The Bride's Secret (33 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Bolen

Tags: #Regency romance

BOOK: The Bride's Secret
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She raised up on her elbow, her brows lowered.

“I've never loved anyone but you, Carlotta. I think I even loved you when . . . when we were on The Peninsula.”

She threw herself into his arms. “Then you
ask me to marry you because you really loved me?”

“I'd hardly wish to spend the rest of my life with a woman I did not love.”

“I was so worried the only reason you married me was out of responsibility toward Stevie.”

“I need hardly have shackled myself to exercise my responsibilities.”

She contentedly lay her face against his chest. “I am so happy you've shackled yourself to me.”

“Speaking of shackles, Jeremy has offered for Peggy.”

Carlotta squealed with delight. “It seems Cupid is in danger of injuring his arm from all the arrows he's been shooting of late.” As she spoke, she was careful not to disengage her arms from around her husband's back.

“When you left,” she said, “I wanted to die. Then I scolded myself.
What would James want you to do?
I asked myself. I knew you would have wanted me to be strong and minister to your yeomen's needs, to take your place in your absence. It gave me strength. For the first time in my life I was strong and capable and, I like to think, unselfish.”

“You've made me very proud, but nothing has ever made me more proud or more happy than the news you imparted to me last night.”

She tightened her hold on him. “I'm happy, too.”

“But I do so worry about you,” he said gently. “Are you sure it's all right to . . . to allow me access?”

She laughed. “I am most sure. Now, could I, per chance, persuade you. . .?”




Eighteen months later


After an unusually warm summer, Carlotta was happy to welcome autumn. Stevie especially enjoyed jumping on the heaps of russet leaves in an attempt to smash them.

“I believe I'll have you carry one of these baskets of apples, lamb,” Carlotta said to her son, “for, I declare, my arms are aching.”

“Papa says your arms should ache right off from constantly holding the baby.”

“Your papa's a fine one to talk,” she mumbled. “There never was a more coddled babe than that brother of yours.”

“I wish he were bigger so he could have come with us today.”

“We must learn to be happy with what we have and not go wishing our lives—or Jimmy's life—away”

He took the smaller basket of apples from his mother. “Can I have one?”

“May you?”

“May I?”

“Not now, lamb. Yours are at home. These are for the Covington family.”

She heard a clapping sound behind them and turned to see her husband, flicking the ribbons to his tilbury. He drove it up to within a feet of her.

“And what brings you this way?” she asked.

“I learned that you were carrying two rather large baskets of apples and decided I should have to relieve you, my lady. Have I not scolded you often enough about curtailing your activity . . . in your condition?”

“But, my darling man, 'tis merely a basket of apples. Stevie took the other. And I assure you I feel fine.”

“Here, Stevie, take the ribbons,” James said, handing the reins to the boy as he jumped down. He gave his wife a hand up. “I must insist you ride, not walk.”

She pouted, but obliged him.

Once they were on the road, she asked James if the wool fetched a good price.

“Indeed it has. The best ever, I'm told. That, of course, I expected. I'm not known as the luckiest man alive for nothing.” He lifted his wife's hand and kissed it. “My lucky star was shining the day you agreed to become my wife.”

“You know what, Papa?” Stevie chimed in.

“What, son?”

“My lucky star was shining the day you became my father.”


The End


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The Brides of Bath Series, Book 3
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Thank you from Cheryl Bolen


Other eBooks by Cheryl Bolen:


The Bride Wore Blue

(The Brides of Bath, Book 1)


Cheryl Bolen's writing draws you into her fast-paced story. 4 Stars –
Romantic Times


Cheryl Bolen returns to the Regency England she knows so well. . .If you love a steamy Regency with a fast pace, be sure to pick up The Bride Wore Blue. –
Happily Ever After

* * *

For six long years Thomas Moreland has dreamed of the beautiful young noblewoman who rescued him from death. While amassing his fortune in India, not a day passed he did not recall Felicity's fair loveliness, did not recall the silken tones of her sweet voice, did not desire to possess her.


Now a widow, Felicity Harrison does not recognize the handsome nabob as the young man left for dead by highwayman years earlier. Though she wants nothing more than to snub the arrogant man who promises to rescue her family from financial ruin in exchange for presenting his sister to Society, she cannot snub him. She must force herself to bear his company. But the longer she is with him, the more she has to force herself to remain true to her dead husband's memory. Why is it the humbly born Thomas Moreland possesses more nobility that any man of her class? And why is it she finds it harder and harder to mourn a dead man when Thomas's virility awakens her deepest desires?
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With His Ring

(The Brides of Bath, Book 2)


Texas Gold's Runner-up for Best Historical Romance 2002


Highly recommended. –
Under the Covers


Cheryl Bolen does it again! There is laughter, and the interaction of the characters pulls you right into the book. I look forward to the next in this series. 4 Stars –
Romantic Times


With His Ring is a good book. Once you start reading you will not want to put it down. . .The secondary characters are a blast. They will have you laughing right along with Glee's stunts. –
The Romance Readers Connection


If you liked Cheryl Bolen's first installment in her Brides of Bath series set in Regency England, you'll like this one. With His Ring has plenty of sensuality. –
Happily Ever After

* * *

Glee Pembroke has turned down countless offers of marriage because she has secretly been in love with her brother's best friend, Gregory Blankenship, all her life. When she learns Gregory will lose his considerable fortune if he's not wed by his twenty-fifth birthday, she persuades him to enter into a sham marriage with her. What he doesn't know is that she plans to win his heart. She will do everything in her power to make him happy—including mimicking the ways of a "fast" woman since he's noted for alliances with women of that sort.


Why did he ever allow himself to marry the maddening Glee? He'd thought they would have great fun, but at every turn, she exasperates him. Why does she persist in wearing the bodice of her dresses so blasted low? Why do other men persist in flirting with her, his wife? And why in the blazes has his heretofore complacent life been turned upside down by this sham marriage? He finds himself longing for a real marriage, but for reasons he cannot divulge, that can never happen.
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To Take This Lord

(The Brides of Bath, Book 4)

Previously titled
An Improper Proposal)


"Wonderfully Crafted... Highly recommended... 5 stars." –
Huntress Book Reviews


"Bolen's writing... creates the perfect atmosphere for her enchanting romances."  –

Romantic Times


"Bolen does a wonderful job building simmering sexual tension." –

* * *

Even though it's been two years since his cherished wife died on childbed, George Pembroke, the Viscount Sedgewick, continues to rely on liquor to blunt his grief.


Worried about him and his children, George's sisters urge him to ask spinster Sally Spenser—a longtime family friend—to help care for his daughter and son. Sally's the perfect person. She's of high birth (but has no money) and she adores Lord Sedgewick's children. It's her deep love of the motherless children and fear that their father might marry an unfeeling stepmother that prompt Sally to consider George's proposal. Even though it will be unbearable living under the roof of the man she loves and knowing she can never have him.
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With His Lady's Assistance

(The Regent Mysteries, Book 1)

(Humorous Regency Romance Mystery)


Finalist – Best Historical eBook, International Digital Awards


"With His Lady’s Assistance
is a delightful blend of humor, romance, and mystery, a romp through Regency society, sprinkled with appealing characters and colourful figures from British history.  Protecting the eccentric Prince Regent from an unknown assassin has never been so entertaining." –
In Print


"A delightful Regency romance. . .The mystery is nicely done, the romance is enchanting, and the secondary character are enjoyable. 4 Stars. –
Romantic Times


"Bolen is a masterful storyteller who brings us enchanting love stories that offer fresh outlooks on love, while combing humor and mystery." –
Regency Inkwell
With His Lady's Assistance,

5-Star Hall of Fame book,
With His Lady's Assistance
. – Historical Romance Critic

* * *

To help him mingle in the highest echelons of English society to investigate threats on the Prince Regent's life, super spy Captain Jack Dryden must feign an engagement to the exceedingly plain spinster, Lady Daphne Chalmers. Together they embark on an investigation which brings them into grave peril—and makes the captain reevaluate the skinny maiden who has a most amorous effect upon him.
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A Most Discreet Inquiry

(The Regent Mysteries, Book 2)

(Humorous Regency Romance Mystery)


In this second installment on Bolen's Regent Mysteries, Captain Jack Dryden receives another urgent summons to come to the aid of the Prince Regent--on Jack's wedding day...

Will Jack find the missing papers before d'Arblier finds him? Will Daphne find a competent housekeeper before they starve? And will Daphne and Jack ever have their wedding night?

A Most Discreet Inquiry
for the answers, and enjoy another adventure with the most charming of Regency detectives. 5 STARS.

In Print


“Once again Ms. Bolen gives us a humorous and romantic read filled with action and mystery.”
– L. Sims,
Top Amazon Reviewer

* * *

It all started quite innocently when Lady Daphne Chalmers's duchess sister came to her sleuthing sibling for help in retrieving love letters she wrote to Major Styles, now deceased. But as Daphne and her own lover, Captain Jack Dryden of His Majesty's Hussars, join forces to track down the letters, they follow a trail of treachery and murder that threatens the entire kingdom.
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A Lady by Chance


Cheryl Bolen has done it again with another sparkling Regency romance. . .I highly recommend it. –
Happily Ever After


Anna de Mouchet has the stuff of which Regency heroines are made—the right stuff, that is! –
In Print

* * *

The Marquess of Haverstock is incensed when he learns the money he needed to buy crucial war information for the Foreign Office has been lost at cards to the illegitimate daughter of an English duke and French noblewoman. When the bewitchingly beautiful woman informs him the only way to reclaim the funds is to wed her, he has little choice but to agree.


Shunned by the ton, Anna de Mouchet agrees to a bizarre proposal that has her using her skill at cards to force the marquess—whom she’s been told is a traitor—to marry her. As his wife, she will be free to spy on him and prove her patriotism to England. But once she marries the handsome lord, she’s less sure of her loyalties. Especially when she feels her husband’s silken touch.
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The Earl's Bargain


Finalist – Best Historical eBook, International Digital Awards

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