The Broken Destiny (26 page)

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Authors: Carlyle Labuschagne

BOOK: The Broken Destiny
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I snickered at that. I was getting tired of being treated like a fragile, little girl. Their voices became muffled as I set off for the beach. I passed no one when walking through the village. I had a suspicion the villagers were in a meeting once again. Leisurely, I walked on feeling the excitement of freedom, of being able to sit on the beach by myself, not having to worry that the keepers were spying on me. When I eventually arrived, I pulled myself onto a rock and felt the last bit of heat soak through my jeans. The wind sang over the smooth surface of the rocks behind me as I stared into the surf. The beach had been swept clean from any evidence of the bonfire. I tried to keep my mind away from that night. I stared into the fog creeping over the water, carpeting the cold, damp sand beneath my dangling feet. I picked up on the soft chimes of the Minoans’ little enchanted artifacts dangling from nearby trees to ward off bad spirits.
Silly people
, I thought, then retracted my statement. I had seen magic happen with my own eyes, and I had felt it pull me and tug at me. The black hand of magic had almost taken my life.
I should not be so quick to dismiss other people’s beliefs
, I told myself. I had also witnessed the ‘wonders’ of science. I knew that what was happening to me was real, yet I still remained cautious, because these supernatural events still seemed hollow and surreal to me in spite of everything. My people did things differently. They kept secrets from each other. My people believed that by not telling someone something that could hurt them, you were protecting them. I had fallen into that trap, so I didn’t want to trust in that approach. The Minoans kept to themselves and didn’t ever talk about those kinds of things, but at least they knew the truth about who they were and who we were; never being afraid of being who they were. I was stuck between two places and neither of them comforted me any more than the other. I didn’t belong anywhere. I crossed my legs, shifting my position to the flat part of the rock and straightened my back. I would try meditation. Arriana believed it would separate the mind from the
, keeping me as sane as I could probably be under the circumstances. It was hard to separate my mind from the genetic mistake of the change, and to make matters worse, there was blood magic running through all the corners of my mind. I contemplated how I had gotten exactly what I had asked for. I had wanted drama, change and purpose, and I had gotten it. The meaning of ‘be careful what you wish for’ became very clear to me in that moment. I shook the thoughts away, trying to still my mind again
I focused on my surroundings once again. The strong breeze picked up the scent of the salty mist and combed it through my hair, the icy air gripping my cheeks. Shivering, I pulled my legs in close to my chest, not taking my gaze off the ocean. I wondered about the creatures in the ocean and tried to imagine what swimming beside a shoal of fish would feel like. I wanted to touch the coral. It had seemed so beautiful in all the pictures I had seen of it, wondering if Poseidon’s ocean housed the same creatures as those of Earth. I drew in a deep breath of the crisp ocean air allowing it to calm me from the inside out, shutting my mind off, trying to steady my breathing, so I could take control of all the emotions welling up inside me. I was sad and angry at what had happened, the deaths of those students, the disappearance of Sage. I was angry with Sam, too. I was also lonely, because no one knew what I had seen or gone through with each attack. It hurt, but what hurt the most was Sam betraying me like that. She knew how I felt about Troy and there they were interacting behind my back. It was as if the negativity brought it on; the familiar scent of black magic. I recognized it immediately.
I should not have walked out so far
, I scolded myself. Panic swept over me in waves of fear, almost immobilizing me. I quickly looked behind me. The beach was deserted. Hurriedly, I jumped from the rock, scanning any and every inch of bush. I crouched down beside the rocks, trembling.
Think, think, think! There is no one here but you.
My skin burned from the adrenalin pumping through me, but my fear left my mind blank. And, like a tap turned on, my senses became super sensitive once again. I could feel the vibration of the water pulling away from the coarse sand, the wind rushing over every surface. My heart was beating fast – too fast. I tried to slow it down as Kronan had instructed me to. If a search spell had been put on me it would not only lock on my blood, but my heart. I was a walking target once the first blood magic had penetrated my system. Even the transfusion could not unbind it. The sharp odor stung my nose. I gagged.
was nearby. I slowly bent down and grabbed a rock near my feet, the coldness of the stone stinging my palm. I jerked myself up again. My fear still left me vulnerable. Not being able to think straight, I had forgotten all about the dagger in my boot.

“Come and get me!” I yelled.

I stood trembling, hoping it was my insanity and not another attempt at kidnapping. A sharp pain shot through my head – like lightning, a white fire burned in my mind and as the air blew out of my lungs, I knew what was coming. But I held my ground, squeezing down harder on the rock, trying to push the threat from my mind. For a moment, I had won. Silence once again.

“Coward!” I screeched. “Come out and face me!” I yelled, although deep down inside I was hoping

My throat pulled tight.
I will not cry
, I adamantly told myself. The breeze twirled around the bushes beside me, the air thick and stifling. I focused on pulling the silence in, using nature to soothe my fear, just as the Minoans showed me. It worked. Everything lay silent once more.

“Just as I thought,” I murmured to myself.

I knew something was lurking nearby. I needed to make a run for it if I was going to get back to Arriana’s alive, but once again pain shot through my head. I fell down to my knees, dropping the rock, and gasping for air, I held my head between my hands. The pain was insane. It felt like my head was about to burst open. There was nothing but the pain. It blocked out all my other senses. With all my might, I tried my hardest to squeeze the white fire from my mind.

“Help!” I yelled as loudly as I could, hoping someone nearby would hear me. But the fire kept coming. It was as if I was in one of my dreams where I kept calling out, but no one could hear me. The sharp pain hit me once more, but this time it did not come alone. Somehow, I had crossed over to his realm. There, in my mind, was the white painted face. It taunted me with its big, jagged, yellow teeth and its hard empty black eyes
. I have been here before and I have won. I will win again
, I tried to convince myself, but the doubt crawled back in. No one knew where I was
Panic and fear took over again. I screamed as the pain shot into my chest. The white fire in my mind intensified and the face’s prominence tripled.
I’m losing consciousness
, I realized. He was forcing himself on me. I could feel my feet going numb and the sounds around me were disappearing.
I’m dying.
I yelled for help again. A moment later, I opened my eyes frantically searching for the rock I had dropped. The potent odor still hung in the air. I noticed a pair of legs walking over to me. I knew it was
. The smell was settling in the sand before me. At first, I didn’t register the red bike standing in the background. I lay coiled up on the cold sand, my hands still clamped over my head in an attempt to push the pain out. I drew on every shred of courage I had and swung myself up, fully ready to strike him with the rock as hard as I could. I hoped I could knock him down before I passed out from the pain. I tried to focus on the figure in front of me, but the white face was too close, leering, laughing, gaping and threatening to consume me.
Is it real, or is it still in my head?
I wondered. Confused, I lunged forward swinging wildly. I felt a warm hand encircle my wrist. As soon as I felt its warmth on my skin, I let go. The white fire burned into my brain and the face, that horrid face, imprinted itself in my mind. I yelled out in frustration, or it might have been pain. I felt myself being lifted off the ground. I stopped resisting when I realized how easily my body cradled around his. It was Troy. I still couldn’t see his face, but I could smell his signature scent of sandalwood, the ocean and something sweet. I no longer fought for consciousness, but let myself drift away and into him.


I woke to Sam and Maya standing over me. Angry voices were arguing in the background.

“They’re not scared,” I heard Tatos shout out. “They’re willing to die just to get this girl. How could we not have known that they would be watching?”

“Watching from where?” Enoch snapped. “We have taken precautions.”

“Well they don’t seem to be working.” Tatos retorted.

“He is right.” Anaya answered.

I sat up immediately and noticed that I had an audience. The Council, Nomsa and Kronan were deep in conversation.

“A cloak and dagger spell.” I heard Kronan blurt out.

“They’re relentless,” Tatos said. “I’ll kill every single last one of them.”

I had never heard Tatos so angry before.

“We have to do something. We can’t wait any longer. We have to attack before they do.” Willard was speaking now.

Tatos banged his fists down on the table loudly. I jumped. So did Maya and Sam. We all exchanged a look of horror.

“What’s going on?” I whispered to Maya.

“The Shadow. He’s been here in our village, and he has more than one doll of you, Ava,” she said glumly, her hands shaking. “He’s getting stronger, Ava. We don’t know why or how. Mom has tried to locate his position a few times.”

I gave her a startled look. “That’s why she’s been so tired, isn’t it?” I asked.

I jumped up. The resulting dizziness was aggressive and made me sway. Maya took my hand to steady me.

“No!” I shouted.

The room fell silent. All eyes turned to me.

“I won’t let you or anybody else risk their life for me.” I looked at Kronan. “Teach me,” I said determinedly. “You should have done so the moment I got back; I don’t know what you’re waiting for. The
is almost complete – I can feel it.”

A wall of blank faces stared back at me.

“This ends today!” I shouted, turning toward Sam who was clutching my hand so tightly, I couldn’t feel my fingers any longer.

Kronan came to stand beside me. I braced myself for his response.

“Teach me to use my mind. I want him dead.” I looked Kronan straight in the eye as he sat down on a small table in front of me.

“If only it were that simple,” he began.

I frowned and looking up noticed that everyone had silently left the room. Kronan nodded.

“You are one of a kind,” he said with a comforting smile, his pipe hanging off his lip.

“You keep saying that!” I yelled back at him. “What am I?”

A small hand touched me on my shoulder. Nomsa walked around the couch and sat down beside me. Sam moved away immediately, but Maya came closer wanting to be part of the conversation as much as possible. After all, she was part of everything going down. When Nomsa’s evil brother finds out she is my sister, he will target her too. I was sure of it. Outside, the Council members gathered at the door with Arriana.

“Tea anyone?” Anaya’s melodic voice broke the silence.

No one answered her, her attempt at lightening up the mood failing.

“Well, Ava. I’ll give it to you straight.”

Nomsa’s hand left my shoulder for the first time since she had placed it there. She shot Kronan a look of consent and squeezed my hand a bit tighter.

“You have been cursed, my dear,” Kronan said, leaning in to take a closer look at my eyes.


I jumped up from the couch again. Hugging myself, I slowly walked over to the fireplace.
What did that mean
? Anaya put the tea tray down and came to stand next to me, her hand stroking my back.

“What does this all mean, Anaya?” Tears welled up in my eyes. “I thought it was blood magic?”

“It is.” She noted bitterly. “I am afraid we do not understand this kind of craft at all. It is too ancient for us to have any kind of knowledge about it.”

I swallowed, the heat of the large flames burning my face. I turned away from them.

“Sweetheart,” she said kindly, leading me back to the sofa by my arm. “Arriana did succeed in tapping into his conscience.” Her face turned pale.

“He is planning of bringing the spirit of the ancient King Shaka back.”

“I don’t understand.” I shook my head. “Why?” I asked, catching a glimpse of a tear in Maya’s dull eyes. She felt it too, the shadow coming for me.

“Don’t bother her with the details! Just let her know that no harm will come to anyone as long as we are here to protect them,” Tatos said from the door.

“From now on, I will do everything in my power to protect these girls from the evil that has threatened us for so long!”

“Calm down, boy!” Enoch shouted, coming face to face with Tatos.

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