The British Billionaire Bachelor, Act Three (3 page)

BOOK: The British Billionaire Bachelor, Act Three
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“And that would be?” Joseph asked, very much wanting to hear the pearl of wisdom the older man was about to drop.

“Common sense. Very few people these days possess common sense, and you have it in spades.”

“Thanks for saying so.”

“Nerves are good. It means you’re not too confident. Nerves will help you keep your edge.”

“You’re right,” Joseph nodded. “My nerves helped me when I was a marine, big time.”

“In this folder is a complete background on Darren Hardcastle,” Silas stated, placing a file on the conference table, “and not just facts and figures. Simon’s had him tracked for weeks, and in here are his favorite haunts, the women he dates, everything. He’s a creature of habit, which is going to make your job much easier.”

“Fantastic. Simon told me he was sending this information through. I’m supposed to leave with Lucinda tomorrow night. It’s all happening so fast.”

“Yes, it is. Simon didn’t know about Lucinda’s arrival in London until over the weekend. Apparently snail mail is the messenger of choice for Lucinda‘s mother. Anyway, Simon has already arranged for you to fly over with Lucinda in the company jet, and while it will make things more convenient, I suspect it’s also a bonus for you,” Silas grinned.

“That’s quite a bonus,” Joseph grinned back.

“It’s quite a job,” Silas retorted. “You’ll be able to study the file on the flight.”

“Only when I’m alone or Lucinda is sleeping. She’s such a loose cannon, she can’t know anything about this.”

“For sure,” Silas nodded. “You’d best get your skates on. Just email me a summary of what loose ends you have here before you leave.”

“Will do, thanks Silas. Wish me luck.”

“I don’t think you need it, but of course, all the very best of luck, Joseph.”

As Silas left, Joseph picked up the folder and scanned the pages. It was just as Silas had said, a comprehensive report. On the phone Simon had outlined how he saw the plan evolving, and with the information in the folder, Joseph could see how Darren Hardcastle could be baited, hooked, and landed.

Still won’t be a cakewalk, he mused, and I won’t be able to let down my guard for a minute.

Also included in the folder was Lucinda’s contact information and address, and deciding to call her from his car on his way home, he headed down to the parking garage.

Flying across to London trapped on board a plane with you, Lucinda, is going to be an experience. You won’t be sitting behind a privacy screen in a car this time.

From the newspaper reports he’d read, he knew her success hadn’t changed her a bit, unless it was to make her even more impossible.

As he drove from the parking garage into the usual busy traffic on Wilshire Blvd, he tapped her number into his phone and waited for the inevitable voicemail. It seemed no one in Los Angeles answered their cellphones, a habit he couldn’t understand and one he found continuously annoying.


Her voice startled him.

“Lucinda, hi, it’s Joseph Cardinelli,” he announced. “You answered your phone.”

“Of course I answered my phone. Who did you think would answer it?”

“I’m just used to the inevitable voicemail,” he replied, shaking his head at her brusque manner.

“Oh, that, well I knew it was you. Belle emailed me your number and everything. What time are you picking me up tomorrow?”

“I’ve been well, thank you, and how are you?” he quipped.
Nope, she hasn’t changed a bit.

There was an awkward silence, which Joseph refused to break, and finally she coughed. Still he didn’t speak, and she coughed again.

“Are you still there?” she demanded.

“I am,” he replied.

“You didn’t answer my question. What time are you picking me up tomorrow?”

“You didn’t answer mine. How have you been?”

“Fine,” she sighed. “I remember now, you’re difficult,” she exclaimed.

Unable to help himself, Joseph laughed out loud.

“What’s so funny?” she insisted.

“Just recalling an old saying about a kettle and a pot,” he chuckled.

“You’re not making any sense,” she responded, the exasperation clear in her voice.

“If you’d prefer someone else-”

“No, I want to travel on Simon’s jet and you’re part of the package,” she remarked.

“My goodness. Am I so terrible?”

“No…you’re just…never mind. Now would you please tell me what time you’re coming?”

“Sure. Around seven tomorrow night. Does that work?”

“Yep. See you then. Don’t be late.”

He heard the line click off and couldn’t stop grinning. It was going to be a very interesting flight.

In her modern, spacious condominium, Lucinda stared at the naked hunk walking out of her bathroom. His name was Jarrod Miller, and he was the star of a hit television series. The two of them were fast becoming a Hollywood couple, and to Lucinda’s delight the media couldn’t get enough of them. Jarrod was GQ handsome, dark-haired and green-eyed, with a husky voice and a swagger that would make any pirate jealous; he had already been touted as the second coming of James Dean.

“Wish I could come with you,” he declared.

“It’s okay,” she sighed, secretly glad that he couldn’t.

Lucinda had discovered that she wasn’t a relationship type of girl, and was usually relieved when she and Jarrod parted company. She didn’t know why, but she found being exclusive to one guy a bit confusing. He was great in bed, and whenever they went out they were swamped with attention. What more could she ask for?

“Tell me about this guy again? The one who’s going to be your bodyguard and chauffeur.”

“Nothing to tell,” she yawned, staring at his perfect tan and muscled torso.

“Still not sure I like the idea of you on a private jet with some dolt,” he scowled.

“What? You don’t you trust me?” she snapped.

“Stop with the temper, I’m not in the mood,” he glowered. “It’s not you I’m worried about.”

“He’s a bodyguard, duh!” she declared, rolling her eyes.


“Still nothing,” she said briskly, bouncing off the bed.

“Did you have to talk to him while you’re naked?” he complained, staring at her bouncing breasts and perfectly round bottom.

“So now the guy has supernatural vision that makes him able to see me through the phone? Honestly,” she retorted, and pulling a red silk robe from her closet, donned it quickly and headed into the living room, turning on the television. Jarrod was annoying her, and now she just wanted him to leave.

Sitting on the couch to watch the late morning entertainment shows, she could hear him sing as he dressed. With his voice and looks he could have been a rock star, and it wasn’t too late. During his next hiatus he was going to record an album and the press were already buzzing about it.

I can just imagine the girls beating down the door to his trailer,
she thought, and found she didn’t really care.

“I have to get to the studio,” he declared, walking into the room.

“Okay,” she smiled, standing up and sidling over to him, pressing her breasts against his chest. “Have a wonderful day.”

“You too,” he murmured, then closed his eyes as he felt her hand press against his crotch. “You are such a tease.”

“Yep,” she purred.

“You know, one of these days I’m going to spank that gorgeous ass of yours,” he warned.

“Try it and you’ll never see me again,” she promised, dropping her hand, her eyes glinting with her threat.

“What time are you leaving tomorrow night?” he asked, his eyes dropping away, and Lucinda could feel him backing down, her warning having defeated him.

“7:45,” she lied, stepping back.
He’s just another jellyfish. Isn’t there a single man on this planet with a backbone?

“I’m working all day but I think I can get here in time to kiss you goodbye and meet the goon.”

“Hope so,” she replied flippantly.

The last thing she wanted was for Jarrod and Joseph to meet. All that fake macho shit flying around the place would be too much, but having told him 7:45, she figured she’d be long gone.

“I’ll do my best,” he promised, and kissing her on the tip of her perfect nose, he strode out the door.

Sighing, she wandered back to her television and sank back down on her couch.

Joseph Cardinelli, he may be just a driver, but at least he’s a bit different. Maybe eight hours in a plane with him won’t be so bad.


rganizing the move to City View made the following day a busy one for the Sinclair household. James, Simon’s longtime valet, along with Theresa and a small staff, would be moving to the floor directly below the penthouse.

There was much to be done, and while Henry, the butler, was overseeing the arrangements, Belle couldn’t help but double-check everything. By the time she fell into a hot tub after dinner she was exhausted, but as she sank into the steaming bubble bath, even her tired state did not prevent her from feeling anxious about her sister’s pending arrival.

She knew she hadn’t been her usual cheery self during their evening meal, and it had been Simon who had suggested the hot soak, but it didn’t help much, and she’d not stayed in the tub for very long.

After finishing up some pressing matters in his study, Simon finally made it up to their suite, but he didn’t find her watching TV in bed, or reading in front of the fire, or dozing, but pacing back in forth in the living room, drinking vodka from a martini glass.

“Belle? Why aren’t you in bed? It’s late. I thought you’d be almost asleep by now.”

“Sleep? Sleep?” she replied, her voice squeaky. “With the Devil Child about to land on the doorstep tomorrow, how can I possibly sleep?”

“She can’t be that bad,” Simon remarked.

“Hah. You just wait. You just wait,” she repeated.

He paused, studying her. She wasn’t nervous about seeing her sister, she was truly worried, almost frightened.

“I’m sorry, Belle, I honestly didn’t realize how upsetting this would be for you.”

“No, I’m the one that’s sorry, I didn’t mean to snap, and I’m sorry I’m being so…so…I don’t know, worked up, I guess. I really don’t want to see her, I mean, I really don’t,” she groaned.

“Then you won’t,” Simon promised.

“I need to get over this,” she declared. “This is ridiculous.”

Abruptly she stopped pacing and stared over at him.

“What is it?” he asked, staring back at her.

“This is weird, uh, I don’t know if there’s a rule about this,” she stammered, “but, Simon, please will you spank me?”

Simon understood immediately. She needed his hot, stinging palm to calm her, to take her out of herself, and then his hard, pounding cock to bring her to orgasm, draining out her anxiety.

“Is it okay that I asked you?” she asked timidly.

“Of course it is. I know what you need, and I know why you need it,” he said softly, opening his arms. “Come here.”

Sighing heavily, she moved quickly across the room and fell against his chest, sinking into his enveloping hug.

“You’re right,” he remarked, “you do need to get over this thing with Lucinda, and maybe her visit will give you the chance to do that.”

“I hope so,” she replied, “I really do.”

“Let’s go into the bedroom. I want you to lay over my lap while I spank you.”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied, the butterflies springing to life. “I’m so glad you understand. I wasn’t sure…”

“Ssshhhh, I do,” he assured her. “Start up the fire, take off the robe and climb into bed. I’m going to take a quick shower.”

“Okay,” she sighed, hugging him tightly.

Washing off the hectic day, Simon centered himself and allowed the hot water to soothe his soul. He had learned how to deal with his stress, and in spite of his controlling personality, he had developed an ease with which he could move through his business life, but the situation with Hardcastle was different, and the feeling it carried was unique. Spanking Belle was not only what she needed, it would help him too.

Toweling off, he headed into his closet and retrieved a blindfold, the only prop he wanted. It was to be a hand spanking, no paddles or crops, and he didn’t want her restrained.

Moving into the bedroom, he found the fire burning, the lights out, the bed covers pulled back, and Belle laying naked on top of the sheets. Gold shadows danced across her glowing skin, and he sighed with a deep, joyous satisfaction. For years he had longed for what he now cherished; a women he loved, loving him back, aching for him as he ached for her.

She turned her head, a half-smile crossing her lips, and wordlessly he climbed on the bed and placed the blindfold over her eyes. Smoothing his palm across her body, he delighted as her semi-soft nipples puckered in response, and as he heard her sigh, the anxiety already beginning to evaporate from his simple, loving caress, he dropped his mouth on her breast, indulging in a soft suckle before sitting up and resting his back against the tufted headboard.

Gently clutching a fistful of hair, he guided her forward across his lap, resting her belly against his cock. He wanted her to feel it grow as he spanked her, feeding her lust as he fed his own, and as she squirmed into position, and his hand crossed her full, round cheeks, he heard the telltale sigh.

“Please, Sir, may I have a cuddle pillow?”

Her voice was thin and acquiescent, and had his cock been free to do so, it would have bobbed with pleasure.

“Of course,” he replied.

He pulled the down pillow from its resting place, and waited until she had it scrunched up in her arms, then focused his attention on her waiting backside.

Squeezing and fondling, he luxuriated in her full plumpness before dropping his hand with a solid slap, then paused before visiting her other cheek, adding three more.

Moving from side to side he laid down his hot hand without predictability, spanking twice, then once, then four times, then once, shifting his spanking hand across her bottom’s breadth, whisking his palm upwards when visiting the soft area where her thighs met her cheeks. Her writhing began, and he let his hand fall wherever the target presented itself, continuing to spank her until she was sufficiently squirming.

BOOK: The British Billionaire Bachelor, Act Three
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