The Broken Kingdom (10 page)

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Authors: Sarah Chapman

Tags: #adventure, #fantasy

BOOK: The Broken Kingdom
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The boat wobbled as she thrashed her tail

‘Alright, what do you want to talk

The boat wobbled again.

‘Riley! You can’t complain about the topic
of conversation and not give me a new one.’

‘Wasn’t… me…’

Vann was on his feet in seconds. He looked
around. Small waves, the moonlight gilding them in silver. The
flash of fish people tails.

‘Zap Zap?’ he called.

Vann carefully bent down. His lightning rod
was on his belt. He fished his SIGPEW from its protective

A fish person suddenly swam over to them.
Vann realised the boat was moving solely on wind power now, the
fish people were no longer pulling them.

The fish person had what looked like a spear
made from coral in its hand. It made a few jabbing movements. Then
it disappeared.

In alarm, Vann whispered to Riley, ‘I think
we have a problem.’

The look she gave him was priceless.

‘I see you’re getting the hang of that

The look did not get any friendlier.

Vann stood. His feet were apart, steady. He
wasn’t going to be thrown overboard.

The ocean was silent, except for the sounds
of the waves. Seconds ticked by.

‘Riley, talk to me.’ he whispered.

‘Why…?’ she rasped quietly.

‘So I know you’re still there.’

‘About… what?’


She was silent for a moment. He glanced over
at her.

‘Thick leaves… three tip grass… river

‘What’s that?’ he asked.

‘My… recipe… for mud… roll…’

He shot her a scandalized look.

‘It’s… good… for you…’

‘How do you
?’ he hissed.

‘The… big… animals… eat … three tip… grass…
they’re big…’

‘Is that all?’

‘How… else… do… you know?’

Vann didn’t reply for a moment. ‘Do you have
any other recipes?’ he whispered into the silence.

‘I haven’t… tried… the… others.’

At his nudging Riley whispered the ones she
wanted to try out into the night.

His heart was pumping fast. The fish people
still hadn’t returned.


‘Do they
contain mud?’

‘No… some… had dirt.’

‘I think that’s the same.’

‘Everything grows… from… dirt…’

The ocean exploded. The boat rocked. Vann
just managed to hang on. He was soaked. He caught sight of Riley,
still in the bottom of the boat.

At least she’s wet now, he thought. And then
that thought died.

Before him rose a great being. It was like a
grey, shiny snake with rubbery arms. It crashed down, grabbed the
bottom of the boat.

But she didn’t move!

He fired the SIGPEW at it. Light exploded,
connected. He didn’t let go. The light pulsed, connecting him and
the creature.

He couldn’t see Riley over the glow. All he
knew was the creature.

A high pitched squeal erupted from it. The
boat was tipped, the bow rising from the water.

And the light stayed

And then he saw something, in the shadow
behind the creature. A fish person. A spear.

More of them! They jabbed and fought. The
light pulsed.

‘Riley!’ Vann cried above the squeal, ‘are
you there?!’

If there was a response he didn’t hear.

And then… then it was falling. Vann dropped
the SIGPEW. He lunged forward. The creature was coming down.

Fall backwards! He prayed.

Riley was in his arms, slippery and slimy
but there!

And there was a huge splash. The boat
rocked. An alarming amount of water came in. He saw then that he
was looking out at ocean. Part of the back was missing.

‘Riley?’ he said. Was part of her missing

‘I… like… dirt…’

Vann was speechless for a good few

‘What?’ he finally asked weakly.

‘It’s… nicer… than.. cave mould.’

‘Riley, darling, getting hit by a lightning
rod is nicer than cave mould.’

Vann was hugely relieved when Zap Zap
returned near dawn to tell him what had happened.

‘Ehlkrid.’ Zap Zap said. ‘Warriors fought.
It strong. Tried to lead away.’

Vann wasn’t surprised to learn it hadn’t
been a gemeng. The SIGPEW was fully drained.

‘Is everyone alright?’ Vann asked.

Zap Zap shook head. ‘No. But fish people
used to fighting things stronger. Together, clan is strong. Vann
helped. Zap Zap!’ and he grinned.


‘Vann’s boat broken?’

‘Yeah. The ehlkrid grabbed it. We’re

‘Vann seems a bit closer than usual.’

‘You think so?’

‘Vann not worry. Fish people help. Easier to
splash now.’

‘I don’t think you
to splash

But with the fish people dragging the boat,
they managed to stay afloat. Vann moved his things to the driest
section of the boat. Riley had to concentrate now to stay in the
boat and not fall out. And he and Zap Zap kept talking to her.

And soon, Vann recognized mountains far
away, on the land. And the coastline changed from beach to

And they were at Harsh Wave.


Chapter 13

hen Adila showed up at
their beach Aerlid was surprised and horrified.

‘Adila!’ he greeted her, trying to keep his
alarm from his voice. ‘What brings you here?’

‘I could ask you the same thing.’ she said
as she looked around the beach. ‘Maelid felt something terrible
happen to your mountain. He’s quite upset. He wanted to come
examine it himself, but Rose said no. So I am here.’

‘That was nearly two months ago!’

‘I know… it took a while for Maelid to tell

Aerlid sighed. ‘The mountain caved in,
Adila. I don’t know what happened, but most are dead. You mustn’t
tell him.’

‘I will not. But how? And the Queen’s
daughter, she must be alright!’

‘I… I’m not sure.’ Aerlid rubbed his eyes.
‘I… maybe I need your help.’

‘What is it?’

‘Adila, I think I need to make her a new

‘What? Is she so badly injured?’

‘My skills are not what they used to be.
I’ve tried healing her, I’ve tried making a new body. But there
were so many others injured. She is alive, but perhaps I focussed
on others when I shouldn’t have.’

‘No, do not say that. Certainly, I can try
and make a new body.’ she frowned. ‘What you ask is very difficult.
Are you sure what I make could be any better than what she

Aerlid nodded.

‘Perhaps I can help you heal her.’

Aerlid shook his head. ‘She’s in a very
delicate state, she wishes no one to see her. Even my presence
upsets her.’

Adila sighed. ‘Very well. I will try for
you, Aerlid.’

‘Thank you.’

Aerlid returned to the cave.

Seta’s dark eyes narrowed dangerously. ‘Send
her away.’ she hissed.

‘But she can help, Seta, please, I think I
need help.’

Seta gazed at him darkly. ‘Very well.’ her
eyes flicked to the gemengs. ‘Will she talk to them?’

‘Not unless they approach her.’

‘Will they?’

‘Not if I ask them not to.’

‘Really, Aerlid? That winged one is not a

Aerlid rubbed his eyes. ‘Even so. Even if
she knew, Adila would make you a body, if only to let Riley have
hers back.’

‘Are you going to tell her then? And I’m not
sure a body of pure sunlight is what I’m looking for.’

‘Please, Seta, please, let me start with
this? I’ll find you something, I promise. One of Andalla’s men, do
you want one of their bodies?’

‘Hmm… yes, that might do.’

‘Fine. I’ll get one for you. But first,
this. Please.’

‘And somewhere better to live. This is
hardly suitable.’

‘I know. I know. But the world is an empty
place now, I fear I would have to build you a home, I may not be
able to find one.’

‘Then that is exactly what you will do.’


Chapter 14

ann had been thinking
long and hard about how they might approach this. But tiredness had
taken its toll, he wasn’t sure he was thinking quite right.

Even so, when they were near the cliffs some
of the fish people slipped silently through the waves to
investigate the place Strong Swimmer had been injured.

‘They are still there.’ Zap Zap told him,
once they had returned. ‘And a new one too. A shining lady.’

Riley, so often silent and still, jerked up
at that. ‘Adila!’ she grated. ‘Take me there!’

With more energy than she had ever shown
Riley flopped into the water.

Surprised, Zap Zap quickly took hold of her.
She was staying afloat on her own. But she did not wait. She swam
off, showing signs of Strong Swimmer’s ability, to find Adila.

‘We need to follow her!’ Vann said to Zap

Zap Zap said a few words to the fish people
and soon they were all off. When they arrived Riley was on the
beach, and Adila was talking with her.

Adila visibly slumped. She sighed and closed
her eyes for a second.

Vann jumped onto the beach, splashing in the
water. Riley was sitting up in the shallow surf. Her eyes blazed,
but her body was held still and straight. She waited. Zap Zap
joined her in the surf. The other fish people waited further back
in the safety of deeper water.

‘Adila.’ Vann said. Her eyes snapped open.
‘What’s going on? Where’s her body?’

‘Aerlid has done a terrible thing.’ she
sighed. ‘But I can do nothing yet, I must finish this first.’ She
waved her staff behind her. Vann saw some sticks and seaweed
arranged in a human like form.

‘What is that?’

‘I am making a new body, Aerlid led me to
believe Riley was badly injured and needed it. Once it is finished,
Seta, or whoever it is, will leave Riley’s body and she can return.
Though I fear…’ her eyes flicked to Riley and then to the fish
people behind. ‘I fear what has happened to the owner of this

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