The Butterfly Conspiracy (25 page)

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Authors: James Nelson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery

BOOK: The Butterfly Conspiracy
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“Well, yes, probably a little perturbed.
She knew how to push his buttons, if you will.
But certainly not angry enough to do anything, if that’s what you’re implying.”

Detective Drew did not comment.
He just continued writing in his notepad.

As he drove down
Pine Ridge Road
to the main gate, Phillip noticed there were no picketers around.
When he pulled into the circular driveway, he saw several strange cars parked along the drive, along with one police car.
Phillip was lifting his suitcases from the trunk of the rental car as Detective Drew approached him.

“Mr. Kahle, I’m Detective Drew.
I’m so sorry to hear about your tragic news.
When you get settled in, I would like to ask you a few questions.
If you don’t mind, I’ve set myself up in your trophy room.”

“Thank you for your kind words.
No, I don’t mind a bit.
Please give me a few minutes to put my things away.”

Twenty minutes later, Phillip sat down next to Detective Drew.




















Chapter 30


Moon was crumpled on the floor in a heap.
After several minutes, he caught his breath.
He got up on one knee and grabbed the table for support before pulling himself to a shaky standing position.

“Okay, Paulie.
I get six hundred and you get out of Grand View with that damn kid.
You go back to
New Yor
k and this whole business is over.
It’s a deal, but this has to happen fast.
You stay here and I’ll get this thing started.
With what’s just happened at Kahle’s we don’t have time to argue or screw around.”

Paulie didn’t say a word.
He just stood and stared at Moon.
Paulie was used to being in charge.
He didn’t like being talked to like this but he was smart enough to know he probably did need some help at this stage of the game, at least for now.

“I need to get out of here and find out what happened over there.
I’m gonna talk to some of the guys who were picketing when all this shit happened.
Then I can figure out how we can grab the kid.
Believe me, I want this to work more than you do.”

Paulie smiled, “You better get it right, is all.
I’m going to say.”

Moon grabbed a jacket and headed out.
Paulie heard him scramble down the stairs and slam the front door.
He sat in Moon’s overstuffed chair and stared out the window for about twenty minutes, enjoying his time alone.
His head hurt a little from all those cheap beers the night before.

A TV game show was playing from a room down the hall.
He heard the next door neighbor walk out and close the door.
Paulie could hear the sound of fumbling keys, the door locking and what appeared to be manly footsteps echo down the hallway and start down the steps.

Paulie watched out the window as an elderly, bald man exited the building.
The man was old, but big.
He had on a flannel shirt, jeans and some tan boots.
He was dressed like everyone else in this God-forsaken part of the country.
Paulie glanced down at his suit.

Shit! He thought said to himself. No wonder I’m standing out like a sore thumb.

Paulie walked over to Moon’s closet.
He shrugged off his suit coat and grabbed one of Moon’s flannel shirts.
He put one arm through the sleeve.
The shirt was way too small.
Paulie tossed it back into the closet and walked over to the door.
He inched the door open and looked down the hallway.
The game show was sounding louder, but he didn’t see any activity.

Paulie walked over to the old man’s room and tried the door.
It was locked.
He reached into his pants and removed a credit card from his wallet.
In a few seconds the door swung open. Paulie stepped inside and closed the door.

The old man kept a neat apartment.
No dirty dishes in the sink, no piles of clothes in the corners, and no bird carcasses lying on tables.
Too bad I’m not hiding out over here, Paulie thought.

Paulie walked into the bedroom.
He picked up a photograph on the nightstand next to the bed.
It was a picture of the old man, looking about twenty years younger.
He was standing with a woman who must have been his wife.
Two little girls were standing in front of them.
Paulie set the picture down and checked the nightstand drawer for a gun.
The drawer contained a bible, a deck of cards and some loose change.

He walked over and opened the closet.
He picked out two flannel shirts and a pair of pants.
He looked around to see what else he may need.
Paulie reached down and grabbed a pair of work boots.

He noticed a rifle standing in the far corner of the closet. Paulie picked it up.
It was a beauty. It was a lever action
Paulie thought it may come in handy.
Especially if he had to be out in the woods again.
This was a rifle that could take out a bear.
He grabbed the rifle and rearranged some hangers to make sure the closet looked exactly like it did before he came in.
He walked back and stopped at the door to listen.

Paulie slipped open the door and peaked out.
He put one foot out and halted.
Someone was coming up the stairs.
Paulie darted back into the apartment and softly closed the door.
His heart was racing.
He stood in back of the door, ready to smash anyone entering the room with the rifle butt.
The steps got closer.
Paulie’s muscles tightened as footsteps approached the door.
He heard a key go into the lock.
Paulie readied the rifle.
The door swung open.
Paulie held his breath and brought the rifle back to swing.

“Mr. Durand?” a woman’s voice called from the bottom of the stairs.
“Would you be kind enough to come down and look at my kitchen drain?
It seems to be backing up again, and I know how good you fixed it last time.”

“Certainly, Bea.
Let’s give it a look.”
The door swung shut and the old man descended the stairs.
Paulie relaxed.
He waited a minute and then ducked back into Moon’s apartment, locking the door behind him.

Paulie tried on his new wardrobe.
He slid into the shirt just fine but he had trouble zipping up the pants.
Just a little too small.
He pushed his feet into the boots.
They were very tight.
He winced and hoped they would loosen up with a little wear. He walked over to a mirror Moon had in the kitchen.
Much better, Paulie thought.

















Chapter 31


Moon sat in a Café in Munising with Jerry and Karen, two fellow picketers.
The café was at the end of
Street, perched on the edge of a bluff overlooking the harbor.
They were all drinking black coffee and smoking cigarettes.

“There goes another one,” Jerry said, pointing to a ferry just leaving the harbor.

“That’s the business we should be in,” Karen replied. “We’ve only been here for about half an hour and that’s the third boat we’ve seen headed towards Pictured Rocks.”

“It’s the season,” Moon chimed in.
“You better do it while you can.
Once October hits, it’s all over.”

Jerry said, “Speaking of ‘it’s all over’, I guess our picketing days are done for good. That was a good gig while it lasted. It’s so damn hard to make any money around here.”

Moon sighed and took a sip of coffee.
“So, you were both at the mansion when the cops came.
What happened to Mr. Kahle’s girlfriend?”

Jerry was the first to respond. “We’re not sure.
All of a sudden, two police cars raced up, then an ambulance.
The guard had opened up the gate a few minutes before and they all tore into the driveway.
We tried to sneak in, but one cop was guarding the entrance, so we could only listen from the gate.”

“I think she killed herself,” Karen said.

Moon looked puzzled, “Why would she do that?
She lived in a mansion, had all the money she needed, and she didn’t have to work. She had a great situation!”

“I don’t think so either, Karen.” Jerry said.

Karen thought for a moment.
“You know, money isn’t everything.
Who knows what demons she had running around in her head? If she didn’t kill herself, she either died of natural causes or she was murdered.
I’m not exactly sure how old she was, but I don’t think it’s likely she died of natural causes.”

Jerry added, “Maybe it was drugs?”

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