inspector Inglewood, I
expected better than a sneak attack.”

You are a vampire!” It was
Liz, who was looking at him with eyes wide open.

No daemon, I am far from
one of your ilk. I am the creation of years of work from my

Of course, “Tucker has been
injecting you with vampire and werewolf blood, hasn’t

His eyes glinted red just
for a moment. “Yes he has, little by little over the years until he
perfected the formula. Now I stand before you, the bringer of
justice for the world!”

This guy was a few cards
short of an entire deck but this situation was getting bad fast.
Luckily, Reno and the three werewolves came charging into the
church. Austin took his eyes off of us for a moment and looked at

Oh now, this is more the
party I was hoping. To test my skills of battle against an elder
vampire and two Alpha werewolves will be most

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